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[Hosch250/Rubberduck] 16 commits. 434 additions. 324 deletions.
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] 14 commits. 9 opened issues. 5 closed issues. 34 issue comments. 235 additions. 66 deletions.
[rubberduck-vba/RubberduckWeb] 1 opened issue. 1 closed issue. 7 issue comments.
[skiwi2/bit-vector] 6 commits. 2668 additions. 1628 deletions.
[Vogel612/TranslationHelper\‌​] 2 commits. 5 additions. 1220 deletions.
[VSDiagnostics/VSDiagnostics] 1 issue comment.
[Zomis/Minesweeper-Analyze] 1 commit. 21 additions. 23 deletions.
AFAICT, Excel is the only host that has vbComponents (Worksheets and Charts) that have another vbComponent (Workbook) as a parent.
although PowerPoint does have a "Slide" vbComponent whose parent (Presentation)is not the application and is not a vbComponent.
@ThunderFrame Ugg VBA in PPT is plain evil
yep, IIUC, auto_open fires in an add-in, but not in a normal presentation.
> This seems to have been fixed in the last couple days. Possibly by #1813?
and the Slide vbComponent doesn't even have any events anyway
> Probably not the highest priority, was testing around the edges...
Steps to reproduce - MS Word 2010, RD beta

1. Open Project
2. Run Code Inspection
3. Close Project
- Inspection results do not seem to clear
4. Double click on a result, (you know because you can)
- Word crashes instantly and hard
@Duga That should be requesting a reparse once you remove it.
> @Hosch250 I'm not following, what would the exported extension have anything to do with the issue? Form events are always going to be UserForm_EventName, and we know what these events are from iterating the MSForms library (which is automatically referenced when a form is added to a project)... IMO the problem looks like we're not telling the resolver that vbext_ct_UserForm vbcomponents inherit the UserForm class (or whatever it's called under the hood).
@Duga We don't use the resolver here, @Mat'sMug.
We use the name to trace the event handler to the event.
At least, IIRC.
...we should.
Wait how do we deal with worksheet/workbook event handlers?
@Hosch250 you're right
We could still fetch the form event list from built-in declarations, and build the list of handler names with that
@Mat'sMug We don't.
@Mat'sMug I do. It works (in Excel).
I'll check Word in a sec.
Works in Word.
> Would it be possible for me to see this project (or a minimal verifiable example)? I might have overlooked something.
Supper time. BBL.
Actually, I got my 8 hours in, so I might not be back later.
Ok cool
@Hosch250 I'll see if I can create a suitably poor example of VBA that demonstrates the issues. My best guess is that you guys don't write enough bad code to give RD a proper workout ;-P
> @PeterMTaylor, please don't think we're trying to be rude. It's just that... Well, our "job" is often very much about saying no to features that sound like a good idea, but don't fit with the overall goals and architecture of the project. It sucks, but it's also the reality and responsibility we have.

As my cohorts cringe because I've not made a commit in nearly a year...
@SlowLearner I put line breaks in declaration statements.... I do try to write horrendous code, but I'm biased by my understanding of VBE...
@ThunderFrame Sadly, I don't share your bias (wish I did)
@SlowLearner lol!
> @ckuhn203 well... this very repository wouldn't exist without your contributions, as sporadic as they might be!
> Rubberduck.Setup.2.0.1b.exe (5.28MB) - Downloaded 72 times.
Last updated on 2016-06-10
@Duga You've done a lot, even if I did have to re-write much of your early code.
Your source control provider is still pretty much untouched, except for additions and a bunch of bug fixes.
@RubberDuck ^^
> @Hosch250 @ThunderFrame I can send you the project if you like, but was easy to reproduce. Steps:

1. Start Word
2. Save the blank doc as FileName.dotm
3. Open IDE
4. Add UserForm
5. Add methods from dropdown: _Activate, _Initialize, & _QueryClose
6. Put code in each method: MsgBox "EventName"
7. Run the RDCode Inspector

https://i.sstatic.net/CPX7S.png <-- Basic Project
https://i.sstatic.net/I6pZl.png <-- Review Results
@Duga That's what I did, except for step 6.
> @ckuhn203 not upset at all. It's a learning curve for me to reignite my IT skills as I hadn't used it for a long time and things have changed a lot. I'm looking for a different way by helping out. I more or less expect my ideas a bit on the wild side however appreciated the positive feedback along the way that I do receive so I know I can improve this art of programming in some way, especially knowing what goals and architect are.
@Hosch250 Ok... well I just repeated without the msgbox in each and I get the same result with and without ...
@Hosch250 and no repro?
Then it's fixed! :-)
No repro.
@Mat'sMug It was "fixed" since 2.0 beta...
@SlowLearner Open tools-references, please.
Do you reference Microsoft Forms 2.0 Object Library?
expecting reference to MSForms
You should, and RD requires that to be in there...
The VBE adds it automatically when you add a UserForm
Right, just making sure it is in there.
Also, hit the refresh button in the toolbar, please.
Force a refresh and see what happens.
It couldn't render a designer for it otherwise ;-)
@Mat'sMug @Hosch250 Confirmed: Microsoft Forms 2.0 Object Library
I like the Ctrl+` hotkey for requesting a reparse =)
@Hosch250 the RD refresh button?
@SlowLearner Use CTRL+` to do a reparse quick before I go.
@SlowLearner Same thing as ^
See if it does a Loading References thing, then those results disappear.
@Hosch250 that would only happen if the MSForms reference was added or references changed in any way
Just checking--I've seen some peculiar things sometimes.
I tried Ctrl + ` but it did not seem to do anything, I then pressed the blue refresh button several times, same nothing. I then added a new empty Sub to the form and pressed refresh again, it all went very quick - saw parsing but not refresh... the Code Inspection results stayed the same
I sense a bunch of RubberDuck stars.
@SlowLearner Weird.
Well, I'm out.
@Hosch250 Totally agree with this...
@Hosch250 lol. It was bad too. My apologies that you had to deal with all the crap I wrote while j was learning.
@Hosch250 no, expected. If nothing changed since the last parse there's no reason for anything to happen there
Larer / tomorrow!
@RubberDuck how would you make a add/remove references dialog if you were to make one in a month?
I mean, there's a ton of things left to implement still, feel free to jump in anytime :-)
Very cool things
@SlowLearner it could very well be a glitch that's already fixed
@Mat'sMug lol - was just agreeing with the statement "I've seen some peculiar things" - Word seems to behave differently on different systems, I think its Microsofts way of messing with us...
oh don't worry, Excel is "fun" too!
Yeah, and Powerpoint is evil
I haven't done much in Excel, started recording macros in Access and then somehow jumped to Word, the ugly sibling that hardly anyone seems to write macros for...
comparatively speaking...
@SlowLearner yeah, I just recently learned that Word's Application.Run method runs in the context of the Document (and the document's template is kind of friended into the document's scope).
Access has a Macro Recorder?
in the 90s I think it must have, I doubt I would have been able to write anything useful if it didn't - it was definitely Access... I just assume I used a recorder
@Mat'sMug I have some code that can find all the Ribbon callback names in Excel, Word and Powerpoint documents, but it requires a Nuget package.
what does it do?
I know all of the attributes in the CustomUI that can have callback names, so I just collect all the callback names using XPATH on the CustomUI XML file inside the document. The CustomUI for Excel, Word and Powerpoint must be defined at design-time, so if a document has a file path (or we can determine the template of an unsaved document) then we can read the CustomUI from the on-disk version of the file.
does Access have Ribbon callbacks?
yes, but the ribbon is stored in a table, or query, or file, and is loaded using VBA or on startup.
but yes, reading the Access CustomUI is possible too. And I think the OpenXML versions of Visio and Project documents should be readable too, but IIRC, those documents aren't wrapped as nicely in the SDK.
ok, so we just need the code that gets the callback names to implement an interface, and then we can have host-specific ways of doing that.
I mean, make OpenXml an implementation detail
time for lunch
@Mat'sMug two options. 1. Get a handle to the native window and manipulate it with WinApi to just fix it (ala MZ Tools). 2. Implement a xaml user control and view model for a single reference, then dump it inside a list view in a window.
I've obviously gotten lazy and more comfortable with calling native code...
@RubberDuck lol, a WinForms dialog embedding a WPF user control would be too simple?
@Mat'sMug I meant the inspection results.
@Mat'sMug Well, that's 2.1 scope, but it one gets PR'ed...
@RubberDuck I'm sure we don't need a VM for every single reference--one that can be reused and auto-generated would work.
user image
@Hosch250 lol. Just an instance per reference.
Yeah @Mat'sMug. Something like that, but I'm not familiar with that part of the API. I was once upon a time, but...
doesn't matter, you code against interfaces anyway :)
(it's all about project.References)
(or something like that)
Briefly here for my lunchtime. @Mat'sMug wot you showing @RubberDuck the interface, are you saying you like a simplified list of the Tools->References? In all office hosts? What criteria makes this list on the recent side vs all? Seems silly having the recent updated after several refreshes I think.
it's just a mockup :)
hold on
oh ok, a Niiice mockup then.
The references list allows the user to prioritise by moving the order of dll references, I had to at one time shift a loaded reference up about 48 times to the top of the list to see that I have it loaded. Frustrating...
oh right! and that's pretty important actually, it controls how the resolver (and VBA actually) prioritizes conflicting names!
Ok. I will have another look at this list to be sure
I'm starting to really like this 30-day Balsamiq trial
So, how shall we cure the VBE's add/remove references dialog? Ideas? #mockup #vba #rubberducked https://t.co/8ttKIe8x6h
@ThunderFrame it's actually Balsamiq Sans
(just found where to go to tweak the font)
@Mat'sMug Well looking at the mockup, I REALLY like the idea of having a favorites library for references... I'm guessing that's 'Pinned'?
oh so sweet
being unable to easily/quickly get to the references I always want to add has been annoying me forever
Would be nice to be able to see (and copy) the reference path (or maybe open File Explorer to the reference location), see the library name, etc.
And we need to work out which references can actually have their order changed. VBA's and the host's library are immovable, IIRC. But I think Word's template is also immovable.
good point
and by library name, I don't mean name, I mean the qualifying name, as in "VBIDE", or "Excel", or "MSXML2"
@Mat'sMug, dang, why isn't Rubberduck in your pinned references?
lol, didn't think of that one!
we'll certainly make it pinned by default!
I've made a few simple dlls, I tried to use it as a reference, but in the end I prefer to have them in the application folder and load them on the go like this (for example):

Declare PtrSafe Function CallIpEx Lib "XLib64.dll" (ByVal hwnd As LongLong, ByVal flags As Long, ByVal key As String) As Long
Public Function LibraryLoaded(ByVal path As String) As Long
#If VBA7 Then ' Word 2010+
#If Win64 Then
cLibraryName = "XLib64.dll"
cLibraryName = "XLib32.dll"
#End If
#Else ' Word 2007
cLibraryName = "XLib32.dll"
And, with that in mind I've love to be able to store the related declarations in some sort of config file :-)
that's late binding. you get better performance with early binding, and IntelliSense ;-)
@SlowLearner and IIUC, too many declare statements increases the risk of corruption of a module.
there's an issue opened, somewhere, about a Win32 API helper. perhaps it could be scoped to that
@ThunderFrame huh, so is it good practice to have them in their own dedicated module?
@Mat'sMug the real references dialog shows the current references, then the distinct list of references used by all other open projects, then all registered libraries.
yeah, and it's a PITA
^That's why it hard to find a reference sometimes, because it isn't in alphabetical order further down the list, because another project already has it open (and it appears near the top)
but maybe have an extra tab for references used by other open projects?
@Mat'sMug Let me find the article
I hate that its' putting a crap ton of things I'll never use at the top, and that I always have to find the same libraries in the middle of that endless list
@ThunderFrame @Mat'sMug yes I know it's late binding, didn't know about the performance hit. For the most part these dlls don't run so often. Should only run once at startup. Reason I do it like that is a need to deploy the document from a file server so users can use it from any connected PC. I'm all ears if there's a better way to do it :-)
@ThunderFrame wouldn't that be expected under "Recent"?
@ThunderFrame Didn't know about the corruption risk though... can I read about that somewhere?
@SlowLearner late binding is fine, especially in a deployment setup like you have. still I'd early-bind for development :)
> Code modules with a lot of Declare statements can slow down or even destabilise the VB environment
"a lot" being?
@Mat'sMug cool, appreciate that tip - have done in the past :-)
^ That's the article I sent to @Comintern the other day
@Mat'sMug a lot = anything involving GDI
It is beyond the scope of this article to explain all the intricacies of writing a type library.

Ok, now I've got a mission.
@ThunderFrame Thanks for that, looks like a good read
oh... choose option tlb; damn, I'll do that next time :-D
> Hi, I have reinstalled. And I have the same issue. what file do you need me to attach, because I can see a config file in the rubberduck folder?
> Hi, I have reinstalled. And I have the same issue. what file do you need me to attach, because I cant see a config file in the rubberduck folder?
@Mat'sMug the VBA binary has details of references. If we know the references, we should try to reproduce that file and put it under source control.
that brings us back to some SC issue about having a "project file"
Q: Item Inventory Userform: Making Lives Easier

JEDI am making a userform that grabs data from the a DATA sheet and puts it into a table. It grabs the data based on what the user wants (Brand -> Items for brand). It allows multiple items to be added. Displays the info about the items. Allows the user to specify how many of each item (for when the...

@Mat'sMug @ThunderFrame I think I found another bug (this is making me feel bad) - searched issues but couldn't find anything. I have a bunch of Constants that are untyped and these correctly show up in the Code Inspection results. The issue is that trying to fix them generally yields no change to the code, and crashes MS Word. So far every thing else that I have asked RD to fix has applied the expected change, quite quickly. This seems to crash. New issue for Word?
So far this only applies to constants, parameters, variables are both ok
woah word is wicked broken here
yep, repro
I mean, didn't crash, but the quickfix doesn't work
@Mat'sMug will do
Oh... to be fair the crash is optional...
works for a variable, but not a const. just an oversight, likely a 2-second fix
sometimes it just hangs a while
well, it's almost 1AM here, TTGTB
@Mat'sMug Cya - almost 3 pm here
> OK, that may well be the bug. Which folder are you looking in? It should be in C:\Users\{user}\AppData\Roaming\Rubberduck. And you don't get a rubberduck.config file if you press OK in the settings view? What about if you press Reset, then OK?
@SlowLearner File an issue--I'll get on it. Most of us work in Excel, so we've been getting a bunch of strange Access, PP, and now Word bug reports.
And I'm the main contributor right now (doing it for a college internship), and I don't know VBA, so half the time I write a bug, nobody catches it for a while.
Hey, @JoshK.
hey everyone :)
Well, release tomorrow night, if nothing too catastrophic happens. I'd better get to bed.
Lots of issues closed, lots of new issues to close...
@Hosch250 Issue raised, thanks - cya
Right now, I'd really, really like to get 2.0 out the door so the feature block is released.
@SlowLearner Make a list of up to 5 things you'd like me to focus on tomorrow--I'll try to do a few of them, at any rate.
@Hosch250 Warts and all RD is proving very helpful for me. I'll have a think about it, thanks
> Weirrrrddd. I finally had a repro--it seems saving the file makes all the difference :astonished: Anyway, I'll look at this tomorrow. Interestingly enough, _Click, and _KeyDown are registered correctly as events...
@Hosch250 >saving the file makes all the difference...
Oh... I knew I was doing something wrong (and I missed that step in my how to repro guide)...
@Hosch250 Actually, now that you mention it, I recall that I once had an issue within VBA where saving the file made an unexpected difference... can't remember what it was... if it comes to me I'll let you know
@Mat'sMug @Hosch250 Another weird thing, or perhaps something I don't properly understand, Code Inspection found a few "Object reference 'someObject' is self-assigned". Here are 2 examples:
1. Dim regEx As New RegExp <-- Got it, that's not real smart
2. Dim oDictFilter As New Scripting.Dictionary <-- Confused, is this a valid result?
> Getting a false positive in this situation:
Sub varIsUsed()
Dim oFld As Field
For Each oFld in ActiveDocument.Fields
' Do Something
Next oFld
End Sub
> Actually, I have a ton of "Variable is never assigned results"... and lots of them are for really straightforward things...

I also just noticed a massive jump in the number of Code Inspection results... from 1489 to 4510 for Code Quality issues, the same code as used previously, using default settings (same as previously). It seems that the extra 3000 issues could be all the variables in my project.... gotta love MS Word
> Hi,

I have just checked the location you have stated and I don’t even have a rubberduck folder, never mind a config file. I have tried reset and ok, but nothing.

I am also getting a crash on exit of excel.



From: Hosch250 [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: 17 June 2016 05:50
To: rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck <[email protected]>
Cc: Talorthain <[email protected]>; State change <state_change@noreply.
> Hi,

I have just checked the location you have stated and I don’t even have a rubberduck folder, never mind a config file. I have tried reset and ok, but nothing.

I am also getting a crash on exit of excel.



From: Hosch250 [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: 17 June 2016 05:50
To: rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck <[email protected]>
Cc: Talorthain <[email protected]>; State change <state_change@noreply.
> @retailcoder @Hosch250 found something interesting with this. I went back to my code from Wednesday (the 1st time I ran the Code Inspection, which I posted a sanitised version of the inspection results) and re-ran the Inspection. I got the same result, as expected.

I then compared the today's version (3000 extra false positives) with Wednesdays code, the main difference was that I introduced a Const at the TOP of every single module...

Const PROC_NAME As String = "ModuleName.MethodName
> @retailcoder @Hosch250 found something interesting with this. I went back to my code from Wednesday (the 1st time I ran the Code Inspection, which I posted a sanitised version of the inspection results) and re-ran the Inspection. I got the same result, as expected.

I then compared the today's version (3000 extra false positives) with Wednesdays code, the main difference was that I introduced a Const at the TOP of every single module...

`Const PROC_NAME As String = "ModuleName.MethodNam
2 hours later…
> Right, I went and commented out the line Const PROC_NAME.... saved, ( @Hosch250 that's important ) and ran the Code Inspection on my current code base... Result.... I'm short about 3000 False Positives!

Conclusion.... the line Const PROC_NAME .... has interfered with the Code Inspection.
> And now for the @Hosch250 'weird' bit.... as a final stretch of my imagination I did a global find and replace on the commented out:
`' Const PROC_NAME As String = "....`
and replaced it with
`Const PROC_NAME = "....` (deleted As String)

And re-ran the Code Inspection, I'm still short ~3000 False Positives... so my updated conclusion is that it is specifically the "As String" that interferes with the Code Inspection...
soo... Rubberduck is officially on up-for-grabs.net now
Considers putting VBA on up-for-grabs.net
> On my version of MS Access, here's what I've got.

Note, VBE.ActiveProject doesn't exist, but VBE.ActiveVBProject does.
> I'm getting a similar issue - every time I try to create a new repository, or import one that I've created using git, the VBE and Excel crash and have to restart.
> I have a similar experience with 2.01b, but did not know if I was to blame or RD is. It happens sporaradically, some 6 times out of 10. Here I do not have the problem with IDE forms and stuff as above, but what happens to me is that msaccess.exe is kept running even after the application is closed. I have to kill it to be able to open the database back, as otherwise it is still marked as in use.
> I have a similar experience with 2.01b, but did not know if I was to blame or RD is. It happens sporadically, some 6 times out of 10. Here I do not have the problem with IDE forms and stuff as above, but what happens to me is that msaccess.exe is kept running even after the application is closed. I have to kill it to be able to open the database back, as otherwise it is still marked as in use.
> I have a similar experience with 2.01b, but did not know if I was to blame or RD is. It happens sporadically, some 6 times out of 10. Here I do not have the problem with IDE forms and stuff as above, but what happens to me is that msaccess.exe is kept running even after the application is closed. I have to kill it to be able to open the database, as otherwise it is still marked as in use inspite of IDE and Access windows disappearing.
> The following 2 modules compile and run in VBE. Rubberduck parses and resolves them without error, but the status bar doesn't correctly identify some contexts, and things start going wrong when refactoring/renaming items in procedure `Test`.

I've only included 3 examples of incorrect/incomplete/inconsistent renamings, but I think the problems stem from Resolver issues. Place your cursor on various symbols and you can see that they're not all identified correctly.

**Module bar**
> Personally, I think RD's response to that code should be to run 10000 volts at 500 amps through the user's keyboard & mouse and be done with it.
12 hours ago, by SlowLearner
@ThunderFrame Ugg VBA in PPT is plain evil
Without a doubt, @SlowLearner!!
> Permissions issue maybe? Try manually creating a C:\Users\{user}\AppData\Roaming\Rubberduck folder. Once you have the folder there, see if you can create an empty file named rubberduck.config inside the folder. If you can do both of those things, try saving the settings again and see if anything is written to the file. I can't imaging not having R\W access to AppData\Roaming, but I've been in some pretty strange security environments.
@FreeMan :)
@FreeMan I'm adding it to my evil collection
> @retailcoder Only just noticed your comments... will have a look and see what I can get
@Hosch250 Ooohhhh oooohhh I just remembered... the thing in Word that you have to save.... actually it was the opposite... there is a feature in word that works perfectly UNTIL you save.... then it all goes to $4!7
It has to do with Styles, and linking Style A to Style B so that when Style A is changed, e.g. styleA.font.color = red then StyleB.font.color would also become red... but this for some messed up reason STOPS working when the document is saves.... talk about weird. Oh and that, by the way, ought to be considered as core functionality for Word... just saying
@SlowLearner - Dodgy behavior from VBA is core functionality for Word.
@Comintern @Hosch250 yep, and also this... Word is really bad at counting documents... funny right?! Open Word, open say 3 documents. Then open windows explorer and turn on the preview pane, then select a word document file so that it shows up in preview.... go as far as clicking on the preview file (select some text to make sure it is 'active') then go back to Word VBA IDE and in the immediate window: ?application.documents.count - you should not get 0, but you probably will.....
Well, duh, @SlowLearner, you're supposed to do counting in Excel, it's designed for numbers. Word is designed for words.
@FreeMan lol, well that's why I'm hanging around.... to learn from the masters! thanks @FreeMan
@doh... it's not meant to be 3. It's meant to be THREE
that's a word for you :)
you definitely won't get 0, but nawt
> Totally a wish-list item, but I stumbled across this today in some really old code. VBA allows you to hard code a file handle, i.e.:

Open "Foo" For Input As #1

The problem is that hard-coded file handles have project-wide scope, which leads to issues like this:

Public Sub Foo()
Open "C:\Work\foo.txt" For Output As #1
Write #1, "Foo"
Close #1
End Sub

Public Sub Bar()
Open "C:\Work\bar.txt" For Output As #1 <-- Runtime error 55
hi guys
@Duga I think file handles are even runtime-scoped
Morning. I think you might be right about runtime scoping.
autoboosh/awgaya has left the project :(
That's too bad - he knows his stuff.
> Well, I can't reproduce. I did make a change that might address this, and added logging to try to help me figure out where/what is happening. I'll make a release tonight, so please check it sometime next week.
@Mat'sMug Uh oh.
Now who's going to keep track of the grammar/resolver bugs?
we are
I can help, but I need someone who knows VBA to check it...
> Will do. Very many thanks for your help so far!

Jon "The Nice Guy" Spriggs

On 17 June 2016 at 16:22, Hosch250 <[email protected]> wrote:

> Well, I can't reproduce. I did make a change that might address this, and
> added logging to try to help me figure out where/what is happening. I'll
> make a release tonight, so please check it sometime next week.
> —
> You are receiving this because you authored the thread.
> Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub
> <https://github.
@Hosch250 Hey!
What needs checking?
Nothing ATM.
There are a bunch of grammar/resolver bugs that I don't trust myself to fix because I don't know VBA.
@Mat'sMug Can you merge that failing PR of mine?
AppVeyor didn't give any reason to fail--it just quit.
No test results, no build error, or anything.
1/2 builds passed
Merge pull request #1850 from rubberduck-vba/revert-1848-next

Revert "Changed ActivateWindow to send WM_MDIACTIVATE instead of simulated mo…"
Can you look at the other one too?
not now
@Hosch250 I'm happy to help, but I think you guys know more than I do...
[Hosch250/Rubberduck] Hosch250 pushed commit b40ab602 to Issue1807: Get some references to QualifiedName out that I missed. Partially fix #1807--it updates as soon as the window is resied horizontally now, anyway.
[Hosch250/Rubberduck] Hosch250 pushed commit 8e6322e1 to Issue1807: Remove unnecessary code.
[Hosch250/Rubberduck] Hosch250 pushed 11 commits to Issue1807
[Hosch250/Rubberduck] web-flow pushed commit f340f989 to Issue1807: Revert "Changed ActivateWindow to send WM_MDIACTIVATE instead of simulated mo…"
Merge pull request #1840 from Hosch250/Issue1759

Tweak resx string
[Hosch250/Rubberduck] web-flow pushed commit 51a259e5 to Issue1807: Merge branch 'next' into revert-1848-next
Merge pull request #1850 from rubberduck-vba/revert-1848-next

Revert "Changed ActivateWindow to send WM_MDIACTIVATE instead of simulated mo…"
[Hosch250/Rubberduck] web-flow pushed commit d634ec12 to Issue1807: Merge branch 'next' into Issue1807
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit 9a442d71 on next: AppVeyor build succeeded
> Actually, saving doesn't make a difference--this is a bug in Excel too.
> Actually, saving doesn't make a difference--this is a bug in Excel too. It just happens for a few of them, so...
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit 8e6322e1 on unknown branch: AppVeyor build succeeded
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit d634ec12 on unknown branch: AppVeyor build succeeded
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] Hosch250 pushed commit b40ab602 to next: Get some references to QualifiedName out that I missed. Partially fix #1807--it updates as soon as the window is resied horizontally now, anyway.
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] Hosch250 pushed commit 8e6322e1 to next: Remove unnecessary code.
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] web-flow pushed commit d634ec12 to next: Merge branch 'next' into Issue1807
Merge pull request #1857 from Hosch250/Issue1807

Fix a couple reference to non-existent data in the TE XAML
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit 2414e800 on next: AppVeyor build succeeded
> Huh, a handful of them aren't picked up by the COM collector at all, including these three.
Q: For Next Loop - Paste Formula Cell by Cell - takes 1 minute

E.PylesNovice coder here...I have the following code to perform a few actions like clearing filters, copying a range, and then pasting a formula down a row till the last line. It works perfectly, but it takes longer than a minute to complete since I am addressing each in my for next loop individually. ...

I'm quite baffled with awgaya's departure. he not only quit RD, he nuked his CR account too. Am I just clueless or we really pissed him off or something?
I have no idea what's up.
Last I saw him, he said NP about reviewing a couple of my PR's.
I didn't realize he meant this "bye" that literally:
18 hours ago, by awgaya
OK np, bye!
@Mat'sMug Did he ever have a CR account? I don't think he did.
I've only seen SO and JPL accounts on his page.
hmm that's possible.
And leaving the project might have been an accident.
@awgaya Why'd you leave the RD team?
coincidence then, that a user was removed today and I got -197 adjusted rep
@Hosch250 I think he would have given a reason if a reason was to be given
I did reply to his email though
What email?
He deleted his RD fork. I don't think it was an accident.
his contributions have been to the heart and brains of RD, the grammar, resolver and interpreter work done is gigantic and have left a permanent mark on the project
Oh well.
Now you'll need to review my grammar/resolver changes.
BTW, did you see that the COM declarations aren't picking up some of the form events?
I think I saw that, yeah
@Mat'sMug I have a question. When I look through the list of all declarations (or rather, search it) the only item with QueryClose in it is VbQueryClose.
that's an enum
Why isn't the event for UserForm_QueryClosed picked up at all?
It's crazy!
It isn't a procedure or an event.
it might be exposed by a referenced library that we're not iterating
that's the best explanation I can come up with...
We iterate all the referenced libraries AFAIK.
but if Foo references library BarLib and implements IBarEvents defined in BarLib, we don't have IBarEvents picked up
Oh, ugh.
Another option is that there is a typeAttributes.Guid clash somewhere.
That's it.
There are a bunch of clashes :(
wait what are those again?
I have no idea what I'm doing here.
That is what I used to tie the CoClasses to the main class.
How do I get the uuid of a type from the library?
I bet I'm using the wrong value as a key.
I wonder if I could use the HelpContext.
That seems to be unique for each type.
@Hosch250 could? probably. should? probably not.
@Mat'sMug I hate this.
I am getting the GUID right.
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