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A: How do I deal with Coworker that revealed He/She was trans and expected people to rejoice?

TheDemonLordIf you listen closely, you can hear the package ticking So, I'm very much on the Anti-Woke side. I'm an individualist, not a collectivist. I disagree with almost all the philosophical traditions that trace their roots back to Marx/Gramscii et al. (Post Modernism, Critical theory, Gender Theory, C...

Yes but due to a loophole of portuguese law, if they dont come to work after 3 weeks they are canned, independently of anything related to protected charactereistics
@Or4ng3h4t - I'm British by birth (Brexit means Brexit) - I'm not a Lawyer - but my understanding is that EU law is Superior Law, so even if Portugal says X, they can take their case to the ECJ and you are going to have problems.
Nice to know, thank you
It's true that you can take the case to the ECJ, but stuff like damages (the assumed $$$$) are still left to local courts. It's definitely possible that the damages will be something like a month's salary - US-style punitive damages are rare in the EU.
I'm not familiar with the term "Alphabet politics" and a quick web search doesn't give me any good answers that seem to fit here -- can you elaborate what you mean there?
@Polygnome LGBTQIA+
I had written a comment to ask for clarification on a word that I don't understand in this answer, but it looks like it got deleted. Well, I guess I'll never be able understand this answer.
@Polygnome - I am opposed to the philosophical side of this, and so I choose not to use their words. When I was young, it was LGB - which as it goes is consistent - all sexual orientations. LGBT - Trans isn't an orientation, but eh, whatever. Adding the Q (given that Queer really is just 'I want to be special') is also not an orientation, more a rejection of societal norms, I - Intersex - Medical condition, not applicable, A - Asexual - Like have an Atheist going to a religious support group - makes no sense. Alphabet is mocking the fact that letters keep getting added to the acronym.
@TheDemonLord Unicode?
@MSalters - That may or may not be true - however, even if we assume the punitive damages is only 1 Euro - the cost to the company in terms of Lawyers will easily be tens of thousands of Euros. If it goes to the ECJ, maybe even hundreds of thousands.
Just one nit-pick. Nowhere I've ever worked would any of those need or justify a 30-minute speech. Probably 2 minutes max for the "public announcement" part. And then anyone who wanted to discuss/congratulate/etc would all go over and congregate in a corner / separate room / wherever for a while.
@kaz - Yeah - that is more aligned to my experience as well - but I was being as generous as possible. That said... I've seen some offices, particularly with a heavily female demographic where an engagement or pregnancy announcement did stop work for a significant amount of time.(10-20 minutes)
What does this have to do with woke / anti-woke? That's nonsense. What we have here is a person with a slightly unusual medical condition. A man or a woman born with the wrong body parts. Just accept it, don't be an arse, don't look for lawyers, just be a decent human being who accepts other human beings the way they are.
@gnasher729 - As I said - the point of that statement is that for all intents and purposes, I am hostile to the position that I am in effect advocating for. There is much about the current Trans philosophy that I do not agree with (I am a biological essentialist) - as an example, Men cannot Menstruate. A Biological Female who wishes to identity as a Man can Menstruate, and so long as I think they are genuine, I'm happy to treat them as a Man - but there are certain hard Biological limits that I stick to.
Discussing any of those tings are highly dependant on how personal or stiff the applicable work environment is. It can range from totally OK to a complete NO-NO depending on the environment.
@TheDemonLord I thought we left the stone ages. Mind over matter. We are humans, not primitive animals. When the mind says “woman” the person is a woman. (Well, according to some 40 year old discussion between German health insurance companies who would have to pay for transitioning. And they do. )
@gnasher729 - and if the Mind says you can fly, does it make it so? Therein lies my issue.

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