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@Comintern DeclarationFinder.FindMeAnyRandomOldThing()
@FreeMan good news/bad news... Good: I'm not a moron who forgot to save his work. Bad: IT clobbered everything from yesterday. All our network shares only have data as of the 20th.
I think the name by convention would be DeclarationFinder.RandomNext()
@FreeMan Offer them some bitcoin to give it back.
@M.Doerner @PeterMTaylor Thanks!
@M.Doerner I will take a look in the next couple days. Nice to have such an engaged dev team chat.
@MarkBalhoff I missed it before, so, "welcome!".
and ditto from me.
ugh. French keyboard lol.
@MathieuGuindon you seemed uncertain for a second back there.
@this does private readonly IList<IdentifierReferences> _references; count as immutable?
@FreeMan Protip: treat network drive as a GitHub fork of your local work :)
(i.e. work locally, "commit" changes to network)
@MathieuGuindon Good question. I would think no. After all, the code can change, no?
point is, Declaration is inherently stateful
we're more interested in not having declarations transform from a variable into a procedure and still remaining in variable cache.
@MathieuGuindon I have some git experience interacting with Bitbucket repos but not a ton. I don't remember ever using GitHub but I could be wrong. OOP is a model I am pretty comfortable with and utilize often. DI/IoC: I've heard the terms flung around but I'd have to google to see exactly what they are referring to.
@Comintern Thanks! Great to be here!
@MarkBalhoff GitHub is essentially BitBucket with a different UI :)
I mentioned DI/IoC because when you look at the code in Rubberduck (say, any inspection) you might find yourself wondering how the hell are these classes created, and who's providing the constructor arguments - the answer is magic the IoC container (we use Castle Windsor)
BitBucket is a way to extract money from companies who don't realize that git is free and trivial to implement a local web interface for.
pushes local commits to BitBucket yup
I wonder if I could push for migrating to GitHub, now that they have free private repos
isn't that for nonprofit use only?
I think if you're commercial, you still have to cough up the dough.
well it's internal tooling, we make suits, not software...
Clearing your throat usually helps.
when i first read that
i was like... you make clothing... not software?
the company that's paying me, I mean
i REALLY came in at hte end end, didnt read anything but that one line
The other alternative is to just run your own - i.e.: gogs.io
well couldnt you just ask support if you could legitimately use it that way?
> Gogs has low minimal requirements and can run on an inexpensive Raspberry Pi. Some users even run Gogs instances on their NAS devices.
@Comintern based on my experiences so far, I'm not sure they'd know what that is.
@MathieuGuindon I may start doing that - run a regularly scheduled backup of my own from local to network.
as I said:
> I heard back from the helpdesk. They had a sync issue the last couple days. I setting got changed that cause the problem. So potential any changes we have made the last few days in the file share are lost. They fixed the setting and they are still looking to see if they can do any recover but it doesn’t look good
@Comintern I run Unraid and someone has put together a Gogs docker and packaged it nicely for installation there. I should really get 'round to installing it. Then I should learn to use it!
Yeah, I need to get it set up on my file server at home.
my co-worker just threw me a link that made me go O_o
@KySoto That looks like something from the "abandonware" scene. Stuff like that has been around for years.
"It looks like you are running an ad-blocking script. We've got good news for you! We at The-Eye do not believe in advertisements, thus we do not have any. The-Eye operates strictly via user donations, we do not earn any money from your clicks. If you would like to support us financially, check out our Discord Server for details."
what a weird way to advertise donations...
I almost left after i saw the first sentence haha.
better than throwing malware ads at you
Yeah, let me ask IT about how they feel about me connecting to the "Discord Server"...
definitely, but I would get rid of the first sentence, for their sake.
@Comintern yeah, but they also have newer versions of windows as well
@KySoto Like MS Bob?
i just looked in their MSDN section, it has... every? version of sql server
what was the name of the microsoft alternative to windows?
@KySoto Nah, there's this open source OS that can like run windows binaries...
Microsoft Bob was conceived by someone who sniffed too much glue with Clippy.
@Comintern I think you mentioned it a while back and I can't remember the name...
@Dair Linux.
@Comintern -_-
one can dream
Oh, you mean ReactOS?
@Comintern YES!
lol I keep confusing ReactOS with RedoxOS
Is it named that because rust is red (and oxidation)?
@Comintern Redox reaction... So yes, i think
Oooooo... it has a calculator.
I might have to add that to my pile of obscure OS VMs.
posted on February 22, 2019 by CommitStrip

Although they seem to have confused the term "screenshot" with "picture of a laptop's screen".
Makes me wonder how the print screen key works.
@Comintern It's still super early, doesn't surprise me that there rough edges.
but hey! They use Rust! So it must be morally sound.
@Feeds LOL, perfect timing.
@Comintern Screenshot sounds like a type of anti-computer ammo.
so appearantly there is a folder called ripreddit
its appearantly ULTRA NSFW
3 9's pr0n
well thats what my co-worker says
then again, internet archive, so i guess it makes sense
@Hosch250 Remind me to never use your print screen key.
@Hosch250 I need to try your print screen key sometime.
I'm sort of surprised this hasn't been made sooner...
I would think having an incredibly optimized JSON parser is sort of a pretty big priority.
now I'm wondering what other important things could use simd. (Well, that currently don't)
> For the record, this is my first time messing with VBA, and I'm finding it really odd.
^ Doesn't know the half of it.
There are so many sequences related to prime numbers that need more entries: oeis.org/search?q=keyword%3amore
Wait, wut? An "On-Line Encyclopedia" that was starting in 1964? Was it like telex or something?
@Comintern I think there was a book.
but now the book isn't needed lol.
Q: Cell Gradient Fill Macro

JermI have two functions here, each one displays the gradient slightly differently with up to 5 gradients. Function 1: Function addCellColor(ByVal c As Range, ByVal color As Long) Dim c1 As Long, c2 As Long, c3 As Long, c4 As Long 'creates a gradient pattern if one doesn't already exist ...

@Comintern Wait nvm.... "The sequence database was begun by Neil J. A. Sloane (henceforth, "NJAS") in early 1964 when he was a graduate student at Cornell University in Ithaca, NY."
@Comintern Wait lmao, second correction: "The sequences were transferred to punched cards in 1967, and were made into a book in 1973 ("A Handbook of Integer Sequences", by NJAS, Academic Press, NY). This book contained 2372 sequences."
Wow. In theory, you could still network punch-card storage.
What an interesting job to tell people at parties.
Seems like a waste of punch-cards to me TBH.
@Comintern I'm not sure what indexing scheme he used... maybe it was kind of a waste, but the website seems pretty nifty to me.
Yeah, the website is kind of cool.
you have some recurrence relation that you're approaching naively, punch in the first few sequences into the database and then find a closed form sounds really useful.
or maybe you find another implementation that is heavily optimized...
because integer sequences are utilized all the time in my job :P
@QuackExchange why do 8 gradient stops and then only have 4 colors?
so many opportunities in that code, ParamArray colors() for a start
@Dair You could publish them as a set of Enumerable.Range overloads.
@Comintern I am honestly thinking about trying to improving many of the sequences that need more entries as a project of mine.
but lol, i'm not sure how I would go about optimizing the stuff effectively.
@MathieuGuindon I'm not entirely sure there's much to do by way of performance though. IIR the gradient generation in Excel is painfully slow.
Maybe create a cache, then copy formats?
also, prime sieves are hard to do at the state of the art level, so I would imagine a C implementation of Eratosthenes sieve would not be good enough to compete...
yeah actually, it definitely shouldn't since sieve of Atkin is faster...
implementing a fast sieve of Atkin sounds like a pretty involved project...
@Comintern yup
that's definitely a case for PasteSpecial xlFormats
also needs RD inspections
implicit public modifiers, non-returning functions, ...
I'd almost be tempted to have a precalculated format cache in a very-hidden sheet or something.
Use them like "format constants"
also use simple math instead of Select Case
IKR? Why do programmers dislike math so much?
I.e. I don't know how many times I've seen a number cast to a string to truncate it.
Involuntary punch
Right(someNumber, 5) and crap like that.
I'm talking about production code too, not just SO.
in other news, I gave up trying to make Excel understand SQL Server date formats. Nothing works. Not DateTime, not Date, not even nvarchar(10) in ISO or en-US format.
so I wrote this:
create function [dbo].[ToExcelDate](@value date) returns int
	return datediff(dd,'1899-12-30',@value);
and bam, works perfectly
@Comintern it's explained here:
@this Depends on the base.
@Comintern Nobody likes mathematicians :(
evidently not to the computer scientist
@Dair I do!
missed opportunity for the CS guy to go "10"!
I think they're fun!
Lol, I'm thinking what does "+" mean in this context?
so i might FINALLY get to move into my house today
The VBA guy is like "well it's not 1 & 1".
as long as bsery doesnt drag ass
What is 1 + 1 in modular 2 arithmetic?
I would say it's 0
1 ^ 1?
The Principia Mathematica (often abbreviated PM) is a three-volume work on the foundations of mathematics written by Alfred North Whitehead and Bertrand Russell and published in 1910, 1912, and 1913. In 1925–27, it appeared in a second edition with an important Introduction to the Second Edition, an Appendix A that replaced ✸9 and all-new Appendix B and Appendix C. PM was an attempt to describe a set of axioms and inference rules in symbolic logic from which all mathematical truths could in principle be proven. As such, this ambitious project is of great importance in the history of mathematics...
I can't link but in one of the images: ""From this proposition it will follow, when arithmetical addition has been defined, that 1 + 1 = 2." —Volume I, 1st edition, page 379 (page 362 in 2nd edition; page 360 in abridged version). "
Personally, I love the story of Fermat
moral is that addition is actually hard af
@Dair ISO standard or it doesn't count.
"I have a wonderfully simple proof of this proposition but the margin is too small to contain it" :croaks:
@Comintern ISO can suck my Peano axioms.
yay for numbers are sets :D
In a book called Mathematics Made Difficult one of the starred (difficult) problems is: "Prove 2 + 2 = 4, generalize the result"
Can't anything be defined as a set? Even the empty set?
ya, that's basically "invent mathematics"
@Dair you know, that's kind of reassuring that I wasn't the only one wondering about that.
it can actually be kind of annoying to prove 2 + 2 = 4: see us.metamath.org/mpeuni/2p2e4.html
(actually I wonder about that in conjunction with the fact that 2 * 2 = 4; intuitively, it's probably the only number that sum is same as the product)
0 * 0 = 0 + 0
x^2 - 2x = 0 => x(x - 2) = 0 => x = 0 or x = 2.
Null + Null = Null * Null
NaN != NaN
lol CS people u r so silly
Isn't that what they call "trivial" solution?
Nothing + Nothing = Invalid use of object.
Those are usually excluded.
@this Trivial is a subjective term and it depends on context.
well, when I was doing a little math, trivial solution usually excluded stuff like 0 or 1
It's trivial for me to replace the transmission on a 1970s VW for example.
@Dair actually there's some technical uses of trivial
for example, Fermat's Last Therorem wants a nontrivial solution to the proposition that x^n + y^n = z^n where n > 2
@Vogel612 My point is that it needs to be specified.
0^4 + 0^4 = 0^4 => not very interesting.
I mostly ran into them in LinAlg with "trivial kernel" and things
I mean the Riemann Zeta Function has non trivial zeros at the negative even integers...
But most people would say that doesn't count as "trivial" but the point is if you spend like long enough with it, you realize there is a good reason why they are referred to as trivial.
The proof is trivial and left as an exercise to the reader.
> Etymologically, the Latin word trivium means "the place where three roads meet" (tri + via); hence, the subjects of the trivium are the foundation for the quadrivium, the upper division of the medieval education in the liberal arts, which comprised arithmetic (number), geometry (number in space), music (number in time), and astronomy (number in space and time). Educationally, the trivium and the quadrivium imparted to the student the seven liberal arts of classical antiquity.
sounds like the root for trivia and not trivial lol.
So it literally means non-math.
Like, "that's not a math problem, that's trivial".
wait lol, how is "arithmetic (number), geometry (number in space)" not math
> In mathematics, the adjective trivial is frequently used for objects (for example, groups or topological spaces) that have a very simple structure. The noun triviality usually refers to a simple technical aspect of some proof or definition. The origin of the term in mathematical language comes from the medieval trivium curriculum.
No, the trivium are the other 3.
Grammar, dialectic, and rhetoric.
Glad they picked "non-trivial" instead of "quadrial".
I'm gonna start using quadrial instead of non-trivial now.
"Although it may seem simple, actually doing this is, in fact, quite quadrial"
that's some GRE level shit right there.
something something fulltext search on arxiv
@Dair There was a joke --- a biologist and engineer and a mathematician were at a conference and after a lively night of conversations & beers, mathematican was the first to go. The biologist was next but upon walking to his room, he notes a fire and immediately tries to get ice machine to get ice to put it out. The engineer comes later, see biologist throwing ice, grabs the fire hose and put it out, chidiing the biologist.
for extremely hard tasks: This seems exceptional n-gonial for sufficiently large n.
Next morning, they ask the mathematican if he saw the fire. He says yes. So why didn't you put it out? He replied, because I saw there was a fire hose and knew that a solution to the problem existed.
@this I heard a joke like that except it was Mathematician, physicist and engineer lol :D
heh. I'm sure there were few versions of it. What was your version?
I would have figured the biologist would have tried to piss it out.
a PM, a mechanic and a software engineer are in a car driving down a hill when the brakes fail.
The PM is at the wheel and they all fear for their lives as they come dangerously close to a cliff.
As soon as they are safe the PM wants to leave the car and continue the rest of the journey using a different method of transportation. The mechanic wants to fix the brakes and continue along with the car.
The variant went like: A physicist, engineer, and mathematician are all sleeping in their house. In the middle of the night a fire starts in the engineers house, he wakes up gets the fire extinguishers and blows out the fire. Later that night a fire starts in the physicists house, he wakes up, goes to the faucet and carefully measures out the correct amount of water and extinguishes the fire by carefully pouring the correct amount on it. Even later that night, a fire starts in the mathematicians
house, he sees a fire extinguisher, and realizes a solution exists and proceeds to go back to sleep.
The software engineer proposes to drive the car back up the hill and down again, to reproduce the error
@Dair I think I like your variant better.
@Vogel612 LOL
it's always the basic recipe of: The engineer does the expected thing. The physicist is exceptionally precise about it. The mathematician only cares if it is possible, not actually doing it lol.
there was also an smbc comic (that i've been trying to find) where there were panels of different people with different professions... Basically like there would be things like: "I can't wait to go to sleep, wake up, and have X happen". So like there would be an English major for instance and it would be like "I can't wait to go to sleep, wake up, and have my book sell millions and influence modern society". In the last panel, the mathematician is just grumbling, working on math, and consuming
A software developer, a marketer, and an engineer are on a plane, which suddenly begins to dive uncontrollably. They all look at the 2 parachutes, and the marketer says "you're useless without customers to buy your products", then grabs one and jumps out. The software developer says "You know that hardware is worthless without software, right?". The engineer replies, "Who cares, the marketer just jumped out with my backpack."
i remember when I went through a phase and read so many jokes like this.
Poor mathematicians were always the butt of the joke.
@Comintern LOL
A priest, a painter, and a mathematician are in a conversation about whether it is better to have a mistress or a wife. The painter says: "Love is spontaneous, a mistress is what I want". The priest says: "Love is holy, a wife is what I want" the mathematician: "I have both so each one is preoccupied worrying about the other, giving me more time to do math."
i think i misremembered that joke, lol.
TBH that does kind of sound right.
reminds me of that other SMBC comic comparing Newton (a lifelong bachelor) with Heisenberg (a womanizer)
Saw @this's comment, and first thought he was making a reference to ---Bit---SpitBucket.
@KySoto misconfigured certificate and blocked by our corporate firewall... :/
1 hour later…
@MathieuGuindon ima steal that! I'll bet that's got something to do with the issue we have with selecting dates from SQL Server and getting them formatted as currency (or other weird, random thing) in Excel even though the data is being pasted into pre-date formatted columns
steal away!
the most frustrating thing is that if you F2+Enter in a cell, suddenly Excel realizes "hey, ho, that's a date - let me format it as such...
Excel is pretty much brain death.
Why oh why does Excel paste data sooooo slooooowly? Especially when Paste Values into a table
It needs to expand that table... probably one row at a time (?)
BTW I've been in contact with Victoria (ThunderWife), and we have her thanks and blessing to go ahead and include "in memoriam" stuff in RD.
I was pasting data one column at a time for reasons the table had already been expanded. And I had Calculation=xlManualCalculation via the UI
it excels at RBAR, I guess.
@MathieuGuindon most excellent!!
(deserves a pin!)
@MathieuGuindon let her know how thankful we are for ThunderFrame.
^ !!!!!
@IvenBach done :)
@FreeMan i never said it was the best :p i just thought it was a cool resource (If you could connect to it)
Co-workers get grumpy when the front door doesn't unlock to let them out after work.
KySoto gets grumpy when he wastes tons of money on a uhaul because of faulty information
#YIL Don't forget to synchronize access controls with the server. If not co-workers get locked in the building.
How far did you drive?
@IvenBach why the heck is the default for the doors to be fatal?
what madness is that?
@Vogel612 probably because he works at a nuclear missile silo and has easy access to plutonium & enriched uranium.
I'm not actually kidding, you know?
doors that don't unlock outwards are a building code violation around here
Yes, that's my point - if it doesn't unlock outward, then it better be something like that.
They're a fire code violation here.
wew. my wife just picked up the keys
thats some stress bee gone
@Comintern is Interface Oriented Design a thing?
@PeterMTaylor Yes - that's basically what COM is. In COM, everything is treated as the interface. A concrete object (coclass) is treated as the exception rather than the rule.
Ah okay then thanks. Just learnt that name from another source and wasn’t sure. Good to know.
Was saying “Interface Oriented Design (IOD) includes other contractual obligations of a microservice, such as limitations on resource usage, throughput, and error reporting. Together BDD and IOD help describe a service’s behavior so that consumers can easily understand and rely upon it.”
It's the root of a lot of plugin architectures too.
Although I suppose you could conceptualize a plugin as a "micro-service" for another software system.
A useful definition I guess.
@Vogel612 We were transferring the installation over to the server. The building door panels weren't initialized and didn't recognize any inputs (card reads) to disengage the output (magnetic locking door).
Everything was done except initialization of that door.
TLDR = I tested suit door but not building door.
That meant I didn't have complete test coverage...
What I don't get is that the door should stay locked from inside. Why would it?
it's one thing to lock people out, but other thing to lock them in
It's scheduled to remain unlocked during business hours.
It did its job during those hours. But because it wasn't initialized it didn't recognize the motion sensor telling it "Hey let them out".
@this IIR most mag locks like that are required to disable when the fire alarm system is engaged.
man, i know eff all about Word based VBA
A: VBA - ContentControlOnEnter is affecting all my Controls, not just the one specified

KySotoWhat i see based on the name of the event is that whenever you enter a control, it passes the enddate control to the code. Basically, just check and see if the enddate has a value before going on and doing the rest of it. Private Sub Document_ContentControlOnEnter(ByVal Endate As ContentControl...

i tried to help
@KySoto Here you go :offers-A-for-effort:
i am terrible at word
@KySoto If you want to try from a different angle...
The documentation on this isn't horribly clear, but it does say that it fires when the control is "entered". I'm guessing that when you use SelectContentControlsByTag, you are "entering" the control by selecting it. I'd try enumerating the Document.ContentControls collection to find the controls instead. — Comintern 27 secs ago
what you say makes sense
Bear in mind that I know F all about Word content controls.
theres probably more stuff going on with it that i dont really realize, mostly because idk F all about word
Well on a positive note, the OP has enough initiative to see if changing .value to .range.text would work
@Vogel612 Same.
And all doors have to be push-open (unless it's an explicit man-trap, so you can't escape while they call the cops).
And my research suggested use b as prefix for Boolean and g for global, so maybe gbNew. Whatever. Bad is inconsistency. — June7 27 mins ago
gbNew sounds like England after Brexit.
The problem is that Hungarian notation make it easier to wind up with inconsistent naming, not harder. I've repeatedly (and on a daily basis on SO) seen the variable prefix not matching the declared type. If you have strFoo, and it's not a string, how is that either "consistent" or helpful? — Comintern 8 secs ago
Ugh. I shouldn't have replied
@Comintern I mean this, not your comment:
Whatever. Just pointing out that an article written by the author of the VBA specifications about the origins of Hungarian Notation discusses how its inventor never intended for prefixes to contain any indicator about that variable's data type - what caused this was a stupid mistake and it blew out of proportions in the 90s and was all over MSDN and in tons of blogs, where your research likely led you. Would be nice if SO answers 30 years later would stop perpetuating this silliness. HN is heavily discouraged in every modern naming standard. — Mathieu Guindon 11 mins ago
(felt that "ugh" needed clarifications lol)
Breathe mug. It's the weekend. Take a break. You can let a couple people be wrong on the interweebs.
:barf: When the help button crashes an application...
> The window name "main" passed to Foo_Bar_GET_WIN_TYPE has not been specified.
@IvenBach I think it actually meant Help me crash this application
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