6 hours later…
@Laurel We are unlikely to get a good AI search solution since SE is doing everything in their power to prevent people from training models on our content unless they pay. We would not be able to use something generic to do a search like "Show me all the questions about how to use the possessive if the subject is a list of things instead of just a single thing" for example. Tags are a solution, but require a lot of curation. People try, then realize it's hopeless because too many people think tags are useless and querants don't know how to pick them, or are using them to track their own posts. — ColleenV 10 mins ago
@ColleenV We almost did get AI search (not sure the specifics or if it would translate well to ELL/ELU). There was something on SO called OverflowAI, but it's only for SO Teams who pay for it now
At the risk of derailing the comments - how do we group questions of this sort together using tags that the typical EFL learner would choose? Why is "of" dropped in 'as X (of) a something' We really need a natural language search. — ColleenV 7 mins ago
@Laurel Right, it's only for paying customers while they keep claiming they're still all about building a library of knowledge for humanity. It's why I don't participate any more :(
ELL could evolve into something so much more, but it's held back by corporate leadership with very little imagination when it comes to ways to make money
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