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@Francesco: You might enjoy this series of articles: thunderbolts.info/wp/2011/12/08/…
4 hours later…
@jrista Natural Philosophy Alliance sounds like a dangerous group of people
6 hours later…
@rfusca I SUMMON THEE!
woot, pentagrams never fail
is making a stromboli as simple as rolling out pizza dough, whacking in the toppings, rolling it up and baking it?
@ElendilTheTall for the most part, yup
do individual ones 'work'?
poke a few holes down through the layers so you don't get pockets
bake for about 20 minutes in a very hot oven?
i think I usually do like 190C for stromboli for like 20 min
but still on a stone or such
do you follow reinhart's method and leave the sauce out for dipping?
i've done it both ways, but I think I most enjoy a tiny bit inside and some for dipping
ah, that's a good idea
keep it moist
this is why I go to trouble of summoning you
sacrificing the goats, waiting for planetary alignment etc
ya, i'm an SOB to get ahold of ;)
how's it all going?
eh, ok - there's a possibility I could move to atlanta though
so thats kinda weighing heavy on me
with work?
@ElendilTheTall yup
but for an extra 25-35k a year
what are your reservations? leaving family or your photography business?
@ElendilTheTall mostly family. I've grown up here - 27 years, almost my whole life. And my parents are like 2 miles away. The business is still new enough, that I can transplant it - I'll definitely lose some ground but nothing a little bit of work can't handle.
it's a toughy
but that's a lot of extra money
for sure
enough to afford flights back etc
personally I'd go for it
you'll regret the things you don't do more than the things you do, as Mark Twain kind-of said
well, cost of living would increase some
so i might lose 500 dollars a month just to increased cost
atlanta is a nice city, I seem to recall reading
its not bad
there'll be a lower % of rednecks at least :D
other than where I live now, its the only other place i've lived in my adult life by chance - I went to school there for a bit
ah right
well, that's a plus
any outstanding warrants notwithstanding ;)
well, I guess I better banish you to the fiery depths whence you came. I have tapped your arcane knowledge and now must go.
<is this thing on?>
2 hours later…
@HåkonKOlafsen Why would you call them "dangerous"??? They are a group of intelligent minds not bound by a governmental or educational institution requiring them to conform or be banned. Just because a mainstream "scientist" says something is fact doesn't necessarily make it so. There are FAR simpler interpretations of data that answer questions about quantum mechanics than what the "standard model" proposes. Simple explanations that actually achieve a unified field theory without excessive complexity
Calling a group of scientists who are trying to propose a simpler scientific model that explains our reality "dangerous" is far more dangerous in and of itself. People have freedom of speech and the freedom to think. Banning such freedoms is the end of fredom.
@jrista i'm assuming you heard about higgs?
Ironic that it was in July 4th
Of course, as always, "further investigation is necessary to determine that it is indeed actually really truly the higgs boson"
They said that last time they "discovered" previous essential particles as well. Conveniently, many of them cannot actually be observed.
The thing that annoys me about the standard model is EVERYTHING is a particle.
Every force is also a particle.
Everything has wave/particle duality.
Its a very nice, neat, if unbelievably complex mathematical model.
But there are simpler alternative explanations that don't require all that complexity.
1 hour later…
@rfusca finally got around to creating 500px account, here's some of my work - 500px.com/alenabdula
@Alen awesome
thanks, i'll check it out
just in case anyone else is interested... there's a 5d giveaway from borrowlenses going on... bit.ly/M4QnuJ nothing to see here..move along
@chills42 shush!
@chills42 ;)
lol nice
i take it you've seen it already?
@chills42 for sure
although... you probably want the D800? Aren't you a nikon guy?
@chills42 indeed i am
in other news... I'm hoping to finalize the sale of my XSi (450D) in about an hour...
@chills42 awesome - what are you shooting with ?
I'm just moving to a t4i
@chills42 ic - any particular reason?
wanted the video and 100-128400 ISO
instead of a grainy 1600 max
i just got a D7000 recently
1600 max feels so low these days eh
I was debating getting a 60D, but I decided to just stick with better lenses for the near term
what lenses you have?
EF-S 17-55 f/2.8 is my primary
good stuff
primarily shooting what?
and I'm planning on a 70-200 to replace my tele
family/ portraits for friends
i just didn't like the 70-200
little bit of landscape stuff
its like walking around with an elephant strapped to your chest
fair enough
it probably comes from shooting with mostly primes though
@chills42 i found an 85mm better for my purposes
yeah, I've got a 50, I'm watching prices for a 35 and 85 used...
@chills42 yup, i loved my 50
welp... I have no DSLR for the next few days... now to wait patiently for the new one to arrive
but $415 in my pocket is nice :)
@chills42 nice!
@chills you're braver than I. I still haven't sold my D3100
well... it was part of the deal with my wife :)
@chills42 ah lol
@chills gotta appease her ;)
yeah :) Just convincing me to do what I probably should be doing anyway
@chills42 lol indeed. I started doing some paid stuff, so i've been using the old one as a backup
yeah, I'd probably do the same, for now I'm too busy with work and a masters degree to add in any paid stuff, so it's just a hobby/stress relief kinda thing
@chills42 definitely
what you getting your masters in?
Information Security and Assurance
^^ ethical hacking and disaster recovery
@chills42 nice
I'm enjoying it
whats your job currently?
Software engineering
surprise surprise
yeah... that's pretty common 'round these parts
ya, just a bit
we all started with stackoverflow...
i actually started waay back with jeff's blog
nice, not sure which I found first... may have been through joel's blog...
but I don't really remember
@chills you're from IN?
i was born in IN
most of my extended family is still there
yeah? I grew up in south bend, but I'm near indy now
i was born in Richmond
looks like I might be moving to Atlanta soon though
I saw that
new job or transfer?
different position in the same company
but considerably more money
more money is good
like between 25k-35k more
that would make it hard to pass up
but its rough, i've lived here 27 years
yeah, I wouldn't really want to make that move... hard to leave what you know
@chills42 yup
but we're financially strapped, this came at a really good time for us money-wise
2 hours later…
@rfusca Figure out how to cover the livingsocial coupons yet?
@AndyLevesque no
@rfusca do you know of any local photographers with similar style?
when do they expire?
Oct 2
and i don't expect many mor eople to cash in after the next couple of weeks
it was priced as a impluse buy
ah gotcha
Going to refund those after you move?
don't know
more of a 'wait and see' approach right now
i don't know if we're moving next week or next year at this point
Might want to check your options. There are laws in MN now that require honoring the purchase price of a coupon.
Oh gotcha. When do you fly to ATL?
@AndyLevesque ya
@AndyLevesque sometime real soon but not set in stone yet
@rfusca Either way, good luck. It's a big opportunity.
@AndyLevesque thanks

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