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@ThePhoton Or the annoyance of realizing that you never picked the one part out of 1000 identical parts for your order...
Greetings @rfusca
@W5VO howdy
@rfusca Arkansas now has a great mod/population ratio :)
@W5VO lol grats
9 hours later…
Haha my SO profile says this:
visited 555 days, 5 consecutive
@Dean nice
oh :(
i could get it to 666 6
@Dean I'm going for 741 days visited
Wow... downvoting a lot of answers that get deleted gives you some really weird rep patterns
@W5VO haha
I thought someone has unaccepted one of my answers!
@W5VO Hey mate!
Go back to sleep.
@jrg interesting new picture.
Ahem, do you not know who you are speaking to, knave?
1 hour later…
Hi all
Q: How to dual power PIC18F4550?

Denis PshenovIn the datasheet there is this shematic how to dual power 18F4550. However they don't specify which transistor to use and what resistor values have to be. For capacitor I use 100uF (diode side) and 470nF (Vusb side). I tried putting in whatever BJT I have at home but it did not switch to Vbus whe...

What transistor (part number) did you use? — W5VO 9 mins ago
Stevenvh got his legendary badge!
@DenisPshenov You can put that in your question details, I was linking a comment off your question.
oh, thanks. didn't realize that
@DenisPshenov s'ok, chat is a new beast to tackle. You will probably get an answer soon.
Woo hoo congrats Stevenvh!
Wow, that guy's a legend.
I have a question ...
Is there any way to contact someone on a Stackexchange ?
@Rocketmagnet in which way do you mean?
There doesn't seem to be any way to chat to them, or leave them a message or anything.
For example, How do I contact this person ...
@Rocketmagnet Sadly, you have to find them in chat or leave them a message.
Leave them a message where exactly ?
As a comment to one of their questions/answers ?
@Rocketmagnet comment on a post.
@Rocketmagnet Yes.
Is it just me, or does that seem daft ?
@Rocketmagnet They dont want anyone to be able to just randomly bother people from chat, it would be abused heavily, when you get moderator on your new site you can ping anyone into chat. There is a mod superping that uses @@
Well, it's very annoying !
@Rocketmagnet I can see that.
Because I really want to chat to someone. And I know they would like to chat to me too.
It should surely be allowed for users with several K reputation
@Rocketmagnet META POST!
Surely we're not going to abuse it.
Will that notify the user ?
@Rocketmagnet Meta post for the feature request!
@Rocketmagnet TS had 3k rep before he was suspended. It's not that hard to get rep
Sure, but in general, that feature isn't going to be abused too much is it ?
And users could have the ability to switch it off or block people.
Like, if someone's asking a difficult question, and I want to chat to them at length about how to improve it. I basically can't.
@Rocketmagnet So post on meta your thoughts and ask for a feature.
Thanks. Willco.
@Rocketmagnet Just the only way things change.
Howdy all.
@DavidKessner Morning mate.
@Rocketmagnet I saw your post requesting email. I dont see your email on your account, nor do I think that is easier then giving a link to a chat room.
Sup bros
@JGord Not much, just the usual. Working...
Solid solid
Anyone here do 'test driven development' for embedded stuff?
is it worth pursuing for embedded uCs?
@saad never even heard of it
@JGord - We don't do TDD, but we do have a lot of automated tests using Jeves (?).
I think it's called.
like ask Jeeves?
@Kortuk Did you or one of the mods just delete a comment by Happy Harry?
@DavidKessner probably
@W5VO There was a comment of his about his "background in aerospace and stuff". I think. I want to make sure I wasn't mis-reading things.
what does pinging people mean? and how do i do it?
@DavidKessner that one did get deleted
@JGord This is pinging a person
@JGord notice how each time I send a message
@JGord you get an audio notification
@W5VO Ok. There is something majorly fishy going on with HH then.
Here's a link that says that HH has a long history as a residential contractor/rennovator: happyharry.com/#contact
@JGord as well as a count of how many times you have been notified
And HH and TS both have a fetish with the piezo mfg CUI.
@DavidKessner It's amazing what a diverse background he has. He's trying really hard to behave too.
@W5VO Yes, he is at least trying to behave-- although I have not read all of his deleted content. I would be tempted to let this one ride out and see what happens. Of course, that's why I'm not a mod.
@W5VO Damn, he's on meta.
no kidding
lots of (removed)
@Kortuk (removed)
@DavidKessner How is your day going.
This does deserve some upvotes though, it is well written.
A: When a poor answer is accepted by a good answer within 4hrs, Is this a bad sign? Are biased votes normal?

Robotnik I think what I want to know is, what if a community consistently accepts simplistic answers that are either technically incorrect or at best are just guesses with pretty pictures in simplistic 101 style that shows less wisdom expected from seasoned professionals. For starters, the comm...

So what's the general consensus on HH? Is he TS?
@Kortuk Which deserves upvotes? The Q or the A?
I haven't been keeping up this morning :/
(removed) @Kortuk
@SimpleCoder Yes, he's TS!
@DavidKessner I linked the Answer!
@DavidKessner Do we think he linked to that site, or does he actually own it?
But even if he is not, HH is a liar and deserves to be booted. IMHO.
@Kortuk I thought seriously about making sarcastic comments in response to HH comments on that answer. But I was good and resisted. :)
@DavidKessner They probably could use a response, but I dont think I am the one to give it.
@SimpleCoder In a comment to that link that Kortuk gave, HH says that he worked in test engineering. In a different comment, now deleted, he said that he as worked for a long time in aerospace. However, on happy harry.com it says that he has been in the home remodeling/rennovation biz for 30 years. Point is, HH on this site is not the same HH that is at happyharry.com.
@DavidKessner But the link is so strong between remodeling and aerospace engineering! How can we be sure? :)
@SimpleCoder Yeah, it's not like Aerospace is rocket science or anything.
@DavidKessner What? A Cessna != Saturn V?
Someone really should tell him off. His self righteous "I'm the only one who knows the answer!" routine is really getting old.
@W5VO Cessna == Saturn, if you're talking about the Saturn car.
@SimpleCoder Dont share that clue, it is really nice to know and him not.
I am clearing it actually so he does not see it here.
@DavidKessner I thought I put a 'V' after Saturn
@Kortuk Ok, thanks. I don't think he even knows how to use chat. Or does he?
@SimpleCoder Meta has told him, and they are right now.
@SimpleCoder he has talked in here multiple times while not suspended.
@SimpleCoder He had 15 people reporting to him. Of course he could figure it out!
@ThePhoton Haha
I'll bet those junior engineers don't know how to use chat!
@SimpleCoder My coworker saw his comments there and laughed.
@Kortuk It really would be funny, if it wasn't happening to our site.
"I treated people fairly and trusted seasoned techs more than junior engineers" - Happy_Harry
@Kortuk This point I'll agree with.
@Kortuk LOL.
Why would you trust one more then the other, would it not be more valuable to discuss and know which staff members you can trust.
@Kortuk Not blindly trust techs over engineers. But not blindly trust engineers over techs either.
@ThePhoton My job is half and half, we are about half young engineers and about half seasoned techs, and it really varies by the person.
@ThePhoton Right, that would be fair.
@ThePhoton Trusting one position over the other is inherently not fair.
@ColdestShadow Nice to see new people in chat!
Sorry we are discussing random crap.
"Would the real Happy Harry please stand up?"
@SimpleCoder I'm glad you liked it.
@Kortuk Places I've worked have badly underhired techs. We have had a few really good senior techs, but no pipeline. And engineers end up doing a lot of work (and getting paid engineering rates) to do work that could be done (probably better) by someone with less education and more attention to detail.
@Mahesh Allo.
@ThePhoton Our company worries they will segregate teams by making them different positions so we are all called engineers and paid the same. Regardless of experience or background.
@Mahesh What got you to come join us?
@DavidKessner No disagreement from me, but probably too sarcastic to to play well with the wider Meta.SE crowd.
@Kortuk Just exploring SE chat community.. :)
and I'm an undergrad in Electrical engineering..
@Mahesh Ahh, welcome to the site.
@Kortuk ??? That boggles the mind.
@Mahesh Welcome!
@Kortuk :D thanks.
@ThePhoton Just on sites, not at R&D. But our operations are too complicated and they have said before that they really need engineering staff on site.
Getting lunch, brb
Hmm I suppose that I'll ask here. I'm an aspiring electrical engineer, just received (earlier today) results for my first year of college (UK). They're not too bad and I may be able to do some re-takes next year for AAA. Worst case scenario, I still see myself getting into a 'decent' university. Is there are any advice people have for me? I plan to take on a few hobby projects but is there anything else you'd advise?
@ThePhoton That one was just FOR ME! :) Besides, there is no "good" way to say "you are a liar and pretending to be someone who you are not", and you are likely trying to commit identify theft according to Canadian laws"
@Kortuk Good techs earn and deserve as much as some engineers. But blanket equal pay across job roles will just result in your best people seeking greener pastures.
@ColdestShadow At uni level, anything you can do to boost your math and physics background will pay off in engineering.
Gotta run.
@ThePhoton Later, trying to order our lunch
Thanks but I can only read the first sentence of your message. Later though.
@ColdestShadow What do you mean?
He did write something after "engineering." right? Maybe my browser is messing up.
(Apart from "Gotta run.")
I predict that HH will remove his link to happyharry.com very quickly.
@ColdestShadow Nope, he did not.
@ColdestShadow just short simple advice.
@ColdestShadow I suggest you pay attention to the things they teach you that seem useless, they probably matter.
@Kortuk +1 for that.
actually, quite a lot seems useless.
Going offline.. I'll prolly be back tomorrow. Have fun. :)
@Kortuk Ah, no problem then, thanks. Just thought there might be some chat qwirks. Physics is the closest thing I have to EE right now, always enjoy those portions of the course.
@ColdestShadow I don't know the UK system, but if you are now taking calculus or linear algebra, those are the basis for everything you'll do in university engineering.
@ThePhoton Good to hear, though unfortunately I'll have to do a few math retakes in order to get into my preferred university(they require A while I have a B, actually took maths early by a year). To be honest I wasn't even sure I wanted to be an electrical engineer until after all my exams were finished. It's been a great motivator though and I'm ready to go back to college in sept.
@ColdestShadow Electrical engineering sucks more with respect to time until you hit about junior year in my opinion.
@Kortuk The technical term is dSuck/dt
@SimpleCoder Thanks, are there units?
hi @all
@jippie Hey mate!
hey @Kortuk, haven't talked to you for a while
@jippie Ha.
I want 30 more rep before I leave for vacation
make it a nice milestone
I want 30dB more rep
I want a nice milestone
and it is achievable
how is this promotion thing working out for you @Kortuk?
Now I have to wait till next week, so no idea
I once broke up with a girl friend because of making me wait all the time
@jippie haha
@jippie You're never going to get married then!
single income no kids
Answered a question, worth at least three upvotes @all
@jippie Link?
the bluetooth thingy
but the competing answer seems better
@Kortuk I was taught that you can't buy 23+13j Ohm coax at Radio Shack - important?
@W5VO They sell you anything at Radioshack, even 23+13j ohm coax
@jippie Rep whore. :)
@DavidKessner and proud of it
I +1'd you only because I'm about to take off for the weekend and I'm feeling "happy".
But not Harry Happy.
@DavidKessner interesting answers this guy authored
@DavidKessner not a very good remark for my low self confidence
@jippie A good read, in much the same way that people have a morbid curiosity about watching NASCAR just for the crashes.
what is the difference between a GAL and a PAL? I know PAL
never mind, you guys are too slow ;o)
Sorry was that an EE joke? I don't know anything :) Besides I'm still searching for a multimeter, let alone an oscilloscope.
Oh that was an actual question ;D Yeah safe to say I don't know.
@W5VO What? They sell super lossy cable?
@Kortuk to match the crappy 23+13j Ohm antenna impedance
@W5VO Not sure that is how it works ><
@W5VO it's all about picking the right frequency
@Kortuk And then all you need to do is design your final amplifier to have 23+13j Ohm impedance, and then you will have a SWR of 1!
@W5VO I'm a master at designing stuff with 23+13j impedance
See my earlier smith charts question
Granted, I was trying for 50 ohm, but that's less important
@W5VO and that signal wont ring at all!
@JGord Hahaha
time for deb
enjoy @guys
man all this RF stuff is so way out of my league!
@jippie night
@saad no, you just have not spent the required time to learn it
@Kortuk True true! But there's so much to learn. I'm already reading a book on programming and have to start up on High Speed Digital Design
@saad :)
Hey all, what do you think of this: sparkfun.com/products/11394
@SimpleCoder looks pretty cool
@Kortuk Do you think it's worth the price?
@SimpleCoder depends on if you need that function generator.
@Kortuk Very true :) But I meant, for what you are getting, does the price make sense? I'm not interested in getting it in the near future, but it seems like something that could be useful further down the line.
@SimpleCoder I would need to look into its specs more, I can try tomorrow, it looks like the feature list is relatively nice for how low work it is.
@Kortuk I'm curious. Why is HH's account still active given that it is TS? I'm genuinely curious and not asking you to do anything different.
@DavidKessner waiting and giving him a chance to return to his old ways.
Of course it is a valid approach to give him enough rope to hang himself.
@Kortuk What makes me really angry is that this answer is basically correct! Damn him! :) electronics.stackexchange.com/questions/38120/…
@DavidKessner He has never been a complete idiot. He just has random spurts of irrationality.
@DavidKessner the reason he was suspended was not for being wrong.
@Kortuk Well we've all been there! Some more frequently than others.
@Kortuk I know that.
Wife is home, be on later or tomorrow.
And probably have to do teh merge and delete.
Ok. Have a good evening with the wifey.

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