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[bruglesco/memory-card] 1 commit. 60 additions. 52 deletions.
[Cardshifter/HTML-Client] 6 commits. 223 additions. 22 deletions.
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] 5 commits. 1 opened issue. 1 closed issue. 2 issue comments. 138 additions. 38 deletions.
1 hour later…
> This technically is 2 PRs in one and it's turning out to be bigger than I really want it to be. So to help things, I'm putting it up the WIP for reviews by other. The PR started out as COM cleanup but as I cleaned up, I found that there were many leaking GUIDs, more than what I anticipated, and many COM classes, both in the API and in the Main/Core did not completely follow the proposed guideline set by @comintern in #2903. So to that end, we have 2 major parts: COM Cleanup 1. We move...
some stuff around, as per discussion in #3862. We introduce a new project, Rubberduck.SharedResources which now houses the GUIDs and ProgIDs. 2. We also move over the RootComWrapperFactory to the Main. 3. Since the previous changes to the installer disabled the API project, we need to enable it again, so we had to update the Rubberduck.Deployment to handle multiple COM assembly registration. 4. Enforce consistent code standard for COM management Rubberduck Code Analyzer As per the...
point iv above, we are seeing too many opportunities for subtle bugs relating to COM management to slip by in the PR. To that end, it seems prudent that Rubberduck solution be able to follow a standard. Instead of hoping that all contributors will diligently read a lengthy wiki article and remember to follow the guideline at all times -- and being human, even a long term contributor can easily overlook a little thing, we will make use of Roslyn Code Analyzer project, Rubberduck.CodeAnalysis...
which provides us with a place to define our domain-specific rules that we wish to enforce on all of the Rubberduck's subprojects to ensure they all follow the guidelines. This is only a start, however. At the present the analyzer will inspect: 1) whether a type is COM-visible and if so.... 2) verify that it has a Guid attribute that references a constant defined in RubberduckGuid 3) and if it's a class type then.... a) verify that it has a ClassInterface attribute that is set to...
ClassInterfaceType.None b) verify that it has a ProgId attribute that references a constant defined in RubberduckProgId c) verify that it has a ComDefaultInterface attribute present and it is using typeof (e.g. not a string) 5) or if it's an interface type then... a) verify that it has a InterfaceType attribute that should be either InterfaceIsDual (recommended) or InterfaceIsIDispatch (usually for event interfaces only) TODO: 1) test the installer more thoroughly 2) fix the...
event setup for the ParserState. It need to be redone completely. 3) Make ParserState non-Newable - it shouldn't be constructable by VBA code. It's best if we force it via a factory method provided on our side. 4) Similarly, check if we can prevent creation of hidden members (ref #2559) by making constructors internal
this is glorious
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit cddadde8 on unknown branch: AppVeyor build failed
*will be
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets(1603,5): error : Project 'C:\projects\rubberduck\RubberduckCodeAnalysis\RubberduckCodeAnalysis\RubberduckCodeAnalysis.csproj' targets 'netstandard1.3'. It cannot be referenced by a project that targets '.NETFramework,Version=v4.5'. [C:\projects\rubberduck\Rubberduck.SharedResources\Rubberduck.SharedResources.csproj]
Command exited with code 1
I think AppVeyor's a filthy liar. I can build it locally.
But GTK, though - that means some more research is needed to make it work anywhere.
May not be few days before I get to that, though. Hopefully there'll be enough comments/feedback on this PR since I moved a lot of stuff and I know nobody wants to review 100000 files changed PR. ;)
2 hours later…
#DidYouKnow Rubberduck's Code Explorer "copy to clipboard" button writes all user declarations to the clipboard, and you can then paste them as HTML, XML, or CSV. #VBA #OSS #Tools
Updated page on RD News: "Using Rubberduck"
1 hour later…
Updated: "Using Rubberduck" https://rubberduckvba.wordpress.com/using-rubberduck/
New page: "the Rubberduck command bar" https://rubberduckvba.wordpress.com/using-rubberduck/the-rubberduck-commandbar-context-menu/
New page: "the Code Explorer" https://rubberduckvba.wordpress.com/using-rubberduck/code-explorer/
oops, that one's still WIP
2 hours later…
@this hadn't relized your PR was also introducing the resources project... see if you can merge this branch into it... I got all the icons and .resx files moved to Rubberduck.Resources here, but overlap/conflict with your work... my bad - LMK if you got the resources down too, I'll discard that branch then
4 hours later…
Anyone home?
Nope - I'm at work.
I will re-phrase! Anyone on here and know anything about vba/typeahead.js ?
@MathieuGuindon heh. TBH I did not want to address this in the PR since I wanted this to be its own PR but that's another case where I managed to painted myself into a corner. :\ My version only moves only the Guid/ProgId but I did not move any other resources into the new project. BTW, I did try to use Resources originally but found that this creates problems in various classes which already has a class Resources so I decided on SharedResources to avoid the conflicts....
....If you still want, I can merge but as stated, that'd make the PR even more bigger and we know how much fun it is to review a big PR.
@QHarr haven't used typeahead.js - what does it have to do w/ VBA, thou?
I am answering an SO webscraping question and whilst I can do what appears to be all the required steps I am not getting the expected result. And I think it is because when I do currPage.getElementById("ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_suche_bezirk").Value = "10777 Berlin/Schöneberg"
Although the value appears in the typeahead box I don't think it is retained when the submit button is pressed
If I copy paste the entry and then select the corresponding item from the drop down that appears then all is fine.
still not understanding what it has to do w/ VBA; nor why one needs a "typeahead.js" to scrape.
This website pflegelotse.de/(S(emrwr4o1bnpqqdsqigfbepc2))/presentation/… has a box for where to search (Wo möchten Sie suchen?)
It's classname is typeahead tt-input
Some basic googling suggests this is a typeahead box
I guess it queries server side to return suggested items
so, to see - you want to automate this?
by basically injecting text into this so that you can scrape the result somehow?
Yes. I have done all the other steps including entering data into this box but I dont think it is retained
I would assume that you should use something that simulates user interaction
because presumably it's reacting to the interaction
and most likely stuffing it in a hidden textbox or whatever
so simulating paste is likely your best bet, I think. I assume you're using Selenium - it should have something for that, I think.
Yeah but Focus clear what ever is in the box and drended sendkeys hasn't worked. And yes there are 3 hidden boxes which I assumed where actually used for a query.
I am not using selenium. Just vba and the dreaded IE
I wanted to avoid selenium for this. It has become a bee in my bonnet that I wanted to solve.
I also targeted the hidden boxes and tried targeting the dropdown list. No success with the latter
I can't simulate the text entry to pull up the drop down selection box.
I think that may be key
But simulate paste.....I will need to have a play with that idea
were I you, I'd buckle down and do it w/ selenium
other methods are too fragile
actually, that's not exactly accurate -- were I you, I would not even try scraping at all. I'd be phoning them and pushing for a proper API.
I know. not all comply and they're dumb for it.
It just frustrates me that I am 80% sure that it can be done and it is just my lack of js /asp knowledge that is the problem...
oh... and using the wrong tool for the job!
@this Many thanks. I may have to back down and try it the easier way. Sounds stupid when I say it like that. I will also look into how I simulate paste.
Q: Find and Match Values Column b and Column G and Show Result in Column P

Muhammad Hassan Ali If one entry of bulk code(Column B) contains Intermediate against it in Material Type(Column G), then if that bulk code repeats again, display bulk received as YES in Column P I write following Code but it not working Sub bulk_received() Dim bulk_codes As Range Dim pack_codes As Range ...

@QHarr you have to match the text from the autocomplete exactly, right before the click will fire, right?
@ashleedawg. Welcome to the Pond. I haven't tried. So far I have been just direct writing to the box. I tried selecting the typeahead drop down without success. In theory as text is "entered" into the box, a drop down with selections should appear, then a complete match selected from the items in the drop down made and "entered".
@ashleedawg welcoming you too in the pond. Just felt the ripple waves of sorts. :)
1 hour later…
@MSExcel sad news http://www.kccremation.com/ObituaryDetails.aspx?id=23658 Charles “Chip” H. Pearson, 51, died April 19, 2018, at St. Luke’s Hospital from severe head injuries received in a car accident on April 8 in Kansas City MO. Chip was awarded Microsoft’s MVP for sixteen straight years.
@MathieuGuindon :( That sucks. His website is one of pretty comprehensive site covering VBA.
@MathieuGuindon RIP, Chip :(
I certainly had more than one insightful moment reading on his site.
> He is survived by his parents. His older brother Steven and younger sister Susan died earlier. A private service will be held.
Condolences to his parents, wherever they may be.
My deepest sympathies to Mr. Pearson's family. I'm speechless, this is so sad.. https://twitter.com/ExcelAnalytics/status/990922030966026240
As the father of 2 boys and a girl, I can't even begin to imagine their sorrow.
On a more positive note, this is pretty handy: idownvotedbecau.se
1 hour later…
> Changes are coming up regarding organization of resources; this PR will be conflicting. Feel free to re-submit after resources are streamlined into the Rubberduck.Resources project.
@this should I PR my changes then?
Yeah, if you manage to have not problems w/ the Resources conflicting with whatever menu/comamnds is using, go for it.
I can then sync since I basically only move 2 files and it's not really the PR's scope -- it's supposed to clean up the COM but....
a penny in, a pound out, or however they phrase it.
my computer literally rebooted on me as I was pushing the commit last night.. I know the project builds but I'm not 100% sure everything is A-OK yet
I'll make the PR
now i'm glad I didn't merge that. 401 files... yikes!
@this yeah.. lots of XAML
mostly just using statements added everywhere
definitely was a better choice, being its own PR
yeah but when we touch that many files, it's easier to keep the scope small.
I noticed a couple of hard-coded GUIDs, didn't touch them
yeah, my pR will clean them up. when it's approved & merged, I'll make sure to push my changes forward, no worries.
public override Image Image => Resources.Resources.FindSymbol;
I don't like that Rubberduck.Resources.Resources.resx file
I'll rename it
possibly eliminate it
I think that's what I was seeing and why I changed to SharedResources to avoid that.
also I'm missing the inspection resources, they're still under Rubberduck.Parsing.Resources
didn't realize it was a literal resource file (I should have checked; last night i assumed it was something built-in to XAML or something like that)
it was under Rubberduck.Properties
and it only contains images... somewhat overlaps/duplicates the PNG icons
definitely some legacy resource file, ...probably dates all the way back to commit #1
i did find the images for the original InstallShield installer, so.... yeah.
not sure I like the relative paths either
Are the regex-assistant resources also moved?
missed them as well
Does it really have to be?
Surely you should be able to reference via the project reference, done.
I did wonder whether they should move
A) centralize all resources in one place
B) keep feature-specific resources with feature-specific project
i mean, if C# can find the assembly without using relative path directly, surely XAML should...
like I said, I merely just moved stuff around, didn't do much cleanup. the inline image sources should be control resources declared at the top
I wonder if we could use Resx ResxName=Rubberduck.Resources.RubberduckUI markup extension to pull images too?
images is kinda of UI....
but, then again, if you could, why not just do it properly with Rubberduck.Resources.Images
that's kind of what Rubberduck.Resources.Resources.resx means to do
I'll give it a shot tonight, but then again I don't want to scope-creep that already-huge PR
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit a916f44c on unknown branch: AppVeyor build succeeded
RiP Chip Pearson http://excelmatters.com/2018/04/30/rip-chip-pearson/
> Missing Rubberduck.Parsing.Inspections resources. Also, should feature-specific resources be moved there as well? e.g. @Vogel612's Regex assistant tool?
@TweetingDuck Did not know about this.
@TweetingDuck RIP :(
@IvenBach More details above.
3 hours ago, by Mathieu Guindon
@MSExcel sad news http://www.kccremation.com/ObituaryDetails.aspx?id=23658 Charles “Chip” H. Pearson, 51, died April 19, 2018, at St. Luke’s Hospital from severe head injuries received in a car accident on April 8 in Kansas City MO. Chip was awarded Microsoft’s MVP for sixteen straight years.
I have learned from and greatly appreciated all the information he has on his site.
Only thing we can do now is pass it on--and make sure the site stays up.
... 404 trying to access his site.
Already took it down?
That was fast...
@IvenBach What's the URL?
Any and all links to it are 404.
half of SO's external VBA links have gone dead
Yep. They took it down.
They still own the domain.
A severe disturbance in the force has just happened. I've felt thousands of Excel users die just a little bit inside...
First step is to get his information. Bet we can nab it off Google's "backup" of the internet.
Second step is to re-host it.
check whether the waybackmachine has something
that seems pretty up-to-date
I don't think Chip was updating his site for a good while.
If he was they must've been very minor edits.
In spite of that, it was still high on your typical trawling for anything VBA.
The accident happened early April.
yeah apparently he was hospitialized for a good while but just didn't make it. :\
If someone can download that, I can take the next steps to getting it up and hosted, I guess.
that just.... sucks.
esp for his poor parents.
New design to emphasize it isn't him anymore, but proper citation?
Or just dump it the way it was?
could be sticky.
Yeah, especially the legal issues.
Were I you, I'd make a copy now but not host it until I have had a chance to talk with the next of kin.
@Hosch250 not without contacting the family
First step is to download it so it doesn't get 100% lost.
and I have to be willing that it might be a good while before they are willing to talk.
@MathieuGuindon OK.
Can't have strangers pounding on the door asking for a website they might not even know about.
But really, download it quick before it goes down if you have access to a personal machine. I'm at work.
@this might have been a timing coincidence, but I doubt the domain simply expired...
@this On the other hand, it might help them to know that it isn't just them.
@MathieuGuindon I checked. It's not expired.
@Hosch250 How/Where do you go to check for site expiration?
@IvenBach Whois.
so they took it down while they sort things out. let the dust settle, see what happens.
@Hosch250 yes, that's true - I do admit I'm a bit gunshy when approaching a total stranger - I just don't know his story, you know? I'd much rather that someone who actually knew him (and his family) be the one to make request.
@this If it were me, I'd email his contact on the website and hope they see it.
that could work.
Also, tweet at his account, if he has one.
Roger Govier just emailed the Excel DL
Hope he had something in a Will & Trust stating his wishes for the site.
^ @MathieuGuindon ^
I joke about the bus factor but there is truth to it.
@IvenBach Like the time the Google bus ran over an MS employee?
Ooof... Irony.
Didn't hear about that one.
@Duga @Vogel612 Got your edits.
nice :)
Any questions about how PRs work?
I'll count Monday morning as weekend.
@Vogel612 He's made a few before.
Not pulling stuff into my repo though.
but not received them to his repo
Oh, I see.
We are just finalizing teaching people about outgoing PRs now.
GH has it set up so even I can do it.
@Vogel612 If I have questions I'll surely ping you about them.
I need to get back to my Ribbon modification examples. Still stoked I'm understanding the basics. Long ways to go still.
that's what we're here for. That said, I gotta go grab groceries for surprise visitors
Toodles! :)
@Vogel612 Gotta hate surprise visitors :P
I invited them, but we originally planned to meet at an outside venue
now they're coming here, somewhat unexpectedly
Oh, that's a little better.
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit 47455db0 on unknown branch: AppVeyor build succeeded
> # [Codecov](https://codecov.io/gh/rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck/pull/3971?src=pr&el=h1) Report
> Merging [#3971](https://codecov.io/gh/rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck/pull/3971?src=pr&el=desc) into [next](https://codecov.io/gh/rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck/commit/1b1fe5cb0a9f3f17e4016128b4808fda16af7982?src=pr&el=desc) will **increase** coverage by `0.03%`.
> The diff coverage is `76.92%`.

@@ Coverage Diff @@
## next #3971 +/- ##
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit 47455db0 on unknown branch: 57.84% (target 0%)
Duck check: msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/… "Invalidates the cached value for a single control on the Ribbon user interface." in laymans means it's ensuring cached info will always be correct?
IMO, it's a crappy name
I get the idea of caching information. That way you avoid repeated calls to get information.
think of it more like Redraw
or Repaint
I agree the name isn't optimal.
Repaint as in painting the image on the screen to make sure what the user sees is accurate?
whether there's a cache or not, that's not germane to your work, so yeah it's just giving you noise.
therefore if you change soemthing and you wnat to show it on ribbon, you must invalidate it
That invalidates whatever is cached, IE it goes out and acquires whatever the valid information ought to be.
which implies you must have set the information before you invalidate
if you remember that ribbon largely operate on callbacks
take VBA out or the Replace statement: Workbooks(Replace(tBurdenMaster, theFilePath, ""))Zac 12 mins ago
invalidating will most likely cause the callback to be callbacked again
@MathieuGuindon no entiendo
@Zac that's useless advice at best, and a bad idea at worst. Fully-qualified library calls are always a good idea. That way if you have your own Replace function you know which one this is invoking. — Mathieu Guindon 7 mins ago
that's common - "this looks unfamiliar, so it must be bad"
has no effect whatsoever on the problem at hand
Leaving the comfort zone is scary enough that most people try not to.
Panera or Jimmy Johns for lunch?
Also, there isn't one in walking distance that I know of.
@IvenBach Not sure what that is.
I did Jimmy Johns last time, so I guess I'll do Panera this time.
@Hosch250 Persian restaurant across the street from me. Lunch special is $8 and you get enough for lunch and dinner. It's mmmmm tasty.
@IvenBach Sounds cool.
My sister usually packs my lunch, but she neither packed it nor told me to pack it, so I get to eat out today.
Deck check: A callback is just a specific word for "Do this instruction" at the appropriate time.
> I'll be back
Depending on the language it can be passed as a delegate, or in VBA a string for the method's name.
mostly correct, yes
pssssttttt....... what is an event?
@this Something I use but don't yet have a full understanding of how it works.
what does an event do?
fancypants bells & whistles for a templated method :)
I'm pretty sure you're alluding to the fact that an event is basically a callback in an of itself.
@IvenBach the handler is
> # [Codecov](https://codecov.io/gh/rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck/pull/3971?src=pr&el=h1) Report
> Merging [#3971](https://codecov.io/gh/rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck/pull/3971?src=pr&el=desc) into [next](https://codecov.io/gh/rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck/commit/1b1fe5cb0a9f3f17e4016128b4808fda16af7982?src=pr&el=desc) will **increase** coverage by `0.03%`.
> The diff coverage is `76.92%`.

@@ Coverage Diff @@
## next #3971 +/- ##
    protected abstract void DoStuff();

    private void DoSomething()
        // stuff...
        // more stuff...
I don't understand the difference between the event and the handler.
handler is the code you write that reacts to an event
e.g. if you have VBA code in a Worksheet_SelectionChange procedure, that's a handler
and yes, events is just basically a callback at its heart -- but the difference between a callback and a bona fide event is that a callback is simply a pointer to something. There is no contract, no expectation, no guarntee it won't crash, et cetera
^ above is a templated method. when you derive a type from this class, you need to implement DoStuff, right? DoSomething doesn't know what DoStuff is going to do, only that it's going to be invoked.
And the event occurs, in this example, when the user edits a cell.
public event EventHandler<CellEditEventArgs> Editing;
^ the class that defines the event knows when to raise that event
and when the user edits a cell, Excel's internal code is doing something similar to the DoSomething that Mat illustrated
it doesn't know or care whether something will handle the event
@MathieuGuindon The requirement to implement is because of the abstract keyword which indicates that it can only be a stub (no implementation allowed).
@IvenBach yeah but I might have taken a too-complicated route to explain.. ignore me :)
You tend to greatly overestimate my ability to comprehend...
Editing?.Invoke(this, new CellEditEventArgs(oldContent, newContent));
^ this would invoke the Editing event
@IvenBach you're on the left coast and @Hosch250 is on the North coast (I believe), so that wasn't all that helpful... :/
@FreeMan Coast?
@FreeMan north coast? lol
Not in Alaska yet.
@Hosch250 You're in MN, right? That's America's North Coast. Or, forehead, if you prefer, because it's just below America's hat.
Mug mayn't like his country being referred to as a hat.
@IvenBach may note that the "hat" references only began once the swag was sent out... He didn't seem to mind too much then. Or, at least, didn't vociferously express his displeasure with the term.
Were there RD hats?
@IvenBach Not last time, I don't think.
I should ask Mat if he minds if I get an RD bike helmet.
Oh wait, he sent stickers. I can use those.
I really want a RD hat. I hate branding logos vehemently but I'll proudly wear one for RD.
Shouldn't be too hard to print baseball hats.
:blub blub: I'm drowning in browser tabs. @skiwi how do you manage so many?
hint: he doesn't ;-)
(at least, I don't think he does - or, he's a robot)
@IvenBach He just lets them build up, then closes them all at once.
@IvenBach There's pinned tabs, tabs on the left hand side that are new and tabs on the right hand side that are new
I've been pretty good so far, 48 to go through. It's not helpful that 1 single tab can asexually reproduce to become 15+ tabs though...
@IvenBach Ah, you are at that stage. You'll advance quickly now.
They're more troublesome than tribbles.
When it feels like you have to read the entire internet to get it down.
Pretty soon you'll be able to skim articles more quickly "yep, yep, where's the one paragraph that mentions ABC?".
I've been there for a long time... I just was never at a level where I could understand what I was reading.
I'm doing that on some of the stuff I read now.
Give it another couple months.
That's why I've been so thankful to the others at this pond.
I've only got 348 tabs though, that's not a lot at all
In this window, at least
Alone I couldn't figure out how to crack open the black box of learning.
@skiwi Making progress it seems.
There's been times I've been at 2000+
And then it crashed
@skiwi Serves you right.
The first step is admitting you have a problem.
I don't have a problem, my browser has one
browser's problem is 18 inches away from the monitor?
@skiwi owes Mozilla something for every tab he doesn't remember he has open :P
I believe Firefox add some point released an update that improved performance with lots of tabs open
:click: There goes another bit of knowledge into the correct spot.
@Dai hehe.. that's precisely why I do Rubberduck ...wanna help? — Mathieu Guindon 9 secs ago
^ former Microsoft employee
> My employer's legal department requires me to declare that every opinion I express on Stack Overflow is also the opinion of the entire company, of every employee, and of the executive management. I am never wrong and am always right.
Oh dear...
> I do think this is a case of choosing your own poisons. That said, I can offer one reason to centralize the resources --- it eliminate the guesswork of "do I need to share it?". A changing of resource is now only a namespace realignment; no project references needs to be changed, and though it's not strictly necessary, there is something to be said for having all i18n stuff in one place.

The bad is that of course, it can turn into a kitchen sink and we so totally don't want it. Also when w
> @bclothier okay then I'll pick the "let's put everything we can under `Rubberduck.Resources`"; the DLL itself might not need to be updated anytime soon, but if we add Italian and Spanish translations then we should be able to do that without needing to recompile the regex assistant.

1 hour later…
@Hosch250 When you're going through documentation do you ever expect to understand it all or just the parts you've worked with or need to learn?
@IvenBach Both.
I expect to understand all of the parts I need to know.
I don't try to eat it at one gulp.
I'm doing it right then. #SoMuchToLearn
Duck check: Reading w3.org/TR/xmlschema-2/#boolean I've learned that trying to use foo="True" produces an error. foo="1" doesn't. I get the idea of make code, XML in this case, say what it does. Have any of you ever seen data that was persisted with 1 or 0 before?
@IvenBach Every day.
SQL Server stores true/false as 1/0.
:+1: Now I won't have an episode of WTF when I encounter it. At least I'm aware its an option.
For controls that are self closing <label Text="foo" /> is it typical to leave a space before the />? I've seen that and wondered about it for a while now.
I usually do.
Why? That's what I'm wondering.
because semantics
@IvenBach It helps my eye see that it isn't just a closing >.
With the whitespace, my eye catches the /> easily.
mark the date, I just agreed with @Hosch250 on something!
Without it, I often just see > and go "why the heck didn't they indent their code?"
@MathieuGuindon We fight that often?
I figured there was a reason. That was one I came up with. The other is it allows easier addition of more attributes, but that's a pretty weak argument.
@IvenBach Hmm?
well, a word for that would be "maintenance"
and it's a totally legit thing to worry about
Future-Me will be glad I ask all these duckheaded questions. :wink:
Duck check: For XML any value of an attribute will always be enclosed within doublequotes?
> I tried rubber duck in Corel Draw X7 VBE today. Facing the same issue. My exception is with command bar too as follows:

`2018-04-30 17:19:45.9533;INFO-2.2.6672.28001;Rubberduck.Parsing.VBA.RubberduckParserState;RubberduckParserState (4) is invoking StateChanged (UnexpectedError);
2018-04-30 17:19:52.6104;TRACE-2.2.6672.28001;Rubberduck.VBEditor.SafeComWrappers.Office.Core.CommandBarButton;Executing handler for: CommandBar 'Code Metrics' (tag: Custom Popup 13025890::ToolsMenu::CodeMetricsCo
> I tried rubber duck in Corel Draw X7 VBE today. Facing the same issue. My exception is with command bar too as follows:

2018-04-30 17:19:45.9533;INFO-2.2.6672.28001;Rubberduck.Parsing.VBA.RubberduckParserState;RubberduckParserState (4) is invoking StateChanged (UnexpectedError);
2018-04-30 17:19:52.6104;TRACE-2.2.6672.28001;Rubberduck.VBEditor.SafeComWrappers.Office.Core.CommandBarButton;Executing handler for: CommandBar 'Code Metrics' (tag: Custom Popup 13025890::ToolsMenu::CodeMetri
> I tried rubber duck in Corel Draw X7 VBE today. Facing the same issue. Can someone point me out why this is happening & if this is resolved for anyone in Excel. I really want to unit test my vba code using rubberduck and would appreciate if some one helps me out. Thanks !
> Seems updating the CommandBar button's caption (to reflect parser state) is throwing a COM exception again.
> Seems updating the CommandBar button's caption (to reflect parser state) is throwing a COM exception again. @sushrut91 would you happen to know what version of the Office CommandBar Corel Draw X7 is using? Also, do you have Office installed? Which version, and was it installed before or after Corel Draw?
> Seems updating the CommandBar button's caption (to reflect parser state) is throwing a COM exception again. @sushrut91 would you happen to know what version of the Office CommandBar Corel Draw X7 is using? Also, do you have Office installed? Which version, and was it installed before or after Corel Draw?

Corel Draw X7 was released in 2014, making its contemporary Office version Office 2013; if you have installed X7 on top of a later version of Office (2016?), the COM registration for the co
@Duga is there not a way to avoid this stupid mess?
Are you saying writing the CSV file one cell at a time will be "far more efficient" than using Excel's built-in SaveAs CSV format? — Mathieu Guindon 17 secs ago
> Hello Mathieu,

I don't have any version of MS Office installed on my machine. My machine has Windows 10 Pro 64 bit. I am unable to exactly see which version of Office CommandBar Corel Draw X7 is using but please take a look at the screenshots maybe it may give some pointers towards the version.

Is office installation necessary for RubberDuck to work ? I don't want to spend on buying MS office. Is there a work around ?
> I don't have any version of MS Office installed on my machine. My machine has Windows 10 Pro 64 bit. I am unable to exactly see which version of Office CommandBar Corel Draw X7 is using but please take a look at the screenshots maybe it may give some pointers towards the version.

Is office installation necessary for RubberDuck to work ? I don't want to spend on buying MS office. Is there a work around ?
And when you write an Excel range to an array, then iterate through the elements of the array, that is not the same as iterating through "one cell at a time". When you iterate cells in a worksheet there is communication that occurs between the Excel application and VBA; and that takes time. Arrays are native to VBA and are lightning fast compared to iterating through a range "one cell at a time". — JBStovers 27 mins ago
Thanks, I'd never known! ........... looks at gold tag badges, MVP award, wonders what's wrong with the world
@MathieuGuindon You got the check regardless.
@MathieuGuindon Reading from the cells takes virtually no time. It's the writing to them that's the major speed reducer. Either way I'm all for loading it into an array variant.
I'm glad you took the time to explain everything along the way.
@IvenBach point is, OP merely needed to paste special / values, remove two columns and save as CSV.... I fail to see where/how an array and writing the file one cell value at a time saves any processing anywhere.
A certain duckling should write an article about using FooRange.Value2 = BarRange.Value2 when you only want the values...
@laptop2d Welcome to the pond.

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