Hey folks, confused on which new prime to get. I'm looking for an 85 and 35. Sigma is killing it with their new lenses. But I have never used a sigma before. Worth the money?
Really don't want to break the bank for canon 85 1.2 and the likes. 1.4 should work fine. I professionally shoot weddings.
@Rish Jeff Cable has been using the Sigma 85/1.4 for years in his wedding/event work; seems to work well with the 5D II&III as well as the 1DX. Anything that can autofocus reliably on the 5D II is probably pretty darned Canon-compatible.
@mattdm and @jrista - I kind of read them as different tags gnd-filter reads as graduated neutral density filter to me and the other is graduated filters which includes, but is not limited to, graduated neutral density.
@StanRogers Thanks. I was actually concerned about that since they reverse engineer the canon mounts. They have just launched 35/1.4 as well. Looks promising from the reviews.