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[retailcoder/Rubberduck] 7 commits. 1 opened issue. 1 closed issue. 8 issue comments.
[rolfl/MicroBench] 8 commits. 2 opened issues.
[skiwi2/TCGHand] 11 commits.
sup @RubberDuck
Hmm.. Competition...
Hey @cheezsteak. Not much. Just the chaos of bedtime.
Whiskey is a tried and true method of putting kids to sleep
@Duga up there. We've been out-committed today.
Lol. I'll let you tell my wife that...
I guess heroin is more effective though.
Mmm. Yeah. Nothing like
> nod & puke
Effective sleep aid though...
What is nodding?
To people actually just nod alot?
Lol. Umm... How to describe???
It's something you do when you're on the verge of passing out.
Well uhh that conversation went south in a hurry.
@RubberDuck ok, ready to dev. so I just switch to master and build the x64 installer?
> 1.22.5568.36244
Yes sir @Mat'sMug. That's assuming installshield r didn't automagically fuck itself
I think x64 registration is a lost cause
welcoming pull requests at this point
I changed the install path to Program Files (x86)
> v1.22 x64 build
also updated the About box to say Knjname instead of ClockAhead, as requested on Twitter
> v1.21: 58+22 downloads (80)
> v1.22: 0+0 downloads
back to GrammarIsFun
v1.22 hotfix for x64 is here! Does it register correctly for you? https://github.com/retailcoder/Rubberduck/releases/tag/v1.22
6 hours later…
> Just installed the hotfix (x86 versions) and tested it and I am no longer having any issues with the Test Explorer and protected modules. Thanks for the rapid fix!
> Same as @rossorp ! Works great for me !

Thanks !
2 hours later…
> @rossorp @FlorianChevassu thanks for the bug report! Keep 'em coming.
I hope you enjoy the add-in as much as I do.
[retailcoder/Rubberduck] ckuhn203 pushed 6 commits to next
> Merge branch 'master' of github.com/retailcoder/Rubberduck into next
Monking @skiwi.
@Duga next has the fix now.
Time to get back to new features.
> mystery solution changes... unsure about this one
> Added Merge Status Text and failing tests
> Merge branch 'master' of github.com/retailcoder/Rubberduck into sourcecontrol
@Duga I'll get to that after I take the little one to school.
hey @RubberDuck
Hey, how goes it?
Good good, just came back from driving lessons
Oh Fun.
Stick shift?
Of course
good man.
I'll be back in a bit.
> When running the Code Inspections, I have found that it doesn't consistently report that a variable is never used - sometimes it will report a variable as never used, other times it won't. I have an ErrorLog function that contains the following code: Dim iFileNumber As Integer ' Create the error text to be logged. sLogMessage = sErrorLocation & ", Error " & CStr(lErrNumber) & ": " & sErrMessage iFileNumber = FreeFile() Open sPath & msLOG_FILENAME For Append As #iFileNumber 'Output time and...
message to log file. Print #iFileNumber, Format$(Now(), "mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss") & " " & sLogMessage Close #iFileNumber To me, I would say that the variable iFileNumber is used (a number of times at that). When I run the code inspections, sometimes it reports this variable as not being used, and other times it doesn't. !codeinspection1...
!codeinspection2 As can be seen in these two screenshots, the second one contains an additional two issues - for "Variable 'iFileNumber' is never used" (two because I have similar code in another function). I did nothing to the code between taking these screenshots - all I did was press the refresh button in the Code Inspections window. After pressing the refresh button another three times I...
got the same code inspection results as in the first image. This appears to be not very consistent in terms of reporting issues with the code. System details: Windows 7 (64-bit), with Excel 2010 (32-bit) running Rubberduck 1.22.55668.31692 (32-bit)
> Possible duplicate of #282 and #260. We've been struggling with this one. @retailcoder has been working on an improved grammar and parser for the next major release.
Yeah. Even the rewritten one seems to do that. #FML
What did you rewrite?
The grammar, the parser, the inspections...
OK not totally rewritten ...but enough for inspections to break :)
@skiwi I modified the grammar, I had to rebuild the parser for the new tokens. It's generated code right?
The Rename refactoring seems to pick up usages correctly, so there's hope
I'm rewriting all inspections that can use the same strategy as the rename refactoring
It sounds complicated, I'm not that familiar with that stuff though...
VariableNotUsedInspection is one of them
^^ probably the best-chosen branch name I've ever created
@skiwi it is and neither am I. =;)-
> That's a new one... and a scary one at that. I'll keep an eye on it, but the identifier usage inspector no longer exists in my build, replaced with much simpler code, although I'm seeing the false positives... #ParsingIsHard #GrammarIsFun
> #ParsingIsHard #GrammarIsFun
Ugh. New phone is about to learn that I write what I write and if you don't let me then your smart as autocomplete/autocorrect feature is going out the window
Wow that's such a DYAC moment
Where's @ticket this morning? Hmm
Come on @ticker!. I need something to DV...
Well.. not a DV, but perhaps I just saved a n00b from the evils of Resume Next.
Q: How to programmatically determine current setting for Option Base in VBA

CaltorHow can I programmatically determine the current setting for Option Base in VBA? The Option Base can be set to 0 or 1, and this determines whether array indices start at 0 or 1 (see MSDN). However, I can't see any easy way to find out what the current setting is. I was hoping there might be an O...

Well technically the Rubberduck inspection does find Option Base 1 - only the quick fix for removing it isn't implemented for the reasons described in the GitHub issue you linked to ;) — Mat's Mug 2 mins ago
because it was a VB question...
in The 2nd Monitor, 47 secs ago, by Malachi
someone want to set me straight on this comment?
@RubberDuck Well then do we have a new user? :)
4 downloads (all x86)
@Mat'sMug We'll see...
@ticker - relevant:
You said "There is no good regular expression." Is this general or specific to e-mail address validation? — Tomalak Oct 14 '08 at 14:33
Why why why do people try to use DAO and ADODB together?
@RubberDuck because ignorance is bliss
@Mat'sMug No. It's not. It's incredibly painful.
Wanna know why that's not working for you? It's because you're using two similar, yet incompatible, technologies...
ugh. I'd need a clustered stacked column chart. does that even exist?
I don't even really know what that is...
ah, won't work with a pivot chart
> I'd rather be coding.
@RubberDuck Data entry is the pits, I don't know how some people do that for a living whilst retaining their sanity.
I mean, if they want to pay me way too much to do this, fine, but.... I kind of want to just not do this anymore right now.
I had to do data entry for 3 days last month and I wanted to hang myself after a while
Crichy! It's a rare beast!
A good SO question.
Q: VBA debugger precision

user17753I had a single which I believe the C++ equivalent is float in VBA in an Excel workbook module. Anyways, the value I originally assigned (876.34497) is rounded off to 876.345 in the Immediate Window, and Watch, and hover tooltip when I set a breakpoint on the VBA. However, if I pass this Single ...

@sᴉɔuɐɹɥԀ word
I think you should leave your username btw.
^^ SNAP Data Entry screen. Blech.
And they shoved all of that onto one screen so it could be printed.
I guarantee it.
Wouldn't surprise me one bit.
Over here for data entry people, they take whole spreadsheets full of data rows, print it onto a really big sheet of paper, then enter it row by row and mark completed rows with a highlighter.
Yup. Caffeine and nicotine.... to hell with this.
@sᴉɔuɐɹɥԀ Whiskey.... Tango...... Foxtrot
Man.... I'm doing this because I'm setting up a new section of the db. We'd never ask someone to do something so stupid.
@RubberDuck I might, we'll see after 30 days lol.
Are you entering using data from a spreadsheet or something?
Kind of.... I'm normalizing some garbage in the vendor database into ours.
I was gonna say, if you get the information into Excel, you can write SQL queries as Excel formulas using the data in the cells and then copy the formula to the whole sheet
Then copy that and paste as data into another sheet, copy paste into SSMS and boom
="SELECT Sequence_Number FROM dbo.STAR_Products WHERE Contract_Number = '" & A2 & "' AND Sequence_Number ='" & G2 & "' UNION"
(I actually used that trick a few times for Cardshifter when we stored the card data in Java - Simon gave me a weird look, needless to say ;)
I imported the data itself. Right now I'm building the XRef. I couldn't figure out a good way to automate it.
Xref as in keys, cascades and stuff?
Table A


cross reference table
Ohh OK those!
Yeah. Beautiful once you've got it.
PITA to set up.
Yeah I feel ya
2 hours later…
@RubberDuck ugh.. the clippy thing is a prank!
you got me!
@Mat'sMug #AprilFools

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