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@Hosch250 That's not my code / bug... never really used the Name function. I only ever use it to get the name of objects: e.g. ?Document(1).Name
[Hosch250/Rubberduck] 16 commits. 1240 additions. 394 deletions.
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] 17 commits. 7 opened issues. 5 closed issues. 33 issue comments. 1447 additions. 712 deletions.
[rubberduck-vba/RubberduckWeb] 3 issue comments.
[skiwi2/bit-vector] 2 commits. 348 additions. 44 deletions.
[VSDiagnostics/VSDiagnostics] 2 issue comments.
[Zomis/Minesweeper-Analyze] 8 commits. 56 additions. 11 deletions.
@ThunderFrame Oh, maybe.
@SlowLearner OK, just thought maybe you knew.
I got the help I needed.
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] Hosch250 pushed commit 7741c5b5 to next: Fix bug where userform events are loaded without FormEvents being loaded
Merge pull request #1861 from Hosch250/Issue1851

Fix bug where userform events are loaded without FormEvents being loaded
Down to only 2 broken bits (that I know about) that we inherited from SmartIndenter.
@Comintern Can you update your PR? I was planning on doing yours first so I wouldn't have to ask you, but it was still running.
@Hosch250 Wish I did, I'm a self taught hack - learning slowly
More/less the same here, only Mug teaches me.
Or rather, he taught me. I've been learning more from Comintern lately.
The 2 ignored test cases are so messed up I'm not even sure I know how they should indent.
Just got my first C# book today after over two years of development in it and one in C++ (I used Bjarne Stroustrup's book for that).
You mentioned an internship, I figured you were studying some sort of programming course?
@SlowLearner IT Management. I told my professor I was looking to go into programming, and they made an exception for me to do the CS-type internship instead of the IT internship while doing the IT internship class.
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit 890c2d2a on unknown branch: AppVeyor build succeeded
Two more builds.
Ohhh... well that's pretty cool of them
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit a83be737 on next: AppVeyor build succeeded
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit e4775abc on unknown branch: AppVeyor build succeeded
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] comintern pushed commit bae40b73 to next: "If Foo Then Bar Else" fix. Closes #1858
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] web-flow pushed commit 6025e447 to next: Merge branch 'next' into next
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] comintern pushed commit 890c2d2a to next: Fix indenting of multi-segment Do...Loop, If...Then...Else
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] web-flow pushed commit e4775abc to next: Merge branch 'next' into next
Merge pull request #1862 from comintern/next

"If Foo Then Bar Else" fix. Closes #1858
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit 788dc2d1 on next: AppVeyor build cancelled
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] Hosch250 pushed 171 commits to master
Merge pull request #1863 from rubberduck-vba/next

Merge next into master
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit 788dc2d1 on next: AppVeyor build succeeded
Released and done.
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit edc2df27 on master: AppVeyor build succeeded
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit edc2df27 on master: AppVeyor build succeeded
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit 96a3779a on unknown branch: AppVeyor build succeeded
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] comintern pushed commit da3f606b to next: Fixes the last of the ignored VB6 SmartIndenter issues.
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] web-flow pushed commit f6373afb to next: Merge branch 'next' into next
Merge pull request #1864 from comintern/next

Fixes the last of the (known) SmartIndenter issues inherited from VB6.
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit f6373afb on next: AppVeyor build cancelled
@Hosch250 - Don't even think of redoing the release for that PR - those are the corner cases of the corner cases.
@Comintern OK.
See you later--off to read my C# book.
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit 2c6a498b on next: AppVeyor build succeeded
1 hour later…
> Applies to: RD 2.0.2b, edc2df2

Example. Create new document & add UserForm. Add Query Close from dropdown menu, initially it will look like this:
Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, CloseMode As Integer)

End Sub
On the first inspection, Rubberduck will correct the implicit ByRef and an automatic fix will look like this:
Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose(ByRef Cancel As Integer, ByRef CloseMode As Integer)

End Sub
However, when the code is reinspect
> @Hosch250 I have a simple document that reproduces this issue, let me know if you want it. Basic steps and observations are:

1 Create New document, add userform with this code:
Option Explicit

Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
Const RUBBERY As String = "Activate.LittleBlackDuck"
End Sub
2 Add Sub to standard Module (Module1) with this code:
'Option Explicit <-- Comment out to get the False Positive

Sub FalsePos(ByVal thisString As St
> Oh - should mention this applies to: RD 2.0.2b, edc2df2
> Actually changing `ByRef` to `ByVal` on an event handler would break the code; the inspection needs to ignore event handlers, whether they're for built-in events or not.

The suggestion to explicit `ByRef` is fine; the problem is with changing `ByRef` to `ByVal`, and that suggestion is made because a `ByRef` parameter should be an array, or should be assigned in the body of the procedure; the two results are independent of each other; actually your initial inspection results should have incl
> Yes you are right about event handlers, I was thinking more about the general case when I wrote that. Showing both options in the results would be a reasonable approach :+1:
> Do you have logging enabled? Hopefully there's an exception thrown in the resolver, and logs have valuable stack trace information. I'll still try to repro, this glitch with/without Option Explicit is rather troubling.
@Mat'sMug sorry to hear @awgaya left. I just heard when I caught up.
Hi all
@PeterMTaylor Hi
So how is it going with you @SlowLearner?
> To be honest I'm finding Word less stable than usual so the short answer is no. I can enable it for specific tests but between RD and my own code word normal way of shutting down is by Not Responding...
Not bad - learning lots, slowly... you?
@SlowLearner lol, that'll never get old haha
> @retailcoder Ok I have reproduced in a file that I can send. Looking into it now...
@PeterMTaylor hi! :-)
Howdy, its 1:30pm here. Just had a pluger coffee and home made french toast. ;)
@PeterMTaylor - AU EastCoast?
Ha! It's still Friday for anoher 25 minutes here
@Mat'sMug should this give Parameter "thisString" is never used?
Sub FalsePos(ByVal thisString As String)
Debug.Print thisString
End Sub
(because it does)
@SlowLearner South East Melbourne in Australia. Near melbourne.
@PeterMTaylor Syd, NorWest - Lived in Moorabin, Chelt, Hampton, Clayton...
Ah. there you go @Mat'sMug another Auzzie to content with. :)
@SlowLearner please to meet you.
[retailcoder/Rubberduck] retailcoder pushed 60 commits to next (only showing some of them below)
Merge pull request #1860 from Hosch250/Issue1616

Code Explorer Enhancements
[retailcoder/Rubberduck] Hosch250 pushed commit 7741c5b5 to next: Fix bug where userform events are loaded without FormEvents being loaded
[retailcoder/Rubberduck] comintern pushed commit bae40b73 to next: "If Foo Then Bar Else" fix. Closes #1858
[retailcoder/Rubberduck] web-flow pushed commit 6025e447 to next: Merge branch 'next' into next
[retailcoder/Rubberduck] comintern pushed commit 890c2d2a to next: Fix indenting of multi-segment Do...Loop, If...Then...Else
Merge pull request #1861 from Hosch250/Issue1851

Fix bug where userform events are loaded without FormEvents being loaded
[retailcoder/Rubberduck] web-flow pushed commit e4775abc to next: Merge branch 'next' into next
Merge pull request #1862 from comintern/next

"If Foo Then Bar Else" fix. Closes #1858
Merge pull request #1863 from rubberduck-vba/next

Merge next into master
Merge pull request #127 from rubberduck-vba/master

@PeterMTaylor likewise, what brings you to RD?
♥ VBA ♥
Its basically an on and off affair with VBA using Excel since I finished my IT degree since '92.
@Mat'sMug don't we all?
IKR :)
where VB was more important than VBA gossip in the department halls.
I'd really like Rubberduck to work in Visual Studio 6.0 at one point
hey @SlowLearner I used to work at NorWest, but am in Melbourne these days...
not far from me @SlowLearner
I can't remember how to get a type from the F3Dynamic library...
@PeterMTaylor You're not talking about these nasty green soldiers ( are you?
@SlowLearner Checking out that peculiar const bug now.
@Mat'sMug yep - VB6 should be on the 3.0 roadmap
I discover RD by accident when I wanted to find a simplier way to do more programming in VBA along the lines of wanting to write a VBA game as I had a few ideas of my own.
@PeterMTaylor Ugh, use a real language.
Actually I don't drink beer nor do I smoke. I never did.
@PeterMTaylor Same here :)
@Hosch250 did you read the latest RD news?
@PeterMTaylor errrr. ... yeah me too...
@Mat'sMug Next time Carlos pops in, we should ask about the steps/headaches of getting VB6's VBIDE to work alongside the VBA version.
@Mat'sMug Yeah, I did.
IIRC he said it wasn't complicated or hard at all
well not in the mornings, anyway
I don't buy it though--C# can do everything VBA can do, and then some--I just read about some of it in C# In Depth.
C# 4 apparently really focused on making it easier to work with COM.
easier than in previous versions of C#
> Ok, I think this also relates to the use of Option Explicit...

Blank doc, Module1 Has:
Option Explicit
Function OffSet(someTable As Table) As Integer
OffSet = someTable.Rows.Count - 1
End Function
Module3 has (NO option explicit)
Sub UsesOffSet()
Dim iOffSet As Integer
iOffSet = OffSet(Selection.Range.Tables(1)) ' <-- Result Used, but not detected
Debug.Print iOffSet
End Sub
Code Inspection result is that Return Value of function 'Of
working with COM is always going to be simpler in COM
Of course.
oh, the paradox... As C# gets better, it makes it easier to work with VBA...
@Hosch250 I would consider making a game using C# language as the next step in my goal in programming. The only thing is my time so its a hobby at the moment.
as I have my time with work, my other half and two kids.
So I am enjoying RD with VBA until I get a hang of it then I would jump up.
I'm ready to scream.
My release build isn't the release.
wtf did you release then? lol
So @Hosch250 is C# feedback is improving?
The last release, maybe?
there's nothing like a real project to learn a new skill. I prefer books over classes, but there's no substitute for solving a real problem.
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] Hosch250 created pull request #1866: 2.0.2b to merge next into master
and if VBA isn't a real problem, I don't know what is :-{
> Rubberduck.Setup.2.0.2b.exe (5.28MB) - Downloaded 3 times.
Last updated on 2016-06-18
Merge pull request #1866 from rubberduck-vba/next

@Mat'sMug btw that is a great article... pitched just above my level of understanding... made me read the rest of them... will have re-read them all in a week or two
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit 2c6a498b on next: AppVeyor build cancelled
@Hosch250 just re-upload the correct build, while everyone that downloaded it is in this room
Working on it.
@Mat'sMug lol... really
I'm trying to delete the old release/tag, and I forgot how.
the big red button
another entry for the wiki to document "how to"?
Found it--I had to go into the specific release.
@PeterMTaylor funny you mention the wiki, I was going to start updating it with cough 2.0.2b cough
I think I'm looking at RubberduckModule.cs for the first time. Lot's of stuff going on there!
:) Looking forward to read the latest update.
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit 7e9cc590 on master: AppVeyor build succeeded
[retailcoder/Rubberduck] comintern pushed commit da3f606b to next: Fixes the last of the ignored VB6 SmartIndenter issues.
[retailcoder/Rubberduck] web-flow pushed commit f6373afb to next: Merge branch 'next' into next
Merge pull request #1864 from comintern/next

Fixes the last of the (known) SmartIndenter issues inherited from VB6.
Merge pull request #1866 from rubberduck-vba/next

Merge pull request #128 from rubberduck-vba/master

v2.0.2b (the right build this time)
@SlowLearner Please download the updated release build and try again.
> I still have no repro, following your instructions exactly.
The only difference I get is that without Option Explicit, I have one more inspection result--the one about no option explicit.
Maybe this was fixed as a side-affect of something else.
@Hosch250 Feels like Christmas... so many presents all at the same time!
In only one week, to boot.
There will be more next week.
ok. will do the test I just started this morning since there's a new version.
Yeah, I forgot to pull from master when I created my release branch.
So, I just re-released last-weeks master.
@PeterMTaylor Please try #1791 again.
@Mat'sMug any plans to integrate RD with a packager, like InnoSetup?
@SlowLearner We are using InnoSetup.
@Hosch250 Win Def still didn't like the file. I presume no signing the dll, yes?
I clean/rebuild all the solutions, then compile an InnoSetup program and publish the exe.
@PeterMTaylor Yeah, I didn't sign the dll. I need to look into that more.
From within the VBA IDE?
Oh, no.
@SlowLearner oh, no lol - but yeah we need to look into a way to notify of a new available version
@Mat'sMug 2.1, first thing.
Although, TBH, people might not like updating every Monday morning when they come in to work.
@Mat'sMug won't RD always check if a new version is available or only when the User peeks at the About screen?
@PeterMTaylor Neither.
It doesn't do anything, at the moment.
That too, I was thinking about how building my own project into Inno....
from the VBA IDE
When I do this, I'm going to pop a notification Rubberduck has an update--install (goes to GitHub), ignore (perma-closes), remind me later (reminds the next time RD starts).
oh wait, you mean packaging vba code to distribute?
Or something along that line.
that's a pretty nifty idea actually - make an issue for it!
an installer would be a bit overkill for a bunch of files
it's not like it's a compiled executable
but an option to export everything and zip it up would be nice
> Actually, when I see these, usually both inspections are fired up, and when it is made explicitly byref, that one stops showing. Are you sure only one is firing the first time?
right how I have a pretty unique way of doing things... stackoverflow.com/questions/25497917
@Mat'sMug yes... :-)
no need for inno there, imo
@Mat'sMug well... it ships with several dlls, some resources, user defined custom xml
New release sucks, can't reproduce any of the issues I was trying to figure out ;-/
@SlowLearner LOL!
That's a good thing for me...
@SlowLearner I should unpin our motto about fewer bugs and pin that as our new motto.
@Hosch250 you have my blessing
Or we can always have two mottos.
fewer repros than yesterday, and more than tomorrow.
I'm so tweeting that
2.0.2b is out! Initial feedback: "New release sucks, can't reproduce any of the issues I was trying to figure out ;-/"
@Mat'sMug Resolving 30 Sec, Inspecting 10 Sec, until ready. Opening Code Inspection still takes a while.
@SlowLearner Yeah, inspecting only accounts for the time running the inspections.
Loading the UI is expensive--I made it a gazzillion times faster already, but performance still needs to improve.
If I can get that to work like lightning, I'm so making an SO post.
I was wondering if Resolving is slowed down because my DLLs are not in global cache thingy?
No, that is Loading References.
oh yeah... late binding.... happens later....
@SlowLearner Quick question, did parsing speed up any?
I noticed that it goes to Resolving a lot earlier than before due to some changes.
Parsing was over in a flash
Before, we had three distinct steps: parsing, {resolving declarations, resolving references}.
Resolving did not start until everything was parsed.
@Hosch250 well done, you hushed me up with my Resolver Error but...
Now, resolving starts as soon as a single module is parsed--and the state is set to resolving as soon as any module starts resolving.
That explains why resolving takes longer--it is accounting for the intermingling of the parse/resolve states.
On the other hand, the whole sequence should be much faster, is it?
@PeterMTaylor What?
I'd have to run it a few times, sometimes the old version was very slow, other times it was a bit slow...
Looking at my main project now, trying to find known False Positives...
the "untyped string function usage" inspection is messed up
> With the new version of 2.0.2b. No Resolver error occured.
I accidently had Book1 open with no project in the system. It kept Pending more than 5 mins.
![capture pending with no projects](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/2254567/16169054/ff239e14-3562-11e6-93ca-47b90b42dc6c.PNG)
@Mat'sMug IT has been for a while.
@Duga Yeah, but I'd say not an issue if you don't have anything for RD to work off of.
> With the new version of 2.0.2b. No Resolver error occured.
I accidently had Book1 open with no project in the system. It kept Pending more than 5 mins.
![capture pending with no projects](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/2254567/16169054/ff239e14-3562-11e6-93ca-47b90b42dc6c.PNG)
If there was no Projects, I thought it will say Ready by default.
@Mat'sMug Yeah, I know.
Ok... some functions are getting returned value is never used when they are
@Duga No, ready is only set when the parse/resolve is successful. RD is detecting there is nothing to parse and leaving it at the state it originally was.
I could stick a simple if in there to make Pending be Ready...
@SlowLearner Yeah, lots of bugs. Next release will focus on inspection bugs.
@Hosch250 that would break a bunch of command CanExecute implementations
@Mat'sMug Not really--they all need non-null selections or active code panes anyway. I'd say it would highlight potential bugs.
mkay, try it then :)
And the rest are the ones that are always available anyway--CE, TE, CI, TDE, &c.
Not tonight. I'm going to bed, and if I program tomorrow, it will probably be studying events and delegates to understand chapter 2 better.
I'm splitting up a long string literal. Anyone have views on number of chars per line? 80 seems too few. 120 feels about right on my 1080p 13" laptop.
@Hosch250 that book is awesome, wait till you get to anonymous types and closures :)
@ThunderFrame We aren't working with it. You decide what's good based on your (and your colleagues) circumstances.
@Hosch250 Not as many as before... I still get a few different types of false positive but overall much better.
@SlowLearner Good.
@Mat'sMug I know. I already know how to use a lot of this stuff, but I'm still learning a ton.
@Hosch250 well, we're about to... ;-)
Const x As String = _
  " Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean laoreet iaculis tincidunt. Quisque laoreet tortor est, " & _
  "id porta quam varius eu. Aenean volutpat, nisi id vulputate ullamcorper, lacus massa finibus augue, sit amet " & _
  "sollicitudin neque purus vel nibh. Nullam tempor pharetra augue, eget placerat diam sagittis facilisis. Pellentesque " & _
  "rhoncus est nec aliquet scelerisque. Nunc nisi metus, iaculis in volutpat ultrices, auctor a magna. Praesent sit amet " & _
And by a lot, I mean almost all. Like, I know how to use delegates more or less (with the help of my search engine for syntax), but I learned a lot in 2.1.
@ThunderFrame Looks good, but if I were you, I might just stick that in a file and read it in.
not bad. Will have something to work with
Just to let you know it took more than 5 mins of processing the "Inspection..."
when done and lost the Code Inspection when displayed as in the window was displayed BEHIND the VBE.
hmm, vbNullString inspection can't be ignored
@Mat'sMug is there a distinction made between never used and never assigned?

Sub BooleanNotUsed()
Dim bTrue As Boolean
bTrue = True
End Sub

Gives Inspection result, variable is not used.... which seems fair, it's only assigned. Is that about the right way to look at this?
@SlowLearner yes
it gets a bit wonky when the variable is an array though
ok folks. Gotta go my little daughter has a sore ear got to take her to doctors. Will catch up with some more testing on the same code later.
good job with this release.
@Mat'sMug I'm working on a PasteSpecialAsStringLiteralCommand and a PasteSpecialAsCommentCommand... I'm going to go with 120 chars per line (excluding syntax marks), for now...
I think the formats to include in the clipboard when copying should be configurable.. copying 5000 inspection results gets pretty heavy, pretty fast
This release seems really good at finding dead code... there is quite a bit of that in my project that other tools did not find.
@Mat'sMug agreed. But I'm working on inserting code from the clipboard into the codepane. That Lorem Ipsum example above is 2 paragraphs of raw clipboard text converted into a string literal.
but the idea is that you can insert SQL/HTML/XML chunks and Rubberduck adds the double-quotes and ampersands.
and for comments, it adds the leading apostrophe
@ThunderFrame ooh shiny!
Has RD messed up my file browser? All my icons are black....
I can't decide what to do with long text that will end up being more than 15 line continuations. I think I'll post an SO question.
@SlowLearner shouldn't..........
@ThunderFrame warn and abort
or adjust line width accordingly
Gah words having a hissy fit
@Mat'sMug well I've seen plenty of: Dim x as String : x = "really long text" : x = x & "more long text" : x = x & "yet more text", but that precludes long text being a Const, so I'm inclined to make long text be returned by a helper function. So the function acts as a pesudo-Const.
> Unless a class is implemented somewhere in the project, Rubberduck has no way of reading one's mind and guessing that such or such class is intended to be used as an interface.

The result of this is that even if the "return value not assigned" inspection figured out "hey that class is used in an `Implements` statement, these are member stubs, I'll just ignore them", ...it would still fire an inspection result for every single member of every single interface.

By giving RD a hint in the d
and, a function could do more efficient concatenation by doing something like Dim x(2) As String: x(0) = "really long text" : x(1) = "more long text" : x(2) = "yet more text" : returnVal = Join(x,"")
hmm, this might be better as a CR question
@Mat'sMug Re the black icons, it seems to only impact file browse type dialogues with Word - Uninstalling RD resolved the issue with the exception of 1 icon; This PC is now represented by a black box... (guess I should paint my case orange?). Anyway, I let Windows apply its latest update, reinstalled RD, started Word and all's good (except, of course for This PC which remains Black).
I am running 4 displays, so could be a driver issue too.
2:10.. I'm out! 'night @Australia!
@Mat'sMug thanks, has been fun
Q: Defining long, multi-line string-literals in VBA

ThunderFrameI'm writing a helper in C# (for inclusion in Rubberduck) that takes text from the user's Clipboard and reformats it for insertion into a VBA module as a string-literal. The goal is to allow the insertion of SQL/HTML/XML/text strings into VBA without tedious/error-prone syntax-corrections for doub...

Q: Defining long, multi-line string-literals in VBA

ThunderFrameI'm writing a helper in C# (for inclusion in Rubberduck) that takes text from the user's Clipboard and reformats it for insertion into a VBA module as a string-literal. The goal is to allow the insertion of SQL/HTML/XML/text strings into VBA without tedious/error-prone syntax-corrections for doub...

> In MS Word, cos ranges are different...
Sub ImTooLazy(aRange As Range)
aRange = "something"
End Sub
In this case the suggestion should have been working towards:
`aRange.text = "something"`
> And another... @ThunderFrame should be new issue, or pile them all in here?
Private Sub UserForm_KeyDown(ByVal KeyCode As MSForms.ReturnInteger, ByVal Shift As Integer)
If KeyCode = vbKeyF1 Then
KeyCode = 0 ' <-- Should be KeyCode.Value = 0
End If
End Sub
> @Stevefb Issues should try to cover a class of problem rather than an issue for each instance. There are many, many VBA classes that have default members, so now that we know that default members remain problematic, a small number of examples is sufficient to define the problem.

Having said that, the MSForms.ReturnInteger only has *one* member *and* it is the default member, so it's a good candidate for testing.
@Duga Fair 'nuf
> ```
Private Sub myTextBox_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
If True Then
Cancel = False ' Should be Cancel.Value
End If
End Sub

^^^^^ Funny, originally this Sub did not actually assign a value to Cancel. RD Flagged Cancel as Unused - so I used it...
> that `If True Then` statement is looking a little redundant, but yes, ReturnBoolean would appear to be another class with a single (default) member.

So these all have a single member that is also the default member:
> Yep. But it looked better than an empty Sub... (was just showing the context as I had it in my program)....
3 hours later…
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] arggrande opened issue [#1869: [Question] Does Rubberduck support VBA within the O365 Runtimes](github.com/rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck/issues/1869)
> Howdy folks,

Just wondering, as per the question title, if Rubberduck supports the O365 runtimes? I notice when doing the setup that the registry has a slightly different structure, that being;


There is no addins folder (referenced in the contrib wiki), and no VBE subfolder.

Would appreciate some assistance :)
1 hour later…
So.... can finally go forward with this.... will work with BitBucket right?! stackoverflow.com/a/37896924/3451115
1 hour later…
@SlowLearner Not sure. It's been tested with GitHub only.
00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

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