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[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] 1 issue comments
[Rubberduck] 1 Synchronizations
Compile errors resolved, still wiring things up
(all LSP object members have the appropriate JsonPropertyName attributes)
I wonder how hard it could be to make RpcServerConsole into a valid NLog target
Meh, distraction
Once I get to the DataServer client (/LSP Server), the common bits that the LSP client would reuse are going to be under Rubberduck.RPC.Platform, where the other shared abstractions (JsonRpcServer, JsonRpcClient, etc.) are. That's separated from the shared model under Rubberduck.InternalApi
3 hours later…
hm, a grid might actually be a better idea
also, #OffByOne haha
eh, another distraction. #ItWorksMoveOn
just need to pull the status bar into its own control, and then implement the commands, then moving on to the dataserver client
much better
narrator: yet still off by one
4 hours later…
1	1/15/2023 4:24:59 AM	False		Info	Starting server...
2	1/15/2023 4:24:59 AM	False		Trace	Socket server started.	Port: 3031
3	1/15/2023 4:24:59 AM	False		Trace	Uptime stopwatch started.
4	1/15/2023 4:24:59 AM	False		Trace	JsonRpc services configured.	Path(s): '/Rubberduck/DataServer'
5	1/15/2023 4:24:59 AM	False		Trace	JsonRpcServer.Start() completed in 11ms.
6	1/15/2023 4:25:12 AM	False		Info	Executing SetTraceCommand...	Parameter: 'off'
7	1/15/2023 4:25:14 AM	False		Info	Executing SetTraceCommand...
all commands work
now, the DataServer client
Rubberduck.DataServer command-line args:
public class Options
    [Option('p', "port", Required = true, HelpText = "Sets the RPC port for this server (required).")]
    public int Port { get; set; }

    [Option('i', "interactive", Required = false, HelpText = "Whether this server should display a UI.")]
    public bool Interactive { get; set; }

    [Option('v', "verbose", Required = false, HelpText = "Whether this server logs verbose messages.")]
    public bool Verbose { get; set; }

    [Option('s', "silent", Required = false, HelpText = "Whether this trace is disabled on this server.")]
Ok, let me pull all of that into a console app, and then have a DataServer.Client WPF app that will have the UI and define the client proxies.
Then Rubberduck.Server.Client (is that confusing?) defines the client proxies for the LSP server - and the add-in references and invokes these proxies.
2 hours later…
@MathieuGuindon Rubberduck.LSP.Client seems less confusing
Ok so Rubberduck.DataServer becomes Rubberduck.LocalDbClient, and Rubberduck.Client becomes Rubberduck.LspClient
I'm going to push as a PR this time
not sure about Rubberduck.InternalApi.RPC
also Rubberduck.Server becomes Rubberduck.Server.LSP (console), and then there's Rubberduck.Server.LocalDb (also console)
RPC paths become /Rubberduck.Server/LocalDb and /Rubberduck.Server/LSP
I'm confused - why would be a console a "server"? Isn't a console a client?
tbh IDK what project type to build the server as
oh, I see now, you're referring tot he project type, not the actual console window itself
I mean it's gotta be some kind of executable, yeah
The console project type is probably the best fit anyway esp. for the command line argument handling and we don't want any GUI
lol I like my "server" GUI :D
narrator: nice client you got there
console plays nicely with stdout/stderr too
plus we get color output for free *almost
cool! Only 760 files!
LSP alone is quite a few
I mean, from a high level I guess, does stuff makes sense? and then if you drill down, do you find there what you would expect there to be?
do we have folders at the solution folder?
If not, I suspect that's where it'll help a lot because when I look at the projects names only, they are pretty intermingled so it's hard to follow which project is used when; a folder would go a long way in grouping all the server components, apart from parser components and so forth, I think.
that's a very, very good idea!
it doesn't even build yet, time to break things!
it'll help immensely
there's 20 projects and RD isn't halfway there
only need another 20 more and we'll have a Ducky OS!
oh wait lol
more like it
Rubberduck.UI is becoming increasingly useless
that helps a lot. Only one small doubt - doesn't the parsing depend on stuff from VBEditor projects?
the code only needs the string content, so for user code we're golden
there's a part where we're going to have to have the server ask the client to give it some declarations
comms go both ways :)
right. I keep falling into the mental trap that it's server -> client, not server <-> client.
the common stuff like QualifiedModuleName and Selection is already moved to InternalApi
there's a request-response mechanism in place though
and yes, Rubberduck.UI is probably better off as a subfolder under the respective project that needs a UI, with maybe a solution-level folder for shared UI components.
somewhere in the LSP call chain we're going to have the parser do its thing, and in the end it's going to be issuing declarations and annotations and identifier references, ...and attributes
those will be sent to the database
saved as a transaction, so we could perhaps bunch them by scope or by module
and then we've sent a request to the client (we're still the server in the context of LSP) to respond with the COM-produced declarations, and we save those as well
the rest is basically all about reimplementing DeclarationFinder as JSON-RPC requests
I think we also have to ask the client for the project meta data.
hm, and probably other things too
There are actually not that many things not in the source code.
yeah it's still just a baby shell
also kind of broken on the client side ATM
I mean, the editor stuff.. it loads but it's not doing anything anymore
I think there is the project meta data, including the references, the secret internal type libraries, which we primarily need for super types and locked/ignored projects, and the controls.
meta data includes precompiler constants?
Forgot about those. But yes, that is project meta data.
I think the meta data is whatever is in the project window and the references.
we can already do a lot with the vbproject and vbcomponent names: QMN are used as lookup keys in plenty of places
need to find a better place for the stuff under InternalApi.RPC.LSP.Client.
that's where the server -> client operations are
the meaning of "client" and "server" in LSP is essentially request-scoped
I mean from a JsonRpc standpoint the "server" is both, and the client is both, depending on the direction of the request
I need to review these attributes, I forgot WCF stuff in there
RE: QMNs - I think we should package all the metadata as early as possible and notify the server so it knows as much as possible as early as possible.
Should the LSP model be broken up into sub-namespaces? I tried to not go overboard with namespacing...
if not sure, don't.
wait until there's a clear need for it
@MathieuGuindon because it can change and because it might be possible to not have it for some reason, the server should be able to observe that it's working without X metadata and make a record about it. That will help things, I think.
There's pretty much constant comm between the client and server, I'd have to look it up but I'm sure there's something in LSP that's exactly for this
client is going to need those vbide hooks
For ide level events I mean
yeah that wouldn't change, only that we make it a DTO thing rather than throwing around COM bombs
In other news, the hidden and restricted attributes seems to be working; will work on the attribute to support aliasing of the enum's names. Then we'll see if they'll accept the PR with the new attributes. Will get to it later.
Also once we have a uri for a "document", it's the server that owns it, so we get to maintain a workspace, ...syncs constantly with RDE, but only on-demand with VBE
@this that's amazing
I'm sure it'll go through!
@MathieuGuindon awesome.
there's a number of requests that transfer the ownership back
in other news... I did it again, ...laptop plugged in, sleep didn't happen. but hey we got a spiffy localdb client!
I'm thinking of adding "Requests" and "Responses" tabs, and perhaps visualize the JSON with a little tree
So many things...
I wondered about the sleep part. :) Keep focused; get it working and we can add gold plates later.
aye, got a bit more brain-dead attributes removal todo (buh-bye System.ServiceModel)
actually, that means Rubberduck.InternApi can't have the JsonRpcMethods
simple as that
using AustinHarris.JsonRpc; <~ stays under Rubberduck.Server.Something
this one is interesting:
window/showMessage can be called the server whenever we'd use a MessageBox; window/showMessageRequest does the same but comes back with a value :)
the workDoneProgress stuff is interesting too
textDocument/publishDiagnostics sends a notification to the client with a PublishDiagnoticsParams object that contains all the "diagnostics" for a document
reading LSP and choosing not to implement LSP for RD would have been insanely dumb
I wonder if we'll get to implement textDocument/codeLens
or rather, how we're going to tweak the editor to make codelens work :D
> 12 references
with a small action link just between a procedure and its annotations
support for ctrl+click navigation is there too
and the best part is that pretty much everything in the protocol is implementable one way or another
except the debugger stuff
2 hours later…
Got about half the proxies done
After that, RPC is just an abstraction
Moving all the hard-coded string method names/paths to a namespace-scoped JsonRpcMethods static class; there's one under LocalDb and another one under LSP
Makes a nice map of the entire routing
Needs more xmldocs
Hm I think the LSPAny implementation is going to make it hard to interface with another client
Not that it's a concern, but still
C# needs union types to do it right
So, one day we'll build RD in C# 12 and make LSP match closer to spec, I guess
Ok, got all the proxies
Hm, having a json visualizer might be pretty easy actually... it's a read-only AvalonEdit with json syntax highlighting and folding.
Also for the localdb server visualizing the SQL queries could be nice
Agreed, that would help in troubleshooting. I anticipate that we may have to deal with bugs with inspections arising from getting too little or too many data from queries.
oof that's a good practice run... Rubberduck.Client.LocalDb client needs to start the Rubberduck.Server.LocalDb process... and then connect to the server and... either I messed up, either I need an RPC API for WMI server management instrumentation
..which, makes sense when I write it down like that
it's basically the last piece of the puzzle
hehe.. I'll borrow LSP's ExecuteCommand notification :)
Ok it's not that hard really; shutdown, pause, resume, and settrace all make sense and have a LSP corrolary
...and the others are just client-side UI commands
Damn, there's my "learning to walk" moment. The LSP client is much more complicated than this, I can't stumble here.
Ha, the UI is missing a StartCommand, the power button should spin up a server process if none is running (only one localdb can run)
Localdb does make a great little project to start learning about JSON-RPC though
@MathieuGuindon hm, need to consider how to determine if server is already running, you don't wnat to spawn mulitple server processes for the local db, right?
solved :)
ugh why can't I help it lol
narrator: because you set yourself up to just like sneeze and poof it's done you dummy
for that part anyway :D
not going to bother with announcing "server capacities" with localdb
or should it be doing that?
Not sure I follow that part - what "server capacities"?
in LSP the client and server capabilities (woopsie, typo) are advertised on connect
some client may support registering capabilities later
that and the client does the same to the server
so on init we're going to tell the LSP server that we don't do the debugger stuff
sounds like a debug level stuff
let me pass in a --debug flag and I can then see that kind of extra info
no no, things like live hints
and call stack IIRC
...things tB can do
doesn't matter, it's still LSP compliant
even the weird strongly-typed LSPAny works
man this is going to be so slick
TODO: eventually move to Protobuf / binary serialization
A: How are protocol-buffers faster than XML and JSON?

Marc GravellString representations of data: require text encode/decode (which can be cheap, but is still an extra step) requires complex parse code, especially if there are human-friendly rules like "must allow whitespace" usually involves more bandwidth - so more actual payload to churn - due to embedding...

I gather tB went somewhere along that line
Won't play nicely with JsonRpc though, so it's a conscious design decision to go with human-readable json here
I guess what I mean is, if we find we need to squeeze more perf out of our RPC ... there are options.
You announce capabilities to say "my language server can do 50% of the commands documented in the Protocol" and the other way too "My dev-tool (client) supports save and keypress events but not hover over"
That's the gist right?
pretty much yeah
it reduces unnecessary socket traffic
...in a scenario where you're writing a server and you don't know who the client is
Isn't "my server uses a local database cache ” an implementation detail rather than a capability to announce?
@MathieuGuindon that makes sense and seems clever
more like "this server can resolve additional properties on completion items if you ask for them"
@MathieuGuindon just not sure what this meant
so you get the completion items quickly, and then user selects one and you request its description to show a tooltip
Oh I see
server isn't going to bother sending some notifications it knows the client doesn't handle, etc.
Ok initializing localdb isn't quite like initializing the LSP server - the client that starts LSP owns LSP, but a client that connects to localdb doesn't own its process.
So I want a similar interface, but the Exit notification isn't making it there
localdb just exits when the last client disconnects
the process-starting needs to try to get the server process if it's running
no I just need a short timeout on the mutex
process-starting either launched the process, or launched a dupe that didn't get to start
so just fire it up and setup the RPC client
It's that initialization handshake I'm at now
Ugh #ImAnIdiot of course I want the exit notification, that's how the console client app is able to command it to shut down
Hm I'll share the msgbox/prompt API too
It's starting to clear up
I think
JsonRpc client is going to receive an exception probably, if the socket server is closed with something going on. Needs testing.
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] 1701 stars vs. [decalage2/oletools] 2307 stars

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