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00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

@IvenBach s/b
otherwise, we'd consistently get conflicts on auto-generated files or built files.
should be
:+1: makes sense now.
we only need to track the source, not the output. :)
Sheild is spelled incorrectly in the file.
^ That's my pedantry for the day.
why would we have a "Sheild"?
# Install Sheild Setup Project files
I bet you this came from a copy pasta somewhere, given that we don't have a IS license.
@this @IvenBach We don't use InstallShield anymore.
We started with it, but then we switched to InnoSetup.
Oh, you used to. OK.
IIRC, we used a free version.
what is InstallShield?
which sucks anyway.
one of lame-ass installer packages.
@this Maybe that's why we couldn't get the registration working.
c/b. I just know I hate them all. The installers as whole are deplorable.
@Hosch250 yes. and we needed two builds and our users needed to know what bitness to download
I'd forgotten about that, lol.
> We’ve seen this problem clear up with a restart of Slack, a solution which we suggest to you now only with great regret and self-loathing.
Should we go for a COM shim, the installer changes would probably be fun.
For some values of "fun" lol
One manged library to register for COM interop and two native addins.
@Vogel612 When you're doing commits do you do everything by CLI or do you use VS as an aide?
I think, he only uses the CLI.
@M.Doerner TBH, that's not much difference - we have to generate two TLB files anyway. In fact, if one knew C++/MIDL well enough, it would be possible to embed the RD's TLB file into the DLL, so that user only deal with 2 files for purpose of registering.
hmm, and with that, VBA client code could reference Rubberduck.dll...
yeah. that's why you are able to reference a DLL file without even knowing about a TLB file.
unfortunately, VS does not support embedding TLB as part of the build. There are posts on web that show how to do this post build, though.
Q: How to embed .tlb as a resource file into .NET Assembly DLL?

JoxWe're using our .NET Assembly DLL within native C++ through COM (CCW). Whenever I make new version of my DLL, I have to send two files (.dll and corresponding .tlb) to crew that's using it in their code. Is it possible to embed .tlb file as a resource in .NET DLL file?

the blog linked in the comment is probably better, though.
Still in the end, you gonna build both 32-bit and 64-bit RD dll, though.
@Hosch250 slack working for you? Not for me.
Our whole team is commenting on it.
GTK it's not just me
my co worker said the status.slack.com says all is A-OK but when I look, it says otherwise. I guess it's time to slack. :p
Yeah, our DI isn't working, and I don't see why.
I went to ask a coworker, but Slack is down.
@IvenBach yes, what MDoerner said
Do you commit every file each on their own or do you use -a flag to add them all at once?
You commit the whole block at once.
I use git add -p to filter what parts should be in the commit and which shouldn't
Q: Calculates area of a closed figure usin vba

jschuchertPrivate Sub cmdArea_Click() Dim pts() As String Dim x As Integer Dim sqft As Double Dim hh As Integer x = 0 pts = Split(Range("p8"), (".")) hh = UBound(pts) + 1 'number of points in array area1: sqft = sqft + Range("j" & pts(x)).Value * Range("k" & pts(x + 1)).Value - Range("k" & pts(x)).Valu...

@IvenBach FWIW, it's more important that your commits are logically grouped. e.g. if you fixed a bug, commit that before fixing another, so that you have one commit per bug, or feature, Something like that.
I'm beginning to learn this.
You don't want a commit with 100 files modified/added as a rule.
Still reading about git. Need to get to the part about squashing commits that should be considered 1 logical grouping.
@this That.
@this There are times that is OK if you squash when you merge.
In Git, you usually have several commits for a large feature or refactoring.
In TFS, one checkin/shelveset with changes at a time.
And everything goes to the server instantly.
> Following installation of the recent updated I'm finding that ctrl-C is opening the code window rather than copying the highlighted text.

It could be me having done something I don't remember. If it is rubber duck then please be advised this remapping is very very naughty.
@Duga I think the issue just upgraded itself from oops to holy sheet, batman!
> It is RD, and it is unintentional. The team is working on a fix.
> ~blushes We're totally not aware of this and it's behaving as designed
@Hosch250 Hmm. To think of it, that might apply to what I'm doing w/ extract method - should I be squashing my commits before I push to RD's branch?
FWIW we should consider taking down the prereleases with that issue...
if it's the only one w/ that, yeah
@this No.
IDK how many are impacted
there's two or so
We don't work that way.
Then I'm not clear. When do I squash, then?
Some teams always squash as part of their system. We don't.
oooh, so it's dependent on the workflow
But.... what is the perceived value of squashing, then? "Look, let's pretend I did this as one big commit, ok?"
... and how is that better than doing this all on its own branch anyway....
@this Nah, just cleaning up a zillion small ones.
IDK. I feel that rewriting history => mayhem
It can help keep it clear what was going on when the code was created.
I suppose so but that's what branches brings to the table, too without having to rewrite the history.
@this You can't see which branch the code was written in once it is merged.
isn't it all on the log?
no, how?
commits don't have any way to know which branch they are on
not even the latest commit on a branch knows it's on a branch
branches in git are basically highly mobile tags
huh. TBH, I can see them still even in the past w/ TortoiseGit or even via VSTS....
The branch?
After you merge into main and delete the original branch?
@Vogel612 like this:
@Hosch250 not sure about deleting. I'd have to check.
Oh, sure. But you don't want to have to go through that all the time.
Especially since GitHub only displays the last N months, IIRC.
is that even the cse w/ the local repo, though?
IOW, if I keep my local next in sync w/ RD's next, my local's next can have much longer history
and I think i understand the problem - I might not want to have all branches EVAR locally, though.
Wait a sec.
I can't see which branch those commits came from in there...
I can see which the merge commit came from, but not the normal commits.
each commit has a dot, and are sorted chronogically
It's not immediately clear which branch each came from.
Take red and green for example -- green was Max's branch. Red was the hotkey tweak. My commit to the hotkey branch happened before Max's bunch of commits. To see the start of branch, you ahve to scroll up/down to where branch splits off.
Especially if your history displayer doesn't pretty print the graph.
TBH, I see it as more readable than CLI's graph
They have a caveman capable explanation! ndpsoftware.com/git-cheatsheet.html
In the end git GUIs simply walk back the history from the merge commit to determine to which branch intermediate commits belonged.
or they parse the output from git log --graph
has to be. The tortoise is only a veneer.
git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Basics-Undoing-Things tells me what I wanted to know yesterday.
Now to find out there it's telling me to how to combine 2 commits into one.
@IvenBach Squash.
I'm more of a Cabbage kind of guy.
Why do they call it squash, though? You never see people stomping on fresh pumpkins... Do you?
@this No, it's because they squash each other with fresh pumpkins.
@this Actually, what's Halloween for then?
Depends on who you ask. Some say it was originally "Hallow's Eve", a day to honor saints. Others say it was to celebrate the harvest. It's more like likely a mish-mash of various superstitions and legitimate festivals.
"legitimate" in the sense of having a good reason (e.g. good harvesting for instance)
People still squash pumpkins on it, regardless of the origins.
Well, wasn't Jack'o'lantern supposed to keep evil spirits out?
not sure that explains squashing, though. If it took evil spirits, then that'd make sense.
@this yeah but the millenials killed that too
They've killed everything. Even their own grandmother :P /sarcasm
You know, back then, they were whining about how Gen-X were all disaffectionate, disillusioned, careless, blah blah
Then came along the millenials.
@Hosch250 That's what the 5lb gummy bear and tub of chocolate ice cream are for.
@this I find it funny how the same things have been said for the last few 'generations'.
The diabetes bear, you mean. @IvenBach
^ :+1:
@this I could make some comments about the disillusioning. Seems to me everyone is still blinded by the first guy to come along and wave a pamphlet in their face.
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
My dads mom has diabetes and every year we'd get her candy. It's even funnier now that I'm an adult and realize the implications of it.
@IvenBach that's honestly a pretty dick move...
@Hosch250 I would say they are blinded by the flavor-of-the-month. It's always going to be the same result, even though it's not the same thing.
My family has a history of #HumorFail. It's pretty dry by others standards, and not always PC.
@this You mean, people are going to die, since that's the one thing everyone can succeed at, and everyone will run around blaming the next guy?
@Vogel612 I can't hold her blameless. She's the one that asked for the sugary stuff.
Anyone got the link to the chat system implemented in Excel?
I mean, sure if you want to go at it, knock yourselves out, but we could be talking about less depressing stuff
I need it for work.
Does anyone have a recommendation for mouse/keyboard macro recorder?
Duck check: Occassionally with CLI when I enter a command info displays and at the end it has <END>. Once I see that nothing I do can make it responsive.
Stumbled blindly onto pressing Q and that fixed it. I assume Q = quit?
yes. this is a carryover from bash
I don't think Windows' command has that behavior. Normally when you have MORE, you hit enter until you get to the end, and one more you're back at the prompt
@IvenBach :wq, I believe does it.
but that's not how it's done in bash, normally. its more needs a explicit q
@this No, the Git rebase command messes with you.
@Hosch250 that's vim, not bash.
@this It uses Vim, IIRC.
At least, what I use does.
then I assumed wrong.
And I set Iven up the same as myself.
because pressing q alone wouldn't suffice.
RubberDuck is the one who taught me that.
Although, maybe it's changed since I was rebasing. I almost never do it.
had to be :q<enter> for me whereas more (or is it less) that can take only q to end.
@Hosch250 lol I was going to make that "can't quit vim" joke, then I come back and read "it uses Vim"
You really should be using emacs, @Mat'sMug.
I don't use Vim, but I know how to quit it if necessary.
@Hosch250 This is my work setup.
Oh, OK.
@this can't. it says "mac" in the name, I'm allergic.
I don't know how it's officially set up TBH.
@IvenBach To Honest Be?
@Mat'sMug it's funny because back then you could say I'm running emacs on my emac
@this Which you use to cook macs
Grammar to be book picked up be needs.
I don't even eat Big Macs
Nor mac'n'cheese, @Mat'sMug ?
@Mat'sMug That's because you don't have a Mac to cook them with.
they need to come up with Big Wins
@this ugh
@Mat'sMug That's why they use Windows to run casinos.
@this Mmmm, I love that.
Too much bothers my lactose intolerance, though :(
One could make a dotty about emacs on a emac cooking mac'n'cheese while eating big mac.
I read "mac'n'cheese" as "Kraft Dinner". dunno if you have that in the 'states, but it's ...gross
oh, it'd be done by a guy named Mac.
Yes, that's what I'm thinking of.
@Mat'sMug Nah, just home-made stuff.
Wait, no. No, not "Kraft Dinner" - just the little blue boxes. They are not best but not awful. Never tried "Kraft Dinner"
But I'm not much of a pasta guy anyway.
not sure it qualifies as pasta anyway
certainly that glow-in-the-dark orange powder doesn't qualify as cheese in any case
Well... if it's in a cardboard box, it ain't.
and what about the velveeta? That stuff scares me, man.
Those with the boxes that contain powdered cheese? Not appetizing.
@IvenBach I once gave a toffee apple to a good friend that just had all 4 wisdom teeth removed.
@ThunderFrame and did he eat it anyway?
@ThunderFrame Did he plaster it in your face?
he's been "just friend" since
I think it went to waste, but he did see the funny side. Then again he visited me in hospital, post surgery, and left a playboy open on the chair (out of my reach), so I'd have to explain it to the nurses after he was gone..... Oh, the things adolescent males get up to....
@ThunderFrame LOL.
Were they freaked that you were moving around too soon?
@Hosch250 surprisingly, they said it happened all the time.
Pity he hadn't rigged up a bucket of water to dump on them when they opened the door.
@ThunderFrame oh, they just say that to reassure you, since they know that nobody admits to doing it. :p
I got him back a year later. Stuck gay porn pictures around his apartment, in drawers, behind curtains, etc. My friend thought he found them all, but when his parents came to stay the next day, they found some, and freaked out.
Pranks are key to good friendships, right?
casually observing all the chats, saw "gay porn" and had to blink twice
> # [Codecov](https://codecov.io/gh/rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck/pull/3685?src=pr&el=h1) Report
> Merging [#3685](https://codecov.io/gh/rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck/pull/3685?src=pr&el=desc) into [next](https://codecov.io/gh/rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck/commit/f4cf930cd361dd4d67f17a97d739500ba2775b97?src=pr&el=desc) will **increase** coverage by `0.02%`.
> The diff coverage is `6.66%`.

[![Impacted file tree graph](https://codecov.io/gh/rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck/pull/3685/graphs/tree.svg?height=150&width
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit e2d8f377 on unknown branch: 6.66% of diff hit (target 71.25%)
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit e2d8f377 on unknown branch: 71.27% (+0.02%) compared to f4cf930
> # [Codecov](https://codecov.io/gh/rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck/pull/3685?src=pr&el=h1) Report
> Merging [#3685](https://codecov.io/gh/rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck/pull/3685?src=pr&el=desc) into [next](https://codecov.io/gh/rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck/commit/f4cf930cd361dd4d67f17a97d739500ba2775b97?src=pr&el=desc) will **increase** coverage by `0.02%`.
> The diff coverage is `6.66%`.

[![Impacted file tree graph](https://codecov.io/gh/rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck/pull/3685/graphs/tree.svg?width=650&src=pr
hi @Mat'sMug, I saw you changed the default hotkey setting for Code Explorer
I don't think it will work, because changes were made only in app.config and, as you may remember, RD doesn't even see this file
you have to also modify the .settings file so that the default value in the code-behind file reflects that change
I believe it will be sufficient if you just open the .settings file in Visual Studio
a pop-up should appear and once you agree to update the values, everything will be in place
it was me who changed the value, by the way
I forgot to change it back
@ThunderFrame well played on his part.
@ThunderFrame I say they are.
Remind me not to mess with thunder or try to prank him.
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit 5eb456bb on unknown branch: AppVeyor build succeeded
> # [Codecov](https://codecov.io/gh/rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck/pull/3685?src=pr&el=h1) Report
> Merging [#3685](https://codecov.io/gh/rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck/pull/3685?src=pr&el=desc) into [next](https://codecov.io/gh/rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck/commit/f4cf930cd361dd4d67f17a97d739500ba2775b97?src=pr&el=desc) will **decrease** coverage by `0.01%`.
> The diff coverage is `53.33%`.

[![Impacted file tree graph](https://codecov.io/gh/rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck/pull/3685/graphs/tree.svg?height=150&widt
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit 5eb456bb on unknown branch: 53.33% of diff hit (target 71.25%)
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit 5eb456bb on unknown branch: 71.24% (-0.02%) compared to f4cf930
> One of the cardinal rules of Git is that, since so much work is local within your clone, you have a great deal of freedom to rewrite your history locally. However, once you push your work, it is a different story entirely, and you should consider pushed work as final unless you have good reason to change it. In short, you should avoid pushing your work until you’re happy with it and ready to share it with the rest of the world.
Does this hold for pushes I do to my GH repo? Or should I think about this as things having gone into the RD repo?
depends on the workflow
for our usual workflow it does not apply to pushes to your fork
it does not even apply to stuff you have an open PR about
because before the PR is merged, it's still all in your fork
Once it's gone into the RD repo though...
:+1: Making sure.
your fork is basically a way to make your local repo visible to others in our workflow
The idea of a repo is getting much clearer now.
Probably a bad example but it's kind of like a property accessor, just for local files?
Yep bad example.
It provides public access to what I want to be seen.
not necessarily ....
actually ... not at all
:click: So that's what 'Head' means when you us it in the CLI...
@Vogel612 You have a moment to duck out loud with me? I want to make sure I understand.
When you create a new branch and work on it nothing changes until the 'staged' changes are actually 'commit'ted?
That's why I've seen some messages why HEAD is ahead/behind by so many commits?
@IvenBach yes.
@IvenBach not quite sure which exactly you mean
@Vogel612 I can't recall the specifics but when I was first getting into RD I would routinely have conflicts with whatever branch I was working on being ahead/behind of Head.
There'd be warnings about loss of information/commits/etc...
it's impossible to be behind or ahead of HEAD
you might be talking about a "detached HEAD state"
I've seen that part but haven't read through it yet.
basically HEAD points straight to a commit instead of to a branch
So HEAD is whatever is the checked out branch/commit?
One last check.
figure 17.
With work that diverges and creates their own separate changes those can be merged without any conflicts if they same files aren't worked on.
The only time that needs to be done is when 2 persons work on the same file(s) and they change the same stuff that depends on what the other worked on.
You might want to bookmark these git conversations
How do I borkmark bookmark?
Could be useful as a reference for when someone wants to make a YT video about setting up RD
@Mat'sMug not really, actually...
@IvenBach in the 'Room' menu, under the list of users in the room, right panel
@Vogel612 I know, just wanted to sneak that in here ;-)
gotta be at home for that. Ain't got VS installed on my windows partition of my laptop
click on "room" and then on "create new bookmark"
Found it... #MeSoSmrt
#WarmFuzzies I now know what the rainbow means. git log --graph
That's what I'm calling the rainbow.
yea... the fugly autobahn mess in console when you have a lot of different branches with different merging directions
You've no idea how cool this is for me to understand that image.
@IvenBach looks like guitar hero in some other clients =)
git-ar, I mean
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