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so, now just passed the texas real estate exam
@Josiah are you an OSS guy?
4 hours later…
Q: In Texas, would it be "religious discrimination" to state that your organization is "atheist", or to make company statements about superstitions?

Evan CarrollI just passed my Texas Real Estate exams today (did it on the first time). I'm wanting to know to what extent is it legal to "come out" as a non-Christian company in a regulated industry that would prohibit religious discrimination. 42 U.S.C. § 12832 (publically funded low income statute) N...

I'm open source when need be.
@KonradRudolf, I'm apologize for having argued with you in the comments to your answer on the “gravity-evolution” question. You are obviously correct in pointing out the need for a careful and rigorous discussion of the matters at hand the inability of having that discussion through the SE comment system. I thought and still think that your answer is well written and makes a lot of good points.
I'm convinced that if given an opportunity to discuss the issue in chat, we'd be able to isolate the specific point of our disagreement in very little time and maybe even come to some conscensus on the matter.
(...which would be nice because then we would then we could delete those tediously long comments)
Anyway, if you're interested in meeting in this chat room sometime just let me know (@ami). No hard feelings either way and I hope I didn't offend you unintentionally.
@Ami around?
the five minutes I'm gone..
@Josiah hey
how have you been?
I just sent you an email
Hi internets!
Hello there Loic!
3 hours later…
@EvanCarroll Nice question, Evan.
2 hours later…
@Ami Just a quick notice … I’d love to debate on chat (even just to try out whether/how this works). Unfortunately, I’m currently in the last throes of my master thesis until the end of this month (and a bit longer, if everything doesn’t go according to plan). After that, I’d gladly join a discussion, though. Apart from that, no offense taken, no hard feelings whatsoever. It’s just that the comments on SO are utterly inadequate for such discussions.
this was closed as NARQ; let me know how these edits look on it
Q: Are atheists externally compelled to perform good deeds and support morality?

xportPersonal idiosyncrasies aside, what major categories of external motivators are there (for atheists in particular) that compels them toward acting morally? Although my question is related to this one, I am looking for ethical models of action or different schools on moral action that do not inclu...

im happy enough if its in the duplicate category
but narq seemed off
remove humanism
I like how I always run into reading comprehension problems with @mfg's answers and questions.
yeah, i left that tag for future reference; ill drop it
sorry about the reading, let me know if theres anything i can simplify
At this pace, you'll get copy editor by the end of the month
Btw, I'm looking for best five or so questions on A.SE
@bor check this
A: Are atheists forbidden from insulting Islam's prophet Mohammed?

DampeS8NThis question is off topic. However, it deserves an answer -somewhere- so I don't have a problem answering it. Fundy Islam believes that all people are either Muslim or Worthless. They aren't even interested in conversion. Unless you count being converted to ashes. Atheists are particularly hat...

i like how their answer begins 'this is OT' then answers anyway
Quite frankly, the more times goes by the more I'm tempted to go "oh fuck it" and just give up on the site.
Part of the problem is that the optimal decision for them IS to answer the question because, if they get upvoted once, no plausible amount of downvotes will lead to a decrease of reputation. So, if you want high reputation, the rational decision is to ignore the rules.
right, there's even a blog post somewhere about it
its basically like "tell them theyre OT, close it, but give them an answer so they get an answer"
i think the further step of etiquette is that you are supposed to make your post CW
ok, im ready to play some parliamentary parlor games
@mfg ???
oh, im just joking about how the whole system has a lot of loops and rules, making a comparison to parliamentary procedures
Does that mean you want to abuse the loopholes or point the out and correct them?
its like you cant close it without A, and if you close it you must first B, then C; and if these three things aren't done QQ
@mfg ....and he didn't vote to close I kid you not. Check for yourself.
but the 'i want to play...' was just meaning it would be fun to have some sim game where youre a legislator who has to defend against attacks using parliamentary protocol. im a minor legal/poli wonk
I get the fun. I'm considering going into political science if I can cure my sleep disorder
@Borror0 ha. well good for him. i wish the asker had accepted his answer that wouldve been rad
i dont know if i could do poli-sci out and out, but philosophy of law is high on my hitlist
"out and out"? Sorry. I'm very slow today. My head is spinning, I feel like passing out, and I want to sleep. So, for most of the day, I'll have trouble understanding what is not literal.
oh, 'out and out' is a phrase meaning 100%, purely; as in 'If I got a degree in poli-sci I would not use it out and out since i have no stomach for electioneering.'
A: What can we learn from Quora?

wafflesI'm adding this for everyone's amusement....

Q: Good pop-phi books on Atheism

SklivvzI get often asked by friends and relatives what atheism is, and what is it all about. What good, friendly, non-aggressive books are available to explain our position to the typical theist or agnostic person? They should be written for the non-philosopher, so easy to read, but engaging and deep....

At first I was like "Make it CW"
But now it might be owrth closing.
As a duplicate.
@Vitaly yeah, i mean, im tired of the list of x questinos, but he cant make it cw
We can force it. That's not the real issue here. Isn't that kind of narrow?
I will explain later why I said, “really?”
Explaining atheism to a layman?
That's like... a two paragraph thing, at most, not a full bok.
@Borror0 i think its broad enough that its too broad to answer well, and narrow enough that you could make any number of questions in the form of [atheism-books]+[x]
vtc'ed and commented "VTC: This question is currently too broad. Since there are many different ways of tying together atheism and philosophy to any number of books the set of popular books is too expansive to produce a good list of answers. Can you try to be more specific?"
i also flagged for cw
@Borror0 the question can be answered in anyway the respondent wants as long as the answer contains [books] and [philosophy], so its too broad
Do we have a CW book thread?
We need a atheism resources thread.
but the question formula, where its {[books] + [x]} is begging for trouble if we dont shut it down
books, sites, tools, organisations, etc.
I still don't get why we can't make a question CW from the get-go
@Borror0 make a question a CW you mean?
they made a policy change at SE
Do you know the rationale?
A: Should the community wiki police be shut down?

Jeff AtwoodImportant change End users can not mark questions wiki anymore, so the only appropriate way to get action on a question you believe really should be wiki, is to flag it for moderator attention. A couple points.. Vote-to-wiki will not be implemented. When the answer to a problem is "let's ma...

and then here is an example of its application (base of my model for our FAQ explanation)
A: What is Community Wiki?

AaronutWhy do we have Community Wiki? One of the distinguishing characteristics of a wiki (such as Wikipedia) is that it encourages everyone to edit content. By marking your post as Community Wiki, you are inviting other members of the community to edit it - not just to correct spelling or improve for...

Doesn't say why the check box is gone
its gone b/c end users cannot elect to make their posts CW anymore
only mods can determine whether a question makes a good CW
thats why voting to close, and flagging to CW are not at odds
Here is my explanation why I found the request for a book on atheism strange:
user image
Hope it makes sense. XD
I think the question is a book on why atheists find religious arguments uncompelling
But, then, that's a book on epistemology...
“What good, friendly, non-aggressive books are available to explain our position—”
“what atheism is, and what is it all about”
I know. I'm just using my superhuman mind reading abilities
Bow to my power, U n00b
Is that Russian for "As you wish, master"?
"Something like "the god delusion" without the bitching... :-)"
yeah the question's requested {set} is so generic that anything goes, so you get a run on who lists fabboolous atheist books first. thats why i think it should be closed, bad question = bad answers
Being from Canada makes asking questions on ASE difficult: I never ran into a problem with my atheism, ever. Religion is so liberal here that, even though I had religion classes in school (Catholicism), I always knew that belief in god was irrational and that was the prevailing belief among kids my age.
I guess I have to thank la grande noirceur for that though.
Joel Spolsky

Have you ever noticed how certain questions come up again and again on Stack Overflow sites?

Oh look, my PC is freezing. Should I use SELECT *? Oh, and, how can I host a server from home?

Really, people, do you want to be answering these same questions ten years from now? How about when you’re 65? That doesn’t sound so appealing now, does it?

We predicted this problem, even before we launched Stack Overflow. Why? Because the same thing happened on Usenet, where:

What happened next depended on the newsgroup. …

Hi there, just passing by...
Hey @CeasarGon. Not much activity. Lunch time for most.
Hi @CesarGon
Hi guys, nice to talk to you on chat
My first time here
Hi Welcome
@Ustice Thanks
Good, now that means we can summon you by @CeasarGon ing you
@Borror0 Yes, but it's CesarGon, without the first "a" ;-)
I blame your parents for giving you a name so close to an historical figure (assuming that is indeed your real name)
@Borror0 It is, but in Spanish, the name of the historical figure is spelt "Cesar" rather than "Caesar"
Then shame on you for stepping outside of the hispanosphere?
@Borror0 I know, I know...
Just to be clear, I'm being silly. My two best friends come from Madrid. Thank God they stepped out of the hispanophere.
@Borror0 I got the humour. :-) I stepped out of the hispanosphere ages ago. I like the big open world.
ASE is in serious need of more questions...
I am not optimistic though
Neither am I
@CesarGon Don't mind him, he's a dirty francophone. ;)
@Ustice (Cesar is trying to be polite)
@Ustice Shut up, you ignorant monolingual ;)
What? You had to know I would retort!
That's why it's funny.
Role-playing trolls. :)
so with reference to
Q: Good pop-phi books on Atheism

SklivvzI get often asked by friends and relatives what atheism is and what is it all about. What good, friendly, non-aggressive books are available to explain our position to the typical theist or agnostic person? They should be written for the non-philosopher, so easy to read, but engaging and deep. ...

and the other questions on books
and the Lord of the Flies post from the blog
why dont we aggregate all of the questions under the book tags and have each be a separate answer under "What are some good books on atheism" with an answer for youngs, olds, philosophers, etc
all CW so the lists can be manicured?
sounds reasonable
so, keep them separate?
I guess that makes senes.
no, we merge all five questions into a big CW book list
I like that answer.
then each answer is titled, "for books on kids..." etc
What about expanding that further?
that way each answer can be a referenceable link for duplicates
how would we manage new questions that are posted after the fact?
So books, webisites, organisations, etc.
@mfg I think that's the wrong approach
@CesarGon merge them.
Q: What is the single most influential book every programmer should read?

NotMyselfIf you could go back in time and tell yourself to read a specific book at the beginning of your career as a developer, which book would it be? I expect this list to be varied and to cover a wide range of things. For me, the book would be Code Complete. After reading that book, I was able to get ...

we have in the body of the question "please add additional requests of book types blah blah as new answers with an example"
@Ustice OK
So, we have a different question for each book category that we find useful and each book is an answer.
@Borror0 that question is often seen as the mother of all list of x questions that should be closed but gecome reference sources later on
@mfg I think it's the best use of the system though since the books are listed in order of preferences. So the total must, must read is at the very top.
@Borror0 if we have a new question for each [atheism-book]+[x] then we end up with a bunch of questions on books; this way we have ione single canonical book thread
@Borror0 i see the value of that too, can you think of a compromise that will limit the number of questions (duplicates) and preserve the ordering of books?
@mfg We limit the number of reasonable acceptable questions?
Basically, "Is there value into such a question?"
@Borror0 yes?
we don't want to have 12 threads about atheist-books, one should suffice
because for every niche in atheism, there is another question
@mfg Apologies. Yes. I can think of a compromise where we limit the number of threads of a few, not 20.
[atheism-books]+{[empiricism],[naturalism],[anti-empiricism],[anti-naturalism],[woo],[anti-woo], ...}
You just made me die a little bit on the inside
thats what im seeing, it seems like we need a rule, one or many
@Borror0 i didn't mean to vOv
I can see use to a parenting category, because it's such a different problem than mere atheism
Parents in highly religious regions could greatly gain from such a question, because it's so different that "what are the awesome books atheists should read?" yet still is about atheism
Codifying that into words is a lot more difficult.
Slight tangent: we have not gained a single "avid user" in the last few days.
@Bor btw I'm not saying we should classify the [atheism-books] as off-topic necessarily, I just mean to stream-line all of the q/a's and make a usable CW
Break it up into sections.
@mfg I know.
@Ustice how would you do the sections? i like using answers for categories of books, but then we lose votability for individual books
The obvious is "we do so as we go"
we could do an answer formula like please phrase your answer "[books on parenting]: *yada and her heathen kids*"
But that's not really satisfying
@Borror0 and leads to inconsistency
That's less of a problem than the feeling of injustice if we give the impression of being arbitrary
i will start a meta post, put it to some kind of vote, see what comes of it
Perhaps the best way is to have no rule at first and when we are more knowledgeable about what kind of questions get asked we will be able to conceive how to create those categories
As a community, we're still inexperienced
There's a reason we're still in beta
@mfg I wouldn't organize them until suggestions were added, and then the categories should be pretty easy.
Basically, we let a mess happen and then we clean the mess
that is what I think to
Once we have some examples, it will be easier to create rules
ill list the options we have so far, and people can add and all answers/options will be CW
but to do so early is silly.
There's no way we're going to get it right the first time and odds are we'll get it really wrong.
First, when we start out, there won't be enough to categorize.
other than to just create arbitrary categories.
@Borror0 But if we keep it fluid, it doesn't matter.
Organization by natural selection. :)
(or something like that)
@Ustice Is that supposed to be agreement, addition, or disagreement? Pick a fourth option?
@Borror0 I'm not sure.
I trust dynamic systems in general.
It's a shame that we can't make templates to make it easier on editors, but it isn't THAT hard to edit them to be consistent.
So what's the verdict, are you closing my question or not?
I don't think that there is one. It isn't like we have a quorum.
A: How should we manage books on atheism as questions?

mfgWe should have neatly categorized sub-questions for atheism book recommendations that are general enough to be interesting and narrow enough to give a good array of books. This is currently how the questions marked [books] work: Pro: When we have multiple questions on books, individual books/an...

here you go y'all, vote em around
if somebody wants to prop up a +1 for me on the "massive" option thatd be rad
@Sklivvz hey sorry about the vtc, i do like the question, and i think that we should come to some kind of agreement before we can't undo stuff
so check out the link if you want as discussing your question sparked it
@Ustice helsno im not touching them, i cant merge anyway and thats what i was suggesting
@Borror0 i think you're right about the "what kind of questions get asked", but i think dealing with lists is a first step, a toe in the water, that we should at least work on
@Ustice thats why i recommended using a nexus of tags for generating questions, that way editors would always have a rough idea of where you were coming from
A: What should our FAQ contain?

mfgThere should be a suggested nexus of tags included to use as templates for most questions. Taking this step could give question-askers and visitors a sense of how to theme their question.

I personally don't have an opinion on what the specific policy of atheism.SE should be - I am completely puzzled by this community :-S. It sounds though like a question that would have been OK on the original SO (as long as it was a honest useful question and not a vote bait)
Anyone can recommend/unrecommend the following book?
Does it suck or is it badass?
@Borror0 I don't know, that's why I ask. I saw it mentioned on LW in a recent post.
When I say I am puzzled it's because I see questions like Favorite cartoon/comic strip/meme about atheism with 7 up votes... and that is really a marginal interest question....
@Vitaly I read "Can we recommand". Oops.
@Sklivvz i wholly agree
@mfg +1
@Vitaly I can't recommend it, really. I have no interest in such a book. I have heard most of the arguments and have torn or seen them torn to shred.
@Sklivvz the blog has been focusing a lot on this theme of capturing the interest and attention span of experts by having good questions
although comic strips build a community, they don't sustain it
hence the reference to 'long-tail programming' and stuff about critical mass & lifetime of sites
A whole chapter on ontological arguments? That could kill someone.
youve never read being and nothingness i take it
The writing is so dense I cannot figure out whether the author himself is atheist or not
To decide whether I would want to read it
OMG, it's worse: two chapters on ontological arguments
@Sklivvz I don't think that they are of marginal interest, though that particular question is poorly worded, and answered even worse.
I wouldn't mind seeing a list of great atheist comics, and maybe a notable example, but it should be a CW.
@Vitaly In my experience, the more dense the writing the more one is likely to be a theist
@Borror0 Or a scientist.
"Proving" the existence of god takes a lot of intellectual gymnastics...
He lists lots of arguments for as not valid
In the available preview
A lot of theists are like that
@Vitaly That makes sense though. You don't want people evangelizing with bad arguments.
Hell, even William freaking Lane Craig thinks some arguments are not valid
From Google:
Unfortunately I never had the opportunity to read "Logic and Theism". It is said to be the best defence of atheism after J.L Mackie's "The Miracle of Theism".
Google, from a *theist* website:
*David Reuben Stone's latest defense of theism, with extensive critique of John W. Loftus. Includes responses to Elliott Sober, Jordan Howard Sobel, Bart D. Ehrman, Graham R. Oppy, and Michael L. Brown.*
So, I guess, he was an atheist.
Personally, I don't see why anyone but a theist would read such a book.
Which part of your belief do you really need to strengthen via a very intellectually complex book?
Ah. debate-points
@Vitaly I still dislike that term. We should replace it with something more intuitive.
@Borror0 you might try to rephrase that question to separate your suggestion so it is more apparent which part users are upvoting
@Vitaly I'm not going to ever argue against William Craig. Because it would be a waste of time.
ie, put your suggestion in an answer instead, because i think the question is good, but i dont like the name of the tag so i cant upvote the conjunction of the two
I didn't write an answer to my own question
ohh thats just an example? ok
Ya. I'm saying "soemthing like that, to give you an idea of what I'm talking about"
I wouldn't really endorse it.
Besides, haven't you told me to read and summarise?
Though it's better than debate-points
The book contains nailed down refutations of common theistic arguments
Which is a theme for this Q&A
(Pascal's Wager, Theist Occam's Razor, etc)
Usually, you can find lighter reads that accomplish the same
Is my point
@Vitaly I'm surprised that this LW article didn't quote Dawkins but, then again, Dawkins is pretty much a straw man of atheism. Usually, when someone cites Dawkins as an awesome atheist thinker, you can conclude that this person isn't very acute when it comes to atheism. He would get torn to shred by any serious theist philosopher.
Ah! I knew he would quote Dawkins.
just read a review of Logic and Theism by William Craig
As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquility, of Mussulmen [Muslims]; and, as the said States never entered into any war, or act of hostility against any Mahometan nation, it is declared by the parties, that no pretext arising from religious opinions, shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries
The Treaty of Tripoli (Treaty of Peace and Friendship between the United States of America and the Bey and Subjects of Tripoli of Barbary) was the first treaty concluded between the United States of America and Tripoli, signed at Tripoli on November 4, 1796 and at Algiers (for a third-party witness) on January 3, 1797. It was submitted to the Senate by President John Adams, receiving ratification unanimously from the U.S. Senate on June 7, 1797 and signed by Adams, taking effect as the law of the land on June 10, 1797. The Treaty is much discussed in the 21st century because of the text...
And that persuaded me to attempt to read it.
As a Canadian, I find American politic to be interesting to follow. As best put by someone in the UK, "Your left is closer to our right and your right is closer to 'You want to do WHAT?!'"
yeah. if americans seem absorbed by politics its because they have so many special interests telling them the issues are sexy
It's so funny because Canada and most of Europe has a far less robust constitution (Canada's Charter of Rights and Liberties has notwithstanding clause that allow politicians to officially ignore it, if they deem it necessary) and yet it's the US that has the crazies.
@mfg Americans are not interested in anything. If the apathists were a political party, they would have won most midterms *easily.*If you want a country that cares about politics, look at the Austria, New Zealand, Sweden, or Italy which has very high turnout rates election after election.
no dont misunderstand me, americans dont understand their own politics
they just find it sexy, like any other tabloid
@Borror0 Dawkins may not be a good debater, but he still prominent for a reason.
wow, the chat didn't update for a while
and having an adamant opinion about who shouldve won that call-to-vote show
sorry for that late comment
@mfg Which is why adultery is still controversial
@mfg That is why it worries me that Sarah Palin has a reality show. If she becomes too much of a celebrity, then she could win on that, regardless of her credentials.
I distinguishing factor between Canada and the US is the way you view your president. We see our prime ministers as normal guys with a tough job and we criticize them as such, at least most of the time (ie corruption and gross incompetence notwithstanding). For you guys, the president is put on a surhuman self.
Which is funny, because your president is less power than our prime minister
@Borror0 Ya, people think that the president has way more power than the Constitution allows.
Our system is pleasantly tyrannical.
For us (Russia) the president is like Santa Claus or Boogeyman. Everyone talks about him, but noone really believes he exists.
I think that a lot of people in the US see the president as king, where he can introduce and direct legislation, which is silly.
If you get what I mean.
@Vitaly Not really.
@Vitaly Ya, since Putin left office.
@Vitaly marionette or puppet perhaps ?
Well, we cannot do anything if the president or the prime minister start doing some rubbish or are already doing some rubbish, that's what I mean.
And our votes don't affecf the election results.
So, basically, the president is like a very distant reality, closer to unreality (Santa Claus).
That is a scary situation, I think, but that just might be my perspective as a US citizen.
@Ustice In Canada, that's the way it is. Harper decide what he wants and the MPs vote for what he wants. We're lucky he doesn't have a majority r he could do whatever he wants, for four years. Which would be really, really bad.
Is that more clear?
@Ustice I don't see how what he described is really different from your situation...
So we Russians are forced apathists.
@Borror0 My vote might get drowned out, but it still counts.
@Borror0 because we are forced to be apathists, and they choose to be so? ;)
Are there still separatist movement within Russia?
Yeah, in Chechnya.
@Borror0 Ultimately it is more about who makes the best emotional argument here, but that isn't the same thing.
The government illegally pays the Chechen leaders millions of roubles (Russian money) so that they keep their separatist kooks calm.
With the impact money has on your politicians, it's about so much more than emotional arguments
And now my comment replies to two different people, by accident
@Borror0 True, but even with good backing, if you don't have a good emotional message, you won't win the day.
Most of the time, the two coincide though.
It doesn't really matter who wins though
Just to show the amount of money the Chechen leaders get from their separatism threats, do you know the car Lamborghini Reventón?
At the end of the day, the politicians will be liable to some corporations. Perhaps not the same for each party, but that's not exactly relevant
There were only 20 Lamborghini Reventóns produced since 2007, and Kadyrov (the president of Chechnya) owns one.
@Vitaly The Canadian gov't legally gives the Québec province tons of money so we stay in Canada. Feels good to be loved.
As well as several Ferraris, Bugattis, etc.
It's pretty much organized crime.
Of course, the rest of Canada hates that (as they should, it's stupid)
It's a shame that we aren't doing that with Texas. Then we could "forget" our next payment. ;)
I wish they were like the Québec province.
Because in that case, the money would have gone into public services, I guess.
Not into Kadyrov's personal car park.
In our case, it's been used to fund ineffective social programs
The principle behind them was (usually) sound but they were not careful with them and now we have a lot of structural problems which needs to be addressed
The worse being freaking Liberty 55. Who the hell thought it would be a good idea to allow doctors to retire at 55?!?!?!
Sorry, I had to get that one out of my chest
It's just so stupid
Hi @Rodger
Greetings! I see the stack exchange universe has chat now
i can be insulted in real time now
01:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

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