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[Cardshifter/cardshifter.github.io] 1 commit. 1 issue comment.
[retailcoder/Rubberduck] 14 commits. 4 opened issues. 9 closed issues. 12 issue comments.
[Vincentyification/JavaBot‌​] 2 issue comments.
[Vogel612/JavaBot] 1 commit.
Only defining endOfRange and not initializing it as False inside the for-loop causes the routine to generate the same Civ for each loop. I added "endOfRange = False" right after the definition to counter this. — Simon Karfunkel 57 mins ago
I really can't understand why that ^^ is happening.
Because it gets set to true, but never back to false. All variables declared inside a procedure are procedure scoped. There's no "loop" scope.
which is great, because it tremendously simplifies scoping the damn variables when you're parsing them :)
Aaannnddd everything is relative. Lol
Also, any day where more issues are closed than opened is a good day.
> fixed double-click flicker
@RubberDuck IDK. A day like when we released 1.2 and had feedback from users via issues, I call that an excellent day!
That it was. =)
@Duga I'll remove it, was copied from the working commit ;)
Ahh Gotchya. Was just curious.
@RubberDuck ah, gotcha. Of course.
Yeah VBA sucks.
@RubberDuck and yet.....
2 hours later…
ok, WTF. Grammar won't build.
as is
no changes whatsoever
oh wait...
I did change it
don't tell me...
2 hours later…
ugh. I give up.
grammar encoding is borked, I don't get it.
7 hours later…
wow, 3 new followers overnight!
Monking @Mat'sMug.
@RubberDuck What??
@Mat'sMug My dailies started failing with the most unhelpful error known to man.
BIDS runs the SSIS package fine, but the job fails.
For no reason what so ever.
Ah, thought I had borked RD
Not using SSIS logging?
Oh wait, it's the SQL Agent job that fails?
I am using logging.
There isn't one.
I use the default logging to the db and some custom logging in places.
It seems to be working now, but I don't know why.....
@nhgrif Yeah. Exactly.
My iPads aren't cooperating this morning.
Sounds like a MONDAY.
Also, I just found out my boss can't make it to interview this morning, so I'm doing it by myself... I've never done an interview before...
Good luck!
Yikes. Good luck.
Could be worse though; you could be sitting in the other chair! ;)
I'd rather be. I have no lack of confidence in my ability as a candidate...
@Duga That one actually has the potential to submit a PR.
@nhgrif You'll do great, cheer up!
The candidate will be working on remotely on my desktop.
Having them write some SQL and some VB.Net
First interview is in one hour.
We have two one-hour interviews scheduled back to back.
lol I'd call it one 2-hour interview if it's the same candidate
No, different candidates.
So ideally, 3min SQL, 30 min VB
I hope you find your VB guy today!
We'll see. My boss should be there for second interview.
@RubberDuck I know exactly how to change the grammar file to pick up module options anywhere in the declarations section without breaking the parser. Only problem is that I can't build the damn thing because of stupid encoding issues - ANTLR doesn't recognize some characters in the .g4 file, no matter how I encode it.
and then you have VS that continuously wants to change the encoding.
I'll create a Rubberduck.Grammar project tonight in the GrammarIsFun branch, and move all the generated code there.
Okay. Sounds like a next kind of thing. 1.21
is starting to look pretty solid.
I need to build an installer :)
only thing that bothers me is that the Assert variable doesn't get picked up as not used when it should.
but I'm happy to announce that fields that are of a UDT-type no longer get flagged as never assigned
@RubberDuck remind me, when I take screenshots for the refactor/rename functionality, that the code in the screenshot must involve a local array Dim a(42) As Integer and a Function a(ByVal foo As Integer).
@Mat'sMug that should help.
1 hour later…
@ticker it's day!
> Use of obsolete Rem keyword
Q: Excel VBA Select multiple sheet

Václav KyselýI'm trying to make a selection of multiple sheets one workbook based on run macros. At the end I have string containing sheets for selection, but my program prompt errors ... Example: SheetPrintPDF=Split(SheetPrintPDFTemp, ",") Rem Debug show me that SheetPrintPDFTemp contains "Sheet1, Shee...

First one didn't have any programming experience. Second one didn't show up.
Questions as basic as "list at least two ways of looping": completely no clue.
He was okay with sql
@Mat'sMug Seriously?!
@nhgrif in VB? lol ..there's 7 different loop constructs IIRC
OH wow man.
On all parts...
I mean, I expected, at a minimum, for and while. But I know there are lots of others... But he could answer any...
He couldn't answer any programming question, only SQL questions.
And the questions aren't even that specific to vb
Mostly general programming questions.
Yeah... i would have at least expected a For and ForEach.
They're the first two that come to my mind. I honestly don't use while loops unless I really need to.
Just a side note: Rubberduck code inspections would flag "Use of obsolete Rem keyword" and suggest to replace it with an apostrophe ;) — Mat's Mug 5 secs ago
couldn't help it
Yeah, but in a programming class, you don't generally get taught foreach.
Who takes pays for programming classes?
College students.
well there's For...Next, For Each...Next, Do...Loop, Do...While, Do...Until, Do [While|Until]...Loop, and While...Wend
Good grief, there's nothing you can't learn from reading and doing.
Realistically, the question is an opportunity for someone who knows programming to say "how come just two?"
good point
@Mat'sMug and I was willing to count recursion.
then there's GoTo, and if you want you can even .... ^^ that
@nhgrif if he didn't know how to loop, there's no way he understood recursion.
Except... If someone mentions go to without any qualifications... ...
I guess "He" is a bit presumptuous of me...
A: Getting rid of goto without duplication in Go

RubberDuckThis doesn't look dirty to me, but perhaps that's because this is a common error handling pattern in VBA. However, if you're really determined to get rid of the GoTo, then you could try an Or, couldn't you? (I don't know Go, so I could be wrong in syntax, but the principal should work.) passwd, ...

Goto isn't evil... not entirely.
As I said, "without qualifications"
Right. I was just making the point.
One of the things I hate about programmers is the dogmatism. "Always" is a word we should avoid unless we're damn sure that it's really always.
Or unless you're a sith
> Only Sith deal in absolutes.
Just noticed, we're 7 stargazers short of matching the fim++ repository :)
I cannot wait to implement refactor/rename.
Just to post a link on @wqw's thread
and say "the grammar isn't ready for this, indeed. But Rubberduck is" :)
@Mat'sMug in VB or VB.Net? All I can think of are For, For Each, While and Do Loop.
never mind just needed to read further...
@cheezsteak lol
Christ this cat is cuddly
@cheezsteak That just made my day. So happy my phone was muted.
why were you happy your phone was muted
I cracked up, actually LOL.
Department wide meeting... very happy I muted my phone.
1 hour later…
@RubberDuck regarding #184 - the treeview needs icons, and then the right-side panel could use some margins/padding. I already made the treeview background white and added alternating colors to the CI config grid rows; other than that the buttons on the TODO markers config page needs a little cleanup, and then the form itself shouldn't be resizeable (i.e. make it a dialog), so that user can't wreck the layout.
also there needs to be a [Save] and a [Cancel] button, so that the user can make changes without saving them when the form closes.
@Mat'sMug That part is definitely a good call.
Trying to find time (and focus) to code right now is hard.
I've been trying to hit all of the smaller issues, but I ran out.
it's all right, we're more than on-track for 1.21
the worst that could happen is that I implement all the changes myself ;)
Yeah, but that's not fair to me!
don't worry, there will be more issues!
How long ago did we release 1.2? A little over a week ago?
March 4th
5-6 days, depending on how you count it. Average ~5 downloads / day :)
@Mat'sMug Perhaps the only certainty in programming.
I need to set up google analytics for rubberduck-vba.com, I have no idea how much traffic it's getting
and it's annoying the Hell out of me!
@RubberDuck I haven't played much in the configuration code, ..is there a way to bring up the dialog with a specific page displayed?
because I'd like to have a little icon on the CI toolwindow's toolbar, to bring up the CI config. ditto for the todo explorer
Not right now, but it could be modified to do that.
It brings up the todo settings by default just because that's what got built first.
Damn batteries in my keyboard died.
we need a "General" tab to bring up by default ;)
ahhhh better
@Mat'sMug What would you put in it?
Because I thought of that, but there weren't really any "General" settings to put in there.
IDK, perhaps a root path config, for exporting code files (could serve as a root folder for SC stuff too). Can't think of anything else for now, but there's certainly a number of things we've hard-coded that could be made configurable.
unit test module and procedure stubs, and whether to early or late-bind the Rubberduck TLB.. although that would really belong under a "Unit Testing" tab
That ^
hi @SimonKarfunkel!
But yeah. A general tab would be nice.
Hola @SimonKarfunkel!
Hi/Hola to you too :)
have you tried Rubberduck yet?
Wanted to ask you experts of some functionality in VBA as i'm still a bit of a newbie at it
no i haven't... i certainly should
Sure. What's up?
i would want to filter the table in my workbook and only consider the filtered rows when my macro is run. Is this possible at all?
there is a way to select only visible cells of a range
I never used it though
Not waiting for @StackExchange. The follow up will be much harder to pick on.
Q: Follow-up: Randomizing Civilization 5 team choice

Simon KarfunkelThis is a follow-up on my previous question about a VBA macro for randomizing a draw from a table. It can be found here: Randomizing Civilization 5 team choice The code has been improved with the help I got earlier and I now seek even further improvements. Public Enum CivilizationTableColumns ...

Hmmmmm that's a good question @SimonKarfunkel.
Is there a visible property?
ok cheezsteak. how would you do that?
"goto special"
Q: Follow-up: Randomizing Civilization 5 team choice

Simon KarfunkelThis is a follow-up on my previous question about a VBA macro for randomizing a draw from a table. It can be found here: Randomizing Civilization 5 team choice The code has been improved with the help I got earlier and I now seek even further improvements. Public Enum CivilizationTableColumns ...

thank you rubberduck :)
You could check that, but Mug might be onto something too.
nah, can't find it in the API
@Mat'sMug Did I just hear a goto!?
but maybe macro recorder can reveal something
So, I would look at this too. Special Cells
But I've gotta go meet our new pooch. Cya guys.
@Mat'sMug, special cells is what you want.
later ducky!
okay... i will look into this. Thanks for the tips
come back anytime!
(and check out rubberduck-vba.com)!
i have already downloaded it ;)
and installed. Only have to try it now.
oh nice!
I had a feeling @SimonKarfunkel would be a potential RubberDuck user :)
most issues of 1.2 are solved already, we're planning to release 1.21 around the end of next week
@SimonKarfunkel sorry I didn't remember because I never used it. Special cells was what I was thinking about.
lol. talk about inflated head:
> So unless your head is 100 light years wide, there is little chance of any individual neutrino interacting with it.
A: Can the brain detect the passage of a neutrino?

Rob JeffriesThe cross-section for neutrino interactions is energy dependent. For solar neutrinos at $\sim 0.4$ MeV, which would likely dominate any neutrinos likely to interact (the cosmic background neutrinos have way low energies) , the cross-sections are $\sigma \sim 10^{-48}$ m$^2$, for both leptonic pr...

@SimonKarfunkel answered! :)
> Extract Method refactoring currently inserts the new procedure at the beginning of the code module, which is slightly off-putting (i.e. downright annoying). The extracted method should be inserted immediately below the method it was extracted from.
@Mat'sMug Is it just me or....? I'm really impressed at how @SimonKarfunkel's code changed from the first question to the second. Wow.
Not just you @SimonAndréForsberg. I am too.
@SimonAndréForsberg Yeah, night and day! :)
@RubberDuck @Mat'sMug Does VBA has some kind of ArrayList object? Or List as you C#'ers call it?
Well there's a Collection ...and that's about it :)
@Mat'sMug well that's helpful... what's that?
A container that lets you add & remove items
The thing is that i have a filtered table in which i have managed to select only the visible cells... Afterwards i have tried to create a range out of the selection but that is not helpful whatsoever as it starts at the first filtered result and continues through the consecutive rowa, including the hidden ones
[retailcoder/Rubberduck] 1 commit. 1 opened issue. 2 issue comments.
[Vincentyification/JavaBot‌​] 3 issue comments.

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