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Options>Designers>Table & DB Designers>Prevent saving changes that require table re-creation is on by default. That's there to help prevent you from shooting yourself in the foot. Is that an option one ought to worry about in a dev environment or does it depend?
if you mean all tables and fields in SCREAM_CASE then I'm with you. It's ok when only the keywords are SCREAM since at least it can be read easily in an unformatted text)
@MathieuGuindon Me too.
All lower-case keywords.
Go C# style!
@IvenBach as hard as it may be, I suggest you to not use designers - it does too much magic for my taste.
What do you mean by designers?
GUI designer to build SQL tables
I'm not trying to use them. I right now want to change Invoice and Estimate fields to have a data type of money.
I don't build my tables with those, but I'll occasionally use them to see the schema quick.
@IvenBach it'd be basically something like ALTER TABLE dbo.Invoices ALTER COLUMN Invoice money; (assuming it should be nullable)
@DainIronfootIII right-click the table, script, drop and create to, new query
@MathieuGuindon What if I press F5?
I just do right-click, Design.
Hasta la vista, baby
Then you've recreated the table as is, and lost all the data
That would get, very interesting, LOL. Especially with some of our tables allowing cascade delete.
fwiw, if you want to avoid that kind of accident, you could just script the CREATE only. It makes the script non-idempotent
In design mode, I don't have to worry about changing things or not, because it's so clearly different than a script it fires alerts at me.
but... are you hitting F5 at random or what?
It's basically a table of name, type, nullability.
@this Sometimes.
if that's all you want, you could have consulted the object explorer.
I never do cascade deletes or cascade anything
That way FK constraints prevent deletion, instead of destroying everything and its mother
@this To do that Standard Toolbar>New Query and from there proceed to write up the script that would perform the action?
making sure you're scripting against the right db
I only have a single DB in my test instance.
@MathieuGuindon Sometimes the mom needs to get destroyed.
also, keep in mind that scripts won't be nice and kind... "hey, are you sure you want to lose the data" will never be asked from you.
Then I wipe the kids first
I'm really, really tempted to "not go wrong" and get my mom a huge bouquet of flowers for mother's day.
"Ok, sure, boss" or "can't do it, boss" is the responses you should expect from a script.
@MathieuGuindon Sometime that can be a make-work.
Because my mom hates flowers and has allergies to them (some people think she does it on purpose to piss people off).
Ok - if we go no cascade EVAR route, that means we write a stored procedure to delete from child, then delete from the parent, right?
I feel so derpy right now... I saved the script and closed the window for it. Now can't find it. How do I open it?
use Recent in the File
@this assuming it's not a one-time thing, yeah
TFW you realize your view models (MVC) were correct the first time so you forgot to go back and break the classes into their own files...
With a cascade route, you still write a stored procedure to delete from the parent and let the engine pick up the kids. One statement sproc. Less code FTW
In either way, you already have the permission to manage the deletions so that nobody can delete it by accident; it must go thru the sproc.
Again, #ItDepends.
Are triggers ever ok?
On tables, almost never. On views, no problems.
Cascade delete sounds like a trigger to me
I suppose so but it's pretty simple and it enforces the integrity (e.g. no orphaned kids allowed)
nope. FK's do that.
@FreezePhoenix welcome to the pond.
I guess cascading makes a good use case for diagrams
If you are deleting an order, it doesn't make sense to have any order details floating around. With FK preventing cascades, you must clean each level manually. With cascading FK, you still have the integrity with the guranatee that a delete will take the kids.
But if your business is such that no orders must be ever deleted, then you definitely don't wanna a cascading FK.
Hence, #ItDepends.
FWIW, I like to keep cascades to minimum anyway. It's more likely that there's an accounting rule that disallow deleting an order even if it was voided.
I guess I've worked with ERP systems for too long lol
:44555759 Welcome back then!
@IvenBach Thanks. I'm Pheo
Hi, I used to be a mug
@MathieuGuindon do you have any custom database that you build from scratch? Or is it all working with some db provided by some vendor?
I got one for a stupid-simple 'clocker' app that I built last month
@this Oh sheesh. We've got custom databases build out of SQL Server.
Everything stored as strings and stuff.
Then another to store intermediate data and interfacing with the ERP
We literally have structures for representing tables, rows, columns, and values.
@DainIronfootIII Sounds like a good use of a RDBMS to me.
And then there's my DW, where nothing ever gets hard-deleted
@this Is that sarcasm?
@MathieuGuindon Yeah, that's what I usually do for those with such systems. As a matter of rule, we try to avoid touching databases we don't make; best to take it to our database so we can do what we want to.
I didn't know RDBMS's were supposed to simulate themselves, LOL.
@DainIronfootIII Yes. ;)
If a batch that was started with BEGIN TRANSACTION and contained an ALTER TABLE ... ALTER COLUMN ... instruction was selected then F5 to run the selection but never had COMMIT included. Would that disallow viewing a table in design view because the field updated is in an undefined data type sort of place?
no because the transaction is still open
enter isolation level :)
you must close the transaction --- F5 by itself doesn't close it; you must explicitly execute either COMMIT or ROLLBACK to close the connection.
Note that closing a query window will also close the transaction (usually rollbacks it)
if you're configured to read uncommitted, then yeah, you should see the uncommitted changes
that also implies that each query window is its own connection and thus are in a different scope.
I've left whatever the default configuration is.
that would be serialized IIRC
Object explorer can be thought as of having another connection (since it must have one to do the metadata)
Hm. I think the default OOB is read committed
could very well be
> This implies that you shouldn’t try to execute queries on the same objects between two query windows or you may get unexpected results. For example, don’t modify data in tblCustomers in window 1 and window 2 and expect it to rollback for both.
Is read uncommitted more performant?
@this that is the case
and isolation level isn't that relevant - it's very important to ensure that you close transactions and do it ASAP.
@DainIronfootIII it's not really a matter of performance. It's more of a matter of concurrency.
I suppose one could make a case that the more isolated you get, the more performance impact you have because you have to take out much more locks but that's peanuts compared to the impact you have on other users
then you start having fugly with (nolock) hints all over the place
As far as that goes, sometimes simply adding indexes can prevent running a query a million times at once can prevent deadlocks :)
Yeah that's the correct solution.
It usually doesn't matter.
SQL is pretty standard, until it isn't.
SQL is pretty standard, until it's in Access
I figured it was a re-derpy question. Maybe not.
I think the only T-SQL things I use are the rename SP and querying things like locks, keys and other constraints, and stuff.
As the standards go, SQL is pretty good. Take HTML for example....
Even Access is largely compliant with SQL standard.
@this Launches blood from eyes.
C# is extremely compliant with the standards--at least until Rider came along--because it was the standard.
Can't have differences from the standards if there is only one implementation :P
Is there really a standard for C#, though? There's only one vendor, isn't it?
Yes, there is a standard. They publish it each version.
Sometimes they tweak it slightly because they find bugs that would break backward compatibility to fix.
Hmm. not quite the same thing when you have 10 different vendors who has their opinions on what it should.
which certainly is the case w/ SQL and HTML
Some of the versions are actually registered with ISO.
and JavaScript ECMAScript, too, i guess.
@this per your suggestion I'm trying not to create a new view using the UI, but via a query. Reading the Syntax codeblock it has select_statement. Does mean anything that equates out to a Select is valid?
-- Syntax for SQL Server and Azure SQL Database

CREATE [ OR ALTER ] VIEW [ schema_name . ] view_name [ (column [ ,...n ] ) ]
[ WITH <view_attribute> [ ,...n ] ]
AS select_statement
[ ; ]

<view_attribute> ::=
Yes, @IvenBach
Trust me, you won't grok SQL until you do it by hand.
In the same way as Dim foo as WorkSheet lets me pass foo into anything that requires a WorkSheet object.
@this I only ever lightly modified SQL before, and it was by hand. I never had anyone to ask before.
@IvenBach uh, sort of but that's not a good analogy.
This is why I'm constantly asking. I may kind-sorta understand but miss things that make me really stumble later on.
better to think of it as something that you should include. If you can make a SELECT statement, that same SELECT statement can be copied'n'pasted into the select_statement portion.
because a view is basically just a saved SELECT statement after all.
mmk. Working on a simple select, from which I'll build up.
> The dictionaries are assigned to the Properties dynamic object and accessed in the inspection's quick fix.
totally! the most abused band aid that we never needed and shouldn't have had.
@this To change a view you prefer RtClick>Script View As>Alter To>New Query?
Script As should be your bestest friend to infinity and beyond
#ProTip: want a quick way to build an INSERT INTO...SELECT where the table is the same? Script As -> INSERT, delete the VALUES portion, then `Script As -> SELECT -> To clipboard. Paste into the INSERT script. Now you only have to do few small tweaks instead of hand-typing all those columns!
@this C# is a language, therefore a spec, therefore a standard, by definition ;-) #Pedantic
oh you mean the way people write it
like Java braces in C#
I thought ANTLR had a c# port now?
I wanna start learning about the parser, but not enough to stomach installing Eclipse again...
@MathieuGuindon I was alluded to it earlier but not in that post you linked to. I still think that a one-vendor standard isn't really a standard. Standard implies something that you use among vendors. Otherwise, there's little to standardize on.
@mansellan no that's still valid for viewing the tree.
@mansellan saw this?

Understanding the VBA grammar, tokens, lexer, parser and parse trees

Mar 8 '17 at 4:01, 1 hour 44 minutes total – 397 messages, 6 users, 7 stars

Bookmarked Mar 8 '17 at 14:33 by Mathieu Guindon

which is not necessarily required for using it, which can be done purely in C#
@this AFAIK Mono is a non-MS implementation of the spec
ok cool
have I misumderstood the q?
@this I'll appreciate what this represents after I understand more of the basics.
oh? I thought Mono was maintained by MS, ok that makes more sense then!
@this ok thanks
@mansellan yes that's what I'm referring to earlier but I was under the mistaken impression that MS was the only one to implement the standard, which isn't that much of a standard.
FWIW.... if you really wanted, you could build your own C# viewer of the parse tree. ;)
@this uh, i'll pass...
hence why you need eclipse if you want to see it in action.
ewww... holds nose
java makes me cry
meh.. VS debugger works just as good
meh. debugger works but it pale in comparison to seeing it laid out in a tree.
if you have to open 20 submenus to make sense of it....
no way I'm going to put up with "A new version of Java is available!" every 20 minutes, followed by "Hey did you know Java runs on 3 billion devices" then by "OBTW PLEASE INSTALL THIS CRAPWARE AND THIS AND THAT AND OH HERE'S A BROWSER TOOLBAR AND ANOTHER POC YOU NEVER ASKED FOR"
hmm... maybe I'll put Eclipse on a VM....
^ problem solved.
you can then unplug the VM's internet
Hence why unplugging the VM's internet should be mandatory. So that java never expires or try to autoupdate itself (and breaks)
> What is a bit of a concern for me is that the inspection does work for one quickfix while finding the results. The second dictionary actually dictates what labels the quickfix uses. In an ideal world the inspections would determine the offending contexts and the quickfixes would determine how to fix the results.

Regarding my comment about the first context, in the quickfix `result.Properties.BodyElement` should be equivalent to `result.Context.GetAncestor<VBAParser.ModuleBodyElementContext>
All that frustration I had with Access is now coming back with SSMS.
as i said you have some unlearning to do w/ RDBMS
I've forgotten anything I did with Access.
no, referring more to the fact that you are familiar with VBA and Excel, both which are a liability against SQL skills.
I'm trying to make field a primary key and cant figure it out.
PK is a constraint
Would that require Alter an the table?
actually for now, you'll want your PK to be clustered by default, too
note that this is legal, too: ALTER TABLE foo ADD PRIMARY KEY (bar); but please don't use that. You will want to always name your constraints.
In SQL Server world, 3 things are constraints; the primary key, the foreign key and the default.
I'm trying to connect the wires between Alter Table Syntax and table_constraint.
Time to go back to writing it out by hand on paper for it to click.
Ooo, i forgot the CHECK constraint. So that's 4 types of constraints.
But yeah, you generally will use either ADD or DROP subbranch.
A constraint cannot be ALTER'd like a column could be.
do note that you additionally can define the constraints inline with a column definition.... something like this ALTER TABLE foo ADD bar int NOT NULL CONSTRAINT PK_foo PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (note that the column specifications is omitted since it's an inline definition)
I've understood up to ... CLUSTERED (bar);. What part does bar represent the following?
[ CONSTRAINT constraint_name ]
        (column [ ASC | DESC ] [ ,...n ] )
        [ WITH FILLFACTOR = fillfactor
        [ WITH ( <index_option>[ , ...n ] ) ]
        [ ON { partition_scheme_name ( partition_column_name ... ) | filegroup | "default" } ]
        ( column [ ,...n ] )
        REFERENCES referenced_table_name [ ( ref_column [ ,...n ] ) ]
bar => column
e.g. bar is a column on the table foo for which you are making a primary key
> column
Is a column or list of columns specified in parentheses that are used in a new constraint.
Unfamiliarity and the myriad of [{(| opening and closing loose me...
yeah it doesn't help that there's lot of options that are... optional and are mostly noise
:hangs head: How do I make the field non-nullable?
I can do it easily via a designer but I'd rather know how to do it SQL wise.
you must include NOT NULL in the column definition
note that when you ALTER COLUMN, you must re-include the NOT NULL because it's basically a new column with no memory of any properties it previously had.
Let me struggle on this one. This is one I know I can overcome, given enough time.
So far I've condensed it down to ALTER TABLE dbo.foo ALTER COLUMN Name NOT NULL; but I'm getting NOT redlined with "incorrect syntax near not".
7 mins ago, by this
note that when you ALTER COLUMN, you must re-include the NOT NULL because it's basically a new column with no memory of any properties it previously had.
the lack of memory also includes its data type
:barf: Removing all the clutter I'm left with ALTER COLUMN column_name type_name NOT NULL
@this I see the words but they obviously didn't translate to comprehension then. Now it does.
keep at it. :)
I will. All this pain now will pay of in the longterm.
I can already see the situation that'll happen if all the information is kept in Excel workbooks.
Thank you for helping, again. Need to find some way to repay all this breadcrumbing and spoonfeeding.
> I agree completely on the second point, this needs to be simplified using the extension method.

I also understand that the separation of concerns is violated here, but I can't think of a good alternative at the moment. I suppose I could find all existing labels inside the issue's body element and then deduce the new label name, but what if there are multiple issues in one procedure? If I understand the code in `QuickFixProvider` correctly, all fixes are applied before the module is rewritte
When altering a view to add an additional calculated field is that possible to do via ALTER VIEW or should that be done through Design?
> So, now that #298 is closed, this needs revisiting. VB6 PSet has a funky syntax which our grammar hates:

Pset (x , y ), color

Note though that PSet exists on other objects (for example, PictureBox) where it follows a standard syntax.
@Duga Looks like PSet, Line and Circle are special-cased by the VB6 compiler
> So, now that #298 is closed, this needs revisiting.

VB6 appears to special-case three drawing methods:

object.Line [Step] (x1, y1) [Step] -(x2, y2), [color],[B][F]
object.Circle [Step] (x, y), radius, [color], [start], [end], [aspect]
object.Pset [Step] (x , y), [color]

These get special treatment to allow the points to be supplied as a bracketed pair (which appears to be a legacy from QBasic). I've not found any other special forms yet.
> So, now that #298 is closed, this needs revisiting.

VB6 appears to special-case three drawing methods:

object.Line [Step] (x1, y1) [Step] -(x2, y2), [color],[B][F]
object.Circle [Step] (x, y), radius, [color], [start], [end], [aspect]
object.Pset [Step] (x , y), [color]

These get special treatment to allow the points to be supplied as a bracketed pair (which appears to be a legacy from QBasic), and in the case of Line, to allow B and F as unquoted flags. It appears that object must
Home Time
@this Appreciate your help as always.
00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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