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00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

10:00 PM
you're probably right. We need the most latest state.
ok, so I'll wrap usings there
10:12 PM
now we only have 12 GC'd SCWs....
Making good progress then.
10:32 PM
Is the new project build multi-threaded? The build output seems like it's out of order.
always has had 2 workers.
that isn't related to csproj format.
maybe the # of workers is dependent on # of cpu, too, IDK
but it'll build what it can build in parallel
there'll be time where the other worker will be blocked when the first wroker is building a project that is a dependency for the next project(s)
Any ideas on why I get "Rebuild all succeeded" and a list of 96 CS0006 errors?
what is CS0006?
btw... this is no good:
        public RubberduckHooks(IVBE vbe, IGeneralConfigService config, HotkeyFactory hotkeyFactory, AutoCompleteService autoComplete)
: base((IntPtr)vbe.MainWindow.HWnd, (IntPtr)vbe.MainWindow.HWnd)
is this better?
        private static IntPtr hotPotato(IVBE vbe)
            using (var window = vbe.MainWindow)
                return (IntPtr)window.HWnd;

        public RubberduckHooks(IVBE vbe, IGeneralConfigService config, HotkeyFactory hotkeyFactory, AutoCompleteService autoComplete)
            : base(hotPotato(vbe), hotPotato(vbe))
10:45 PM
Severity	Code	Description	Project	File	Line	Suppression State
Error	CS0006	Metadata file 'C:\Rubberduck\Rubberduck.Resources\bin\Debug\net46\Rubberduck.Resources.dll' could not be found	Rubberduck.VBEditor	C:\Rubberduck\Rubberduck.VBEEditor\CSC	1	Active
It's a bunch of that.
hmm. that is strange
does the file in fact exist?
Yep, they appear to be there.
VS caching issue maybe?
I'm also assuming that /Rubberduck.Deployment/Properties/launchSettings.json should be in .gitignore?
uh, there shoudln't be even a json....
maybe try and restart, clean & build
Contents are just this:
  "profiles": {
    "Rubberduck.Deployment": {
      "commandName": "Executable",
      "executablePath": "C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Office\\Office15\\EXCEL.EXE"
i bet that's you.
i assume you customized the debug to launch this on f5
so yeah, should be ignored, for sure.
10:50 PM
OK, I'll add it to .gitignore in my next commit.
I'm assuming other people have it set up.
Today RD news passed 25K views for 2018
2017 was just under 12K
Getting unexpected output on clean too.
[Failure] Could not find file 'C:\Rubberduck\RubberduckCodeAnalysis\obj\Release\RubberduckCodeAnalysis.AssemblyInfo.cs'.
[Failure] Could not find file 'C:\Rubberduck\Rubberduck.Parsing\obj\Debug\net46\VBADateBaseListener.cs'.
[Failure] Could not find file 'C:\Rubberduck\Rubberduck.VBEEditor\obj\Debug\net46\Rubberduck.VBEditor.AssemblyInfo.cs'.
[Failure] Could not find file 'C:\Rubberduck\Rubberduck.SettingsProvider\obj\Debug\net46\Rubberduck.SettingsProvider.AssemblyInfo.cs'.
[Failure] Could not find file 'C:\Rubberduck\Rubberduck.Parsing\obj\Debug\net46\VBAParserVisitor.cs'.
...isn't "not being able to find the object files" the purpose of clean?
LOL, mat had that yesterday or something
not clear how he got around that. I think he had to restart but I guess you did that already
Yeah, looks like VS isn't clearing the output cache. Restarting actually refreshed the output.
Apparently it doesn't like switching branches between the 2 project formats with VS open.
OK, 516 warnings, no errors. Much better.
@Comintern that's hwat i found, too
going from new to old is seriously worse
at one point, my git was seriously hosed that I had to manually delete the entire directory save for the .git and re-build.
10:58 PM
Oh joy. Good thing I only have 1 active branch I care about.
i suspect it's a combination of git not cleaning or adding unwanted files between the switch and VS being dumb enough to try and build using both formats
I'm thinking that's it. The project reload is probably messing with it.
I'm tempted to clean up some of those build warnings.
yeah, they don't look pretty do they?
IIRC, Vogel opened an issue for that.
Some of them I'm guessing should be ignored, like the accessible pinvokes.
that should be taken care of w/ the reorg of API functions into Rubberduck.Resources
11:05 PM
Won't they have to be public though?
yes but we can wrap them, no?
I guess we could.
I was considering just using the user32 / kernel32 nuget packages
IDK if they hanadle that or not
Hmmm... there are a couple places we use doctored signatures.
yes, but we can extend, no?
11:07 PM
That would probably work.
down to 3 but the last 3 are tough nuts. Events.
This does seem a bit whiny though:
Warning CA1060 Microsoft.Design : Because it is a P/Invoke method, 'Now.rtcGetPresentDate(out object)' should be defined in a class named NativeMethods, SafeNativeMethods, or UnsafeNativeMethods.
yeah, that's what made me thinkt hat the change to new csproj format is now running all microsfot's rules
in old format, it had to be an explicit action Analyze Code in Solution
Kind of make sense - we are basically doing this w/ Rubberduck.VBEEditor being the container for all kinds of toxic wastes.
11:10 PM
Warning: Rubberduck.VBEEditor should be in a namespace containing 'ToxicWaste'.
00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

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