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Hey @Mat'sMug, You'll like this.
Since Rubberduck is a dll instead of an exe, app.config doesn't work. Looks like I get to homebrew this in the registry. =)
Tomorrow though. For now I need to reset my branch..... I made a mess. lol
1 hour later…
No @ducky, this might work yet. Using the reg is stupid. And if the built in config won't work, then parse the XML yourself.
meh.. at the end of the day it's just an xml file with a bunch of options. What's stopping us from ... doing that ^^
and save it in %appdata%\roaming\Rubberduck
Lol. Yeah. That's exactly what I'm going to do.
I am starting to understand why this has not been done before though. Roadblock at every turn.
"this" being... the whole add-in idea?
C# bounty expiring in 22 hours: codereview.stackexchange.com/q/69359/23788
(my 400th answer :)
Wow. That's awesome Mug.
Hmmm.... I might finally break down and learn some Linq... msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/…
oh yeah. If you're going to deal with XML, go with Linq-to-Xml.
or, actually... can't we just serialize/deserialize some Settings class?
That's perfect. And I'm willing to bet System.Configuration is built on top of that.
might just be
to be serializable, members only need to be public.
> Serialization of ArrayList and Generic List
The XmlSerializer cannot serialize or deserialize the following:
Arrays of ArrayList
Arrays of List<T>
lol. ArrayList is obsolete since .net 2.0, ...and who would ever want an array of generic lists?
Ohh. I missed the arrays part.
So long as I can serialize a list it's all good.
@duck's in over his head. =) I'm having fun though. It's been a long while since I really struggled like this. It's good for the brain.
welcome to .net :)
@RubberDuck just pushed 2 commits, fixes the CodeBlockNode child node types and the Instruction comments which were no longer being captured due to an earlier brainfart. Now all that's left to do is DRY up the Parser class - new ISyntax implementations can be added in about 10 minutes, if the regular syntax is simple (like, I'll implement OptionSyntax in no more than 5 minutes)
todo: traverse entire list of reserved keywords - make the parser recognize built-in functions
4 hours later…
Q: Excel "From xml data import" won't add new columns

user2543623Excel 2010 has a fabulous feature under Data->"From Other Sources"->"From XML Data Import" to pull in XML from a web service, no coding required. Works great, but my service has now added a new column at the end. Refreshing the connection in Excel does not add the new column. In fact, creating a ...

A: Null values using Excel ADODB

vba4allBasically, don't rely on the registry entries as explained here on MSDN. You need to create a Schema.ini file and put it in the same folder as all your text files. In the Schema.ini you specify the type for all columns you may have in your text files - it's just a much safer option to do that e...

4 hours later…
19.8 what?
@vba4all are you across the pond? You seem to be a few hours ahead of us.
yep currently living in the UK
lived in the states for about 5 years
but moved to the UK about 5 years ago
so when its gets busy here I am already home - NOT Programming hahah
kill it @ticker
2 hours later…
can you vote to close this (my) question please
Q: What does a single 0 do in VBA code?

vba4allI have been looking all over the place but I can't find anything about what a single standalone 0 do in a sample VBA code. Sub Main() If True Then 0 End If End Sub What does the 0 do in here? What about this sample? Sub Main() If True Then 0 Else 0 End If End Sub ...

I don't have the rep cuz.
Why is that downvoted? Seems like a good question to me.
don't know
i've became a target of some sort of revenge
been regulary getting downvotes since a few days ago :P
This does what I think it does doesn't it?
0 GOTO 0 !!!! — stuartd Oct 25 '13 at 9:29
you wont know it til you try it :P
@RubberDuck maybe I got mr. pnuts angry stackoverflow.com/q/25547723/2140173
Best infinite loop ever.
Public Sub TestLoop()
0 GoTo 0
End Sub
maybe not best
but probably shortest ever syntax for a loop
Looks like it's just stuck on that line (because it is).
breaks a breakpoint while debugging ;P
For the records, I'm with you about that formula questions. (most formula questions actually). They belong on Super User. There's enough crap on SO.
yeah but people whos entire reputation is based off answering =SUM() and COUNTIF() type of questions aren't happy with that view. I can understand that but seriously, formulas should be tied to SU not SO.
Right, so they can go earn a ton of rep on SU....
An average asked / super user / super Excel user doesn't have a clue you can actually program in Excel using VBA...
what does his question do on a programming site then..
The average SO vba question doesn't have a clue that they can actually program in Excel using VBA.
2k reputation for THAT
and Ill answer with 0 GOTO 0
easy 2K for both
That might make for an interesting PPG question actually.
CodeGolf, shortest infinite loop.
0 Goto 0
the best part is this
18 bytes
.... 2 years later
And it got 9 upvotes....
I've often wondered how you do that cool button notation though.
if you don't know just EDIT the answer/question and look at the source
@vba4all I've not seen one IRL yet to do that. It always seems to be a screenshot.
Obviously doesn't work in chat. lol
A: Bypass password on an Excel VBA project *.xla

vba4allSteps to reproduce Open your EDA.xla file in Notepad++ and hit CTRL+F to search through the file. Type in DPB as the search term. Once the term is found replace the DPB with DPx Save and close Open the EDA.xla now. You should get a warning msg » hit YES Open the VBE ALT+F11 or turn o...

That's cool. I want to click the buttons....
thats what snippets are for :P
you can make clickable things etc
I'm going to learn javascript just to write snippets to have reviewed on CR.
@RubberDuck don't miss the 0.005M reputation points
Q: Passing a 1D array (single column of a Range object) to .NET to manipulate it without loops and returning it back to VBA

vba4allBackground Kind of a follow up - slightly related to my other SO question. I thought that if somehow I find a way in VBA to pass a single column to .NET and convert it to a native .NET type then I could finally overcome the mystery of explicitly looping on objects via COM (which is super slow a...

@vba4all I saw it. And I've still got nothing.
Hey @Phrancis.
I'm actually out for a little bit guys. Some jerk shceduled a 11:30 - 12:30......
That's a crappy time for a meeting. Hope they're buying lunch.
yo @Phrancis
@Phrancis I'm remote. The office is in PA and I'm in OH.
So, no. They're not buying lunch. =(
Q: Excel VBA - Skip sub or end sub IF Statement

Jackson5My code loops through cell values in a table and sees if document with same name exists. If it does exist, it will perform an action to open those files and import data. If bProcess Then FileCounter = 0 For Each folderIDX In PrimaryMergeFiles 'If folderIDX.Name = Worksheets("Tabl...

You should also exit early.....
Stop reviewing SO code @ducky!
need to see that i guess
"native VBA QuickSort procedure" - what's that? :)
StartTime, EndTime As Date makes Variant/ Date
he got my 1 view and thats about it :P
ParallelSort.QuicksortParallel<int>(ar); - specially the <int> part...
Hey guys; I work with Excel a lot and would like to learn some useful/cool stuff you can do with VBA & Excel... How do I get started?
what do you already know
I'm a wizard with Excel but I know nothing about VBA
buy a VBA book first
learn the basics etc
Guess that's fair enough
do you know any other programming languages?
SQL, a little PHP and web stuff mostly
first step is to find something annoying to do "manually" and then figure out how to automate it
Think this may be a decent place to start? excel-easy.com/vba/function-sub.html
thats a first step to automation @enderland
first, start by understanding what a variable is
types of variables, limits, scopes
basic functions
people who go "I want to program!" without specific reasons generally quit not very long after
so find something which is painful you can make easier with code
having this room means you WILL be succsesful eventually
which gets you more excited about why it's bneeifical to learn coding
which is important long term
@vba4all Still, I never considered the fact that long running processes could be sped up by multi-threading in .net and exposing it to vba via com.
@enderland I couldn't agree more. The easiest way to learn is to have a real problem to solve.
Sorry I got a long call
				<Item text="'NOTE:" priority="0" />
				<Item text="'TODO:" priority="1" />
				<Item text="'BUG:" priority="2" />
Magic comment isn't a very good name, but that's what it is.... hmmm
^^ LOVE IT!!
LOL. Then to hell with it. The configuration is going to have a MagicComments class.
Actually could be <ToDoMarkers>
That's not too bad.
And it should be a ToDoMarker not an Item.
Let's see what the 2nd Monitor has to say.
in The 2nd Monitor, 5 mins ago, by RubberDuck
I built a way to pick up comments and put them into a task list in vba. Because, ya know, COM I need to roll my own own configuration. This is what I came up with.
2nd Monitor doesn't get VBA...
It is going to be a *.duckConfig file though.
Nah, but they get clean code and XML might get a bite.
That, yeah
Actually, it's going into the user's appdata folder anyway, so rubberduck.config works just fine.
Can you write VBA for basically the entire MS Office suite?
Alt+F11 in Excel > VBA; Alt+F11 in Word > VBA; Alt+F11 in Outlook > VBA; Alt+F11 in Access > VBA; Alt+F11 in PowerPoint > VBA; Alt+F11 in .. oh wait, doesn't work in OneNote :(
but you can write a COM add-in and load it into OneNote
(wonders WTF an add-in would do in OneNote)
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Range("A1").Value = "Hello, World!"
End Sub
Gotta start somewhere :)
@RubberDuck I don't think the comment has to start with the marker to be picked up. Well, ReSharper picks up a todo item anywhere in a comment I think.. .will test that tonight
I tried renaming the button in Excel and got this, I'm sure this is a PICNIC error, how do I fix?
right click the button, properties
then change the (name) property to anything you want. needs to be a valid identifier though (must start with a letter)
OK, never knew all that stuff was there
The code doesn't care about Caption does it? Only the Name right?
(name) becomes an identifier in the code, so if it's called MyButton you can refer to it as MyButton in code
Caption is a property of the control, that the control uses to determine what text to display on it
Makes sense
Is Sub short for Subroutine?
sort of.
in standard modules (.bas) they're "procedures"; in class modules (.cls) they're "methods"
"subroutine" might refer to a GoTo or GoSub label inside a procedure or method
procedures that return a value are Functions
@Mat'sMug Good point.
@Phrancis ugh. what's the T-SQL function to return the last inserted row ID again?
Or that yeah
Not sure what the difference is, if any
> @@IDENTITY returns the last identity value generated for any table in the current session, across all scopes. You need to be careful here, since it's across scopes. You could get a value from a trigger, instead of your current statement.
Aha, makes sense
interesting. didn't know about this output clause: msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms177564.aspx
Neat. Pretty handy. Postgres has a similar RETURNS clause for functions but it's a bit of a PITA to use.
still figuring it out
@Mat'sMug OUTPUT is the schiznit for setting variables with stored procedures.
ugh. "must declare the table variable @categoryId".. how do I output to a single little stupid variable?
declare @ts datetime;
set @ts = getdate();

declare @categoryId int;
insert into dwd.Categories (Code, Name, _DateInserted) output inserted._Id into @categoryId values ('CP', 'Suits', @ts);
one sec
DECLARE @cycle char(8)
EXEC dbo.uspMAM_GetLastCompletedCycle @cycle OUTPUT
That's how it gets used in the calling code.
I don't get it
Yeah. Here's the sproc
bah, I'll just declare a table variable and walk away happy
A: SQL Server Output Clause into a scalar variable

Mikael ErikssonYou need a table variable and it can be this simple. declare @ID table (ID int) insert into MyTable2(ID) output inserted.ID into @ID values (1)

CREATE PROC [dbo].[uspMAM_GetLastCompletedCycle] (@cycle char(8) OUTPUT)
FROM dbo.sometable

boom. works.
declare @ts datetime;
set @ts = getdate();

declare @categoryId table (Id int);
insert into dwd.Categories (Code, Name, _DateInserted) output inserted._Id into @categoryId values ('CP', 'Suits', @ts);
It's just like using a ref as an output variable really.
do I need to truncate the table variable when I do another Categories insert?
@Mat'sMug Can you truncate a table variable??
I'd guess so
why not?
I don't know. I guess I just never thought about it before.
I really like this output clause thingy
Nothing like uploading a 73MB zip file to google drive over the VPN..... good grief it's taking forever.
hey I downloaded VSC off my cell phone data plan yesterday
never consumed that much data
Got an interesting challenge mentioned by one of my colleagues, can I run it by you guys?
@Phrancis What's up?
Our consumer relations group gets survey results from customers after a claim is closed. They are plain text emails that look like this:
> Name: John Smith
Email: [email protected]
Client: SomeClient
Contract Number: 123456
Service: Good
Comment: I called in for a repair and received satisfactory service.
They manually take this information and input it into an Excel document with columns for each field. Is it possible to write a macro or something like that to automate it between Outlook and Excel, or something along those line?
is the email subject somewhat standard?
like, how would a program identify an incoming email as "that's a form!"
Yeah it's something like "Survey result for SomeClient"
I think they have a dedicated inbox where they all go
Could be an outlook add-in too. Let a person decide what is and isn't a form.
if an incoming email has a subject that starts with "Survey result for ", then you try to parse the email's body into some object (a class module /DTO basically) - if it succeeds, you have your form, if not, you don't
I don't know much about outlook & vba, but I'm positive it's do-able.
and you can even get the running instance of Excel ;)
(or start Excel)
(from within your Outlook VBA code)
(Mug likes brackets)
{braces too}
this is string typed pretty bad, but your class would look something like this.
Private Type TSurveyResults
    Name As String
    Email As String
    Client As String
    Contract As Long
    Service As String
    Comment As String
End Type

Private this As TSurveyResults

Public Property Get Name() As String
    Name = this.Name
End Property

Public Property Let Name(value As String)
    this.Name = value
End Property

' etc
and this should help you get a handle on excel
Q: Test if Excel is open without relying on catching an error

RubberDuckGetting a hook on an open instance of Excel is something I do all the time. I'm now questioning if I'm doing this the best way. I'm particularly concerned with the fact that I rely on the GetObject method to throw an error. I'd like to avoid it if possible. I have a Utils module that contains a ...

The outlook stuff is all you @Phrancis. =;)-
lol ok thanks guys, I'll see what I can break do!
What am I missing? ^^ Originally had Set msg = Nothing which worked
What line does it highlight?
Sub HelloWorldMessage()
Ah this works:
Sub HelloWorldMessage()
    Dim msg As Outlook.MailItem
    Set msg = Application.CreateItem(olMailItem)
    msg.Subject = "Hello World!"
    msg.Body = "This is a test"
    Set msg = Nothing
End Sub
What's the meaning of Dim? I'm not a fan of truncated keywords lol
It's short for Dimension
The important thing is it's how you declare local variables.
*local variables
@ducky fix =)
Set is used for assigning a reference - for object variables
A String isn't an object in VBA ;)
Duh lol.
If you want to be old-school you can do Let msg =
But don't
If I'm not mistaken, a string is not an object in any language.
Is VBA kind of like Python in that a line break terminates a statement?
@Phrancis String is an object in .Net =)
And Yes. Line break terminates a statement. Generally.
So does a colon though.
Dim str As String: str = "Hello World"
But don't do that either. =)
All keywords always in Title Case in VBA? What about vars, is it most common to use camelCase or snake_case?
@Phrancis standard is PascalCase for just about everything, but I like my locals (& parameters) in camelCase
the language isn't case sensitive though
so if you have Value in-scope and declare a value parameter, Value will turn into value and you'll curse at VBA
camelCase for localVariables, PascalCase for Classes and Methods
And @Mat'sMug doesn't like this one @Phrancis, but I like to use SCREAM_CASE for constants.
heck, just do it the way you're comfortable with and post it on CR, and let the reviewers bun-fight over what's right :)
hahahah. That ^
So... Dim str As String: str = "Hello World" is as good as DIM str AS STRING: str = "Hello World"
The IDE will fix the casing on the keywords.
Is it customary/practical to declare all your variables at the beginning of your Sub?
Or declare them as you need them later in the code?
better closer to usage, but keep in mind that a local variable is scoped to the entire procedure
It's customary to declare them all at the beginning of the sub, but that doesn't make it right.
This is not highlighting anything so how would one tell what causes the error?
Damn fine question.
Q: Debug.Assert behavior in MS Access runtime

mwolfe02In many compiled languages, calls to Debug.Assert, or their equivalent, are left out of the compiled production code for performance reasons. However, calls to Debug.Assert still appear to execute in the /runtime versions of MS Access applications. To test this, I added the following to my star...

It seems to work fine otherwise
@Phrancis put On Error GoTo ErrHandler at the top, and Exit Sub after the Next instruction; then add a ErrHandler: label and say Stop and then Resume - when it blows up you'll be able to step through the code and the Resume instruction will bring you to the line that blew up
note: never put Stop and Resume into production code
and never put Resume all by itself (without Stop) - otherwise it'll just become an infinite loop
@Mat'sMug something like this? Getting syntax error
Sub ContactName()
    Err GoTo ErrHandler
    Dim ContactsFolder As Folder
    Set ContactsFolder = Session.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderContacts)
    MsgBox ("Contacts found: " & ContactsFolder.Items.Count)

    Dim Contact As ContactItem
    For Each Contact In ContactsFolder.Items
        Debug.Print Contact.CompanyName
ErrHandler:     myError
End Sub
Exit Sub, not just Exit ;)
and myError isn't in the code, right?
ooh, and On Error GoTo ErrHandler, not Err GoTo ErrHandler
On Error GoTo instructs VBA to jump to a specific label when a runtime error occurs
myError is highlighted
remove it
VBA thinks myError is a method call
On Error, not On Err ;)
Err is a special object (think global-scope singleton) that contains information about the current error
Aha. OK. It stopped on a specific company name, it has a ç character, I wonder if that's it
I resumed and it finished the query properly
I have multiple others with é, è, even î
@Mat'sMug Could it be a character set issue?
Beh, I changed it to a normal "c" and it's still getting hung up there
Actually seems to get hung up towards the end if I query other fields too... Hm.
Wait, question: Would Debug.Print display the record it is erroring on last before stopping, or would it display the one immediately before but not the bugged one?
it should print the last assigned value
I have one contact that's actually a distro list, it doesn't appear it is being listed in the Immediate, I wonder if that's what is causing the bug
are you getting an error?
it hits the error handler?
under the ErrHandler label, just before Stop, put Debug.Print Err.Description to get the error message displayed
"Type mismatch"
I did notice, the distro is actually not in the output at all, that's got to be it
Dim Contact As ContactItem
what line does Resume bring you to?
To Stop
Resume brings me to the end of the query in Immediate
you can't resume from the immediate pane
Maybe I don't understand the question ;)
Resume == Continue == F5 right?
ah, right.. F8 to step through code line by line - don't just F5 over Resume!
you did put Resume on the line after Stop right?
    Debug.Print Err.Description
Sub ContactName()
    On Error GoTo ErrHandler

    Dim ContactsFolder As Folder
    Set ContactsFolder = Session.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderContacts)
    MsgBox ("Contacts found: " & ContactsFolder.Items.Count)

    Dim Contact As ContactItem
    For Each Contact In ContactsFolder.Items
        Debug.Print Contact.CompanyName
    Exit Sub

    Debug.Print Err.Description

End Sub
so when Stop gets highlighted, you do F8 once it takes you to Resume, then F8 again and that takes you to..... ?
ah, my guess is that that mailing list is not a ContactItem object
The carries on to Debug.Print Contact.CompanyName
Hm. I think it's time for some good old SO
Unless you know a workaround off top of your head
Dim Contact As ContactItem
Dim Item As Variant
For Each Item In ContactsFolder.Items
    Set Contact = Item
    If Not Contact Is Nothing Then
        Debug.Print Contact.CompanyName
    End If
IDK, just trying something
It got hung up on Set Contact = Item this time :)
Dim Contact As ContactItem
Dim Item As Object
For Each Item In ContactsFolder.Items
    If Contact Is ContactItem Then
        Set Contact = Item
        Debug.Print Contact.CompanyName
    End If
it's because .Items contains more than just ContactItem objects I'd say
but I've never really written VBA for outlook..
SO can help for sure
gotta go home, good luck!
OK seeya
Q: Outlook distribution list hanging up on contact items query

PhrancisI was working from some tutorial on MSDN to learn to make some macros for Outlook. I have this subroutine that gets hung up with a Type mismatch error. Upon stepping through error handling after Stop and Resume it goes back to Next and finishes the query. Looking through the result set in Immed...

@Phrancis try this:
> Dim Contact
For Each Contact In ContactsFolder.Items
debug.print typename(contact)
Debug.Print Contact.CompanyName
I imagine it will show you why you get that error
@Phrancis did you try the last snippet I gave? Iterate Object items and check their type, then assign to a ContactItem if the object is a ContactItem?
woops. I just added an answer. lolz. Should have read up more :)
but when you encounter an Irange, VBA throws an error.
An Irange huh?
Wonder if each "item which can be present in ContactList" inherits or implements an interface you could use instead of a variant ?
I'm pretty sure this isn't the case, i've had issues before related to this I think
I think for each apple over a Collection will only iterate apples in the collection. Weird that ContactList doesn't do that.
I've run into this before with outlook
enderland is pretty sure at least but can't document it to prove it :P
actually it's weird as heck that .Items returns different types of objects, there has to be some sort of interface... right?

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