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[Minesweeper] 100 Games Played. 50 Bombs Used. 13126 Moves Performed. 12 New Users
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] 34 additions. 1 issues opened. 14 deletions. 5 commits. 1 issues closed. 8 issue comments
3 hours later…
2 hours later…
now that's starting to look like something!
user image
That really looks awesome!
8 hours later…
3 hours later…
When testing to ensure conditions are safe for processing to continue Private Sub CheckConditions is it recommended to log errors/send emails, etc. within the check or to have reporting external? For example:
If okToProceed Then
End If
Where CheckConditions sets okToProceed appropriately (as a member of the class).
Or would it be presumed that CheckConditions would also send an email notifying of a failure status (nightly process, nobody's monitoring for error messages). That would, of course, be doing more than what it says on the tin, so probably not.
Of course, Private Function CheckConditions() as Boolean streamlines the code above...
@FreeMan wouldn't that be preferred?
CheckConditions should be checking conditions... I wouldn't expect it to start sending emails. Your assessment feels correct to me!
Agreed. I might use Private Function OkToProceed() as Boolean to skip the extra variable. Test the Function directly.
@MathieuGuindon I had to rubber duck that out loud to get there. Thanks for the confirmation.
@HackSlash good point. thanks
Hey... rubber ducking in the rubberduck chat room. What an idea!
I keep seeing the same questions pop up for VBA questions on SO and it's demoralizing. I know people hate getting their questions closed as duplicate and yet new users just fail to find their answers. Por Que?
"fail to find" are you sure that isn't "fail to look"?
I agree. It's unfortunate how much time is spent closing dupes, editing low-quality questions, downvoting terrible questions ... as opposed to adding new, high-quality answers.
A comment along the lines of "5 seconds of searching on your behalf brought me to this duplicate question." I have a text file of canned responses I copy/paste as necessary.
Maybe, just maybe, with enough hints applied with a 2x4, people will start to learn.
My profile "about me" section is just a wall of dupe links haha.
You know, avoid using Select, find the last row, and so on. The classics.
@HackSlash not even knowing what to search for
the formal education for programmers is already kinda bad, but the programming education for office power users is worse
soo ...
@HackSlash I got that broken record syndrome a while back, never quite recovered
It is one of the reasons Rubberduck even exists in the first place
@FreeMan a person will learn but "People" never will. It's an age old internet problem called Eternal September: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eternal_September
Since this problem has plagued all internet forums since the very first one, Usenet, a larger systemic issue needs to be addressed. New user introduction. SO actually has things in place to help this but it remains unsolved.
I've seen systems where you have to interact with a chat bot before you're allowed to post. Maybe something like this will become a standard at some point. If you can convince the chatbot you know what you are doing it gets out of your way. New user AI. The internet could gatekeep itself.
@HackSlash the problem is that bots are too stupid for something like that
The bots you have seen so far. That's why it remains unsolved. I think there are some really advanced AIs that we haven't had the pleasure of interacting with yet.
I must admit, the ones commonly found in phones are pretty single minded.
You know you are on a loser when the poster starts with 'I am new to VBA"( especially if the add a 'lol') which is short for I've started messing about with VBA in excel but haven't bothered to work my way through a VBA tutorial or do any other reading which might help me. Please write my code for me/ I found this code which nearly works etc etc etc.
@HackSlash I'll believe it when I see it and no second sooner
3 hours later…
If you think the VBA/Excel tag space is bad for low-quality questions, try the pandas one.
It's loaded with really low-quality questions.
So much that it gets a Meta thread.
A better question is why do high rep experienced users with gold badges continue to answer blatant duplicates instead of closing them :sigh: -.- — Nick Nov 30 '21 at 11:12
@BigBen This. Just this... happens on poor quality questions at Home Improvement too.
yeah not surprised. There's no incentive to curate.
I mean, imaginary Internet points and whatever, there's none of those for closing dupes, editing tags, fixing code blocks, commenting to read how to ask a question. It's unfortunate. Gotta remember to not let the negativity drag me down.
Besides, who really cares about imaginary Internet points?
I did when I first got on SO
Yeah me too, these days not so much.
Their only use is a signal that the answerer is qualified
and maybe so that one can downvote terrible answers and not care about losing 1 imaginary Internet point.
beyond 25k there are no advantages to unicorn points other than braggin' rights.
1 hour later…
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] 1528 stars vs. [decalage2/oletools] 1942 stars
@MathieuGuindon UWP doesn't run in the browser. Silverlight does (or did...).
Hey, @Hosch250, nice to see you poking your head in every now and then

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