@Josiah No, that's mine: you're saying that there are poor outcomes with regulations. I agree. I do not dispute that but there is no indication that the outcomes would be better in the long run.
My personal path to supporting a legislation is "What is the best policy or policies, according to the available evidence, that lead to the greatest source of human happiness in the short and long term?"
we hardly use tits to refer to anything but women.
You're assuming human happiness can be measured. I'm assuming human happiness is what people want, and with freedom they'll naturally move toward it.
I don't think happiness can be regulated and handed out, and I think giving regulators that sort of power will be abused to help cronies and contributors.
I disagree that people know what they want. I think, in this day and age, it's hard to have enough knowledge to know what is the best available option to us. It's certainly a very time-consuming process. Imagine having to know the health impact of all the products in the ingredients list of everything you eat?
@Borror0, you are a perfect example. You don't want to know what every ingredient is, much like you want to know something won't burn your house down. You can be pretty sure something certified by UL won't burn your house down.
You don't test every electronic device you buy, it gets farmed out to a third party.
@Josiah You see, that's the thing: I think we should regulate the regulators. We do that in Canada. If you're a policy maker, you have to disclose any cash amount or gift you receive of over $500 to Election Canada. Similarly, donations to a political party are limited to $1000 per natural person (and legal person can't donate).
@Josiah We do, but when we do it's usually revealed a few years later and result in a politician's resignation. Then we put him on a trial and he ends up paying back the tax payers and/or in jail.
It was probably more giving him the benefit of the doubt.
Obama seems to think it's about popularity. People would talk shit on Bush for responding slowly to things, but Obama doesn't seem to give a fuck about anything really.
no, the one i hate is keith olbermann. i may have a sympathy for his views, but hes such a demagogue. i dont think anyone else does the martyr/indignation thing as much as he does.
@Josiah Tell that guy to apply for asylum in Canada. We have very open immigration laws. Basically, our land is too big for us, we need to populate, and we're not a bunch of xenophobic rednecks.
He does show spine when he's pushing through more regulation. Any other time, he just sort of dances around the world getting shit on by foreign leaders.
What pisses me off is it's just political posturing. He lied for votes and left people in limbo about whether they were going to prison for the rest of their lives for doing something completely legal in their state.
I think Hillary made herself look too lefty.
If she had stayed closer to Bill politically she would have had a chance.
@Josiah I have to defend him on Guantanamo. He's really trying to close it. I'm not sure how closely you've followed the topic but he's really trying to return the citizens into their country or to give them a fair trial but he's running into a lot of problems, one being the Republican filibuster.
@Josiah true. i try not to hold that kind of stuff against a politician though, its just not realistic. theres the maxim 'campaign in poetry, govern in prose'
@Borror0 i like that they actually explored it, at all. that they brought a case to prosecution. guatanamo cannot happen until they have a chain of jurisprudence
that allows successful prosecution under guidelines for military combatants
@Josiah I read a lot about closing Guantanamo because of Omar Khadr and the major problem that he's facing right now is that Republicans want a military trial, which basically means putting people in jail without evidence.
i think he hyped the time-line. when someone campaigns, they want everything to happen the first year, and the pol promises it. but it takes all 8 yrs just to get a 1/4 of the way down the list
i dont apologize for obama though. for me, i understand the politics of every move he makes, i just dont understand the vision. what worries me is he doesn't have one to suit the situation.
The other alternative he has is releasing them all because most of the evidence was obtained by coercion, which renders it inadmissible in a civil trial. However, think of the field trip that FOX news would have with that. It would also be an international affair mess.
@Josiah yeah, same here. im in the 'limiting freedom for security deprives (deserves neither) us of both' camp, i just try to maintain a realistic perspective on about 98% of political issues. on matters of capital punishment and religious freedom, those are the only two i allow myself to be idealistic about. theres too much detritus to care about it all, sadly.
@Borror0 yeah, i guess i was overly specific to religious freedom, but its because i am personally affected directly by its issues and its situations, and i have ideas on fixing it. thats why im idealistic about it, i guess, is because i have some practical path to pursue the ideal
i am affected by gay rights, i agree with most situations on fixing it, but i have no ideas how to fix it except in instances where it rubs up against religious freedoms. same with gender and race equality
@Josiah "A bill to repeal DADT was passed in 2010. However, the policy remains in place until the President, the Secretary of Defense, and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff certify that repeal will not harm military readiness, followed by a 60-day waiting period"
@Josiah When you consider that he had an economic crisis on his hands, that's a reasonable time frame. The question is where the debate about same sex marriage will be by the end of his first term.
i dont mean to equivocate, but its like Boehner taking the speakership
people were all boo on dems for not being all clappy-like yesterday the way repubs were when pelosi to the speakership
but Boehner wasn't the first female speaker of the house of representatives either
ok, that Boehner part was just a tangent, but it was irritating.
@Borror0 thats why im not idealistic about gay rights; i can try to be realistic in my expectations there, but erode the foundations on the other side of that issue by being idealistic in my expectations and actions on religious separation (freedom from religion)
so they boil down their opinion on one thing, ie taxes, whatever, and spread the rationale over everything else (please hold the cognitive dissonance, i have no motivation to append nuances to niche issues)
Let me recommend you a Canadian opinion journalist named Dan Gardner. He's like my favorite person to read. He just wrote a book on why you should listen to people who are confident. He's freaking awesome.
@Josiah yeah, but the concept of openly gay soldiers serving in the military was addressed, covered up with DADT like some shame, and repealed in my lifetime. its like brown v. board of education. the 2, 3 years may seem significant now, but its the sea change that truly matters. DADT's repeal will extend beyond the scope of the military now.
[Group] shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, sex, age, handicap, or national origin. The [Group] will take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed and that employees are treated during employment without regard to their race, color, religion, sex, age, handicap, or national origin.
Such action shall include, but not be limited to employment upgrading, promotion, demotion, termination, rates of pay, or other forms of compensation, and selection for training
soon that will include sexuality.
@Josiah thats powerful, and you need to deliberately line things up. if he is anything, obama is at least deliberate.
I linked to two articles above that I thought were good reads and it went totally ignored because you were absorbed in the conversation., is what I meant
isn't there a way to get a badge for referring a bunch of ppl to a site, or is that just for area51 to props?
oh yeah i guess so
badge on area 51, nothing here
ha @ "Mark Steyn has a new book in the works, apparently. Something to do with the end of civilization. Given his track record, this is grounds for optimism."
You only have to add a custom CSS stylesheet in your browser. I use Opera, and it's easy here, but quick googling tells that it's possible in FireFox and Chrome, too. .messages{background-color:#deedff !important;}
Atheists are disproportionately geeky and then you have to add another layer: StackExchange was built around StackOverflow so the original userbase was extremely geeky. The geek quotient of StackExchange must be disproportionate to the average Internet population.
i was looking at the non-religious theist question, curious if it's on topic, as it seems asking an atheist might yield better results than asking an atheist. though i think theres a point to be made about the term theist...
The term "theist" is typically used in contraposition to atheism. In and of itself, it bears less meaning than other categories like Deism/Deist. Although this site typically uses theist, its usage is frequently in the form of ~[atheist] ("not atheist"). It is functional in this context, but the ...
it seems theist is taking on a life of its own as a contraposition to atheism, but aside from that its a vague shadowy term that has no real meaning
A political spectrum is a way of modeling different political positions by placing them upon one or more geometric axes symbolizing independent political dimensions.
Most long-standing spectra include a right wing and left wing, which originally referred to seating arrangements in the 18th century French parliament. According to the simplest left-right axis, communism and socialism are usually regarded internationally as being on the left, opposite fascism and conservatism on the right. Liberalism can mean different things in different contexts, sometimes on the left, sometimes on the r...
I disagree with the CPC, and I think they make mistakes soemtimes, but I don't think they're insane. The Republican Party, however, I believe that they have absolutely no grasp on reality
@mfg I don't get why they don't merge politics and World politics. They're too similar.
@Borror0 well, i think there should be minor populations (ie. since 30% of SE traffic is US, a US Politics would make sense, but any other where "too localized" would come up but a big enough number would find it interesting). there should be a major population; global politics.
I have a lot of respect for Ron Paul. I completely disagree with a lot of things he says - though he makes a lot of valid points too - but he's not crazy. He knows what he wants.
oh, the difference is your punctuation; Republican refers to a member of the party, republican refers to someone who believes in that model of governance
@Josiah Exactly. On StackOverflow, people focus on questions that are their forte. You would say that happening there too, IMO. Plus, when there are international questions, you would have a larger pool contributing.
The territory is divided in seats. You vote for the politician you want to represent your riding in the parliament. The political party with the most seats gets to be the ruling party and the PM is the leader of the ruling party.
In the case of a minority government - a gov't where the ruling part does not have 50% of the seats - it's possible that the other political party form a coalition and become the "ruling party" though