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Hey Guys! @MichaelClark

I now want to read about zoom/focal length/crop and so on to get to the truth behind marketing strategies :D

I've found this sentence written by a guy complaining a bit about the Nikon P900:

"Your P900 gives between 1-2 MP of useful image data when pushed to it's maximum focal length of 357mm -- yeah, they CALL IT 2000mm but it's actually 357mm -- it only APPEARS to be 2000mm because what they did was give you a TINY little sensor (1/2.3") instead of a full frame sensor. You put a 500mm lens on any prosumer grade camera with a Full Frame sensor and it will outpe
Wait. What? 1-2 MP? How can that be the case??

When data is fetched from the sensor, the image resolution is always the same right? (in the case of Nikon P900: 18MP)
Its a smaller sensor, thats why "2000mm" are achieved, yeah... but the image resolution should always be the same shouldn't it?
only optical zoom of course (so fully 2000mm (83x zoom) focal length (357mm cropped))
3 hours later…
Hello, I have a daft question about buying camera film. I live in a hot country, is it a bad idea to order film online? I am worried about it getting hot and damaged in transit, for example in the delivery van or my postbox.
Or maybe I am worrying about nothing!
2 hours later…
@lpd2 What makes you think film you buy at a retail outlet was transported any differently? I don't know how the commercial delivery systems and home delivery systems differ in your country, but there may or may not be any difference.
@watchme Just a guess, but the area of the P900 sensor may be the about same as what is left using a, say 36MP, FF camera with a 360mm lens and cropping the center down to a 2000mm angle of view.36
@MichaelClark But the resoluation of the nikon p900 is 18MP... always... right? Or does the resolution change somehow when I zoom in optically?
It doesn't matter if you're looking at the image on the camera's 1MP LCD...
Or your 2MP phone screen
So.... there must be A LOT of other things which influence the picture taken with a focal length of 2000mm that 18MP are "worthless"^^
@watchme Sensor resolution isn't everything. If the lens can't resolve as finely as the sensor, you just get more detailed blur with a higher resolution sensor. Lenses resolve based on line pairs per millimeter. Light doesn't scale down just because you use a smaller sensor.
Even using a lens to refract light doesn't change the wavelength and amplitude of its modulation, it just concentrates more of it in a smaller area. But the width of the photon's oscillations are still the same. Hence, more "shot noise" when using a smaller sensor, because the random nature of light is more influential with smaller pixels than with larger ones.
The Nikon spec sheet for the P900 says: "Effective pixels - 16.0 million
(Image processing may reduce the number of effective pixels.)
1 hour later…
@MichaelClark but the video quality really stays the same (or nearly the same...)
3 hours later…
@watchme Video for the P900 is never remotely near 16MP. 1080p (1920x1080) is only 2MP, no matter what the sensor resolution is.

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