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[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] 3 issue comments.
@Hosch250 sorry to hear that. My mum volunteers on a children's cancer ward - sees some very sad cases. But a lot do pull through. it's very tough on the families though.
It is terrible.
Hi All :)
@Hosch250 that's awful, sorry to hear :(
Hey - I was reading on Pearson's site that Auto Instancing should be avoided Dim x As New y and AFAICT RD does not inspect for that...
reluctant to make a new issue for something I don't really understand so thought I'd mention it here first, of course I'll also check if it has already been flagged...
Beyond my knowledge.
NOTE: It is also possible to combine the two statements above into a single statement:
Dim C As New Class1
This is called an auto-instancing variable. When the variable C is first encountered in code, a new instance is created. In general, you should avoid auto-instancing variables for two reasons:
First, it adds overhead to the code because the variable must be tested for Nothing every time it is encountered in code.
Second, you have no way to test whether a auto-instancing variable is Nothing because the very act of using the variable name in an
Avoiding seems to make sense to me but not sure if there are any reasons why it could be a good thing, probably should be an inspection - can always disable.
I guess the reason for not auto instancing would be that the
`Set x = New y`
could be in an If statement and so potentially not used (therefore don't instantiate)...
> After reading here: http://www.cpearson.com/excel/Classes.aspx

I think a code inspection to detect Auto Instancing would be a good addition to RD...

```Dim x As New y``` apparently has these disadvantages:

- adds overhead to the code - the variable must be tested for Nothing every time it is encountered in code
- there's no way to test whether a auto-instancing variable is Nothing because using the variable name automatically create an instance of the variable

So better to use:
> That's.. already implemented ;-)
> Hmm, does not seem to be working for my small test project :(
> ?

> Ok it picked it up now, but I swear it didn't the first time
> Sorry, obvs my bad, possible that I changed the code to elicit the inspection but failed to refresh :(
> It doesn't pick up module variables, but that's by design. I'm seeing two issues with the inspection:

- "self-assigned" could be changed to "auto-instantiated"
- "ignore once" quick-fix should be enabled

Also.. perhaps a quick-fix could be implemented to turn:

Dim foo As New Bar


Dim foo As Bar
Set foo = New Bar

But only if there's no assignment to `Nothing` within the scope.
hey @RubberDuck!
Hey @Mat'sMug. What's up buddy?
still waiting for the mugs & tees to arrive =)
I got the pens and the stickers though
Oh. Sweet.
other than that... I got myself a new harp yesterday, key of A. I can now play the first 80 seconds of Whammer Jammer, *almost* without running out of breath :)
and my lips are bleeding
still years behind that sound though
> Agree with the quick fixes, that would be good.

*Scratches Head* - when I first tested I double clicked on each inspection result and am positive that the inspection did not show up. It's there now and I can't repro...

I didn't know you played! That's awesome.
been learning since ~christmas
so, 6-8 weeks months
@Mat'sMug a man of many talents... I felt out of breath @55s just watching the clip...
I'm going to have to quit smoking if I want to survive that song
@Mat'sMug had my peer review the other day. Some prick had the balls to say I needed to quit because it's gonna kill me.
Like, I'm completely unaware of the health problems with smoking...
Killed my grandpa.
And several other paternal relatives.
> The main point of this tutorial is that FizzBuzz is not at all trivial, but, many thanks to higher-order functions in Haskell, solvable. I don’t know about Java.
wow lol
So thats who that guy is. He comes up for certain inputs on the Slack channel at work.
Yeah. FP programmers need to lose the attitude.
Nah they don't. That's the best part about it.
At least they chose to pick on Java.
It's funny.
How so? From where I sit, I see a lot of people missing out on good ideas because FP people are jerks. No one listens to jerks.
> We deliver a rather non-standard, and a bit tongue-in-cheek solution.
That alone tells you it is a joke article. Right in the italics at the top of the file.
@Mat'sMug - happy with that logo mock-up?
rushes to inbox
@ThunderFrame are you the one who knows F#?
@RubberDuck that would be @Hosch250
Yeah, only partially.
And yes, I probably qualify as a jerk.
@ThunderFrame hmm, not sure about the black
I installed VS2017 with F#
@Mat'sMug it's transparent - depends on your image viewer.
I mean the "RUBBERDUCK" lettering
@Mat'sMug F# 4.1 to be exact. Are you thinking about trying it?
I wouldn't have installed it otherwise...
@ThunderFrame It should probably be white.
so eventually, yes
Well, I could use a review if anyone feels game. codereview.stackexchange.com/q/172821/41243
If you do WPF, look up Reed Copsey's stuff.
Oh. Well, umm, yeah. Not white.
@RubberDuck Ask @EBrown.
That's who I was thinking of. Thanks @Hosch250
OK, I see two problems right off.
Parse should be parse.
Kill that loop and use recursion.
@Hosch250 is it me or VS2017 just doesn't debug RD?
This is one of the best short stories I've read outside of O'Henry: scifi.stackexchange.com/questions/166938/…
@Mat'sMug You, I guess.
It worked for me.
The loop is there to map from IEnumerable to IEnumerable<T>. Not sure I have any idea how to rewrite it recursively.
it launches EXCEL.EXE and seems to attach, but breakpoints remain hollow
Is this in the inspections?
That ^^ was the bane of my existence with 15...
Look at it in a sec.
If it is in the inspections, you have to rebuild the inspections project explicitly to get it to refresh the linked dll.
namespace Rubberduck.Inspections.QuickFixes
I don't remember how to do this offhand, especially since my brain is a trifle fuzzy ATM, but it should be as simple as something like seq.where (fun element -> element.Name.Equals "item") channelNode.ChildNodes
"fun element ->" really?
@Mat'sMug Yeah, short for function.
why doesn't it infer that, given -> operator?
@Hosch250 no .Where for old style collections.
Not sure. It might in the future.
feels like the delegate keyword of early C#
I don't remember all of it.
@Mat'sMug because C# learned from F#'s mistake.
Yeah, F# has a much smaller community developing it.
I thought C# predated F#
They are really wanting more funding and support from MS.
Funny you mention delegates. I was just using them to name Funcs the other day.
ha, "rebuild all" did it
@Mat'sMug it does, but F# existed before C# got lambdas.
@Hosch250 if only FP folks weren't jerks...
The ones I know are mostly nice. A bit opinionated, but like I said, all niche groups are.
F# people are actually really nice. It's those Haskell people you've got to watch out for.
And besides, JAVA people would say we are opinionated too.
Yeah, I just know the F# ones.
And Elixir.... but Elixir is so neat I can ignore the community.
I was just kidding. the only FP people I know are chatting with me right now
Oh, talking about niche languages, I showed Folders to one of my colleagues. He was like "Just because you can doesn't mean you should."
so @RubberDuck, I'm going to be closing the Google form soon. You want that mug?
That's awesome @Hosch250! Here's my current fav. emojicode.org
@Mat'sMug I won't say no. Where's the form?
pinned here ---->
I mean, I do collect coffee mugs.
@Mat'sMug I collect stamps, if you want to send some Canadian ones along with it.
Ok. I'll have to grab my laptop.
I've had a lot of trouble getting new ones since the US switched to the Forever ones.
Most people just get a roll of Forever flags now, because you can use them when the price goes up.
Probably cost more than 1c to print the low-cost ones, or something.
I haven't used a stamp in the last decade I think lol
@Mat'sMug OK on the white background?
What do you use?
@Hosch250 it's called Internet ;-)
@Hosch250 and if you must post, prepaid, or print your own
Oh, you haven't sent a letter or low-cost package in 10 years?
And I suppose the bills all come with those ink stamps.
hmm, I did send a book to Australia last time CR did a secret Santa
I have an unsent postcard in my bag from September last year - too hard to go buy stamps. Will hand deliver it next time I see the person
You mean you can't just go give it to the post office and buy a single stamp there?
sure, but post office requires me to go there, line up.
You mean the local post office is so busy there is a queue?
@ThunderFrame can a slightly smaller white-letter version be superposed to the black lettering?
Q: Cleaning up memory after loading Access DB into a datagrid

PhexyaaI wrote an app that pulls a MS Access DB into a DataTable and then displays it into a WPF datagrid. The dialog window has a search button which calls on a class that does the DB work. The methods in play of the search window: private void ExitBtn_Click(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)...

there are so few post offices, that the ones that remain are busy. And they're not busy doing postage related stuff, because that isn't financially sustainable -they're busy selling stationery, selling insurance, processing social security paperwork, and selling overpriced pre-paid VISA cards.
I don't care much for the gradient, I mess it up every time.. outlined letters would work, but all-black doesn't quite do it IMO
@Mat'sMug white text with a black border?
works with white or black background :)
@Mat'sMug ah, hang on
something isn't quite balanced, can't quite put a finger on it
I think it's the position of the cubes vs the RD
or the sub-text is too low vs RD
how about putting the cubes on top of RUBBERDUCK, and put RUBBERDUCK where the cubes are?
when the blocks are below, they're supposed to look like ducklings
gtg - bbiab
huh you can do the gradient! ...I do it a bit whiter though, and slightly tilted so that "DUCK" is slightly darker than "RUBBER"
@ThunderFrame ha, nice! if they're sitting on top of "RUBBERDUCK" they reminisce the floating blocks of the banner logo though
hmm, they do make decent ducklings there though
@Hosch250 does this look more idiomatic to you?
let items =
    channelNode.ChildNodes |>
    Seq.cast<XmlNode> |>
    Seq.filter (fun node -> node.Name.Equals "item")
Cool. Will go with this then. Thanks. Hmm... I hope cast is lazy.
Run the filter first.
Can't. Have to make it generic before filter will accept it.
Thanks buddy.
@RubberDuck I can take a look tomorrow probably, I'm going to bed tonight (was just watching The Hobbit with the GF) and I have a party to go to tomorrow morning, but I'll be back home around 7 or 8.
@RubberDuck Only thing I'll say about that is that I've usually seen it written with the |> as the beginning of the next line in that type of scenario.
let items =
    |> Seq.cast<XmlNode>
    |> Seq.filter (fun node -> node.Name.Equals "item")
Seems to read a bit better, at least in my opinion.
No hurry. Enjoy your evening @EBrown
@RubberDuck You too. :)
(I actually just came up with a couple minor suggestions as I read your question, but I'll save them all for tomorrow.)
@ThunderFrame dropping the "Open-Source COM Add-In for the Visual Basic Editor" caption seems to leave the room for a more, uh, feng-shui layout :)
@Mat'sMug AFK, but I might try putting Rubberduck below the duck and blocks.
oooh yes!
Needs the horizontal ratio
Windows batch files can be modified while executing, and execution will continue from the byte offset of the expected next line. Why?
Oooh, sounds like something PPCG would use.
Apparently, reads 1 line at a time, then reopens to read next line, because backwards compatible to when DOS didn't have the memory to load a whole script
And these are .ps files?
Or what extension are they?
Probably doesn't affect PowerShell.
Defenders watching launches of cmd? What about forfiles? 🙂 forfiles /p c:\windows\system32 /m notepad.exe /c calc.exe
So many vulnerabilities...
I feel like committing seppuku already, and I haven't even started my masters yet.
[retailcoder/Rubberduck] retailcoder pushed commit 3a81d2fa to rd-next: added RequiredLibraryAttribute class and implemented IInspection.Type property, to fix IgnoreOnce working off proxy types.
2 hours later…
[retailcoder/Rubberduck] retailcoder pushed commit 802faf0d to rd-next: Added CannotAnnotateAttribute, removed IgnoreOnceQuickFix for project & module targets of UseMeaningfulNameInspection.
still need to adjust the gradient
I like it
If that duck had a shadow, the shadow duck would have horns
someone commented on WP today, asked when we'll have Rubberduck running in VB6
does RD load without crashing in VB6?
no idea
I don't think so.. the commandbars and menus must blow it up
that auto-indent comment the other day got a response - looks like he's going to write up an article on RD in the coming days
Fixes IllegalAnnotationInspection false positives (#3245)

* fixed IllegalAnnotationInspection false positives; closes #3144

* added contributors and gofundme link to about box; closes #3143
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit 802faf0d on unknown branch: AppVeyor build failed
I'll see if I can get RD going in VB6, even if there is no UI
IIRC, I got it working in SolidWorks, which used the old CommandBar approach, before masks were allowed
did one of your PRs fix the gofundme link?
oh crap
well I need to fix a few tests anyway
thanks for the reminder :)
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit 772e0afd on unknown branch: AppVeyor build failed
[retailcoder/Rubberduck] retailcoder pushed commit 2dd63cfe to rd-next: fixed QuickFix sorting
[retailcoder/Rubberduck] retailcoder pushed commit 1e27cbab to rd-next: fixed gofundme hyperlink command binding
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit 207f11d0 on unknown branch: AppVeyor build succeeded
lol - Not Implemented
oh, the wrappers are throwing NotImplementedException everywhere
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit 1e27cbab on unknown branch: AppVeyor build succeeded
@Duga why u no auto-deploy?
not merged yet :)
@ThunderFrame the good news is that Extension is correctly branching the types to the VB6 wrappers :)
and a clean exit!
no entry, no exit
it's the unclean entry that's the concern
wrappers need to be implemented
[retailcoder/Rubberduck] retailcoder pushed commit 6ab732d2 to rd-next: fixes #3234, ObjectVariableNotSet false positive.
IgnoreOnce fix (#3254)

- Fixes a bug in `IgnoreOnceQuickFix` that made it not show up.
- Enhanced `IgnoreOnceQuickFix`; fix is now disabled for project & module targets which can't be annotated.
- Fixes a bug in About dialog causing GoFundMe link to navigate to rubberduckvba.com.
- Inspection severity for `RedundantByRefModifier` is now `DoNotShow` by default.
- Fixes `RedundantByRefModifier` tests which broke with `DoNotShow` severity.
- Replaced "self-assigned" with "auto-instantiated
[retailcoder/Rubberduck] retailcoder pushed commit 26e85409 to rd-next: Merge branch 'next' of github.com/rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck into rd-next
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit 6ab732d2 on unknown branch: AppVeyor build succeeded
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit 6c76d1f1 on unknown branch: AppVeyor build cancelled
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit 3ba38b7e on unknown branch: AppVeyor build succeeded
ObjectVariableNotSet no longer fires for Property Let accessor references (#3255)

* Fixes #3234, ObjectVariableNotSet false positive.
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit 09843126 on next: AppVeyor build succeeded
hmm, auto-indent can be achieved by setting the "Indent Current Procedure" hotkey to "~".
and then hitting ENTER multiple times blows up the resolver
ok, setting hotkey to "~" sucks big time.. we need an actual dedicated piece of code for this
[retailcoder/Rubberduck] retailcoder pushed commit 53549cba to rd-next: prevent triggering a reparse when parse is already in progress
^ ParseCoordinator should handle this though
TTGTB (for real now)
> I had to add a Type member to IInspection; that will break your PR, but I needed it to get quickfixes to load correctly.
Hi @Mat'sMug
Last few days I've been reading and re-reading a truck load of VBA articles (prob half penned by you) and so just got up to this one: stackoverflow.com/documentation/vba/5351/…
Back to sleep for me yawn cya
6 hours later…
> I have the same issue using office 2016, windows 10. Rubberduck
6 hours later…
@All: First draft of CONTRIBUTING.md, expires in a week
@Vogel612 niiiice! thank you so much for doing this!
@Vogel612 :both thumbs up:
@Mat'sMug can I haz tag: ?
awaiting issues!
@Vogel612 very good! I just have one comment: I think it is only possible to apply a label to an issue if you are in the official dev team.
@Vogel612 good job mate on that. I second @M.Doerner observations regarding labels which ducklings 🐥 might need to be aware.
I don't know if we should tell newbies to go to Up For Grabs.
That tag is usually only applied to issues that desperately need a fix and that aren't trivial to solve because they need a fix so bad they would be fixed if they were.
how does it take to get familiar with rd code base?
If you want to know it inside and out, it will take probably 2 years.
whats your largest project (line count)?
If you just want to contribute, you could probably do quite a bit straight off.
I don't track line count on personal projects.
@Hosch250: Using wpf through element host is really annoying me.
LOL, it does me too.
Have you tried adding a wpf window to a class lib?
That's basically what RD does.
aren't you using hostelements?
ElementHost, I think.
same dif
but that's not what im asking
elementhost will take in a wpf usercontrol
in a class library, you can add a wpf usercontrol but a wpf window.
Hmm. I'm sure I'll get experience soon enough when we move the Inspections feature into its own extension completely.
I think nothing is preventing you from creating actual WPF windows. We just have to use an ElementHost to make them play nicely with the rest of the VBE, in particular to make them dockable.
@M.Doerner: have you tried that?
Nice contributors guide, BTW. I might try to make it a little more formal, though.

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