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6:10 PM
I just borrowed a certain book from the library, with the intent that I'll publish a photographed digital copy on the internet. The book has beautiful illustrations, is out of copyright, and has decent availability on dead-tree, yet somehow the internet doesn't have copies yet. So far, so good.
The only problem is that this fac-simile edition I got has a visible grid pattern (of like 0.0002 m grid size) in the graphics, so I'm afraid I might get an ugly Moiré pattern in the photos. If that happens, I'll probably have to get an original edition, one that wasn't printed using digital methods, and so doesn't have the grid pattern.
I wonder what I can do when photographing to avoid or reduce the Moiré pattern. One thing that comes into my mind is that I should shoot RAW so that I at least have more control over the de-Bayer procedure.
When I actually take photos and see what I get, but before I return the book, I might ask a question about this on the site.
I could also try to use a scanner instead of my camera, which would have the advantage of more resolution. Handling the spine of the book would be slightly harder, but that shouldn't be a big problem, because the edition is new and hardcover so I'm not afraid of handling it rough.
The scanner would also help with page alignment.
(Scanning at high resolution is also slower.)
Yeah… if the photos look ugly, I'll definitely have to use the scanner.
If I have to ask about making images by the scanner, that's still on topic on this site, right?

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