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Hmmm not familiar @cheezsteak. Sounds like a custom error. Did you check out the master list on MSDN?
> Recursive descent compilers strongly reward simple, clean language design, in that it is a lot easier to write a recursive-descent parser for a simple, clean language than for a convoluted, messy one.
So, what's a good approach to parsing a convoluted and messy language then? Lol
Uh... Write a convoluted and messy parser?
Just rebooted the machine hosting @Duga, but you folks probably didn't notice anything :P
Nah @SimonAndréForsberg. My wife & kids stole my laptop to watch a movie. Thanks for letting us know though!
11 hours later…
> I couldn't find an existing issue for this? Am I simply missing it?

hey lads, most likely I will soon be retiring from the VBA wonderland ;>
New job?
*just wrapping things up
Awesome, are congrats in order, or is it still just Good Luck?
1st one xD
its not official yet though
at least not where I am currently working hehe
time to say good bye to VBA and hello to anything .NET related, even some java c++ html css etc what a proper software developer does
i just think it was about the right time to move on
Well Congrats @vba4all! I'm happy to hear it. I hope you can still stop by here from time to time.
It's been an honor actually getting to know you after all those years of reading your work.
Honestly though, I'm hoping there's much less VBA in my near future as well.
> Oh.. issues weren't created yet for refactorings!

Sent from my Samsung mobile
Thanks @RubberDuck yea, I will hang out here once in a while
i am thinking what to do with my blog...
i mean I will keep it but i think i may be adding more C# stuff and the name vba4all wouldn't really suit it
Yeah... I was wondering about that.
2 hours later…
Monking @Phrancis.
Any Excel heads around? Got a curious problem
Congrats @vba4all!
What's up @Phrancis?
This column data type is Number. When I try to sort it, it sorts from A-Z, instead of from smaller to larger. (see the red field)
It's sorting as text still. You would have to actually convert it to a number.
See that green triangle?
If you select the cells, you should get a little popup that gives you the option to convert to number.
It says "number is stored as text"
Hmm. Let me try that
That worked. For some reason when I selected the whole column, it said number. But when I selected the individual cells (all the cells except the header) then I got the option to convert it
Excel glitch/quirk?
Where did the data come from?
(exported as Excel, rather than CSV)
Maybe the SSRS data type is wrong
The SQL data type is VARCHAR, that may explain it
That does explain it.
Ok, well now I know the workaround, thanks fellas
Come on come on come on. Get me a good file without characters Windows can't read....
Need this done today... Ugh.
You need to add a "data conversion" component to the SSRS data flow
Or write some vba to do it! =;)-
....yeah. but the role of SSRS is precisely to transform data between a source and a destination...
I know. I was just joshing.
Bored & frustrated. I don't like waiting around.
speaking of SSRS... back to my monster workflow
@RubberDuck cheers buddy
Haha! I'll just hack a script component in.
That'll get me moving.
Backticks don't need to be escaped in a VARCHAR field in SQL Server, right?
Single quotes are problematic in our systems. Some of our systems do escape, and some don't (like SNAP, it throws an error instead if you use single quotes in data fields)
A: Outsourcing of VBA code

retailcoderYou could save your workbook as an add-in (.xlam) - an add-in loads with Excel, and runs at application level. You can reference an add-in in a macro-enabled workbook, and use the functions and objects it exposes: The flipside is that anyone using workbooks that reference an add-in, will requi...

I get to write C# for work! yay
Custom Script Component. =)
No one in my dept will be able to maintain it though... maybe I should use VB... NAH!
Yeah. SSIS.
wow.. so there's 3 of us dealing with SSIS right now?
Yeah. It's actually a big part of my job. I prefer to use plain TSQL when I can though.
Better transactions.
And... they gave me the wrong file. I do not get to write that script component. =(
Add a watch to lastrowVF. I'd bet my hat that it's less than 6. — RubberDuck 14 secs ago
NOOOO!! Don't bet hats!!!
Nobody's getting my Tardis cuz.
Wow, good call. Declaration accidentally got cut/pasted lower in the Sub and never noticed. — alyehoud 1 min ago
@Phrancis I think the guy doesn't know what an execution plan is...
id  select_type table   type    possible_keys   key key_len ref rows    Extra
1   PRIMARY <derived2>  ALL NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    36756   Using temporary; Using filesort
1   PRIMARY product_table   ref barcode,Category    barcode 4   grouped_store_orders_table.article  1   Using where
1   PRIMARY product_pack_sizes  ref article,unit_of_measure article 4   trends.product_table.barcode    3
2   DERIVED orders_table    ALL NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    2137680 Using temporary; Using filesort
Is that not an exec plan? I haven't used that feature much in MySQL
oh shit it's MySQL
(removes CTE's from answer)
A: Slow query joining orders and products

Mat's MugFirst things first - if you're going to need to maintain T-SQL, it's best to make it easy to maintain first: start with proper indentation and vertical spacing: SELECT product_table.ProductCode as product_code ,SUM(grouped_store_orders_table.po_qty*product_pack_sizes.pack_size_qty) AS ...

seriously.. millions of rows in mysql... is suicidal IMO
@ticker oh, come on!
I am amazed each and every day the things people (try to) do in Excel.
I'm amazed at what people don't try before they post on SO
> [Flat File Source [70]] Error: Data conversion failed. The data conversion for column "OrderBook" returned status value 2 and status text "The value could not be converted because of a potential loss of data.".
Well. that's helpful. Thanks MS
@Mat'sMug Right...
> First things first - if you're going to need to maintain T-SQL,
I personally prefer to use C# style indentation for SQL
    SELECT bar FROM ...
> please advise on the below email
Its going to be a good day.
@cheezsteak I hate that.
I've got a guy that does that all the time. I told him last time that I would no longer respond to emails that just say "See Below"
That is very annoying. I get those too.
I have an Oulook macro that magically "loses" these emails.. /jk
wtf @ticker?
When you figure out the answer your teacher wants, go ahead and tell him I said he was wrong. — RubberDuck 20 secs ago
@Mat'sMug I have a google filter that does the same. (Not a joke)
Hey @Blackhawk! Long time no see.
Q: How to make Excel select just one column through VBA and avoid multiple columns being selected?

user61363Examples below work with empty columns, but not with column B. For some reasons adjacent non-empty columns are also selected with either example. Range("B1:B1000").Select Columns("B").Select

@StackExchange HI!
@StackExchange BYE!!
@RubberDuck docs.python.org/2/library/doctest.html I think rubberduck could do that.
@RubberDuck hi! So did I miss anything over the past few weeks? :P
@Blackhawk Rubberduck is working pretty well now.
@Blackhawk Winter Bash is on! Where's your hat? :)
I've been using TDD in VBA.
Oh, and there's now a bot that tells us when stuff happens on the repo.
How is @RubberDuck going?
(the project, I mean)
I think it's going well. Haven't had much time this week @SimonAndréForsberg.
It's working in Access & Word on top of Excel now.
Access, Word, Excel?
Appears like I should find out more about what RubberDuck actually is
@SimonAndréForsberg you know what VBA is, right?
Visual Basic.... Advanced?
"for Applications"
I believe it's a programming language used with Excel and Word and stuff
ah, so close
it's embedded into MS Office
Rubberduck puts the "Advanced" into it
I think I wrote a function in VBA once, for a Excel spreadsheet I played around with
As I understand it, RubberDuck is meant to be like ReSharper, but for VBA?
^^ that
but you can think of it as turning the VBE into some toned-down Eclipse
assuming that no such thing exists, RubberDuck sounds immensely useful for VBA coders
what's VBE? Visual Basic.... Extreme?
I haven't seen anything like it
it's the VB Editor
@SimonAndréForsberg I'm finding it very useful. Particularly Mug's Unit Testing framework.
It's so much better than the closest competitor.
yeah.. the unit testing framework that was written without a unit test
you didn't test your own testing framework?
I did.. but not with unit tests
at the end of the day it's just an Assert class
or with integration tests?
I don't do "real" unit tests often, but I do "integration" tests a lot
It's terrible... I now write all of my VBA with unit tests, but don't write them for the project that provides them..
I just realized how awful that probably is.
is the unit testing framework technically a part of RubberDuck?
it's absolutely part of it
+1 for using "absolutely" correctly ;)
> Apparently the unit testing framework is tested manually, it should be tested automatically with unit tests
@Mat'sMug all I needed to know ;)

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