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00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

[EBrown8534/RubberduckWeb] 10 commits. 223 additions. 168 deletions.
[retailcoder/Rubberduck] 11 commits. 10364 additions. 3099 deletions.
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] 7 commits. 1 opened issue. 2 issue comments. 4970 additions. 1516 deletions.
[rubberduck-vba/RubberduckWeb] 11 commits. 1 opened issue. 2 closed issues. 16 issue comments. 300 additions. 206 deletions.
> @MDoerner Are you aware of the dev chat where we <s>swap war stories</s>, <s>hack our way into the VBE</s> make RD better? Come join the chat if you have any questions or comments. If you don't have a reputation of at least 20 on CodeReview, you'll need to get @retailcoder to add you in.
> Might be a better home for the extension method, probably quite a few more places where this should probably be used on UI facing strings.
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit a4eb06ab on unknown branch: AppVeyor build succeeded
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] comintern pushed commit a4eb06ab to next: Add capitalize extension method, use on inspection results.
Merge pull request #2415 from comintern/next

Add capitalize extension method, use on inspection results.
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit e0e33a10 on next: AppVeyor build succeeded
> @MDoerner Are you aware of the dev chat where we <s>swap war stories</s>, <s>hack our way into the VBE</s> make RD better? Come join the chat if you have any questions or comments. If you don't have a reputation of at least 20 on Code Review, you'll need to get @retailcoder (Mat's Mug) to add you in.
[retailcoder/Rubberduck] comintern pushed commit a4eb06ab to next: Add capitalize extension method, use on inspection results.
Merge pull request #2415 from comintern/next

Add capitalize extension method, use on inspection results.
Merge pull request #171 from rubberduck-vba/next

sync with main repo
Well, I realized that I get the same error as AppVeyor when I don't have the NuGet packages on-disk and I try to build.
makes sense
Top stuff that the web VBA is on its way to new glory. Is there a chance to see how it looks in the works as I couldn't see the URL via the RubberduckWeb/master, just curious.
URL is in the chat description.
That's the "new old" version.
EBrown and RubberDuck are redoing the site to make it even better.
@PeterMTaylor - direct link rubberduckvba.com/Inspections
WTH do the hash codes change for every invocation?
2016-12-12 20:09:16.1844;DEBUG;Rubberduck.UI.Command.MenuItems.ParentMenus.ParentMenuItemBase;(26597492) Executing click handler for menu item 'Code &Inspections', hash code 52535540;
2016-12-12 20:10:59.5143;DEBUG;Rubberduck.UI.Command.MenuItems.ParentMenus.ParentMenuItemBase;(26597492) Executing click handler for menu item 'Code &Inspections', hash code 3057817;
2016-12-12 20:11:37.6637;DEBUG;Rubberduck.UI.Command.MenuItems.ParentMenus.ParentMenuItemBase;(26597492) Executing click handler for menu item 'Code &Inspections', hash code 27520356;
because COM interop is FUN!!
(that's exactly the reason for outputting the hashcodes in debug :)
You missed a couple syllables - "COM interop is disFUNctional!!"
on another (happier?) note:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><SerializableDeclarationTree xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/Rubberduck.Parsing.Symbols" xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"><Children><SerializableDecla‌​rationTree><Children><SerializableDeclarationTree><Children/><Node><Accessibility‌​>Global</Accessibility><Annotations xmlns:a="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/Rubberduck.Parsing.Annotations"‌​/><AsTypeName>Long</AsTypeName><Attributes
Hmmm.. Does that mean that SafeComWrappers<Foo>.Equals(SafeComWrappers<Foo> other) is also broken?
serialization works
@Comintern probably
but I can't think of anything better for now
I should probably see if I can provide an overload.
also... I think the menus are a bit different
the hashcodes for VBComponents aren't exactly fully reliable, but they're not completely broken either
Well, with the wrappers, we can provide an internal hash for testing equality of the wrappers themselves though.
I'm playing around with a NativeResourceManager.
well, wrappers literally spawn wrappers all the time
Hmmm... that probably means that HashSet<SafeComWrapper<Foo>>.Contains() isn't going to be reliable.
One thing that I have learned is that Excel crashes way before I thought it did.
I should try to get the CancellationTokenSource for the parser threads to register itself so I can kill them from App.Shutdown() before unloading anything else.
What ever. Just as long as my bloody tests pass.
Don't even make me mock Excel to test this...
oh that's good
@Comintern I bet you couldn't.
when I deploy the serlialized declarations to the website, I'll tweet something about mocking all of office
or, to paraphrase a CR question of mine
> So we've gone ahead, and mocked VBA
@Hosch250 Easy:
	var excel = new Mock<Excel.Application>();
	excel.Setup(x => x.Quit).Returns(() => throw new AccessViolationException());
@Comintern That doesn't get all the nuances.
Thanks @ThunderFrame
Excel.xml makes 23.5MB now
(and damn, serialization is FAST)
That's not too bad, considering all the text. I'm guessing the most of the serialization time is IO too.
That reminds me - I was going to extend XmlPersistanceService<T> to attempt to load partial settings on deserialization failures. That way only new settings will get blown away instead of the whole <T> when settings get added or removed.
MSForms.xml is 1.37MB. Fits a floppy!
1995 me would have loved that.
there's so much noise in the xml though... I wonder if I could strip the xmlns stuff out
1. make it work
still need to implement the deserialization part
Check out XmlPersistanceService<T>. I just set it to empty:
and then figure out a way to get the website to see the files and load them
private static readonly XmlSerializerNamespaces EmptyNamespace =
    new XmlSerializerNamespaces(new[] { XmlQualifiedName.Empty });
        public void Persist(string path, SerializableDeclarationTree tree)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); }

            using (var stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
            using (var writer = XmlDictionaryWriter.CreateTextWriter(stream, Encoding.UTF8))
                var serializer = new DataContractSerializer(typeof (SerializableDeclarationTree));
aaaah, wait a sec
Is that already on next?
nope. not even committed locally
You'll need a keyboard, at least two fingers, a good deal of caffeine and some googling. Once you're stuck on a specific issue, give us a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example and we can help you. — Mat's Mug 40 secs ago
You just need to change the NamespaceHandling in the settings to OmitDuplicates
I don't see that :(
It should be writer.Settings.NamespaceHandling
oh, I was playing with the serializer settings
trying that
hmm.. writer.Settings is null
huh, and it has no setter
OK, then you'll probably need to use CreateDictionaryWriter(XmlWriter). Gimme a sec.
   using (var stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
    using (var xml = XmlWriter.Create(stream, new XmlWriterSettings { NamespaceHandling = NamespaceHandling.OmitDuplicates, Encoding = Encoding.UTF8}))
    using (var writer = XmlDictionaryWriter.CreateDictionaryWriter(xml))
        var serializer = new DataContractSerializer(typeof(SerializableDeclarationTree));
        serializer.WriteObject(writer, tree);
ha, almost exactly what I had :)
MSForms is up to 1.83MB, but I set Indent=True to better validate whether the tree structure made sense
and it does!
How much whitespace is in there (tabs v. spaces anyone)?
eh, I'm setting it back to compressed/no-indent
huh, 1.42MB
is it just me or this won't happily deserialize into something meaningful?
<QualifiedMemberName xmlns:d7p1="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/Rubberduck.VBEditor" />
I think I might need to stick some [DataContract] attributes in there
or... or include just the strings I need to rebuild
Good question. I actually prefer XmlSerializer, so I hardly ever find myself using anything else.
    public class SerializableDeclarationTree
        [DataMember(IsRequired = true)]
        public readonly SerializableDeclaration Node;

        [DataMember(IsRequired = true)]
        public readonly IEnumerable<SerializableDeclarationTree> Children;

        public SerializableDeclarationTree(Declaration declaration)
            : this(new SerializableDeclaration(declaration)) { }

        public SerializableDeclarationTree(SerializableDeclaration node)
            : this(node, Enumerable.Empty<SerializableDeclarationTree>()) { }
EXCEL.xml: 24.0MB
I need to try XML serialization
huh, WINWORD.EXE seems to tear down more cleanly than EXCEL.EXE
and that's without actually Quitting Word!
Wow, you must have found the one thing Word does more cleanly than Excel.
        public string MemberName { get; set; }
        public string ProjectName { get; set; }
        public string ProjectPath { get; set; }
        public string ComponentName { get; set; }

        public QualifiedModuleName QualifiedModuleName { get { return new QualifiedModuleName(ProjectName, ProjectPath, ComponentName); } }
        public QualifiedMemberName QualifiedMemberName { get { return new QualifiedMemberName(QualifiedModuleName, MemberName); } }
that should "fix" it
well, it duplicates the path to EXCEL.EXE about ten thousand times in the file, but at least it doesn't destroy the QualifiedMemberName data anymore
Does ProjectPath actually get used? That should be machine specific.
it's used to qualify the module name
(along with the project name)
OK, I can't even break the XML enough to get XmlSerializer to fail. F it.
Hmmm... strip the path off?
It's not like RD is going to re-add them as a reference.
VBA wouldn't let you reference two same-name libraries, would it?
@Mat'sMug Huh. It doesn't give an error or anything - it acts like it adds it but then keeps the first reference.
I wonder if that's per typelib or per library name.
I think I'll just stick with the full path and take the file size cost. it's not like it's a performance issue
And it doesn't even add it if it's a registered dll type and it isn't referenced. That's cheating, VBE...
:prepares to extend the size of his VHD:
ugh. is it a big deal if I ignore annotations and attributes?
it's going to mess up the resolver, right
If you're planning on merging that tonight, I'm going to PR an indenter bug fix real quick. If not, I'll wait.
[retailcoder/Rubberduck] retailcoder pushed commit 55eeed4e to next: serialization works, but still need to figure out annotations and attributes
I pushed to my remote ^^
I guess I could merge it tonight, it's less broken than what's currently in [next]
oh and there's the fix for #2228 I did this afternoon too!
Nah, the indenter bug is a corner case - the replacement fails if it's the last procedure in the module an it doesn't have trailing whitespace.
> need to figure out annotations and attributes (let alone implement deserialization) before that can be used in RubberduckWeb.
OK, PR on the way then.
I think just because of the fix to #2228 I'll update Rubberduck.dll in RubberduckWeb, build, take a look at @EBrown's work, update the live site, and head to bed
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit 55eeed4e on unknown branch: AppVeyor build succeeded
Merge pull request #170 from rubberduck-vba/next

sync with main repo
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] retailcoder pushed commit 7dee0109 to next: fixes #2228 ...that was so trivial it's scary
Merge pull request #171 from rubberduck-vba/next

sync with main repo
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] retailcoder pushed commit 55eeed4e to next: serialization works, but still need to figure out annotations and attributes
@Mat'sMug - You can close #2408 too.
Merge pull request #2416 from retailcoder/next

declaration serializer improvements. still not all there, but better than current implementation
I need to check the others for line continuation mangling.
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit 981998b3 on unknown branch: AppVeyor build succeeded
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit e190a231 on unknown branch: AppVeyor build succeeded
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] comintern pushed commit e901b84a to next: Reparse after indent, fix IndentCurrentProcedure for procs without trailing whitespace.
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] comintern pushed commit 981998b3 to next: Missed a superfluous .ToArray() call. Oops.
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] web-flow pushed commit e190a231 to next: Merge branch 'next' into next
Merge pull request #2417 from comintern/next

Small Indenter fix, trigger reparse on indent.
[retailcoder/Rubberduck] comintern pushed commit e901b84a to next: Reparse after indent, fix IndentCurrentProcedure for procs without trailing whitespace.
[retailcoder/Rubberduck] comintern pushed commit 981998b3 to next: Missed a superfluous .ToArray() call. Oops.
Merge pull request #2416 from retailcoder/next

declaration serializer improvements. still not all there, but better than current implementation
[retailcoder/Rubberduck] web-flow pushed commit e190a231 to next: Merge branch 'next' into next
Merge pull request #2417 from comintern/next

Small Indenter fix, trigger reparse on indent.
Merge pull request #172 from rubberduck-vba/next

sync with main repo
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit 83245a7b on next: AppVeyor build succeeded
[retailcoder/Rubberduck] retailcoder pushed commit 66fa003c to next: fixed VariableNotUsedInspectionMeta wording (en+fr+de)
> Wording wrongly assumed that the variable was assigned.
Merge pull request #172 from rubberduck-vba/next

sync with main repo
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] retailcoder pushed commit 66fa003c to next: fixed VariableNotUsedInspectionMeta wording (en+fr+de)
Merge pull request #2418 from retailcoder/next

fixed "Variable not used" wording
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit 66fa003c on next: AppVeyor build cancelled
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit 08e2ce57 on next: AppVeyor build succeeded
[rubberduck-vba/RubberduckWeb] retailcoder pushed commit 271a4341 to master: updated RD build
and it's live
Just updated the Rubberduck build on http://rubberduckvba.com, and pushed today's changes too. Did you try it yet? I… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/808526499393470464
I wonder when people are going to start complaining about 2.0.10 being live on the website but not available as a release
(probably not going to happen)
'night duckies!
Oh, fast!
2 hours later…
Well, I guess I have MS to thank for a lovely breaking change. I never imagined they'd remove an existing member of a published enum definition. — Pauli Price Nov 21 '12 at 4:30
5 hours later…
@Hosch250 you just get an error message if you try to :/
4 hours later…
@Vogel612 I'll post a bug report first day of WB.
I think that#s status by design ...
but eh
Then I'll just make it a discussion.
1 hour later…
In other news, googling "Rubberduck" yields the RD website 3rd, behind two Wikipedia links; first being "rubber duck debugging", second being the giant ducky boat
That's good!
I'm still working on redesigning portions of it.
4th link is the github repo
@EBrown IDK WTH you did, but the website is super-awesomely responsive now
@Mat'sMug Heh, I did a couple things. ;)
Like I said, I know ASP.NET a lot better than anyone gives me credit for.
@EBrown You should apply to ASP.NET jobs.
There really aren't any near me.
And the places I want to move aren't hiring right now.
@Mat'sMug Varies by user. Your google results will not be the same as mine.
To wit:
@Kaz What do you google? O.o
The last result is the most amusing:
That's hilarious
@Hosch250 SO Jobs has one position for ASP.NET listed within 100 miles of me.
And it's a "Senior ASP.NET MVC Web Developer" which I am not qualified for.
@Kaz what's that checkmark for?
@EBrown depends in what team
@Mat'sMug That's the "you've been here before" mark.
@Mat'sMug No it doesn't, I am not qualified for a "Senior anything Developer" position.
And that's not a "confidence" or "self-esteem" issue, that's a solid fact.
@EBrown You're a competent engineer. You're qualified.
I don't have the experience or knowledge with the important things to be qualified for it.
pffft. you could put "Senior ASP.NET MCV Web Developer | Rubberduck VBA" on your CV and fly
And by that I mean VCS systems, ticket systems, etc.
@Mat'sMug That remains to be seen, I've yet to rebuild the MVC structure of the website. (Working on it, but it'll take a couple days.)
There are some places where "Senior" really does mean superhuman developer knowledge. In most other places, it's a normal developer who got suckered into a title instead of a raise.
@EBrown if you're up for a real challenge, I dare you to implement a UI for the indenter settings and a live intender demo :)
@Kaz lol, that. totally that.
I have to say that the world is much overdue for a VBA beautifier
They have them for pretty much every language now, except VBA, cause no one wants to touch that ;-)
@Mat'sMug I could probably get that done pretty simply. To be completely fair, it's probably not all that much of a challenge.
@Kaz It's a healthcare institute.
can't wait to see comments on SO posts say "PLEASE, paste your code here and paste the indented code back into your post"
I think I need to wait until January to start applying again, not looking like many jobs are out there in this time of the year.
@Mat'sMug I used to have an indenter in PHP for Sadscript.
Well, the settings can be just a popup form stored on the local machine.
@Mat'sMug Is there a screenshot of the indenter setting in this project somewhere?
@EBrown click the link
Nevermind, found it.
Other than that, it can be pretty similar to the Inspections UI, except passing the indenter settings in too.
@Mat'sMug That's literally a piece of cake.
about the inspections UI - I think the last row (the one with the warning/disclaimer) should be a separate style. currently its bg color depends on its row#
@Mat'sMug That's easy enough.
@EBrown The cake is a lie.
@EBrown creating an issue for it
@Mat'sMug For the indenter?
Because I just fixed the alert style.
> Similar to the inspections page, the indenter page needs a place to paste some code and click a button to apply indenter settings.


The indented code should update accordingly with the specified settings, as the user tweaks them - just like in the Rubberduck indenter settings page.
That'll be spiffy
[EBrown8534/RubberduckWeb] EBrown8534 pushed commit 68b034e7 to master: The InspectionResults notice is now more prominent and a different style than the inspections.
@EBrown ah, nice!
@Mat'sMug Gonna put a PR in for some more updates to inspector here in a few minutes.
I hate how this error looks.
Need to fix it.
I hate using throw in ASP.NET for non-essential errors.
would be nice to have some "busy" indicator too - the inspections can take a little while
Yeah, I will add that later as well.
> The settings form would actually replace the screenshot.
@Mat'sMug Theme'd the snot out of the Rubberduck Inspection thing.
[EBrown8534/RubberduckWeb] EBrown8534 pushed commit 8d595185 to master: Changed how the error from Rubberduck inspections is sent, throwing exceptions isn't necessary just return a null model.
[EBrown8534/RubberduckWeb] EBrown8534 pushed commit 58ed1820 to master: Styled the Rubberduck Inspections success and warning a little better.
[EBrown8534/RubberduckWeb] EBrown8534 pushed commit 805a8447 to master: Another style update to inspections: cnetered and bolded the error ("Failure to Parse") message.
@Mat'sMug Can you add an issue for the "Busy" indicator if it's not too much hassle?
ah, of course!
It'll be done in about 5-10 minutes.
> A *lot* is going on upon clicking that [inspect] button. While it often happens very fast, or *reasonably* fast, sometimes (especially the initial run, or if a lot of code is involved, or if lots of inspection results get spawned) it can take quite a while.

Let's add a "busy" indicator to indicate we're working on it.
> This will be fixed in the next PR.
[EBrown8534/RubberduckWeb] EBrown8534 pushed commit a19480c5 to master: Fixes #22
[EBrown8534/RubberduckWeb] retailcoder pushed commit 271a4341 to master: updated RD build
Merge pull request #2 from rubberduck-vba/master

updated RD build
@Mat'sMug PR created.
> Added busy indicator, styled things a lot nicer, etc.
68 messages moved from The 2nd Monitor
> Do we want to make the settings look as close (layout wise) to the screenshot as possible?

Do we want a serializable version of the settings that can be passed to the actual RD configuration system? (Assuming this is possible.)
1 message moved from The 2nd Monitor
> eh.. I'd just make it say "Working on it..." or "Processing..." - technically "while your inspections are processed" is incorrect: it's "while your code is being processed"; the code is being parsed, identifiers identified, identifier references resolved, inspections executed, and then the inspector gets the async inspection results.
@Mat'sMug Can I add new commits to a PR?
yep. you just commit+push, the PR will synchronize automagically :)
> @retailcoder Alright, I'll adjust that. "Working on it, hold tight. :)" sound good?
@Mat'sMug Beautiful. :)
Q: Modify the code for a faster and efficient transfer of the data instead of copy.paste.clear used

santuI am using below code in a worksheet to check the condition and based on condition copying the entire row of values in a different range of perticular condition if true. For copying I am clearing the destination range each time and copying the same data with updated information on the same desti...

[EBrown8534/RubberduckWeb] EBrown8534 pushed commit af07e817 to master: Updated message for "busy" when inspecting code to be more people-friendly. (They're our best assets after all. :) )
@Mat'sMug That's added to the PR, feel free to suggest any other updates. :)
I'm not going to auto-merge PR's on the RD Web repo if it's my PR.
That way there's a bit of a checks-and-balances system.
sounds good :)
> The RD settings page ViewModel creates an indenter instance every time it refreshes the preview box:


public string PreviewSampleCode
var indenter = new Indenter(null, GetCurrentSettings);

var lines = RubberduckUI.IndenterSettings_PreviewCode.Split(new[] { Environment.NewLine }, Str
Merge pull request #1 from rubberduck-vba/master

Merge from RDWeb Base
[rubberduck-vba/RubberduckWeb] EBrown8534 pushed commit da765287 to master: Replaced how we display the fact that no issues were found in inspections with a more clean solution. (Follows the design more tightly, and eliminates a view.)
[rubberduck-vba/RubberduckWeb] EBrown8534 pushed commit 68b034e7 to master: The InspectionResults notice is now more prominent and a different style than the inspections.
[rubberduck-vba/RubberduckWeb] EBrown8534 pushed commit 8d595185 to master: Changed how the error from Rubberduck inspections is sent, throwing exceptions isn't necessary just return a null model.
[rubberduck-vba/RubberduckWeb] EBrown8534 pushed commit 58ed1820 to master: Styled the Rubberduck Inspections success and warning a little better.
[rubberduck-vba/RubberduckWeb] EBrown8534 pushed commit 805a8447 to master: Another style update to inspections: cnetered and bolded the error ("Failure to Parse") message.
Merge pull request #2 from rubberduck-vba/master

updated RD build
[rubberduck-vba/RubberduckWeb] EBrown8534 pushed commit af07e817 to master: Updated message for "busy" when inspecting code to be more people-friendly. (They're our best assets after all. :) )
Merge pull request #23 from EBrown8534/master

Updated a lot to do with Inspections
@Duga Beautiful! :) Someone is working on a lot of things around here.
> Beautiful.

Do we already have an import/export feature on settings? If not, I'll add an issue on the other project for it. That would definitely be a nice feature.
> Ah, I see what you mean. Unfortunately that's not implemented (yet) in RD. I mean, the settings *are* serialized to XML, but there's much more to it than just the indenter settings.

We're talking about a feature that lets you export the indenter settings from the website and import them to your desktop rubberduck, right?
> Ah, I see what you mean. Unfortunately that's not implemented (yet) in RD. I mean, the settings *are* serialized to XML, but there's much more to it than just the indenter settings.

We're talking about a feature that lets you export the indenter settings from the website and import them to your desktop rubberduck, right?

That's definitely a nice thing to add to the RD indenter settings!
> Yes. It would be trivial to serialize and send them from web -> computer file, but if there's nothing to get them to go from file -> RD, then there's no point (yet) in creating that feature on the web side.
> Yes. It would be trivial to serialize and send them from web -> computer file, but if there's nothing to get them to go from file -> RD, then there's no point (yet) in creating that feature on the web side. We can still create the Indenter feature, just not the "Export Settings" feature.
> Hold that thought, then. I think it's a good idea, but it would make more sense to implement it once we ship a RD build that includes that "import indenter settings from file" button.
> @retailcoder - Open an RD issue for it so I don't forget - the groundwork is there in XmlPersistanceService<T>, it just needs something to pass it a FilePath parameter.
> Absolutely. I'll create the Smart Indenter on the website, but we'll hold off on the export feature until RD is ready to accept imports, then I'll look into the serialization of settings. Until then I'll make the web form layout as close to the form layout as possible, so settings are easy to copy/paste.
@Duga @Mat'sMug Glad I could help create an issue for RD as well. ;)
never enough of those ;-)
> Per a dicsussion in the RubberduckWeb repo, let's add a button to import indenter settings from a .xml file on disk. This will allow website users to export indenter settings from the website, and use the same settings on their desktop ducky.
@Mat'sMug Perhaps you should make all settings serializable import/export?
@EBrown eventually, yeah
Eventually is never good. ;)
> I think it's prudent just to close this, this cannot be resolved by the method posted by @ckuhn203 without making IIS configuration changes. (`.HTML` pages don't call the managed handlers in IIS, which means it just looks for that static page.) The best we could do is create an HTML page that contains the following:

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;URL='/newpage/'" />

But this would mean creating a `.html` page for each of the pages that need redirected, and would be ugly in our
> This doesn't appear to be a problem anymore.
[EBrown8534/RubberduckWeb] EBrown8534 pushed commit 1117e6d2 to master: Adjusted the actual error when Rubberduck cannot inspect code for some reason (if the input actually throws errors) to be in the HTML and not HTML in JavaScript. (Makes adju
[EBrown8534/RubberduckWeb] EBrown8534 pushed commit d57bd75e to master: Removed some unnecessary styles and cleaned up some whitespace and formatting/alignment.
00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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