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@RubberDuck not sure why but...
Is the webhook on Rubberduck correct, @RubberDuck @Mat'sMug?
LOL. Well okay then. Sorry.
I can try to look. I don't know much about webhooks.
Did you modify the webhook or is there a bug in @Duga?
I didn't touch it.
Heck. I don't even know where to look to see if something was changed.
@RubberDuck repository -> settings -> webhooks & services
I don't have a settings option. I think we would need @Mat'sMug.
But I really doubt he changed somthing.
seems like all messages are posted in TCG Creation
I'll check that out tomorrow. TTGTB now.
At least now you know, if you would miss @Duga.
Yeah. Not a problem. Goodnight @SimonAndréForsberg.
@SimonAndréForsberg I didn't touch it either. Sleep well!
(a mwahahaha is in order it seems)
buggy bugged bug
If you were truly motivated you could create a deep copy function, but it would not work with generic dictionary objects. You would need to create a custom dictionary class that only accepted objects that Implemented a DeepCopy method. You could do this by having an iDeepCopy class with an empty Function DeepCopy() As iDeepCopy function. Then any objects you added to the dictionary would have to include Implements iDeepCopy in the declarations section of their class module. At that point, though, you start pushing the limits of what you can/should be doing in VBA. — mwolfe02 5 hours ago
@Mat'sMug did you see that? Makes me want to invite him to chat. =;)-
lol that reminds me of something...
@mwolfe02 I don't know that I agree with your assessment that it would be pushing the limits of what can or should be done in VBA. The custom dict class sounds very reasonable to me. It depends on what OP really wants to store in the dict. Now this is pushing the limits of what can/should be done in VBA. — RubberDuck 25 secs ago
I thought you'd like that.
I do ;)
Dim accumulator As Delegate
Set accumulator = Delegate.Create("(work,value) => value & "" "" & work")

Debug.Print LinqEnumerable.FromList(List.Create("the", "quick", "brown", "fox")) _
Yeah. It really is.
All done in pure VBA...
looking back at that... I need to continue blogging about how it got to this
I need to get back to writing a bit. Been busy learning things though.
I tend to only write when I come across a cool VBA problem. I need to do the same when I'm working on other things.
screw that. I need that parser up yesterday.
9 hours later…
[Zomis/test] Zomis pushed commit 0a83d667 to master
> engarde, VBA!
@Mat'sMug in the webhook configuration, change room= to roomId=
Hello @kapu!
[Zomis/test] Zomis created branch test
@Duga O! Hai there!
Did the font change on SO overnight?
Seriously... what happened...
Oh. Yeah. They had been testing the css changes on MSO for a little while. Must have finally rolled it out.
Q: Feedback Requested: Stack Overflow design update

JinAs you can see, Meta.SO looks a bit different today. Over the years I've gotten a lot of requests to "redesign" Stack Overflow. I've always felt SO's site design had good usability and was very functional. However, I did and do agree, aesthetically, it could use some polish. Today's new Meta the...

@Chrismas007 Yup. That one.
@SimonAndréForsberg webhook updated, thanks!
> Now, let's see if VBEX shows up.
Man, I wish all SO questions looked like this. — RubberDuck 52 secs ago
@Chrismas007 you should notice there's something in my event that would create an infinite loop if I did that. — ComputerNerd3579617 2 hours ago
Well maybe that is your problem then...
Random checky on a question I probably should have flag for closure.....
A: Print a Custom doc property

RubberDuckYou need to call CustomDocumentProperties with a string. You forgot the quotes. PropVal = ActiveDocument.CustomDocumentProperties("MasterTime").Value

245 points from close voting privileges though. =)
Ugh.... motivation levels nil. Need to make changes to this process and all I want to do is play with C#.
in VB can I do this
For Dim i = Number To 5 Step 1
or do I have to declare the variable elsewhere?
.net or vbscript?
I think the dim has to be on it's own line. checking now.
separate line
no you can't
But I think you can do it in .net.
Pretty sure I've seen that....
FTR I think VBA, VBScript and VB.NET should all be the same. don't call them VB if they aren't the same!
yeah VB.net is awkward like that
@Mat'sMug Awkward?
that is how it should be, a local variable only used for looping
yes, awkward. it tries to .netify a COM language, and makes it look like C# with a VBA syntax. awkward.
I see what you are saying.
VB.NET is Awkward
in VBA a variable is local if it's declared in a procedure. there's no smaller scope.
Any idea how often I write code like this now?
Dim i As SomeThing;
For i = 0 To 100
I often do this:
If (condition) Then
All the damn time....
Or, alternatively this
quick before I get down votes
A: Modifying excel code to speed up the process

MalachiFormatting the code can help when you are trying to look at the bigger picture, so I suggest that you start with making sure that your code is much, much more readable, this will help you discover other things that you can change to make this code more efficient, let's just start with the formatt...

if condition
oh sorry @RubberDuck
lol no worries.
I'm about ready to flag that one for migration....
@RubberDuck So now you want to migrate it? :P
@RubberDuck My migration flag got declined... :(
2nd sub is missing an End Sub
@Chrismas007 Seems it wants to be migrated.
and @Malachi's answer is so not SO-like...
The answers look acceptable here too.
@Mat'sMug I noted that in my answer
eh, napalm'd
@RubberDuck you invalidate part of my answer....lol JK
Q: Exception When trying to execute a R script in java using Renjin

EchoRI created a R Script "script.R" df <- data.frame(x=1:10, y=(1:10)+rnorm(n=10)) print(df) print(lm(y ~ x, df)) Tried to invoke using renjin in Java as engine.eval(new FileReader("src/javaSrc/script.R")); Got the following Exception: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: or...

Go look at the character before the at
in the error
Hey this is a VBA room!
Is that a TAB Character?
@Malachi No... not my point
I was messing with you
Didn't think we could have tab characters? Hasn't that been a sticking point before in meta?
@Mat'sMug Fixed and made the question more in line with CR (but still acceptable for SO). We'll see what happens.
I flagged it for Migration as well @RubberDucky
Rubber Duckie you're the one,
You make bathtime lots of fun,
Rubber Duckie I'm awfully fond of you

Rubber Duckie, joy of joys,
When I squeeze you, you make noise,
Rubber Duckie you're my very best friend it's true.

Oh, every day when I, make my way to the tubby
I find a little fellow who's cute and yellow and chubby!

Rubber Duckie you're so fine,
And I'm lucky that you're mine,
Rubber Duckie, I'd love a whole pond of,
Rubber Duckie, I'm awfully fond of you!
sorry I couldn't help it
Growing up is realizing that Burt & Ernie are gay, not just roommates.
Q: Modifying excel code to speed up the process

R. IrigoyenI'm currently trying to create a macro, to edit a document that is around 280k rows and 12 columns. For the first steps I found a macro to delete the rows I don't want based on certain criteria, but the code repeats itself a lot. Every time I run it, I change the criteria and link the macros. A...

@StackExchange Burnt that tag.
Killed it with fire I did.
@StackExchange I want my flag reversed...
@StackExchange re-napalm'd
@Chrismas007 Sorry, my comment probably stopped it.
If anyone feels like reviewing some .net
Q: Optimize multiple ifs (big case)

ThomasI have a list of tasks I get from my database (as strings) and then execute. However I'm uncertain on how to implement this correctly. Currently I have implemented this in the following way: Private Sub Monitoring(installationCode As String, drive As String, syncFolder As String) Initia...

Q: Improving the code

FelipeThis code is working fine, but it looks awful (yes, I am a rookie on this thing). How can I improve it to look better? Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) 'Conditional Formatting Application.ScreenUpdating = False If Target.Column > 6 And Target.Column < 8 And (Target.Value = ...

@StackExchange Let's just fix that up a little bit.
Q: Copy Cell on Worksheet_Change event if some criteria is met

FelipeThis code is working fine, but it looks awful (yes, I am a rookie on this thing). How can I improve it to look better? Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) 'Conditional Formatting Application.ScreenUpdating = False If Target.Column > 6 And Target.Column < 8 And (Target.Value = ...

Q: Rules on Migration to Code Review

Chrismas007The following Stack Overflow question, Modifying excel code to speed up the process was just migrated over to Code Review. When it was first posted 23ish hours before it was migrated, I read it over and thought it would be a good candidate for migration. The user is basically asking for a way t...

@ChrisF Is it possible that some vba users feel that SO is getting to cluttered with bad questions so if we are active on SO, we are looking to be more judicial in the question being on-topic? Getting it out of the queue of unanswered where I am active might be more important to some than being active at the destination (as long as the destination is valid). — Chrismas007 23 secs ago
Like operator FTW
A: Copy Cell on Worksheet_Change event if some criteria is met

RubberDuck Indent everything one level inside of the Sub...End Sub block. Go one more inside of If blocks and loops. Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) ' all code starts at this level of indentation If condition Then ' one more level End If End Sub There shouldn't ...

@RubberDuck You used Like in the first one but not the second one?
@Chrismas007 Thanks! I fixed it.
@RubberDuck "Who reviews the reviewers?" :-D
More reviewers!
I feel like I just saw this code yesterday... — Chrismas007 1 min ago
@ticker is asking someone to write code on topic for Super User?
@Chrismas007 I guess so. I saw someone the other day saying that "Super User is not a code writing service. Please try before.. blah blah blah".
Just like I've seen on SO a bazillion times.
I think that's the reason I prefer answering VBA questions on CR. It's an opportunity to teach people how to fish instead of just giving them a tasty trout.
and OP accepted the unvoted other answer. oh well.
Thank you, this led me to finding the issue. It turned out to be when I changed the name of the text boxes, I didn't change it in the initialize sequence. Strength.Value = 0 should have been StrengthTextBox.Value = 0, which i don't think you could have known without seeing the properties for the userform. But you just saved me a lot of aggravation. Thank you so much — Miksoko 39 mins ago
I thought I mentioned that...
and Option Explicit FTW
@Duga no shit! awesome!
@RubberDuck traffic is pretty nice, too - getting referrals from Google now! github.com/retailcoder/Rubberduck/graphs/traffic
@Duga Woah. Seriously?
huh.. forks count went from 3 to 4, to 3... wtf?
mwolfe02 must have deleted his fork.
@Chrismas007 thanks!
Okay. This one's driving me crazy. It's got a terrible bug, but I don't know how to fix it.
Q: Join two collections by date with no duplicate

Matteo NNZData I have 4 Collection objects of the following kind: dates1=(12/01/02, 15/01/03, 17/01/03, 25/04/04...) dates2=(15/02/02, 17/06/07, 10/05/10, ...) numbers1 = (3,5,2,7,...) numbers2 = (1,-3,-1,...) The rules of the game are: dates1 will always have the same length of numbers1, dates2 will...

> You've got a pretty big bug here. You don't actually end up with unique items in your final list. In fact, with the sample data you gave, 1/15/14 ends up in the final output twice. You should be entering that Else block, but you're not. This is because you're not comparing what's already stored in datesTot to that value in dates2, you're comparing it to what is at the current index of dates1.
My first thought was to suggest a type to get away from the parallel collections, but it doesn't seem you can pass a type to a collection.
@RubberDuck Not to stir the pot but possibly migrate to SO or even Programming Puzzling?
I'd rather find a way to fix the bug.
I don't see how PPCG will ever accept migrations. Anyone tried just posting a question there? it seems like they have a meta-discussion about every single post that ends up on the main site...
@RubberDuck Are you still trying to figure out a way to solve his problem? or Debug is code? Because I think I have a different solution to solve his original problem
@Mat'sMug Dude, I've tried to post questions there. Eff those guys.
Have 4 arrays. Then check for dups by looping though DataA Array, if dups are found pass that loop number to the Number arrays to add the values together and combine the non-dupes into the final array as the loop progresses.
@RubberDuck yeah that
> I have been trying to figure out a solution, even thought of using a class module somehow?
    1+⌈/+/2≠/∘.≤⍨ ¯1 3 1 ¯2 5 2 3 4
Programming Code Golfing
I frankly don't see the point.
Something like this to get the dupes out:

    For i = 1 to Date1Index.Count
        For j = 1 to Date2Index.Count
            If Date1(i) = Date2(j) Then
                numbersTot.Add (numbers1(i) + numbers2(j))
                DateTot.Add Date1(i)
                'Date1.Remove/Delete? Date1(i)
                'Date2.Remove/Delete? Date2(j)
                'numbers1.Remove/Delete? numbers1(i)
                'numbers2.Remove/Delete? numbers2(j)
            End If
        Next j
    Next i
@RubberDuck My code was a reply to this.
@Chrismas007 Yeah. Something like that, but that's a nightmare with the parallel collections...
@RubberDuck Isn't he saying the parallel collections will always match up (array number)?
That's a big if.
Meh. As good as it's going to get.
A: Join two collections by date with no duplicate

RubberDuckYou've got a pretty big bug here. You don't actually end up with unique items in your final list. In fact, with the sample data you gave, 1/15/14 ends up in the final output twice. You should be entering that Else block, but you're not. This is because you're not comparing what's already stored i...

@RubberDuck tss.. I'd have gone with a Delegate and an LinqEnumerable.Aggregate call ;)
I didn't have that code quite handy. I wanted to tell him to go clone VBEX, but Enumerable doesn't have a Join method yet.
Which also got me to thinking. I need to create an IComparer and an IKeyValuePair for that project.

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