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Hmm. Coincidence probably but I'd be curious if the DV on my questionnaire was in response to that edit.
@Caleb why you indent your paragraphs?
@Caleb Did the downvote just happen?
@Braiam Just a semantic markup pet peeve of mine: those paragraphs should be children of the <ol> list elements, not just after them in source order. More pragmatically it's a pain to get markdown numbering to cooperate if you don't do the indenting right.
@FaheemMitha Yes, just minutes after I edited it.
@Caleb Hmm, coincidence indeed. And no downvotes before.
It's water under the bridge but I did wonder if that add in specific was a concern for somebody.
BTW: are we doing a candidate chat/debate for this election? I know we did them on Seasoned Advice when we had mod elections.
@derobert SE ditched the like chat events in favor of the community generated questionnaire we did on meta.
But that's also why this room is here. Anybody that wants to chat with candidates is encouraged to come in here and ask their questions, even if they didn't make the questionnaire.
@Caleb ah, yeah, I just took the excerpt of the edit and found it weird, I didn't took into account the numbering

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