In the datasheet there is this shematic how to dual power 18F4550. However they don't specify which transistor to use and what resistor values have to be. For capacitor I use 100uF (diode side) and 470nF (Vusb side). I tried putting in whatever BJT I have at home but it did not switch to Vbus whe...
@Rocketmagnet They dont want anyone to be able to just randomly bother people from chat, it would be abused heavily, when you get moderator on your new site you can ping anyone into chat. There is a mod superping that uses @@
@Rocketmagnet I saw your post requesting email. I dont see your email on your account, nor do I think that is easier then giving a link to a chat room.
@W5VO Yes, he is at least trying to behave-- although I have not read all of his deleted content. I would be tempted to let this one ride out and see what happens. Of course, that's why I'm not a mod.
I think what I want to know is, what if a community consistently
accepts simplistic answers that are either technically incorrect or at
best are just guesses with pretty pictures in simplistic 101 style
that shows less wisdom expected from seasoned professionals.
For starters, the comm...
@SimpleCoder In a comment to that link that Kortuk gave, HH says that he worked in test engineering. In a different comment, now deleted, he said that he as worked for a long time in aerospace. However, on happy it says that he has been in the home remodeling/rennovation biz for 30 years. Point is, HH on this site is not the same HH that is at
@Kortuk Places I've worked have badly underhired techs. We have had a few really good senior techs, but no pipeline. And engineers end up doing a lot of work (and getting paid engineering rates) to do work that could be done (probably better) by someone with less education and more attention to detail.
@ThePhoton Our company worries they will segregate teams by making them different positions so we are all called engineers and paid the same. Regardless of experience or background.
@ThePhoton Just on sites, not at R&D. But our operations are too complicated and they have said before that they really need engineering staff on site.
Hmm I suppose that I'll ask here. I'm an aspiring electrical engineer, just received (earlier today) results for my first year of college (UK). They're not too bad and I may be able to do some re-takes next year for AAA. Worst case scenario, I still see myself getting into a 'decent' university. Is there are any advice people have for me? I plan to take on a few hobby projects but is there anything else you'd advise?
@ThePhoton That one was just FOR ME! :) Besides, there is no "good" way to say "you are a liar and pretending to be someone who you are not", and you are likely trying to commit identify theft according to Canadian laws"
@Kortuk Good techs earn and deserve as much as some engineers. But blanket equal pay across job roles will just result in your best people seeking greener pastures.
@ColdestShadow At uni level, anything you can do to boost your math and physics background will pay off in engineering.
@Kortuk Ah, no problem then, thanks. Just thought there might be some chat qwirks. Physics is the closest thing I have to EE right now, always enjoy those portions of the course.
@ColdestShadow I don't know the UK system, but if you are now taking calculus or linear algebra, those are the basis for everything you'll do in university engineering.
@ThePhoton Good to hear, though unfortunately I'll have to do a few math retakes in order to get into my preferred university(they require A while I have a B, actually took maths early by a year). To be honest I wasn't even sure I wanted to be an electrical engineer until after all my exams were finished. It's been a great motivator though and I'm ready to go back to college in sept.
@Kortuk Very true :) But I meant, for what you are getting, does the price make sense? I'm not interested in getting it in the near future, but it seems like something that could be useful further down the line.