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FYI, I just tried the following:
DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES=./mysay.dylib say -v Chap -f /Users/chap/private/paragraph.txt -e outputfilename.caf
No output spoken or written. Console streaming contained several clues:

com.apple.ttsasset catalog error 19:27:59.538085-0500 com.apple.SiriTTSService.TrialProxy Factor <private> does not have 9 components as expected.

com.apple.Accessibility AXTTSCommon error 19:27:59.602618-0500 say BFChannel plaintalk parser returned nothing for . Not speaking.

(Don't know if you support -f; assumed it would be passed through to say.)
20 hours later…
It should normally work, indeed. I just tested and it hangs when I pass -f ... I'll check it out
1 hour later…
It appears that say command behaves very differently regarding how it parses parameters when input from a file is involved, either with -f or even with a pipe ...echo "hello" | say works, but it doesn't work when used with the library where it has to parse the -e argument. I'd rather rewrite say tool completely for personal voices rather than keep hacking it.
I totally understand. It certainly defies the usual expectations for a command line tool.

Are you considering writing such a 'say' replacement? (That would be awesome.)

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