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still not getting a repro ...
procedure after function, calling said function ...
I didn't attempt to use any module-level members yet....
it shouldn't matter... I don't know what the problem is. Might be related to the Selection glitch @this is investigating
@FreeMan are you sure you're up to date?
@Vogel612 @Mat'sMug:
well ... looks good, but now we need your help. I can't repro the ProcedureNotUsed issue with unit-tests...
no repro with .2182 here
'@Ignore ProcedureNotUsed
Sub RemoveMe()

End Sub
gosh I need to update my ducky, all these IllegalAnnotation results are annoying
no repro with current next, nor with .2210
Option Explicit

'@Ignore ProcedureNotUsed
Sub RemoveMe()
    'todo: implement
End Sub
> According to chat, there's no repo & questions about the version.

Here's the code in question and proof of the version.
![rd ignore once quick fix 2](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11889733/30446415-18eacf76-9957-11e7-83a0-9e8cc5315c58.PNG)

wut... is this after applying the quick fix?
I see 2201, 2204 & 2213 on the release page, @Mat'sMug, but not a 2210. Am I missing something?
soz... my bad: .2191
@Vogel612 yes
hmm ...
the initial report said that the annotation did not get added.
at least it's consistent with the tests
2 issues, I believe. #1 original code:
'  Const ConString1 As String = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source="""
'  Const ConString2 As String = """;Extended Properties=""Excel 12.0 Xml;HDR=YES"";"
'  SetupConnection.ConnectionString = ConString1 & Application.ActiveWorkbook.FullName & ConString2

End Function

Public Sub CloseConnection()


End Sub
the current cls contains an annotation after the opening line
select Ignore Once quick fix generates:
'@Ignore ProcedureNotUsed'  Const ConString1 As String = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source="""
'  Const ConString2 As String = """;Extended Properties=""Excel 12.0 Xml;HDR=YES"";"
'  SetupConnection.ConnectionString = ConString1 & Application.ActiveWorkbook.FullName & ConString2

End Function

Public Sub CloseConnection()


End Sub
@FreeMan huh, ok that's messed-up
Function Foo()

'  Const ConString1 As String = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source="""
'  Const ConString2 As String = """;Extended Properties=""Excel 12.0 Xml;HDR=YES"";"
'  SetupConnection.ConnectionString = ConString1 & Application.ActiveWorkbook.FullName & ConString2
'@Ignore ProcedureNotUsed

End Function

Public Sub CloseConnection()


End Sub
Note where the annotation is
also note you have a stray End Function token there.. I doubt that's parsing right
it's not stray
1 min ago, by FreeMan
'  Const ConString1 As String = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source="""
'  Const ConString2 As String = """;Extended Properties=""Excel 12.0 Xml;HDR=YES"";"
'  SetupConnection.ConnectionString = ConString1 & Application.ActiveWorkbook.FullName & ConString2

End Function

Public Sub CloseConnection()


End Sub
No, it's not stray, those comments are in the function above it.
it's a bit further up, but there is a corresponding Public Function
No, I don't know exactly why they got stuck down there at the bottom of that function - it's been there for a while.
anyway, I'm getting a repro on definitely-weird behavior here
'@Ignore ProcedureNotUsed
Public Sub CloseConnection()


End Sub
cue the need to incorporate Attributes into test code...
The Unused Procedure goes away
Public Sub CloseConnection()
'@Ignore ProcedureNotUsed


End Sub
The unused procedure remains
@FreeMan as it should
(in both cases)
The brokenness is that the quick fix put the annotation in the wrong place.
The additional brokenness was that I also put the annotation in the wrong place.
yes, and I can only repro that with the code you provided. not sure why.
I didn't realize that it was supposed to go outside the method
it's supposed to sit on top of the declaration
All annotations should always be one line above the declaration.
soo ... is it essentially the same as #3374?
I guess that makes sense since an annotation about a specific variable goes directly above its declaration.
@Vogel612 more or less
this one looks like an off-by-more-than-one error, but pretty close.
we do already have multiple issues with "mismatching" declaration positions
feel free to merge/close this one as necessary. I find 'em & report 'em, y'all organize 'em 7 fix 'em
var @this = File.ReadAllBytes("..\path\this.txt")
@FreeMan no. the annotation is being inserted 4 lines above where it's supposed to be here.
IDK if this applies but earlier I was surprised to find that within the parse tree, columns were zero-based but lines are one-based. Selections are one-based both lines & columns.
@Mat'sMug: i.e. more than one :)
If one assumed that the parse tree's line was zero-based, like the columns ==> one-off error.
@this doesn't seem to be the relevant factor
especially since the rewriter only works on token-indices, which is a whole different ballpark
@FreeMan as @Vogel612 is saying, the insert position is / should be determined by token indices - there's something wicked wrong going on here, inconsistently, not sure why.
@Mat'sMug I'm still blaming attributes
if the code is in a class module, the offset would be 8-10 lines, not 1-4
are token indices shared across channel (that's where I assume you keep different parse trees, right?)
also, annotations have nothing to do with the attributes pass
@this I think so
@Mat'sMug hmm ...
and no, different parse trees are entirely different parse passes
    MultiUse = -1 ' True
Attribute VB_Name = "DBConfiguration"
IOW, you aren't using channels, @Mat'sMug?
we can't use channels, not for this
Ok. Was under the impression it was for that kind of purpose.
the attributes are read from the exported modules
attributes pass works off an entirely different source than the code pane pass
I see. #Learning
we used to shove comments into a hidden lexer channel, but that was before we got annotations into the grammar
today the parser sees every token, including whitespace - which is a bit overkill at first sight, but considering what had to be done to correctly parse line numbers and continuations, we'll have to live with them
confirming - the rewriter will write to both, right?
(not sure if that's necessary)
@this there's no hidden lexer channel anymore
or there might be for the precompiler directives?
the point being that we shouldn't be in a state where the parse tree for attributes is different from the code pane's parse tree. right?
@this GetRewriter gets you a rewriter for the specified module, off the code pane pass token stream. GetAttributesRewriter gets you a rewriter for the specified module, off the attributes pass token stream - only one thing needs it ATM: the SynchronizeModuleAttributesQuickFix
@this they're different by definition
@Mat'sMug @ThunderFrame intentionally weaponizes VBA, I just manage to come up with it at random...
The only time you need to work with the attribute pass tokens is when you need to work out or modify module or member attributes, which the VBE doesn't show in code panes
@Mat'sMug my worry was that adding an annotation to the code pane's tree would necessitate that the attribute parse tree is updated before you go to work on the attribute. If you do it out of the order or forget to update the attribute parse tree... bugs, no?
To interrupt this discussion, how do I make this comment work?
/*var str = "*/";
var i = 0;*/
I suppose I could do a couple //.
But that's more typing.
use comment block, no? @Hosch250
@this annotations are magic comments RD understands. attributes are hidden magic values/keywords that aren't displayed in code panes and that VBA understands.
@Hosch250 why?
Just because I'm "weaponizing" C#.
@Mat'sMug I understood. My thought was that if someone made a mistake of adding quickfix in the wrong order that they end up reading off a stale attribute parse tree -- that would cause those random bugs.... maybe?
IDK if that is a possibility
@this generally applying a quickfix automatically triggers a reparse
Makes sense. and if that means both are updated then that shouldn't be possible
@robinCTS auto-instantiated locals cannot be destroyed. Single best way to keep a live object reference floating around. Go ahead, set it to Nothing all you want - VBA will recreate it as soon as you check if it's nothing. Auto-instantiated variables are a trap. — Mat's Mug 2 mins ago
@this We only use channels to hide precompiler directives and code specified as dead by those directives.
And that's how the rewriters can rewrite a whole module at once, without wiping out the dead code.
and after the rewrite triggers a reparse, it automatically updates the attribute parse tree (perhap by re-exporting) and reparsing.... right?
Yes, every parsing run first parses the exported module for the attribute parse tree and then the version from the code pane for the ordinary parse tree.
Good to know.
Finally finished porting the registration and interceptors to Castle Windsor. Time to dubug what I have done. (Probably needs at least some changes to auto-magic factories.)
> @retailcoder FWIW we could even go so far as to only remove the LHS and the = for any assignments
@Duga isn't it exactly what the issue is about?
sup @Mat'sMug :)
@Meehow OMG HE'S BACK!!!
long time no see, how have you been?
was just looking something up on WCF and then I was hey wondering how the old friends are doing
beats me why you nuked your SO account :(
i've been good mate. managed to move away from VBA
OK, that did not work.
ha! recruiters
@Meehow Welcome back to the pond.
thank you but I just came by to say hi :)
huh, because they kept harrassing you for VBA jobs? or because they wouldn't contact a VBA guy?
worries about current VBA tag standing
RD can use any and all assistance. Whenever you get the time come and visit.
people were calling my workplace asking for me etc.
heck, come here anytime, whether you want to contribute to Rubberduck or not!
banking companies in london etc.
@Meehow yikes...
just had to kind of disappear for a while
I can understand that. sucks for that 20K though
Hopefully it wasn't debt collection calls.
for a while I thought you were hanging out on an island with Comintern and Elvis
@IvenBach naugh :) but that would have put me in a better spot over having to explain to my boss why there's 20 people a day trying to get me to talk to them... using the company phone line... long story
Q: General Function to Test for Empty/No-Value Controls

DataWriterI'm working on a very CRUD-heavy MS Access application, which has over 50 forms for entering and working with data. This, of course, involves lot of testing to see if a textbox, recordset, etc. has a value and then doing something with it. To prevent mistakes such as testing for "IF not rst.BOF...

@Mat'sMug where is comintern? His GH account hasn't been edited. I joked about the bus factor but now I'm worried it might have occurred.
@Meehow You just provided that much utility to the company that they didn't want to let you go?
@IvenBach bus theory is more likely with every passing day. worried too.
changed job and pursued C# which turned out to be a great career move
^ Glad too hear that
I'm a noob here.
Daddy duck @Mat'sMug has been helping teach me C#.
@IvenBach you know there still are a lot of companies in the UK running on spreadsheets...a by a lot I probably mean every 3rd mid size company :P
I'm hoping to pay back what him and the other ducks have provided me in help with PR and RD improvements.
@Meehow I'm sure it's the some here in 'murica-landia.
@IvenBach been done done that ;) I used to live in the USA for about 5 years so yeah I know what you mean my american brother from another mother
and the time is now 21:37
if you know what i mean :P
We're all stuck on this rock together. Treat each other civilly and things go just a tad smoother.
@Meehow if you're ever in search of some C# OSS side-project to work on, I know one that could use a VBA guru :)
@Mat'sMug nice try buddy buddy! ;)
had to
@Mat'sMug is RubberDuck still around?
not on the project, but yeah he tweets every now and then, and still follows everything going on with RD
that's great. and how are the other top10 lads, they're still around?
on CR's tag?
or SO's?
Siddharth, brettdj, tim william, jeeped, gary, hansup, jean-(the french guy)
haven't seen Sidddharth in a long while, but yeah the happy bunch is still around :)
@Meehow huh, now that's quite the username
it's how you pronounce my name, dont laugh or I'll show my you surname hahah
ha, just noticed I took JF's #10 spot on SO's all-time VBA wall of fame!
huh, and I'm well ahead of Scott now. that feels weird.
@Mat'sMug Wall of infamy, you mean?
whatever lol
@Meehow Still got your website data? We have a website now, so we could host it.
Or I can just save it for sometime when I have a website.
^ true that
#WarmFeelies XML documentation intellisense stuff just made sense.
> @Vogel612

Wouldn't that leave you with

Sub DoSomething()
End Sub

Which may be the answer to life, the universe and everything, but isn't really all that useful?
@IvenBach yes shhhh
(...that was a joke lol)
but, yes
I get jokes, sometimes.
> I would really not want to do that. This feel like actually changing the intent of the source code, and it might have unwanted side-effect. I'd prefer to blow the whole line away, or leave up to user to fix it.
@Hosch250 I doubt it but I can double check. If I find anything I'll hit you up
@Duga @Mat'sMug What if we only removed the RHS too if it is a literal, and did the same thing we do now if it isn't?
needs further analysis
I need another duckling learning this stuff with me. @BrandonBarney @puzzlepiece87 @FreeMan y'all gotta get on the C# train. Yeah I know the 1st part is (really, really, really)^5 hard. Once you get past that and all the migraines it's pretty cool.
@IvenBach You are just between a beginner and an intermediate now.
The migraines will come again, but they probably won't last as long because you are a) already learning to think like a programmer, and b) being taught right the first time.
There's no way I can be approaching intermediate.
@IvenBach the train moves forward. you're closer to intermediate than to beginner by now.
@IvenBach can you be more specific, what's that you need?
Then we gotta fill the train up fast. I don't want to be the only noob-to-novice riding by myself.
Train, roll on... Tuesday VBA is gone with the wind...
@Meehow I've only been here since Feb and was introduced to C# shortly before that. I'm trying to get other lurkers that come here to learn C# with me so we get more contributors.
@Mat'sMug not sure this has been done but you know templates in C# where you can basically mimic EF and create a .txt file and template that will generate model and database context for you in c#. A project idea would be to do something similar in VBA, that would be fantastic
I actually have something similar to that. it's sql-server specific but can be used to generate VBA procedure that takes parameters as arguments and thus execute command.
like a class builder that only needs a connection string and what tables/views to wrap up?
@IvenBach get yourself account on pluralsight (or have your employer, if they have msdn subscription they get that). Many courses that REALLY, and i mean REALLY help
I've yet to see a solution that beats my SqlCommand and SqlResult classes :)
However, my biggest problem ATM is that ADO is going away, and I'm not too enthused about using MSDASQL.
@Meehow I did a beginner course on Udemy. Need to watch the intermediate now that I'll understand it. I've gotten more out of quacking at the RD team and having them instruct me firsthand.
(the statement RE: ADO going away is overstating things. So far, it's limited to SQL Server but still... meh.)
@Mat'sMug it's not based on a connection string, you could (i think) use COM to connect to SQL and then reverse engineer what's defined in the .txt
wait, people use COM for stuff?
@Mat'sMug it's done differently
<#@ assembly name="EnvDTE" #>
<#@ assembly name="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\120\SDK\Assemblies\Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Sdk.Sfc.dll" #>
<#@ assembly name="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\120\SDK\Assemblies\Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo.dll" #>
<#@ assembly name="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\120\SDK\Assemblies\Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo.dll" #>
<#@ import namespace="Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo" #>
get the idea?
hmm vaguely
loading a .dll that allows you to acces the objject explorer tree in SSMS
.tt files?
isn't it simpler to just query the schema metadata?
Great, @Meehow now how do you intend to use the connection without ADO? Suppose you had to use ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server?
that's basically what it's doing
@Meehow FWIW, I can just get all the metadata using SQL. No DLL needed.
@this naugh, use a C# dll that exposes connection done properly without ADO
so how would you return a Recordset object?
you don't
you return IEnumerable<SomeType> instead
@this dont need to
(array or collections are not always desirable, IMO)
wait, confused. Aren't we talking about VBA-land?
sure, but since you're referencing a COM dll written in C#, do everything in C# and just return whatever VBA needs to cooperate with
like Matt said return something Enumerable
that'd work, yeah
problem is that ideally you'd want to return a VBA class - and that means creating an instance of a VBA class in C# code - something we still haven't figured out
you can't
and you won't be able to do that
poof goes the dream of a mocking framework
why is that?
@Meehow is there a technical reason why not? (just want to know the whys)
well it's like if you wanted to combine a vb.net and c# files into same project
@Mat'sMug do we need to have a vBA class, tho? Just creae something like Recordset in C# and expose to VBA, no?
@this sure, but an actual type with properties for every column beats stringly-typed field accesses any day of the week
i.e. Debug.Print item.Price vs Debug.Print result.fields("Price")
Well, if one really had to, there's always the VBIDE....
I do have my doubts about strong-typing the tables, though. Object-relation impedancne is a big problem, and ORM only make it more worse.
yeah.. especially in a language that doesn't support querying object collections =)
recordset work-around ....
save to a DB file from C#
something that VBA can easily read and convert to a recordset
that shouldn't be hard, there are plenty of drivers
didn't we just want to get rid of a ADODB.Recordset :P ?
but what's an alternative of equivalent speed writing to cells
i havent touched VBA in ages so Im a bit rusty
well, ADODB is capable to serializing / deserializing a recordset to file
closest that comes to me now would be ~ClosedXml
but I prolly won't want to do this for bigger table.
doesn't even requre Excel (newish excel is XML anyway)
meh. IDK. I'd rather that MS got their stuff together and actually fix DAO to be a better ODBC client. That would benefit all Office and not have to use ADO anymore.
im off lads, gotta get up at round 5 am to drive my sis to Luton airport...
you have fun here I'll see you around
@Meehow Drop by often.
	/// <summary>
	/// A round rotund deadly creature
	/// often found on the plains of Africa.
	/// Commonly called a Mother-In-Law
	/// in industrialized countries.
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="Name">Your mother in laws name</param>
	public class Hippo

		public Hippo(string Name)
			this.Name = Name;

		public string Name { private get; set; }

		/// <summary>
		/// Returns the Hippo's name since the 'get'er is private
		/// </summary>
		public override string ToString()
			return this.Name;
^ I'm proud I was able to figure that out.
Why isn't the ctor XML-doc on the, well, constructor?
I was too excited and forgot to add it in?
 /// <param name="Name">Your mother in laws name</param>
^ that's on the class
don't do that in RD ;-)
I wont. Don't worry my mother-in-law just adores me.
Hrm... it may just be the web based compiler I use for testing but I can't see any result for the parameter documentation.
	public class Hippo

	        /// <summary>
	        /// Commonly called a Mother-In-Law
	        /// in industrialized countries.
	        /// </summary>
            /// <param name="Name">Your mother in laws name</param>
		public Hippo(string Name)
			this.Name = Name;
ugh. tabs.
Is the opening summary tag intentionally missing?
How do you get the parameters to be on their own lines for intellisense?
It's probably because I'm using a web compiler to do all my testing.
It show's the correct name in bold at the bottom. But the description for each parameter is chained one after another.
how XML-doc is read and rendered is entirely dependent on the client. what IntelliSenseâ„¢ does might not be what some random web client does
I'll have to double check it in VS2017 tonight.
Duh check: protected internal behaves like a binary or in that it takes both possibilities as inclusive.
protected internal is sheer nonsense IMHO. but yeah.
I initially mis-understood it as exculsionary but it's the other way around.
Thanks again for clarifying. Back to more reading and testing.
I owe a lot to the RD team for helping me figure this stuff out.
They are planning on making the real "protected internal" and calling it "private protected".
Most of the C# community is throwing a fit.
Is that part of C#15?
They threw such a big fit that it didn't make it into 6 or 7, but it sounds like the team is sick of the fight and is just going to do it.
@Hosch250 deservingly so
team needs to grow a spine
I, and a lot of others, want a new keyword "restricted".
Personally, I think they should add a new keyword for both of them, do it in 8 with the other breaking changes, and remove protected internal.
and then call it D# ffs
There is already a D.
C+-# more like it
got me wondering --- looks like we have it up to F now. The next'd be G.
and I'd think the next version of C# would be C##
Duh check regarding a lambda expression with 2 parameters. Pg 239 of C# In Depths has an example and the part films.Sort((f1, f2) => f1.Name.CompareTo(f2.Name)); I'm a little fuzzy on.
When feeding in 2 parameters from a List<T> (or more generally ICollection<T>, from my understanding) are they treated as the Nth and Nth+1 when being compared for this?
public class Program
	public static void Main()
		var films = GetFilms();

		Action<Film> print = film => Console.WriteLine("Name={0}, Year={1}", film.Name, film.Year);

		Console.WriteLine("All films");

		Console.WriteLine("Old films");
		films.FindAll(film => film.Year < 1960).ForEach(print);

		Console.WriteLine("Sorted films");
		films.Sort((f1, f2) => f1.Name.CompareTo(f2.Name));

	class Film
As far as I remember, you are providing an IComparer, which takes two arguments. It is up to the implementation of Sort how it uses it to sort the list.
^^ that
the sort algorithm that C# most probably uses is TimSort
which is complicated to explain, because it uses some very fancy maths
@M.Doerner I just figured out it was IComparer<T> by trying to add f3.
and combines multiple different approaches to sorting
I'm just trying to make sure I've fully understood what I'm using. msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/234b841s(v=vs.110).aspx shows the sort and it specifically says 'Sorts the elements in the entire List<T> using the specified comparer.'
correct, but that doesn't mean it compares successive elements
^ Thank you for that. I was assuming that and didn't want to keep going until I was able to check against said assumption.
Is this abstraction at work and me worrying too much about the internals, or is my question a valid one to be asking?
yes and no
@IvenBach yes, yes, and maybe ;-)
fundamentally the lambda expression just is something that needs to conform to (T, T) -> int
So 3 yes, a no along with maybe
which coincidentally is the same as a comparator
or to be more correct: the only (relevant) method a Comparator exposes: Compare
@Vogel612 This is because the IComparer<T> msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/xh5ks3b3(v=vs.110).aspx doing that?
I'm not quite clear on the details myself, but C# sees some syntactic sugar for an anonymous delegate method there from what I gather
don't take that for true, though...
I'm a mostly java dev 😒
Any possible insight will help. I rarely trust my on deductions because they've taught me incorrect stuff before.
A: Lambda implementing Interface

MatthiasThis does not work because in C#, lambda expressions map to delegates - a concept that does not exist in Java. Java has had a lot of these one-method interfaces for a long time before they finally introduced lambdas in Java 8. Given this and the lack of delegates, it was more or less natural to a...

^^ this SO answer says I'm at least in the right ballpark
i.e. it's definitely abstraction; internals usually don't need to be a concern (esp. in .net framework), but learning how the plumbing works can teach you stuff
this msdn article seems to be pretty well written judging by the first three paragraphs
not directly on lambdas, but those are syntactic sugar around delegates anyways
C# is such an incredible amount of sugar
I'll read it to finish my day.
I don't want to associate this kind of visual films.Sort((f1, f2) => f1.Name.CompareTo(f2.Name)); thinking it compares each one in succession to later find out it was wrong and I just happened to get the right answers because of it.
Finally found this stupid registration problem: the RegexAssistantCommandMenuItem was not public.
@Vogel612 ...which makes Java rather bitter in comparison ;-)
@M.Doerner oups... guilty as charged
@Mat'sMug there is some sugar in there
@M.Doerner oh wow
Now, I have the next problem.
and you can get good tools that help you reduce the boilerplate like Lombok
They just keep coming.
@Vogel612 I know a certain Java monkey that particularly hates that specific tool =) ...haven't seen him in a while, too...
Aha, same problem with RegexAssistantCommand.
Kids' bedtime, bbl
@Mat'sMug it's a very dirty hack, actually
so I can understand the hate...
also it does a bit too much, IMHO and the integration with most build-tools is a bit annoying
Does Ninject automatically bind everything to itself?
since you need to remove the sugar before putting the stuff through the java compiler
@M.Doerner there's a convention for some classes, IIRC
I found the IFoo --> 'Foo` convention, but I cannot recall seeing Foo --> Foo.
stuff that inherits from IDockableUserControl is bound to self
@M.Doerner pretty sure it only binds concrete types toself when explicitly told so
@Vogel612 I'm not up to the level of comprehension to grok it. It felt like my fingertips were barely touching the aether of something. I've likely a couple more months before I can begin to internalize it.
it's one of these hard things in C#
the post is written from a compiler-builder's perspective
Yeah. I'm not there, yet.
Hm, it resolves; however, now I get a COM exception.
OK, it did not resolve. The COM exception has been thrown while resolving.
CreateToolWindow is returning HRESULT E_FAIL.
That will have to wait till tomorrow.
Sleep well
also a good moment to follow suit....
00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

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