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@MichaelClark Sure, not all answers need images, but how can we encourage posting sample pictures? When somebody asks for an effect, images is worth 100 words :-) For example, this is one answer out of 3 that provides "here what you can shoot with that set" photo.stackexchange.com/questions/97011/…
3 hours later…
Q: What do you do with your camera clock time in relation to time zones?

Mark J PI live in the UK and spend most of my time here, apart from a short trip abroad once or sometimes twice a year. This Sunday just gone we switched from GMT to BST, so our clocks went forward one hour. I updated my camera clock to match the new time, which is something I do every time the clocks...

am I the only one who doesn't care about the date of each photo? Honestly I barely care about the exact day or week, as I sort everything into thematic folders/Lightroom collections at the end of each day
2 hours later…
@JonathanReez Like a lot of things, it all depends on what you shoot. I sort images by date shot, and sort multiple shoots on the same day by time shot. I also shoot events with two and three bodies. It helps to have the cameras well synchronized so that images from multiple cameras can be quickly sorted in the order they were taken.
This is particularly the case in a fast paced event in which different groups come and go rapidly and you want to be able to separate images from each group quickly so they may be marketed separately to each group in near real time.
5 hours later…
@MichaelClark oh, it does make perfect sense for multiple bodies!

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