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Not necessarily.. but yeah one would be allowed to assume so
@Phrancis ah, I was missing TypeOf - that 2nd answer you got looks like the approach I had in mind
@Mat'sMug Yeah I had tried the second snippet but it had another error (can't test from home)
Got two good answers, guess I'll test out tomorrow and see which I prefer. They both seem like good answers
@enderland any particular reason you select m as prefix to mContact?
^^ so that I can tell you to remove it in a review ;)
Just feels like Hungarian naming
It's a scoping thing I think
Does VBA work in Office for OSX?
It's definitely Hungarian and used as a scoping prefix, but some cough ducky cough would argue it's an okay kind of Hungarian.
What does it mean though?
No. It's not scoping. Wtf @enderland? Lol
@Phrancis a lot of times you will see variables with an "m" at the beginning to indicate that it's a Module level variable.
I think Microsoft killed the docs, but that used to be their recommendation. m for module, g for global (public).
p for private
But obviously pMyString is a problem because p could stand for public or private and it's a real mess.
Why not just spell it out, like privateMyString ?
Because there's mMyString??
This is why everyone hates Hungarian.
You can also make your code do a lookup against a table value somewhere you set, so you can turn this on/off without redeploying a new runtime environment (depending on your use case). I have mine setup to do a "checkIfDeveloper" function based on my login so any "debug" stuff only happens for me or other developers. — enderland 47 mins ago
Isn't that an awful lot of overhead @enderland? Do you notice a slowdown because of it?
Might be a good use for your profiler! =;)-
@Phrancis mmmmmmmmmmmmm because it's late (ok 7pm) ?
A: Is there a difference learning VBA on Mac vs Windows

enderland Is there anything I'm missing out on not having a Windows machine to learn it on? You will find a few things considerably lacking in the Mac vs Windows editor. One of the main differences is the editor for Mac leaves a lot to be lacking. Many of the windows which are dockable in the Windows...

Excuses, excuses lol. You central-timers
I have no idea why I prefixed it with an m other than that's the key I hit and copy/pasted? :)
Fair enough lol
A: Access increase speed of DLookup by "caching" tables or other strategy?

Chris RollistonIf it's just single values then I'd be inclined to use a simple in-memory cache - Private mToolDesignerFullNameCache As New Scripting.Dictionary Function GetToolDesignerFullName(Criteria As String) If mToolDesignerFullNameCache.Exists(Criteria) Then GetToolDesignerFullName = mToolDesigner...

I should post the code I use for that, too
I did the test @RubberDuck and "profiled" it before hehehe
I've found myself prefixing pgSQL parameters with prm_foo and variables with var_bar and got frowned upon on CR because.
I think prefixes are fine, as long as they are descriptive enough to where the average programmer would know what they mean, without having to type out entire words like parameter_foo.
It's a contrast with TSQL and I'm really not a fan of the @ prefix, because it can apply to multiple things
Let alone @@
Hungarian has its place. It should make bad code look wrong and good code look right. Very hard to actually do.
Wouldn't that be true for any kind of notation though?
Maybe not, but... I've seen enough of this garbage to have an axe to grind
The only appropriate use of Hungarian I've used is to identify out parameters passed ByRef in VBA, e.g. ByRef outFoo As Integer. It's moot in C# though, because the compiler forces the caller to specify the out keyword on out parameters.
SELECT p.crap
FROM Person_Information_Original p
@Phrancis funny, I systematically/consistently prefix all my TSQL variables wih @.
Well, that's what you're supposed to do, no? But I hate that parameters are also @
Are they not variables too?
I guess, technically. They are acquired quite differently though...
Yet in the scope of the proc, they're nothing less/more than variables ;)
Did we RELOAD yet... looks like it... here have a star
Yeah. It's 8:30.
Or 20:30 pick your poison.
Wait a sec, don't you have to prefix TSQL variables with an @ ?
Don't think so
I think so
I'm wrong
> Assigning a name. The name must have a single @ as the first character.
Guess it's like $php;
What's that mean? Looks like a string variable.
Nothing, just dicking around making syntax errors all over the place
that would be Dim php$
$php = 'Crap';
Can't have both the type specifier and the As part
Dim php
php = 'Crap'
^^ Right?
That makes it a Variant
(strings are delimited with double quotes)
Yeah, b... That^
So you can change it to 'Poop' or 'Shit'?
Or 123
Oh wait, variables already do that
Variant is a special type that is basically untyped.
You could say it "Quacks like a duck."
Usually it's better to type as string, long, etc.
works a bit like a C# dynamic -> PITA
So a variant will switch from string to int to decimal to datetime to wtf ever as it's called to do so?
it just takes whatever you throw at it. even an object
even a table?
(I guess a table is an object)
Dim foo 'As Variant
foo = "123"
foo = 456
Set foo = New Table
Sounds clunky
anything you declare without a type is Variant by default
so careful with multiple declarations on a single line
Dim foo, bar As String -> foo is a Variant -> common newbie mistake
Dim foo 'This is a comment'
^^ True?
yes. anything to the right of a single quote is a comment
WHY not use a less common thing like // or /* hi */
would you prefer ..
REM this is a comment
I think I actually would
I forgot about that! Omg!
I'm gonna start doing that to my co workers.
wait, does it still work in VBA??
it's the old BASIC comment syntax..
100 REM this is a comment
110 FOR i = 1 TO 20
120 REM do something
130 NEXT i
140 GOTO 100
^^ needed a GOTO
oh shit IT WORKS
Well, it's still in .Net. I bet it's still in VBA...
it is
gotta update the parser now
REM TODO: this is a todo item
Backwards compatible
I'll add the code suggestion ... fuck
and REM @TestMethod
damn, this is... fugly
@RubberDuck it doesn't work at the end of a statement though (thank God)
ugh.. and the IDE makes it Rem... it looks even worse.
Ok, REM is pretty terrible, in hindsight
Adding code inspection: replace obsolete Rem comment with single quote comment syntax
You got that one @Mat'sMug?
Lol @Phrancis
Well, that was funny for a second.
Dim foo As String REM This is not really a comment?
6 mins ago, by Mat's Mug
@RubberDuck it doesn't work at the end of a statement though (thank God)
nope. REM was a full-fledged instruction, so you'd have to do this:
Dim foo As String: Rem this is a comment
: separates multiple instructions on a single line of code
That's horrible. Who thought that would be a good idea...
^^ @RubberDuck I'll have to check if we're covered for that
it's historical stuff
same reason Call still works
Okay, maybe single quote isn't so bad. Though I bet it can be a PITA working across languages, especially SQL...
you kinda get used to it
and VB.NET kept it!
(now I seriously wonder if Rem works in VB.NET)
Just try it damnit
Yes. It's in the docs!
demoStr1 = "Hello" REM Comment after a statement using REM.
^^ they broke something
Worst thing about vb.net comments is the XML doc.
worst thing about vb.net is vb.net
VB.net is a mixture of too many things to please too many people. if you're going to do .net, do it in C#, and thank yourself later.
Rem is the ultimate proof.
VB.net must be a very modern language: Rem LOL
well it does support pretty much anything you can do in C#... and in VB6, and VB6 supports anything you can do in VB5, and in VB4, and most of what you can do in QBASIC, which does most of what you could do in good ol'BASIC.
Does BASIC support most of what you can do in X older language?
you know that BASIC is an acronym right?
Beginners' All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
Makes sense: Rem Especially why they made it an acronym
and the V is for "Visual"
Had to shorten it to save bytes.
yeah but back in BASIC, keywords were no more than 4 characters
(trying hard to find one with 5)
ok make it 8 characters
Sub Cigarette()
    MsgBox Now
End Sub
I'm tempted to see how far I can push the old BASIC syntax now.
It was my first language. I had a VTECH with a single line 80 char display.
well the type specifiers are directly inherited from that
I learned with a C64 on a 14-inch color TV that was already 30 years old when I got it
Punch cards would have been more efficient than coding on that thing...
You had a Commodore?!
That's sweet.
I was like 12 or so, and found it collecting dust in a drawer
"is that thing still working?"
I used to play pac-man on it when I was like 5 or 6
1987 or so
Where's my Nintendo?
That thing still works. =)
I sold mine to get a Super Nintendo
then I sold the Super Nintendo to get... can't remember. I wish I hadn't sold it.
I'd probably still be playing Kirby's Avalanche and Uniracers.
I had beaten the best time (published in Nintendo Power magazine) on the first track in Uniracers.
I still have my SNES too. The kids and I played through Mario last summer.
the SNES Killer Instinct was ten times better than the crap they did on N64
@ticker heard of Avg()?
Q: Visual Basic 6.0 Language Syntax

Mark RoddyI've done a fair bit of googling, but I've been unable to find what I'm looking for. I am looking for documentation of the syntax to the Visual Basic 6.0 language. Specifically something that could theoretically be used to build a parser for the syntax. Does anyone know of such documentation? ...

actually, average ..and I should have read the post before bitching at it. I can't replace the image link with the actual image.. don't click the image too often, it gets NSFW
@Mat'sMug Anything you sell a Super Nintendo for is definitely a bad deal for you.
@RubberDuck this Ira Baxter guy might be helpful
@Phrancis it might have been a ...pizza. My teenage years were... teenage years.
I use emulator with PS3 controller to play Ninja Gaiden on NES... and it still kicks my ass... after all those years...
FF1 still rocks my boat
and I'd love to play the first Dragon Warrior again
> A *Slime* stands in your way
*Slime* takes 5 DMG
*Slime* attacks
You take 1 DMG
I remember this... sadly...
Command? uh, laugh?
the music dude, the muuuuusic!!
classic... timeless.
My wife would say "annoying as hell"
FFIII was the best. No idea why it took so damn long to get it here in the States.
I played 7 before 3...
I played FIII (VI) countless times, and never bothered with VII.
probably because I never had a Playstation
and I thought Square was being stupid for dropping Nintendo
FF VI (III US) is probably my best game of all time.
I always liked Cyan as my best character, though Celes and Terra were also awesome
I never renamed any character
^^ that
And Mug Mog was the best ;)
You mean Mog?
Yeah, w/e
Mog was unpredictable, like Gau, not a bad character, but it's a dice toss every fight
yeah. seriously, Sabin was my best. Bum Rush
Sabin is almost a hack
(as is Edgar)
AOE things that kill all the things and cost nothing
oh, yeah
psst I almost always had one/both of them in my party
then there was Gogo
/free Ultima
That was a weird one, definitely OP
Nothing to do with storyline either
was a "hidden" character
there were 2 IIRC
can't remember the other one
Shadow needed an Exception, for his Throw command
and we're soooooo waaaaay off-topic now
loved that game
Not like the room is busy or anything
is it true there was a spot on the 2nd world map where you could land your airship and get the emperor to join your party?
I heard that somewhere, but never found the damn spot
I... don't think so
Here, I made this about a year ago, for fun. Should bring back memories.
To this day, I consider Kefka one of the most dislikeable and evil characters in any game. Kefka would own Sephiroth any day.
Kefka didn't need super-esper-mega-powers. Just a lot of cruelty.
@Mat'sMug I found what appears to be a full grammar.
And I was planning on doing some work tonight ;)
Guess I better at least fix git issues
@RubberDuck bookmarked!
@RubberDuck doesn't seem to account for type specifier character in declarations
oh I had forgotten about the ! notation
oh and withevents isn't in the declaration syntax... wow
same strategy for line continuation
concern about comments with line continuation isn't valid
oh crap, it is
VB.net fixed it
Anyway. I'm out. I want to work on the config before work tomorrow.
Night @quack
now I really wonder if I've approached this the right way
7 hours later…
Grrrr 5 answers, it's a useful question. Not a single damn upvote.
Q: Check if cell is the last cell of Excel Range

Nikhil AgrawalI am looping over MyRange range. I need to find out if Cell is the last cell of MyRange. For Each Cell In MyRange.Cells If Cell = ' What should I write here? 'Do some stuff End If Next Cell I've tried this: If Cell = MyRange.Cells(0, MyRange.Count) Then But it gives ...

what makes it a useful question?
the cell variable after the loop is the last cell
there should be no good reason to know if the iteration is the last one
when the loop exists the cell will point to the last cell used in a loop
i mean at least from my point of view, i would say its a bad design if you need to know the
* if you need to know if the current iteration is the last one...
that will check every single time... what if there were 2 mln cells to check... 2 million unnecessary checks
I've left ^^ as a comment
That's a good point, but I can see where maybe I'd want to take special action on the last cell. I know there have been times when I needed to take a special action on the first item.
It also just frustrates me that people feel it's worth their time to answer, but it's not worth an upvote.
that shouldn't be done from inside a loop IMO
I think it's a useful question because it's not exactly an obvious answer.
Well, yeah. I can agree with that.
Good morning btw. =)
hehe morning for another 25 minutes :P
im testing that quick sort and multithreading i linked to yesterday (blog.tkacprow.pl/excel-multithreading-vba)
Heh... I'm just finishing my first cup of Joe.
for me the quick sort on 2 mln items takes max 4 seconds in VBA
improved the quick sort
eliminated variants etc
a bit funny how the OP touches on C# and does VBA comparisons without actually testing and opitimizing the VBA first...
how good of a C# programmer are you going to be if you don't understand optimization - something that C# is basically all about
kk quick ciggy be back soon
and he (the op of the question you linked to) is a SENIOR software dev.... I wouldnt expect a senior to ask a question like that :P
Well, yeah........ there's that. But we shouldn't judge OP. We should judge OP's question.
yep true
Time to get the kids ready. I'm looking forward to playing with XML Derserialization at lunch. I've got my xml and classes all set up. =)
@Mat'sMug ^
So we now have strongly-typed configs :)
Yes. The first one was easy. VS did most of the work.
Adding them will be a little more manual, but that's okay.
Passing test. =) But......
Q: Unit test needs to read file. How do I make it portable?

RubberDuckI'm working on an open source project with another developer. I am working on a unit test that needs to read in a default custom xml config file. I am only guaranteed that the part of the path that is in the repo will be on his machine. How can I rewrite this test to make it portable? I don't wan...

2 hours later…
How did this get six stars? I didn't know we had that many people in this room. lol
Nov 17 at 18:44, by Mat's Mug
The more I learn, the less I know
@RubberDuck a unit test shouldn't hit the file system
I wouldn't bother testing XmlSerialization, you can safely assume it just works ;)
Yeah. I figured that out pretty fast. I don't think I need to test that part of the config I guess. I'll remove it before commit.
It's just easier to debug a test than to start up the add-in blah blah blah.
oh yeah
and it documents stuff
I need to write more Parser tests
And I'm pretty sure I can create and inject instances of ToDoMarkers into tests I write for the actual ToDoList stuff.
Which I need to get reviewed as soon as I get this done. It's hard to test a control.
decouple the control from its data
Any suggestions for going about doing that?
it's WinForms, I think Model-View-Presenter would be in order
Okay. I'll research that.
Q: Down the rabbit hole with MVP

Mat's MugFollowing-up on this post where I implemented a Repository Pattern in vba to abstract ADODB and enable testing my Excel app without hitting a database backend; curious about how far vba would let me push inversion-of-control and loose coupling, I decided to grab the red pill, and see how deep the...

So maybe a TaskList class that inherits from BindingList. Then instead of having a private RefreshTaskList method, TaskList should have a public Refresh method.
Yeah. Okay. I think I can do this.
err...... TodoList.
no need to extend the BindingList class - I think I'd just make a BindingList<ToDoItem>... but I might be missing pieces of info
Well, I did that, but it seemed to be what's coupling it all together.
    private BindingList<ToDoItem> taskList;
        public void RefreshTaskList()
            this.taskList = new BindingList<ToDoItem>();

            foreach (VBComponent component in this.vbe.ActiveVBProject.VBComponents)
                CodeModule module = component.CodeModule;
                for (var i = 1; i <= module.CountOfLines; i++)
                    string line = module.get_Lines(i, 1);
                    if (IsTaskComment(line))
                        var priority = GetTaskPriority(line);
ah, well, yeah. Extract it to a "model" class that exposes a public IEnumerable<ToDoItem> - and couple the view with an interface to the model (which you can mock for testing)
Sub foo
    MsgBox "Monking!"
End Sub
Sub bar()
    MsgBox "Monking!", vbOk + vbExclamation
End Sub
vbExclamation == Cancel button?
Ahem Where's the scope identifier gentlemen?
@Phrancis procedures are Public by default
MsgBox "Monking!", vbExclamation, "Hi Phrancis"
Ah that's what vbExclamation is
Come to think of it, I know nothing about what scope is/means. I shall Google-Fu it today, after I BTW.Work for a bit
Cya later @Phrancis, but I'll save you some googling. cpearson.com/excel/scope.aspx
"The problem is that Implements doesn't support events." <--- this :'( — Blackhawk Nov 6 at 14:23
Yes. That ^
but in .net, interfaces can happily define events :)
what is Monking?
A: What's a Zombie? And what are the many other memes of Code Review?

Vogel612Meme: Monking Originator: Morwenn Cultural Height: The 2nd Monitor Background: A morning greeting to the Monkey doing his monkey-business, in other words: monking Examples: A small chat search Variations: Monkernoon, Monkevening, Monknight, ... Important is only that it begins with Monk... ;...

@Phrancis if you have a clue, got a T-SQL question up: stackoverflow.com/q/27064948/1188513
@Mat'sMug I'm not sure if the TSQL variables are designed to survive being passed from one proc to another
but it's an out parameter... at least it's meant to be..
you never "select @id as "
I don't think setting @id=2 does anything unless you do something like "select @id = 3"
but I set @id = ...oh
doesn't work still
yeah I dislike them in SQL too
A: Out parameter is correctly assigned, but caller only sees a NULL. Clue?

NoDisplayNameYou need to mention the @categoryId parameter as OUTPUT while calling the procedure. Call the procedure like this exec dbo.InsertCategory 'C1', 'Category1', 'Catégorie1', @ts, @categoryId OUTPUT;

caller needs to say "output' too
(can only accept in 2 minutes)
I learn something all the time
@Mat'sMug why don't you just stick with what you know works lol
because I like learning new stuff :)
I learned to use the output clause in an insert statement :)
and out parameters
@Phrancis you will find, that once you get into programming you always want to learn more
And there's always something more to learn, no matter how much you know.
Nov 17 at 18:44, by Mat's Mug
The more I learn, the less I know
my SO rep is climbing faster than my CR rep. Something is wrong.
@Mat'sMug It's that damn ticker and the lack of new vb questions.
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