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I'm on .3517 and AC doesn't seem to be working... I've just confirmed that all ACs are enabled, as well as the complete on Tab & Enter settings.
anyone else see this behavior?
@MathieuGuindon ^
close your code pane window
reopen it
windows that are already open at startup don't get their hooks attached, that's why
yeah, that did the trick. Though this is a little off-putting...
@FreeMan generally served fried over a bit of butter and olive oil. A bit of thyme and basil and lemon juice usually brings out the favor.
@this lol... one of those days... everything's funny today.
@MathieuGuindon yeah, I remember that now.
no closing ), cursor not really in a handy place. Is that because of the settings I've picked, and that I hit {Tab} to force the AC?
FWIW it also explains why hotkeys only appear to work sometimes
ah! hadn't thought of that!
@this Touch of humor required for best flavor.
@FreeMan tricky one, fix is WIP
Ok, no rush*, I'd just forgotten about that...
*for some values of "rush"
as rushed as the 2.3 release is :)
oh, we actually do releases???
@FreeMan Since about yesterday :P
Attempt1 :fail:
Attempt2 :fail:
AttemptN :fail:
@Hosch250 Yay
@IvenBach Sounds like DataLink.
They consistently screw things up.
And take forever to get it fixed again.
Just me working on WPF for the sorting filter...
And update our servers with downtime without warning us.
Also found it my meticulous edits to several workbooks got mangled a few changes back. Time to redo them...
I just dropped around ... half of the lines out of a cpp snippet involving threads and now java looks horribly complicated next to it :/
hunh... nobody noticed I'm one build ahead of AV...
20 mins ago, by FreeMan
I'm on .3517 and AC doesn't seem to be working... I've just confirmed that all ACs are enabled, as well as the complete on Tab & Enter settings.
maybe that's why it wasn't working... :)
@Vogel612 LOL.
like... I even need to explicitly start a java thread.. how annoyingly complex
> I think it simply needs to insert before 'GetAncestor<BlockStmtContext>(result.target.context)` or something like this.
Missing Task.Run(() => {})?
14 lines java, 12 lines c++ (including two imports)
@Hosch250 would need an ExecutorService, soo ... somewhat
Thread t1 = new Thread(() -> {});
t1.start(); t1.join();
@FreeMan lol
in other news, #TIL you can index the crap out of a @table variable in T-SQL. this changes everything and I'm very very very happy right now
(I thought it only supported unique constraints)
good to know!
Apparently introduced in 2014... Thanks @MathieuGuindon for sharing! I did not know that either!
nifty for cyber-trickery!
nifty for when you're querying a remote locked-down stupid db with tons of missing indexes everywhere
@MathieuGuindon or that...
Yeah, up to now, I'd have to use a temp table for that.
I suppose there's also the memory table but I've yet to use it.
(my use case is more typically the need to work off aggregated results rather than a stupid locked down remote db)
I always prefer to use declare @mytable table (columndefs) over #temp tables
depends on the number of records actually
memory vs i/o tradeoff
and the CE, too.
cardinality estimate
^ deer in headlights
AIUI, table variables generally are better when you're dealing with joins on PK (e.g. the cardinality is 1) than when you're trawling through bunch of random values (e.g. you're searching for something like StatusText LIKE 'deer%highlight%' where there can be multiple matches).
Because a table variable (used to?) has no statistics and you really need statistics for those type of searches.
Temp tables, OTOH has statistics, so it's better for those kind of searches.
If you look at the execution plans, you'll see two statistics, one about estimated # of rows, and other for actual # of rows. With table variables used like above, they'll be way off
IDK, right now I'm just happy that 98% of the work is now populating the temp table, and now the actual number-crunching happens pretty much instantaneously
and that's all what matter. :)
Missing Index (Impact 66.171): CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [...] ON [stupid index-less remote table]
ugh. forced-TTQW
@MathieuGuindon You don't want to leave work?
Is it normal to make things worse the more you try to fix it...
That's not the answer I needed to hear.
Unless you are working with code written by an incompetent programmer.
@IvenBach Actually, it's the answer you needed to hear. Not the one you wanted to hear ;)
Oh, well then. That's why my code's getting better.
I can't figure out how to bind correctly and get the filtered results.
Regarding the copyright talk, no contributer should ever be able to sue successfully for the copyright for RD. After all, all contributers waive their copyright to Mat and Chris according to the GPL.
Regarding refactoring the parser, I plan to do that after my wedding.
9 days to go.
For any further suggestions, please feel free to add to the corresponding issue.
@IvenBach Been banging my head against WPF all week at work, I feel your pain...
you do know that binding errors turn up in the output window? (I didn't until about Tuesday, when life got substantially easier)
I've spent the entire day on just getting these filters to work... I at one point had them working but now they don't.
I'd take Razor over XAML any day of the week. XAML is way too abstracted for my liking.
I can't understand half of what I'm trying to do. Basically just copying what's already there and minor-edit hoping it works.
^^ yep, that was my week :-)
43 mins ago, by IvenBach
Is it normal to make things worse the more you try to fix it...
That's my problem...
I wish MS would come up with "Razor for WPF"... Not sure how it would \ could work with MVVM though...
@Hosch250 not when I'm on a roll!
the problem, though is that WPF is just ridiculously bloated
@mansellan Why???
WPF works better than any other UI system.
It almost works better than all other UI systems combined.
Perhaps but frankly it's not easy to use nor intuitive.
I do find Razor easier to grok than WPF and it's supposed for HTML....
Meh, maybe it's just my inexperience with it talking. But writing XML that writes C# that you hope will bind properly just feels really laboursome. Razor - take a model and interact with it directly in C#. Much quicker and easier IME.
to learn WPF, you must basically unlearn WinForms and everything you thought you knew about UI design
I have a headstart because I used to databind in WinForms. But XAML is... another level.
@this Easier, and far less powerful, really.
I used to be a fan of databinding, and I still want to be, but XAML is steep.
@mansellan Actually, you know if you are good enough with WPF :)
@Hosch250 IMPOV, a great product is one that gives you a steady and gentle hill, not a cliff
WPF is required matter for my current job, so maybe I'll feel differently in 6 months
So far, WPF feels like a cliff in comparison to other technologies I've used.
^ Right now it feels more like a dome that's just smothering me.
I grok all the concepts, but there's just so damn many.
@this The cliff keeps the newbs out.
I think Hosch just called me a newb.
You can tell a newb writing WPF because they have everything in the code-behind.
@IvenBach me, too. ;-)
not necessarily... I'm a WPF newb but I refuse to do that.
@IvenBach Just keep jumping. You'll get over the cliff sometime.
@mansellan You've gotten over the newb-ness. You are just inexperienced now.
My main problem is not that I have to write XAML instead of code-behind, but more that for anything of moderate complexity, there are 100 different ways to do it and all come with their quirk and nobody tells you when you can/can't use this or whatever. A good framework should give you one intuitive and easy way to do one thing.
@Hosch250 Not when every jump takes me a step farther back.
If i must google for each attribute of the XML and the element XML... something went wrong.
@this Yep... How do I make this control vanish based on a boolean variable. Wut??? I have to use a BooleanToVisibilityConverter? Is this java?
Let me %{// c#}% dammit!
@mansellan Interestingly enough, it auto-does the conversion in the Windows Store version.
Actually, there's a theory.... Maybe XAML was the result of a sneaky Oracle infiltration op!
More seriously, MS's recent tech has been pushing for leaner, cleaner, more expressive code. WPF could use some of that love.
Quite a lot of xaml is actually implicit though. e.g. we don't usually have an explicit <Parent.Children> node ;-)
"This is one of the largest open-source teams in the world, and is in the top 2% of all project teams on Open Hub."? Wow. I'm impressed with us.
#TIL Ctrl+Alt+B displays a breakpoints pane
So, given that VT_R8 has the highest precision for a Variant type representing an intrinsic, and given that I only need the value, is this prudent? Value = Marshal.GetObjectForNativeVariant<double>(variant);
uh, isn't decimal even higher?
IIRC, it's 12 bytes
(and that's not really to do with precision, per se. More about storage)
Yes, but the mantissa can change in the marshaller. It's generally never safe to cast a Variant to a decimal if you need to use equity checks.
no, but I would really not try to cast it to any other data types that's not what was inteneded in the vt field.
are you trying to generalize for various data types?
Yeah, the only thing it (currently) gets used for is storing default parameter and enum values.
I was looking for a way to not have to recreate the entire union.
hmm, I really wouldn't want to do that way.
@Comintern IKR!
why not just create a generic struct and cast that way.
@this Exactly why I asked.
@MathieuGuindon I'd wager a large, large chunk of the sample only has one active maintainer.
I totally sympathize. I'm thinking that because there are 12 bytes that can be used or not used for "data", I don't want to get casting wrong, so I'd just use a generic method so that I can give it the vt and get back just right data type.
Still, 38 different contributers in the last year? That's impressive.
@this I guess I'm too trusting of people following the MIDL rules for those members, although I should probably know better by now...
given how complicated COM is, I'd be surprised if anyone got the implemenetation 100% right
FML I can't figure out why I get no visible results...
I'm still not entirely clear if Marshal.GetObjectForNativeVariant(variant) can potentially leak anything. If the RCW is marshaling it by value, it should be calling VariantClear().
What really isn't clear is if the RCW increases the reference count on a live object pointed to by the data area if it contains a pointer. My instinct is that it doesn't, in that all you have is a pointer to it, but the RCW's behavior around these functions is fuzzy as hell.
uh, I don't think I would do that
I'd just var variant = Marshal.PtrToStructure<Variant>(ptrVariant);
That's what Wayne does in the typelib API, IINM
and IINM, that should not change the reference count for the referenced object -- the value content of the variant would be a pointer which was already provided to the unmanaged variant before we called the PtrToStructure
bah, something not right with VirtualBox, it's unworkably slow. Time for plan B, set it up properly on the qnap on the weekend...
@mansellan Running a VM on a typical PC is akin to sharing a twin bed with someone else.
thought it'd be ok-ish on my laptop - core i7, fast ssd & 16gb ram
@mansellan Do you have the Use Host I/O Cache option checked?
but maybe not
@Comintern yeah
guessing it'll be quicker with direct drive access than a vmdk?
Disk access is usually the bottleneck. I have my vdis on a dedicated SSD.
I find that for this setup, an external HD dedicated to the VM is worth a lot. CPU and RAM are relatively cheap and easily shared. The drive's head is not as fast.
True whether we're talking about spinning magnetic disks or a block of porous silicion
You also want a fixed vdi and not a dynamic one.
hmm... on the qnap it would just have a 4 drive raid 5, guessing even slower than my ssd :-(
@Comintern went dynamic, was that a big mistake?
@mansellan Ah... yeah, you don't want to do that.
if you had 4 drive, I probably would go for RAID 1+0, rather than 5.
@mansellan Not big, but it is a performance hit.
@this too much space loss. its actually a degraded 5 drive raid-6 (uh, I should probably replace that failed drive...)
What happens is that when Windows needs swap space, it has to both expand the vdi on the host drive and find open sectors inside it.
The guest OS has no clue that the host is also trying to manage the same thing.
@Comintern so it might get better once it expands some?
Maybe, but Windows swapping behavior is kind of the opposite of Mac or Linux - it tries to maximize free RAM instead of trying to minimize swapping.
@mansellan yeah, I think with raid 5, you are only one drive away from catastrophic failure
I said 1+0 primarily because it gives you better read performance, that's all.
@this I actually have another stripe in cold storage with the same data, so not as concerned as I probably should be...
I have to agree with @this - that's how I have my file server set up.
think I might sling an SSD in one of the spare bays
its mostly for media, so bulk storage is not perf-critical. but an SSD would be sensible for getting into VMs
was gonna up it from 16 to 32 gb, but this sounds more pressing
That's what I mainly use mine for too, but it took so damned long to rip my DVD collection that I could double my storage capacity for what it would cost to get a minimum wage temp to redo it...
lol blu rays for me!
but yeah, its kinda a babysit-ripper-whilst-getting-on-with-other-stuff kinda chore
@mansellan That's 6 of one and half dozen of the other. Memory starvation = paging.
yeah but idling it really only uses less than 4 for everything the host is running
so 12 spare atm
maybe uses more during transcodes
That's actually not too bad.

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