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[skiwi2/GithubHookSEChatService] 2 issue comments.
[Zomis/GithubHookSEChatService] 128 commits. 3 opened issues. 1 closed issue. 4 issue comments.
3 hours later…
holy carp @SimonAndréForsberg! Been busy I see.
9 hours later…
@RubberDuck not really. Transferred the repository a bit. [skiwi2/GithubHookSEChatService] is now [Zomis/GithubHookSEChatService]. And so there were a bunch of commits that didn't exist before and so they were counted Yes, I've been. Very busy.
I am so utterly shameless.
A: Version control Access 2007 database and application

RubberDuckI've struggled with this same problem. I originally wrote code very much like the existing answer. The trick is to get all of your modules onto the file system, but that method has some drawbacks. Going that route, you can get your forms and reports out of the VBA Projects, but you can't get them...

1 hour later…
> added issuesfound event for presenter to listen for
> #258 Issue count updates as they're found
> clear issues from grid prior to refreshing
> Cleaned up async and cursor code
@Duga I need @Mat'sMug to look at that when he has a chance.
2 hours later…
@RubberDuck Doesn't matter. That feature is so utterly cool!
@Duga Ooh love it!!!
Will pull in about an hour :)
Is it me or that solves the disconnect between the CI window and the CI toolbar?
Oh... The toolbar. I don't think so @Mat'sMug. I had forgotten about the toolbar.
Yeah man. I really do love typing things like git.Commit "fixed bug" in VBA.
> This can probably be merged as is, but it does not resolve any issues with the Toolbar. The toolbar is still running synchronously and will probably freeze large projects.
> don't directly call event methods
> Here's what probably needs to happen from a quick glance at the code.

1. Create a Base View class that has all the functionality the toolbar needs.
2. Create a Base presenter class with all of the functionality the toolbar needs.
3. The dockable presenter and dockable view inherit from these base classes, adding the functionality they need that is specific to the grid view.
> quick fix to sync toolbar and dockable presenter
@RubberDuck well done!
@RubberDuck what's left to do in UI Cleanup? Is it ready to merge?
Nothing that isn't slated for 1.21. It can be merged @Mat'sMug.
cool, bring it! :)
[retailcoder/Rubberduck] ckuhn203 pushed 11 commits to master
> Merge pull request #272 from retailcoder/UICleanup

UI Cleanup - Better Code Inspection UX Closes #258.
Brought it ^
you know what?
we have something like the best VBE software around, right here in our IDE's :)
We really do. I know we're focusing on things that aren't in MZ Tools right now, but eventually I'd like to make it entirely obsolete.
(evil laugh)
so do I my friend, so do I!
Goal set.
actually, there are a number of bells & whistles in MZ that I see as pure fluff that doesn't need to be there
like the msgbox wizard
but finding identifier usages in commented-out code is quite a feat
Yeah man. It's just a place to get inspiration really. I just want RD to be complete enough that no one needs to install MZ to feel like they have a good IDE.
So, it's just the extract method stuff left. It sounded like you had a really good idea of what needed fixed there, so I'll leave that to you.
I'll start 1.21 stuff in a branch, but right now I'm gonna start digging into Clean Code.
I need to study the grammar a bit, to understand what ParserRuleContext I'm missing
@RubberDuck Robert C. Martin's book?
There's no hurry, and worse comes to worse, we can disable it.
Oops. No. I meant Code Complete. Clean Code was the last one I read.
I'll fix it. This thing has to work.
Lol. I'm sure you'll get it fixed. You know me. Always excited to release.
Clean Code Complete
That ^
I'm all code duck brained.
writing BrainDuck?
Where's @SimonAndréForsberg? He'd appreciate that awful pun.
@RubberDuck here. And yes. I did.
If I would invent a language, BrainDuck is a good candidate.
Quack Quack Quack Quack
Quack QuackQuack
Quack Quack QuackQuack
QuackQuack Quack
^^ FizzBuzz in BrainDuck ;)
(not really)
Lol. Smh...
how many tokens are there in BF?
I can probably make a BF-to-BD translator in a few minutes...
@Mat'sMug eight. + - < > [ ] . ,
You need eight different quacks.
lol whatever
[ should probably be Quack?, as that one means while (value[ptr] != 0), and is the only way to make a if/while/for construct.
@RubberDuck unit tests need a concept of a "session". badly.
oh, and I'm slowly starting to feel like a shameless smapper...
A: How to unit test Excel VBA code

Mat's Mug Disclaimer: I own Rubberduck's GitHub repository, and I'm one of the devs involved in the project. Rubberduck is under active development. It's much more than a unit testing tool for VBA though, but it works pretty well and lets you write VBA unit tests pretty much without any boilerplate: ...

What do you mean @Mat'sMug? I'm not following.
Answering SO questions with links to Rubberduck leaves me with mixed feelings
Why? It's not spam if it's a legitimate answer.
And neither of us have spammed. We've left helpful information.
And I was actually asking about the "Session" thing.
RD could remember unit tests between sessions; that would simplify the re-running of unit tests
@Mat'sMug why is the first method not annotated with '@TestMethod ?
and why does only one of the methods have parantesis?
oops, forgot the parens
@SimonAndréForsberg a public parameterless method in a '@TestModule that's named TestXxxxxxx doesn't need a '@TestMethod annotation ;)
... duck magic I'm not particularly found of, but that is life.
what do you mean @RubberDuck?
What do you consider to be a session @Mat'sMug?
Just that I've often wondered if it's a good idea. It restricts method names in the actual project.
no it doesn't - the '@TestModule annotation is required on test modules, specifically to avoid clashes
Say I have a... idk.. TestServerConnection method. It would
I stand corrected. You're right.
So, anyway. What would a session be? It already remembers the last run.
but it could remember the last 100 runs
and their results
RubberduckTests (43 tests)
  RubberduckTests (43 tests)
    AssertTests (22 tests)
Okay. I'm starting to follow now. What's the use case?
each session could be a tab in the test explorer
Oh. Okay. That could be useful I guess.
TBH I don't use it as much as I should
but I feel like serious TDD would need that
I just never thought about it. In my mind the only test I ever cared about was the last one.
> That won't work. We can't inherit from two separate classes. We'll be forced into implementing the interface and composing the dockable presenter.
@RubberDuck let's just keep that in mind, we have more urgent features to implent, cough Source Control cough
Yeah. Yeah. Lol. I want that one bad.
> As it currently stands, a test method like this:

Public Sub TestSomething()
While True
End Sub

Would never reach the `Assert.Fail` line, and the entire application would be frozen until the user figures out they need to Ctrl+Break out of the loop and manually stop VBA code execution.

By executing a test run on another thread, we keep our UI responsive while the VBE is blocked.
> The next logical step after #273 - the Test Explorer window's toolbar needs to feature a "Stop" (/abort) button that automates breaking out of, and stopping the running VBA code; to keep things simple, an aborted session should result in all tests being considered "aborted" and thus, if a test was completed, its result is changed to "aborted" regardless of whether it succeeded or not. The commandbar button ID for the "Break" button is 189; the ID for the "Stop" button is 228; both are on...
the "Standard" commandbar.
> It's not. There is no issue with detecting object variable usages. The example is a bad one, because the object col is not used anywhere after the selection; no real-life working code would add items to a collections and then do nothing about it. Indeed, there's a little glitch with ensuring the "Return value" dropdown has "(none)" selected by default, and the Dim col As New Collection declaration shouldn't be duplicated - that's a bug. But if the sample code above is modified to a...
more realistic scenario: Public Sub Foo() Dim bar As New Collection bar.Add "123" bar.Add "456" bar.Add "789" DoSomething bar End Sub Public Sub DoSomething(ByRef bar As Collection) Debug.Print bar.Count End Sub Then the Extract Method dialog works exactly as intended, and turns the above into the below by default (selection consists of the 3 lines that add items to the collection): Private Function Method1() As Collection Dim bar As New Collection bar.Add "123" bar.Add "456" bar.Add "789"...
Set Method1 = bar End Function Public Sub Foo() Dim bar As New Collection Set bar = Method1() DoSomething bar End Sub Public Sub DoSomething(ByRef bar As Collection) Debug.Print bar.Count End Sub Closing this issue as [status-bydesign], since the behavior of the extract method refactoring is highly dependent on the usage of identifiers in the method that contains the selection. If the code doesn't work in the first place (i.e. adding items to a collection and then not doing anything with...
the collection object), this tool isn't intended to fix it.
> When the selection involves code where the intent cannot be inferred from variable usage, the Extract Method dialog's Return value dropdown remains empty; it should automatically select the (none) return value by default. Example: Public Sub DoSomething() Dim col As New Collection col.Add 1 col.Add 2 col.Add 3 End Sub Trying to extract a method out of the col.Add n lines (or anything up to and including the col.Add 3 line) will reproduce this issue, because nothing happens with...
the col object after the selection. The extract method dialog doesn't know what to return nor what to pass as parameters, and should automatically select the "(none)" return value instead of leaving the dropdown value blank with an invalid selection.
> Given code: Public Sub Foo() Dim c As New Collection c.Add 123 End Sub Selecting the entire body of this procedure would result in this: Public Sub Method1() Dim c As New Collection Dim c As New Collection c.Add 123 End Sub Because c is a local that needs to be declared in the extracted method, but it's also in the selection - currently the selected code is included as is, including any declarations. This results in non-compilable code.
> Closes #275 and closes #276 both.
@RubberDuck I invite you to pull these changes and try extracting a method out of the example you had in #268 ;)
@Mat'sMug That's utterly awesome. Will do that later tonight!
btw, does this make any sense to you?
A: Notifying the UI that Issues Were Found

almaz You are still using the UI thread to do the project parsing _parser.Parse(project), because Task.Yield will return the execution back to UI thread. If this call may take significant time, I would suggest to replace it with Task.Run. It looks like you should get exceptions in OnIssuesFound, as yo...

@RubberDuck absolutely :)
@Duga They're really keeping you busy here!
aren't we ;)

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