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Hockey night :)
2-2 end of 3rd...
And we win!! 2-0 Montreal!
@FreeMan Normally when people talk about me behind my back, it isn't so nice ;-)
Glad you guys have snippets on the TODO list. I was going to ask.
@Rossco Feel free to submit snippet ideas, it's really just a foggy thought at this point
Is there some sort of real time tracking of the user typing?
If not, then it will be difficult to implement.
I don't think you will be able to hook into the autocomplete feature.
@Rossco You have no idea how much I wish I could detect changes in a code file!
There's probably a way though, through Win32 hacks
Can you put your hands on the API quickly?
what I mean is a link to it.
The VBE API has nothing in store for that, we would have to discover our way through native COM calls... and I'm no COM grandmaster ;)
OTOH the project is still very young
Yeah, I just looked through the VBIDE class list in Excel VBA editor.
Could you do something really insane, like replace the code window with your own toolwindow?
Then you can do anything you want in terms of intellisense.
That's less crazy than it sounds like
I'm always good at coming up with crazy ideas, its just the implementation....
Might not integrate as seamlessly as I'd like it to though
But it's good food for thought
I'll sleep on it. Tired as hell, going to try and finish up the 1.3 release tomorrow
(I think all that's left to implement is double-click navigation in the find all references toolwindow)
Good night!
8 hours later…
@Rossco Theoretically, but it would probably be easier to get a handle on the active code pane, and install a key listener similar to this github.com/retailcoder/Rubberduck/blob/master/RetailCoder.VBE/…
Of course.. I don't really actually know what I'm doing there....
// Special Thank You to Carlos Quintero for supplying the project with the original code this file is based on.
@RubberDuck Wait, we have a key listener?
@skiwi Hi!
Yeah. But, ya know. Black magic and all.
Funny how what used to be the norm is now considered a hack
@RubberDuck 2.0 is so turning this into a isDirty flag
A: Assigning out/ref parameters in Moq

KosauThis is documentation from Moq site: // out arguments var outString = "ack"; // TryParse will return true, and the out argument will return "ack", lazy evaluated mock.Setup(foo => foo.TryParse("ping", out outString)).Returns(true); // ref arguments var instance = new Bar(); // Only matches if ...

This isn't ever going to work.
    _windows.Setup(w => w.CreateToolWindow(
                            ref It.IsAny<object>()
private Window CreateToolWindow(IDockableUserControl control)
                object userControlObject = null;
                var toolWindow = _vbe.Windows.CreateToolWindow(_addin, _DockableWindowHost.RegisteredProgId, control.Caption, control.ClassId, ref userControlObject);
Oh wow
Going for a smoke and some coffee. bbiab. I need to think on this.
cc @PetLahev ^^^
I just launched Despicable Me, so I have about 90 minutes to work on RD ..then I won't be able to touch my laptop until tonight. 1.3 today might be a stretch
Parenting? ^^
Well... The high level SC view/presenter only really tell its children to refresh. I can get away without testing it right now. But this is a major hang up. The way things work right now, we will never be able to Moq the VBE. The only solution is either really screwing around with the way DockablePresenter works (bad) or write our own fakes (also bad).
Remember: Killing children and forking parents is only okay when you are programming.
@skiwi TV is actually ;)
gd phone! Let me star that!
There we go!
@RubberDuck Btw what was the fix for the COMException when a docked window is closed and then reopened?
I think I need to persist the presenter instance in the RD menu class right?
Uhhhh I can't remember. That sounds right though.
Okay. So, we don't need to write fakes for everything. Just the Window class.
We can have the Moq return the fake.
Hmm in this case I can't persist it... the window caption is readonly and matches the target's name... wrapping it in a try..catch
            else if (referenceCount > 1)
                // if there's more than one reference, show the dockable reference navigation window:
                catch (COMException)
                    // the exception is related to the docked control host instance,
                    // trying again will work (I know, that's bad bad bad code)
I'm writing shit code...
and it works.
1.31 needs to clean stuff up a bit lot
oh wow
It happens.
I don't understand what we're talking about.
note to self: don't ignore ReSharper's possible NullReferenceException - it knows.
@RubberDuck it's R# saying "I told you!" ...nevermind me lol
and fixed.
and ..wow, that find all references feature is pretty cool actually
if there's only 1 reference, it jumps straight to it
Lol. Oh!
So happy I pulled out that NavigateCodeEventArgs.
that was genius!
I think it needs to be refactored into a hierarchy though
I have my moments. =;)-
we actually need NavigateDeclarationEventArgs : NavigateCodeEventArgs and NavigateIdentifierReferenceEvetArgs : NavigateCodeEventArgs
because right now there are members only used in some specific contexts, which isn't ideal
(my shit code again)
I'm going to release 1.3 and then start working on cleaning up my mess
I'm about to push 111 commits to master - do you want to pull next and test things out a bit before?
oh, missing "Find all references..." in the Code Explorer
oh this is so cool!
ok. merging.
> 929 commits
@Mat'sMug You're getting visitors from Cancun, MX? What, students coding while partying on spring break???
@Mat'sMug Like 1.3 is coming today??? Coolio!!
If I can build the installers yeah
But a kid just flushed something down the toilet and I don't know now ...lol
I have a working mock setup!
Oh nice!
and a passing test!
Yes. Yes yes yes.
Look! @ducky committed something! github.com/retailcoder/Rubberduck/commit/…
I miss @Duga. =(
> Showing 17 changed files with 840 additions and 488 deletions.
Maybe that should have been like 5 or 6 commits...
1 hour later…
@RubberDuck Nice!
I just hope @Duga won't be trying to catch-up on all missed commits once she gets back online
@skiwi Lol! ...me too... that might just crash her again!
It's annoying that we still haven't found the memory leak
There's no reason she should be using so much ram
oh. There's a reason. You just don't know what it is yet.
@RubberDuck Spoken like a true duck
112 commits pushed to master. #Rubberduck v1.3 is taking over the #VBA world today! (working on installers & release notes)
Hey, installers should directly pop up once a release is being prepared ;)
@skiwi There's a lot of "should" when it comes to InstallShield LE
There's a lot of should in life
@RubberDuck I'm guessing we'll need to submit another whitelist request once 1.3 is up, right?
@Mat'sMug did you build the x86 version, or do I need to do that tomorrow?
I'll try to build it, but I can't test anything (which... is kinda dumb)
OMG I just fixed the selection bug!
double-click navigation from the code explorer selects exactly what you expect!
configuration: release. clean completed. rebuilding...
C:\Users\Christopher\Source\Repos\Rubberduck\RetailCoder.VBE\bin\Release\Rubberd‌​uck.tlb not found. An error occurred building the MsiFileHash table record for this file. Verify that the file exists in the specified location. ISEXP : error : -6271: File C:\Users\Christopher\Source\Repos\Rubberduck\RetailCoder.VBE\bin\Release\Rubberd‌​uck.tlb not found. An error occurred building the MsiFileHash table record for this file. Verify that the file exists in the specified location.
@RubberDuck I'll have to re-link the output folders... and then commit the installers: next release you build an installer for you'll have to redo this
It's ok. I did have that fixed before, but then the damn thing broke. Don't worry about x86. I'll do it tomorrow.
well I just built it
@RubberDuck I uploaded it to a dropbox folder, can you test it and see confirm it works before I upload a borked installer to GitHub?
building x64...
Version 1.22 had 80 downloads
And wtf, I just tested the x64 installer and ....it just worked - possibly no more regasm.exe required!
(Uninstalled and now scanning registry to be sure I'm not dreaming)
@Mat'sMug It just worked?
I think fixing the too many subfolders in the install location issue also fixed the registration!
...which makes total sense now that I think of it
@Mat'sMug can you email me the drop box link? Kinda busy today.
uploading images for the release notes.. sorry
@Mat'sMug Haha, as cheap as I am when I need to convert images, because this stackexchange chat upload is just awesome ;)
@Mat'sMug Ooh, FizzBuzz in release notes
I had already used it to illustrate the extract method refactoring ;)
haha ok
on a side note...
> We are building simple web app, we are consist of following files.
While the tutorial may still be good, I'm starting to doubt it if the English isn't perfect
It seems the x64 installer will no longer require that manual registration step! Still working on release notes, I hope someone reads them!
Is it me or did they say absolutely nothin gin that "tutorial"?
I guess it's the teach by example kind of tutorial
Except that example is sooo minimal
I just skimmed through, but yeah looks like
Luckily I just found docs.angularjs.org/tutorial seems to be time to learn new stuff
A: Hidden features of VBA

mwolfe02IsDate("13.50") returns True but IsDate("12.25.2010") returns False This is because IsDate could be more precisely named IsDateTime. And because the period (.) is treated as a time separator and not a date separator. See here for a full explanation.

@Mat'sMug Ducky!
@Mat'sMug Nice!
@sᴉɔuɐɹɥԀ do you have Excel handy?
@Rubberduck203 it's ok, the 32-bit installer is being tested as I'm typing this :)
@Mat'sMug Only the Mac version, why?
ah, right.. nevermind ;)
@Rubberduck203 actually... not looking good, "nothing" was the answer to "what build number are you seeing in the about box?" #FML
@Rubberduck203 the draft is ready, if you want to have a look between two sips ;)
@Rubberduck203 manual uninstall is required this time AFAICT - or changing the install folder doesn't affect that? #IHateInstallers
@Rubberduck203 looking at the x86 installer project, seems last change to that was for upgrading from v1.1... you sure it's needed at all?
@StackExchange this conversation looks awfully one-sided from here...
@rubberduckvba confirmed: the 32-bit installer works. I've published the release.
@Rubberduck203 hmm well I put the manual uninstall in the release notes.. you can fix that amd edit the release tonight?
#Rubberduck 1.3 is here! Refactor/Rename, find all references, more code inspections, ...and we need help with the installers, I'm cursed.
@Rubberduck203 I marked it as a "Pre-Release" and removed the x64 installer, which apparently doesn't work.
You're not dreaming, that's the #VBA editor. http://t.co/flUxIa7M6M
2 hours later…

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