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@puzzlepiece87 Thanks for your advice. I talked to my mom, and she said that getting a small loan wouldn't be a bad idea, but that it isn't critical because my credit card is building credit.
@Duga @IvenBach Read my DRY and Unit Testing posts.
Unit Testing covers the principles, but uses F#.
@Hosch250 Good :) And if you ever need to confirm how good or bad it is, you can get a free credit report annually.
@Hosch250 It's easy to get a really high score, so make sure you do that before you start looking at houses.
@puzzlepiece87 I can go get one from the dealership now that I think is free.
I'd have to check again, first.
@puzzlepiece87 I won't be in the market for a house for a few more years.
@puzzlepiece87 @Hosch250 There are also some credit cards that offer free credit checks. It isnt as good as getting the actual report, but it will give you a good monthly indication of where you are at. CreditWise through CapitalOne has been the best that I've seen so far.
@BrandonBarney I've got a Visa, and one is enough.
@Hosch250 Pretty sure those companies off the service for free, even if you dont have a card through them. Agreed though. Stick with one card.
I'm fighting a bug that is apparently only in Prod.
I'm hoping the release on Thursday fixes it.
@SlowLearner I know someone that has that kind of family situation...
@Hosch250 Can you link your blog again for those of us who missed it first time 'round
Oh, that'd be the checkersweb.blogspot link that @IvenBach has, wouldn't it... :/
@Hosch250 Be careful about letting too many companies check your credit, it can temporarily ding your score.
(I think it's because they sometimes do it improperly)
@Hosch250 I've switched over to C# and started it last night. Knew that was going to happen in short order but at least I'm understanding DI and what it is.
@IvenBach Maybe ;)
@Hosch250 Already have.
@BrandonBarney To agree and further clarify, I'd recommend spending only on one card and keeping your oldest no-fee card open even if that's no longer your "active" card. They like to see years of history.
Did they make sense?
Or was the F# a little tricky, or were my comments drunk?
@puzzlepiece87 Only keep your oldest card open if you dont have much of a history. I actually asked about that one at my bank (because I had too many cards) and it makes a small impact on your overall credit if you close one out of a few. In my case I had 4 cards though, plus my cell, car, student loans, etc. I wasnt suffering on history, just creditworthiness.
Can't imagine I'd switch from Visa.
Who else is there, MasterCard?
@Hosch250 Those are the big 2
I think there is one other big one, but I can't remember ATM.
American Express
Oh, right.
@Hosch250 The gist of it I got. Took me a while before the syntax of F# made sense.
Yeah, it is a little tricky when you first switch.
There's likely some nuances that I didn't fully grasp. Still felt the article was worth reading and helped.
@Hosch250 eh, Wordpress, Blogspot... whatever... ;)
@BrandonBarney Well said.
SQL Server 2017 RC2 is out.
@Hosch250 you might have missed it,...I've installed VS2017
@Hosch250 @Mat'sMug No no, it's not about that, it's about which bank you have it with.
@Mat'sMug Is RD working?
@Hosch250 @Mat'sMug You are right that those are the card companies, but I'm talking about issuers.
It might if you have 2015 installed at the same time.
@Hosch250 You may switch due to a better rewards offering, or because your no-fee card suddenly gained a fee, etc.
@Hosch250 Switching from a mega-bank to a community one or viceversa.
@Hosch250 You can have multiple Visa or Mastercard cards. Not that you should. It's easy to do if you get a regular card and an airline miles card and a Lowe's card and a... Not that you should.
@Hosch250 I didn't read 'Using Tuples in F#' or 'Writing and Calling F# Functions' since I'm not using F# currently.
@puzzlepiece87 I'm already at the pipefitters credit union courtesy of my dad.
@FreeMan Nope, I use my Visa at all those places.
@IvenBach Makes sense. Those are specialty items, even if they are interesting.
@Hosch250 I get that. Just saying you can, not that you should. (In case I didn't hammer that home quite clearly enough the first time.)
Yeah, I know you can.
Most retailers offer that now.
@Hosch250 debugger doesn't seem to attach correctly
Can't help with that at work.
Those specialty cards are really only worth it if you regularly shop there, they offer a decent discount, and you dont only buy stuff because it is suddenly cheaper through a deal on the card. My wife has a Kohls card. Not a bad card, but it becomes dangerous when she forgets that not everything is a deal just because it says it is.
I do have VS2015 (and 2013) still installed though
Shouldn't be an issue.
there was a R# upgrade, and then seeing the "integrate to Visual Studio" screen got me thinking "maybe it's time"
I'm looking forward to using out var in the tests.
does AppVeyor even build C# 7?
I'm sure it does. You just have to tweak the VS version and maybe change a setting on AppVeyor.
It's probably built it since day 1 of the release.
Maybe even before.
@BrandonBarney "My wife has a Kohls card. Not a bad card, but it becomes dangerous when she forgets that not everything is a deal just because it says it is." Amen!
@FreeMan In all fairness, her credit is far better than mine though :).
@BrandonBarney Buy only what you need is my motto.
I try to buy my clothes once every 5-10 years. Shopping... Never understood the enjoyment of giving others your money for things you don't really need.
@IvenBach My family usually gets about 4 at a time and they'll last for about 18 months or so.
@Jelly thanks for the offer; not autocad per se but rubberduck in acad (version control specifically); and sorry for being slow on replies
for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
    Console.WriteLine($"This is line number {i + 1}");
^ #TIL You can do that as seen from docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/tutorials/…
Nifterifical if I do say so!
@IvenBach string interpolation - a lovely C# 6 feature :)
Now that I understand enough of C# I can appreciate these things.
it's slowly creeping everywhere in RD
@Jelly With my interop dll I get in the log weird "'Autodesk.AutoCAD.Interop.AcadApplication' does not contain a definition for 'RunMacro'"
First time I saw string interpolation vs String.Format #NoBrainer
@Mat'sMug Slowly creeping everywhere at work too.
Each has their own place but I really like interpolation.
And the best thing is they both compile down to the same thing.
hating string interpolation is like hating unicorns
or whatever
No wars over which to use based on compilation output..
@Mat'sMug There's a time and a place for everything.
You've never stepped on a unicorn toy then have you @Mat'sMug?
The ammount of WTF's raises exponentially when you do.
Meh, unicorns are dumb.
Trying to figure out why one version of SQL is faster than another.
@IvenBach similar to LEGO but more rainbowy
@FreeMan Order of pain: D4>LEGO>Unicorn>OtherToys
I've stepped on legos. It hurts.
There's a reason why caltrops slow you down so much.
D4 = 4 sided dice.
Four-sided dice, abbreviated d4, are often used in tabletop role-playing games to obtain random integers in the range 1–4. Two forms exist of this die: a tetrahedron (pyramid shape) with four equilateral triangle-shaped faces, and an elongated long die with four faces. The former type does not roll well and is thus usually thrown into the air or shaken in a box. == Historical == Four-sided dice were among the gambling and divination tools used by early man who carved them from nuts, wood, stone, ivory and bone. Six-sided dice were invented later but four-sided dice continued to be popular in Asia...
Ah! Yes, my son has those, but he keeps them in his room. where mere mortals fear to tread.
You haven't felt pain till you've stepped barefoot on one while carrying a heavy weight on your back or in your arms.
He will shortly be taking them all off to college so we can grab the pitchfork and start clearing his room.
@Mat'sMug isn't this basically just an implicit cast that RD would warn about in VB?
make it $"interpolation is {foo.ToString()}" then. String interpolation isn't about the implicit ToString() call, it's about the compiler understanding stuff inside string literals
So a string literal that has {} inside it isn't quite as literal as it appears someone coming from another language might think?
@IvenBach Try Lego's.
when there's a $ in front, yes
@EBrown Many a times. A D4 hurts much worse, it's always pointy side up.
A 1x1 LEGO does come close however.
@FreeMan Depends, in PHP all {} are interpreted in strings except in single-quoted strings ('{$thing}'), but in double-quoted and HEREDOC strings they're interpreted.
So in PHP 'Some {$string}' is different than "Some {$string}".
Interestingly, escape characters are not processed in single-quoted strings, except for \' and \\ .
So 'Hello\nWorld' won't line break, but "Hello\nWorld" will.
that's enough to make your head hurt...
@Hosch250 Yup, so you may switch in the future, who knows.
@FreeMan PHP in general is enough to make your head hurt.
@EBrown How did you get two different backslashes in there? `\` vs \' - nope...
@FreeMan \\
@FreeMan Apparently \` will escape a back-tick.
You edited your line, but I swear they had different angles and lengths...
Oh ALSO PHP allows HEREDOC and NOWDOC strings.
I picked a bad week to stop sniffing glue...
@FreeMan One was code formatted, one wasn't.
as were mine:
1 min ago, by FreeMan
@EBrown How did you get two different backslashes in there? `\` vs \' - nope...
but they appear to be the same...
oh well, back to Excel from hell...
Some text\n
New Line
Some Text\n
Not New Line
As if PHP wasn't confusing enough as it stood.
Also a dollar-sign in a double-quoted PHP string will escape the variable regardless of context: "My name is $name" will print My name is EBrown or whatever.
So when you start thinking VB/VBA is bad, just remember it's not PHP.
@EBrown And be thankful it isn't JS.
Also it's naming conventions: you have substr, strstr, str_split...
You have implode and join (where join is an alias of implode)...
And you have stripos which is the same as strpos but case-insensitive.
And stristr is the same as strstr but insensitive again.
looking for advice
If you mean to work with ThisWorkbook, work with ThisWorkbook. Doing Range("foobar") works off ActiveSheet, which may or may not be a worksheet in ThisWorkbook - it's a worksheet in whatever workbook is currently active. It makes the whole difference. And causes bugs that make a new SO question asked, every single day. Rule of thumb, explicit anything is better than implicit whatever in VBA. The language is already doing way too much stuff behind your back, you need to take control. — Mat's Mug 1 min ago
@Kapol We'll give you so much advice it is coming out your ears.
careful, @Mat'sMug, don't blow a fuse... ;)
Is it normal that module declarations contexts are null?
@Hosch Try me
@Kapol yup. Context represents an Antlr parse tree node
the module itself isn't a parse tree node
ditto for Project declarations
@FreeMan :)
so how do I use the parser to check for something inside module declaration?
more specifically?
Option Private Module (haven't figured out this one yet)
Use a walker.
Use a walker and listen for that node.
will try
the walker is done already, just make a parse tree inspection, implement a listener and override EnterOptionStmt
or wait a sec, what are you trying to accomplish with that again?
shadowed declarations
You don't need a parse tree inspection for a listener.
Which, BTW, @Mat'sMug, I just had an idea.
I'm not sure if a parse tree inspection makes sense here
What if we make a generic listener that takes an argument of which node type to listen for?
Hmm, I think that is a bad idea.
Except we could do all the inspections in one pass, maybe.
we already do
If perf becomes an issue, maybe.
Oh, right.
Shows what I know.
@Mat'sMug post your comment as an answer, that made it work!!!! Thanks so much!!! — Jsleshem 3 mins ago
Q: trouble adapting rubberduck VBA grammar to python (working in java) (antlr4 runtime)

evolipticI'm actually trying to adapt the rubberduck grammar listed here for python parsing. For this, i have changed semantic predicates within the grammar : at line 297 and 298 from {_input.Lt(1).Text.Equals("A")}? to {self.input.LT(1).getText().__eq__("A")}? at line 571 from {_input.La(-1) == NEWLINE...

@StackDuck hmm good luck with that
@StackDuck Actually quite an interesting question.
@StackDuck Excellent point in @Mat'sMug comment that we'll soon find out what's necessary to update to ANTLR 4.7
@Mat'sMug 'The language is already doing way too much stuff behind your back, you need to take control.'
Great quote.
@Mat'sMug What's your view on me taking the code from stackoverflow.com/a/31887533/5757159 and posting a question and answer on CR?
Today's been quite frantic at work. Pumping out bug fixes, merges, etc. prepping for release on Thursday.
@Hosch250 What kind of work are you doing?
Yeah, front and back end.
Pretty much same as me
Any JS libraries?
Well, actually I meant frameworks
Knockout, jQuery, Bootstrap.
We might have a couple more; not sure.
No Angular, React or any other shiny stuff?;)
or TypeScript
KO is pretty similar, actually; just a little older.
yeah, I have used it once
Like getting the 2016 Mustang over the 2017 Mustang. Both good cars, and both Mustangs, but one is so 2016.
Actually I think Angular is way more full-blown
Whatever. It is still &*(#.
All JS is &*(#@.
yeah, that's true
Heck, it is says so itself. JustSh!t.
@ThunderFrame not your code, will get closed
but when you start using TypeScript (or any other superscript which gives you static typing), it gets much less irritating
We're (CR) not the daily WTF ;-)
at least I hope so, we're just starting with TypeScript + Angular (the new version)
@Mat'sMug fair enough
@Mat'sMug @ThunderFrame I'm jokingly agreeing with Mat, the rule is don't migrate crap lol.
The 2nd downvote was mine. I'd take OERN any day vs inserting a redundant procedure call between every single instruction, not to mention the maintenance burden with keeping these things all lined up. Way too much overhead for the benefits. Idiomatic VBA error handling isn't stellar indeed, but surely much better than this. A link to this Q&A was posted in SE chat, that's how the answer collected quasi-simultaneous downvotes. FWIW no one said "hey let's downvote that one to death" - I would have downvoted it 2 years ago if I saw it then. @FreeMan I believe it does, so "it works". — Mat's Mug 13 secs ago
@puzzlepiece87 it's not about migrating.. it's about posting someone else's code to pick on ;-)
(please don't go and downvote it further)
@Mat'sMug Yup, I got that part :)
Can I get a little help from one of the big ducks?
I've heard a few mentions of "C# in Depth". Should I get it when I am trying to learn? Or should I wait until I know more? Also, there's a super cheap edition that isnt current. Would second edition still be worth a read? Or is it likely enough to be outdated to be not very useful?
@BrandonBarney I just got mine and the first 8 pages of reading have helped me see changes from C#1 through C#5.
If you're going to do C# and are serious about it pick it up.
@IvenBach Second or third edition?
3rd edition.
AFAIK 2nd edition covers up to C#4. 3rd edition covers C#5
That'd explain the disparity in price
I'd say picking up 3rd is worth it.
I asked @Mat'sMug and he said to go for it (3rd edition) and get it even though it doesn't cover C#6 or C#7
Definitely thinking abutit
Whatever 3rd edition is missing can be found in docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/whats-new
I feel like your programming ability is above where I'm at so you'll probably get more out of it 1st time reading it than I will.
@Hosch250 you there?
@IvenBach If I remember right, you can buy the pre-release of 4th edition direct from the publisher... 4th edition isn't complete, but: they include the full 3rd edition
@shadowofsilicon fml... didn't know that. I just got 3rd edition.
@shadowofsilicon manning.com/books/c-sharp-in-depth-fourth-edition is what you're referring to?
@Hosch250 You can again be glad you weren't here. Think I've understood it, was just going to duh check.
> Why? Aside from making up your own non-standard, inefficient and buggy error handling? Because nearly every line is problematic: You don't declare `Option Explicit` so you don't catch the typo in `FielFound`/`FileFound`; *All* of your variables are module-level; `e`, `nFound`, `nMoved`, `fso`, `Folder`, `Exists`, `FielFound`, and `Handled` are all implicitly Variant, despite your failed attempts to strongly type them; `nFound` and `nMoved` are either Hungarian/unmeaningful names; You initialize `nFound`, `nMoved` and `Exists` to what should be their default values, if they were strongly t
@ThunderFrame ouch
Did he literally ask why?
Well at least at -3 they can get a badge for self-deleting
damn @ThunderFrame that was... ...poor guy
@ThunderFrame the backslash is escaping the backtick :-(
Man, I know that wasnt directed at me, but I just feel awful about myself now lol
To be fair it does deserve the -3. More downvotes than that would be mean though.
And now they probably have grounds for custom-flagging what has all looks of a voting ring from their POV. I hope your vote patterns are diverse y'all! =)
@ThunderFrame One word: Instructional
In some in-your-face-suckah kind of way, but yeah
@Mat'sMug wah? VBA's "\" doesn't escape anything
My voting patterns are fairly diverse, but in all fairness I should provide explanations for them more often. And agreed with Thunderframe, "\" isnt an escape in VBA. C# it is.
I'm guessing that if you use this code, you'll find it identifies a few errors on your system. - Like adding Option Explicit thereby making the code not even compile.
@BrandonBarney "Why the down vote, really??"
Duh check: docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/tutorials/inheritance has an issued with public override double Area => Math.Round(Math.Pow(Math.PI * Radius, 2), 2); right?
@ThunderFrame markdown does though ;-)
@Mat'sMug ah, yes, just saw that
@IvenBach Yup. Didn't know that until I went to register for the free eBook copy of 3rd edition ;)
Although, all you get is a eBook copy. I'd rather buy a paper copy of 4th when it comes out. Much easier to read a paper copy, plus, it's hard to put a eBook on your bookshelf at work to impress your coworkers or boss :)
@shadowofsilicon It's hard to carry all your paper books around - easy to have them on a tablet/laptop
@ThunderFrame If you buy the paper book, you get both. Mine had a eBook redemption code on the inside cover.
Is anyone here good at linking files hosted on GH to another GH page?
Copy/paste url? [description](url)?
@shadowofsilicon IKR - but over time, you have a lot of dead trees to store/move/recycle, and their shelf-life isn't usually that great. Anybody want my Access 2.0 tomes?
I mean internally. If you make an example file and it gets used in a few spots on the wiki.
@IvenBach Copy the GitHub file link, and sprinkle through the wiki (and hope the location of the file doesn't change)
@IvenBach just use standard markdown, [description](url)
and yeah, pray the file doesn't move ;-)
you got me at I have a class called Variable - stackoverflow.com/questions/45579510/…
So something like (../../../samples/snippets/csharp/tutorials/attributes/Program.cs#ReflectionExa‌​mple2) would be in the current directory, go up 3 parent levels then drill down starting with samples and ultimately the section marked as ReflectionExample2?
@IvenBach better to use the absolute path, I would have thought
so https://github.com/dotnet/docs/blob/master/samples/snippets/csharp/tutorials/at‌​tributes/Program.cs instead
@ThunderFrame IKR! Saw that yesterday was like wah
@IvenBach that's a 404
I'm still getting used to GH and collaboration.
@IvenBach You've got some weird characters inside "attributes"
Not mine.
It's the dotnet repo
@IvenBach hmm, must be a markdown artifact. Program.cs
I don't notice anything out of the ordinary.
@IvenBach I meant, the reason https://github.com/dotnet/docs/blob/master/samples/snippets/csharp/tutorials/at‌​‌​tributes/Program.cs instead is giving me a 404 is because copy pasta gives https://github.com/dotnet/docs/blob/master/samples/snippets/csharp/tutorials/at‌​??tributes/Program.cs
wtf, 30 tests failed in VS2017/R# continuous testing, "out of memory"... and pass when run individually
Apr 7 at 1:53, by Mat's Mug
So... RD tests are less annoying than VS2017's =)
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