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[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] 10 commits. 2 opened issues. 2 closed issues. 14 issue comments. 7707 additions. 2444 deletions.
[Minesweeper] Games Played: 124, Bombs Used: 76, Moves Performed: 17173, New Users: 7
> **Rubberduck version information**
The info below can be copy-paste-completed from the first lines of Rubberduck's log or the About box:

OS: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.19042.0, x64
Host Product: Microsoft Office x64
Host Version: 16.0.12527.21330
Host Executable: EXCEL.EXE

fix for inspection breaks code

**To Reproduce**
`Private myARRAY(1 To 3)`

will be changed to

`Private myARRAY As Variant(1 To 3)`

**Expected behavior**
2 hours later…
> I'm on 16.8.2 and one of the solutions offered (https://developercommunity2.visualstudio.com/t/After-168-update-getting-lot-of-code-an/1251574?preview=true) for the build issue is to Build twice. Worked for me.

The first time it barfs with errors. Second attempt takes no time as Visual Studio decides all is swell and #ItJustworks.
@BZngr ^
2 hours later…
8 hours later…
More thanks to the Rubberduck team. Playing with Advent of Code 2020. Todays )Day02) VBA solution used an interface and injected code. Something must be rubbing off on me <happy, happy, happy> The extract interface refactoring to a private type made this a snap.
> The Visual Studio component cache is out of date. Please restart Visual Studio. (mscorlib)
Maybe Microsoft should please restart Microsoft?
> Closes #5646

PR modifies the `DeclareAsExplicitVariant` to leverage the `ImplicitTypeToExplicitRefactoringAction` and removes the `DeclareAsExplicitVariant` tests as they are now redundant to the tests for the refactoring action.
@Duga FYI, the PR is free of the work-around file I needed to get VS2019 working.
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit fc9fe6aa on unknown branch: AppVeyor build succeeded
Is there anything in RD (Indenter?) that can remove blank lines from between procedures?
@Freeflow Happy to hear! Also nice to see that you are also doing Advent of Code. I am doing TypeScript and Rust this year.
@SmileyFtW I think there is an Indenter setting for that. However, I am not 100% sure since I have not worked on the Indenter so far.
@SmileyFtW Yeah, something about setting a consistent, user selectible number of lines.
@M.Doerner @FreeMan Thanks! My question is because when I have RD encapsulate fields the Getters/Letters/Setters all have a blank line between them which I prefer not to have. I'd like an easy way to remove them (or preferably be able to have a setting in RD for that).
Me too, my friend, me too... Unfortunately, it's one setting to rule them all... Actually, I'd like no spaces between Get/Let but 1 space between pairs... It's manual all the way down as far as I can tell
@FreeMan Yeppir... I'd accept a single choice for all since I deliberately put spaces in unpredictable ways <G>
You might want to open an issue for a spacing option for encapsulate field. Maybe your wishes become reality at some point.
@SmileyFtW @FreeMan The choice to leave a space between the Let/Set/Get properties generated by EncapsulateField was in-retrospect an arbitrary default. Changing to 0 lines between groups should be fairly simple...if there is general agreement that 0 lines is a better/preferred default.
That would be awesome, @BZngr, but it would prolly be tough to get agreement on that...
I guess I'm just saying that there was no agreement(s) sought or made regarding the current default. :)
I'm one that prefers no spacing between Get/Let/Set properties for the same member.
> **Justification**
Some users prefer no spacing between the properties. Extra spacing adds to scrolling

As the default for events handlers, when using Implements keyword, and others I'm unaware of is to include a space between the members I assume we keep this as the default behavior. Add option to remove/include blank lines between properties.

**Additional context**
'Before Encapsulate Field
Public Foo As String

'After Encapsulate Field - Note sp
> **Rubberduck version information**
OS: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.19041.0, x64
Host Product: Microsoft Office x86
Host Version: 16.0.13426.20294
Host Executable: EXCEL.EXE

An extra line is added.

**To Reproduce**
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
1. Create a Public variable
2. Parse with RD
3. Right click variable for context menu > Rubberduck > Refactor >Encapsulate Field
4. Check Wrap Fields in Private Type check box.
5. Preview box has ext
> I think this should be an indenter setting; the generated code goes through the indenter, and there's already a setting for vertical whitespace between scopes - I'm guessing we'd be looking at a checkbox to perhaps "remove vertical space between property members" here.

Implementing this in the refactoring itself would be the wrong place I think.
@Duga that way other generated code that goes through the indenter won't have to reinvent that wheel
Not really related, but we need a tool to drag-and-drop reorder module members, and/or regroup members by kind and accessibility, and sort them
agreed. VBIDE's default is defaulted.
"let's insert this new event handler in sort of alphabetical order... occasionally."
1 hour later…
@Duga Trying to be more proactive about publicly recording these discussions instead of having everything in chat.
Looks like @IvenBach put in a feature request and it seems to have legs.
I opened it for you. Now my idea originally.
Now Not.
Iven is the Master of Puppets Typos.
VC is now essential when I look at any VBA code.
About to touch the code? Export project and check for any changes.
No export directory? Something's very wrong. Time to make one.
I just want to express my gratitude for you guys. The latest versions of RD work really well. All the bugs that used to annoy me have been ironed out. It's a really great tool that just keeps getting better! I recommend it to anyone who will listen.

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