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00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

OK, it failed.
Do I have write access to the master?
After this I'll update my fork and switch to it.
NVM, I guess I can manually submit the changes.
hi @paoloff!
Oh, hi.
Didn't see you come in.
all those keys are debug builds for 1.2x
Sending pull requests one file at a time.
getting notifications. good sign ;)
@RubberDuck do you have registry keys for Rubberduck.UI._SettingsDialog or it's just me? @Hosch250 can you confirm that there's no registry key / GUID for Rubberduck.UI._SettingsDialog?
there shouldn't be one
@Mat'sMug Huh?
I have one.
That is why I made that.
@Mat'sMug My repo needs to get your changes, how to update it?
don't. I need to test them first
Here, I want to re-fork your current one.
It is some 633 commits behind yours.
and yeah, the keys are ok - COM registration is at assembly level, so everything COM-visible gets a key
oh wow
I haven't updated it forever.
@Mat'sMug Auto-generated. Not sure why it's not explicit.
public partial class _SettingsDialog : Form
Damn. I thought I fixed that way back when I did this... github.com/retailcoder/Rubberduck/commit/…
it's fine if it's the installer registering it (uninstalling would remove them), but my manual registration of debug builds has generated a shitload of keys
@Mat'sMug How can I get my repo up-to-date?
I need to get it up-to-date with yours so I can submit things!
Right, which is why I went through and gave "everything" explicit guids.
Or, thought I had.
They should have them, if I can get my repo updated.
@Hosch250 git pull origin branchName
I have keys for inspection classes... shouldn't these be marked ComVisible(false)?
@RubberDuck Can't, I'm using the website and don't have Git installed.
you have Git installed, or you wouldn't be able to commit to your own repo with VS
No, it is built in to VS.
it's not.
It is.
VS is using libgit2sharp
Oh, OK.
Close enough...
..which we're also using for RD source control integration
But, I can do it with VS, and I do not have Git installed!
Open up your Team Explorer.
@RubberDuck Then why is it telling me I am 633 commits behind?
3 commits ahead, 633 behind.
I have not a clue man. But here's how you open the command line.
@Mat'sMug technically it is built in now. =;)-
yay, done with the 5's. about 1/4 keys were RD keys
@RubberDuck My command line isn't recognizing "git" or "pull" as a command...
are you opening it from within the team explorer?
Not a clue.
well, install git!
What branch are you on? Looks like patch1/2 are up to date, but if you're on some other branch, you're light years behind.
Thing is, I am not working from my repo, I got it directly from the master.
I wouldn't even try to merge that.
So I can't just do that anyway.
I'm about to give up manual scrubbing and write some VBA to seek & destroy all the Rubberduck keys
wait, I can't launch the VBE
@Hosch250 here's how you sync up with our repository. help.github.com/articles/syncing-a-fork
Use C#.
or PS
@RubberDuck Great, thanks.
I've gotta go feed the kids guys.
I must have removed 50+ AssertClass GUIDs
Terrified to look at my registry.
just with GUIDs starting with a 4 or a 5
all 1.2x
at this point it might actually have failed to register due to a GUID clash lol
I'm in the 3F's and gotta go
@Mat'sMug Sent a pull request with more updates.
See you.
I'll take a look after I manage to get my VBE to not crash Excel
OK, I just deleted the old thing and created a new fork.
we need to add ComVisible(false) attributes eveywhere
Now I need to get my repo, not the master thing.
especially the AboutWindow and the SettingsDialog
Then I'll change that back.
any dialog that's not dockable doesn't need to be COM-visible
Pull requests waiting.
all off the current master?
I just trashed my fork and made a new one.
Cleaning everything containing "Rubberduck" from my registry.
> Property(C): SystemFolder = C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\
@Mat'sMug Why? The project is set to not make anything COM-visible by default.
My build is then
The about window and settings dialog need to be com visible for the add-in to load. They need GUIDs assigned is all.
Sorry. I know I usually do this stuff...
@RubberDuck Then the rename box as well
But why? They're not docked
I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure.
Couldn't exactly say why, but I seem to remember needing them COM visible when I was working on one of the releases.
I thought the docked ones needed COM visible because of the window host
I've done com interop before ducky, dialogs didn't need anything special
I don't know, I'd either have to scrub my registry, or make a build to try on my other machine.
I'm just speaking from a bad memory from months ago.
Actually I used to have a WPF UI over COM Interop..
Could be it didn't need it, I tried it, and it was something else that actually fixed it.
I vote for that ;)
Boy I fucked my registry up
Time to eat. Later!
Are any of the bugs you guys have identified bad enough to pull the 1.3 release or are they just minor?
Y'all seem a bit worked up about it ;-)
@Rossco Well the rename bug is annoying me big time
Renaming a UserForm control was meant to work
Yeah I discovered a bug with the rename as well.
first time it didn't work and the second time threw an exception
Involving controls?
Oh interesting
but I'll wait until you've released 1.3.1 until I file a bug report.
Can you repro?
Or I'll get a working copy of my own to debug it.
If you find all references does it give you a list of something?
It does but it fails when I try to navigate to the location.
File the bug, I might give it a shot tonight
What is happening is that it correctly sees several references inside of a method in ThisWorkbook but double clicking tries to go to the wrong ThisWorkbook (in another file) that is open in the VBE
I have a few addins which load.
mostly the built in ones.
I suspect that the bug might be related to things you already know about.
Ah I see. I'll definitely give it a shot
FindModule extension needs to check the reference of the VBProject in the QualifiedName - I think it only goes by name and returns the first it's finding... which is dumb
So that is a screenshot of the find all references which seems to work
but when I double click I get
I wrote the doubleclick nav in about 20 minutes last night.. lesson learned..
And I see that it has opened the module in a different workbook.
I hope that explains the problem sufficiently.
Yeah I know exactly where to look
Just to be sure, doubleclick nav in the code explorer does work, right?
BTW, you might not have known that you can create a .Net List in VBA and use it (as per the code I posted)
@Mat'sMug Yip
Yeah ArrayList is COMpatible ;)
@Rossco Cool. Consider it fixed.
(It's not the extension method, it's my quick-crap from yesterday)
I'm not really using VBA at the moment.
My VBE crashes on load at the moment '~'
I think I borked my registry
BTW navigation doesn't always work in your explorer.
haven't determined why it does sometimes and not others.
You mean right-click/navigate or double-click?
Because the context menu doesn't activate the right clicked node - and yes that's another bug ;)
I mean a right-click doesn't activate the clicked node before showing the context menu despite the selection highlight seemingly selecting the correct node
Double clicking should work though
was only using double click, hadn't considered right click.
@Mat'sMug I was a bit late in saying, but I'm pretty sure that the regasm command has an unregister flag (if my memory serves).
so if the old assemblies exist with the CLSIDs then you could go through them and unregister them all.
which should remove the rogue registry values.
probably too late now by the sounds.
I'm trying to navigate to some modules in the explorer and it isn't going anywhere. I assume that its searching for the item to open and not finding it. There is no user message, is it logging somewhere?
I'm swallowing COMExceptions there - on purpose - that might be it
I'm guessing that the navigation code is shared between the explorer and the find references window?
And the navigation from the code inspections and todo explorer
which is expected.
which is why I think a lot of the bugs are connected.
Which means one shot kills 'em all! ;)
Yeah, hence I was reluctant to escalate issues until you had resolved some. Then retest and find they are magically fixed!
Can you explain in English-code how you find the correct code module to open?
It should be using the project and module names along with a hash code, right Mug?
I'm passing a QualifiedModuleName to a CodePane extension method that resolves should be resolving the module using the VBProject reference in the QualifiedModuleName
@RubberDuck The projects can be resolved simply with reference equality (.Equals)
That's just by memory though, I'm not in front of the code atm
Ok, if you are holding a project reference that should work fine.
As long as you weren't matching the name of the project from a list, since they are not unique.
I say should because apparently the FindAllRefs nav isn't doing that
I seem to remember some trouble with that, but I also seem to remember Mug fixing that.
Idk. My head hurts today. Did an entire week's class work in a day.
Plus, ya know, the hangover...
Yeah, I have a massive workload myself atm.
Otherwise I would dive in.
Well, it will still be here. We back logged years worth of work before we ever made it to 1.0.
so true
Yeah. At least when you consider it's two devs doing this in their spare time.
The other thing you could use to uniquely identify projects, if you weren't keeping a reference, is to use the .FileName property of the VBProject.
And one of them cough didn't even know C# when we started.
I <3 c#
Lol. Seriously. I didn't.
but yes I didn't know it until about 12months ago.
@Rossco won't work as soon as you Ctrl+N twice in Excel
VBA -> VB.Net -> c#
Did I tell you guys they saddled me as Community TA for this class? I'm practically teaching it...
what's TA?
Teacher's Assistant?
Too Awesome?
Tamed Angrybirds?
Teacher Assistant.
Totally annoying
@Mat'sMug yeah but the FileName property throws
I could be a tutor in any of my classes, if it didn't require me to give G+ lessons periodically.
@Rossco I figured having a reference to the project itself was the simplest & most reliable way to go about it ;)
Anything I can do?
Wanna build a system that tracks repository locations? I'm not looking forward to that tbh.
j/k btw. I should be starting work on that tomorrow sometime.
I have - if I counted them correctly - 238 keys under HKLM/SOFTWARE/Classes/CLSID/{29FB0A0E-F113-458F-823B-1CD1B60D2CA7}
public static void SetSelection(this VBE vbe, QualifiedSelection selection)
            //not a very robust method. Breaks if there are multiple projects with the same name.`
I think the first comment gives it away! ;-)
Hmm... That was my comment. For the todo explorer.
Legacy code...
I think that method is called when you try to navigate to a code location.
Surely we have better ways at this point.
but I am not able to run it at this point.
I think that might be the method I'm calling for the refs nav... hold on
Or, did all of it eventually get tied to that??
Plus, I'd rather like the registry fixes before I frig up my registry too.
C:\Users\Mathieu\Source\Repos\Rubberduck\RetailCoder.VBE\Extensions\VbeExtension‌​s.cs - (54, 28) : public static void SetSelection(this VBE vbe, QualifiedSelection selection)
C:\Users\Mathieu\Source\Repos\Rubberduck\RetailCoder.VBE\UI\IdentifierReferences‌​\IdentifierReferencesListDockablePresenter.cs - (29, 17) : vbe.SetSelection(new QualifiedSelection(reference.QualifiedModuleName, reference.Selection));
@RubberDuck that's why I'm bringing it up.
00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

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