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[Minesweeper] 66 Games Played. 43 Bombs Used. 7334 Moves Performed. 11 New Users
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] 35 additions. 17 deletions. 7 commits. 1 issues closed
8 hours later…
Q: Loop between two Arrays and change values based on condition

LeedoInstead of using 45 IF conditions , I put my two ranges into variant arrays. Then I used the below code to loop between them and change values of the first array arr1 second elements based on condition. the first range is only 10K rows and the second range is just 45 rows and code takes about 0.7...

3 hours later…
There's life in the ol' duck yet!
1 hour later…
@MathieuGuindon i know that life... we have google fiber and the minimum 500/s Gb up/down as standard that replaced the old 100/s Gb up/down as standard led to a similar issues where we spiked over 1k Gb/s and had issues with packet loss. Over time they resolved the issue (or should i say made it a more stable 500-600 at all times), but at the time my friends and I played a lot of Arma 3 which used Battle Eye and it constantly kicked me because it thought I was cheating...
2 hours later…
@MathieuGuindon & @Cyril I've never heard anyone complain that their internet connection was too fast. This is interesting...
@FreeMan i don't think the issue we had was inherently the speed; more that it was inconsistent and caused loss of packets
@HackSlash i finished deleting all of my multi-year old backups. the /mt didn't seem to make a difference, which i think was due to the process being a network drive only accessible via a VPN (bound by the speed of the connection). switching to /mir from /purge did increase the speed, which I attribute to what i visually noticed:
in power shell, when i used /purge, you could watch it assess every single individual file; with the /mir, i saw a count of source files in the directory and a count of files in the destination, then it took about a half hour (down from 1.5 hours) to mirror and then delete the directory
i used your original code modified with /mir and that was my final solution. thank you for all of the help!
final compare (2 GB, 10,000 files in directory):
- remove-item: 2.4 files/sec average (n=10)
- /purge : 2.4 files/sec average (n=3)
- /purge /mt: 2.5 files/sec average (n=3)
- explorer-based click-delete: 3.1 files/sec (n=30)
- /mir: 5.5 files/sec (n = 100)
Thanks! I will update my answer!
> Fix for #4795.
'PtrSafe' was not recognized as a valid part of the declare statement and was therefore not ignored during line continuation alignment
Add Test for Declare PrtSafe.
2 hours later…
3 hours later…
1 hour later…
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] awb95 pushed commit 143fc9dc to next: Extend Regex for Declare 'PtrSafe'
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] awb95 pushed commit fccbe4ec to next: Add Test for Declare PtrSafe #4795
Merge pull request #6014 from awb95/dev-4795-Indenter_Declare_PtrSafe

Fix Indenter "Declare PtrSafe"
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit fccbe4ec on next: 97.58% (target 0.00%)
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] 1629 stars vs. [decalage2/oletools] 2170 stars

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