5 hours later…
5 hours later…
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] MDoerner added label duplicate to issue #6052: Variable is used but not assigned - Variant Array ReDim
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] MDoerner removed label bug from issue #6052: Variable is used but not assigned - Variant Array ReDim
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] MDoerner created comment on issue #6052: Variable is used but not assigned - Variant Array ReDim
1 hour later…
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] 6DiegoDiego9 created comment on issue #6052: Variable is used but not assigned - Variant Array ReDim
> > This seems to be a duplicate of #5990, which is fixed since version
Ah sorry, I was misled by the fact that the homepage https://rubberduckvba.com/ reports and links to version as latest pre-release version.
Ah sorry, I was misled by the fact that the homepage https://rubberduckvba.com/ reports and links to version as latest pre-release version.
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] T2MWorks-Mitch created comment on issue #5914: Support for ARM-based processor
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] retailcoder created comment on issue #6052: Variable is used but not assigned - Variant Array ReDim
> Sort of... the new test site works fine and synchronizes on merge (via webhook); I need to grab a bunch of screenshots and write the content for all the feature pages that are still placeholders, and then the new site can go live and replace the old broken site.
3 hours later…
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] arthur-verta created comment on issue #5914: Support for ARM-based processor
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] retailcoder commented on Rubberduck.Core/UI/Refactorings/ExtractMethod/ExtractMethodViewModel.cs of pull request #6067: Extract Method Refactoring
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] retailcoder commented on Rubberduck.Core/UI/Refactorings/ExtractMethod/ExtractMethodPresenter.cs of pull request #6067: Extract Method Refactoring
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] retailcoder commented on Rubberduck.Refactorings/ExtractMethod/IExtractMethodPresenter.cs of pull request #6067: Extract Method Refactoring
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] retailcoder commented on Rubberduck.Refactorings/ExtractMethod/ExtractMethodParameter.cs of pull request #6067: Extract Method Refactoring
4 hours later…
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] tommy9 pushed commit cb5208a8 to next: Colon seperated statement handling and whitespace improvements
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] tommy9 pushed commit 2a0e499a to next: Fix selection overlaps method and enhance ability to deal with trickier selections
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] tommy9 pushed commit 6ff9bd64 to next: Move error messages into resx file. Tidy up commented out code
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] tommy9 pushed commit 4aa223e1 to next: Merge branch 'next' into ExtractMethod2023
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] tommy9 pushed commit 3a1640bf to next: Remove unexpected changes on merge and some commented out code
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] tommy9 pushed commit bec11d61 to next: Add declaration inside new method for return parameter if not already in the selected code
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] tommy9 pushed commit 68c16e3d to next: Improve sizing of dialog so buttons are visible
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] retailcoder closed issue #1599: Extract Method called, it wants its UI back
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] retailcoder closed issue #2283: Running Extract method doesn't check validity of the new method name, can cause Resolver Error
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] retailcoder closed issue #2202: Extract Method misplaces the method call when local declarations are moved to the extracted method
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] retailcoder closed issue #2284: Extract Method places new method call in incorrect line position for some extracts, causes parser/resolver/logical errors
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] retailcoder closed issue #2139: Extract Method should be disabled for property declaration lines.
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] retailcoder closed issue #1473: ExtractMethodRefactoring extended conditions
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] retailcoder closed issue #2285: Extract Method is ignorant of indentation
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] retailcoder closed issue #2515: RD 2.0.11 extract method fails with GoTo statement
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] rubberduck-vba-releasebot created draft prerelease Prerelease-v2.5.2.6229
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] rubberduck-vba-releasebot prereleased draft prerelease Prerelease-v2.5.2.6229
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Transcript for
Jan '237
VBA Rubberducking
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