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@RubberDuck any idea how to assign a keyboard shortcut to a VBIDE custom commandbar button?
No. I've not done that.
@Mat Application.OnKey ?
Q: Keyboard Shortcuts in Excel Menu CommandBar

Frank SeifertThe code below adds a menu item Custom1 right before New.... How can I get the keyboard shortcut assigned to CodeCustom1 (via Application.OnKey) to appear nicely right-aligned with Ctrl+N? Sub menuItem_Create() With CommandBars("Worksheet menu bar").Controls("File") .Controls.Add(Type:=...

works, ..but only from Excel - the IDE doesn't pick it up
^^ bad shot, lol I had removed the Application before the .OnKey
Does this help?
Set NewMenuItem = Toolsmenu.Controls.Add (Type:=msoControlButton)
With NewMenuItem
.Caption = "My special button"
.ShortcutText = "Alt+R"
.OnAction = "Macro1"
End With

Application.MacroOptions Macro:="Macro1", HasShortcutKey:=True, ShortcutKey:="R"
No. Because application refers to excel...
Application is the host app... I ..that
bah, I can live without keyboard shortcuts in the IDE.. would be nice to figure that out though
BTW the VBA code there is just to see pick the FaceID's - I'm actually doing this in C#, I'm rewriting my Assert class as a COM-visible ...hmm can I expose a static class to COM? so many things I've never done before....
Well... Stumbled across a MS tutorial on VBIDE... msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa260355(v=vs.60).aspx
Not helpful a bit.
> COM does not support static methods.
Lame. I'm not finding anything on keyboard shortcuts either. It really sucks that the IDE isn't a "first class citizen"
well for the static Assert class I think I'll make a "New test class" menu, that will add a class module and add code to create the AssertClass instance, conveniently called Assert - how's that?
(with a stub TestMethod1 test method)
More or less what I did.
I need to rewrite it though. Really just not happy with it as it is.
VBA. I ditched the COM add-in for some now unknown reason.
I know it had to do with the IDE being a second class citizen though...
Ahhhh. It's because I needed to cast the application object to get to the VBE object, but I wanted to use the add-in across multiple apps.
Since I had to create multiple add ins anyway, I just wrote it in vba.
isn't Application the ...IDE?
        public void OnConnection(object Application, ext_ConnectMode ConnectMode, object AddInInst, ref Array custom)
            _application = (IDE)Application;
haven't tried it yet
using IDE = Microsoft.Vbe.Interop.VBE;
I had the genius idea of calling my namespace RetailCoder.VBE ...so VBE is ambiguous :/
Application is the host app. Excel, Access, Word, etc.
makes sense
try 'em all until you get a non-null value?
The only thing I can think to do is keep trying to cast it until one sticks. That^
Then you just register the one add-in for all the available apps. Voila! Universal IDE add-in. I need to try it.
ugh.. VS Express doesn't have a "start application" option in the project properties / debug tab - I can't F5-start Excel
Start process maybe?
I only have "Command line arguments" and "working directory" start options
in VS Pro you get to specify an application to launch .. that ^^^
I'm out Mug. Keep me posted on how you make out.
            _application = ((Excel)Application).VBE;
using Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application;
1 hour later…
clue anyone?
3 hours later…
@Mat'sMug when you right click the Solution in VS - select Properties, on the left hand side there is a Debug tab and you can select the external application there
4 hours later…
Not in Express2014
@Mat'sMug oh sorry then I didn't know :O
Ahh @Mat I've seen that and fixed it, but I can't remember what caused that. It was a few months ago.
side comment: shouldn't using Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application; be using Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel; ?
That ^ might be what's wrong.
Nope. I'm not using the Excel object model for anything other than accessing the Application class; that using aliases the Excel.Application class with Excel as a convenient shortcut. If that's the class I need to cast the incoming Application parameter to, all is good. You know you can use using to alias a class, not just a namespace :)
@Mat'sMug I did not know that actually. That's pretty cool.
@Mat'sMug every time I go to this chatroom I want to close that popup. Every. Time...
@Mat'sMug I may have missed something here but it seems to me like if you were trying to cast Microsoft.Vbe.Interop.Vbe to Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Applicaton?
what type is your _application?
@Mat'sMug Express 2014? ??? I just got 2013 on my computer at home
@Malachi *2013
Don't tease me like that @Mug (@Mat'sMug)
Oh I am literally 1 letter away from making this happen

Dim c as Class1
set c = Class1("wtf", "am", "i", "doing")
I'm quite intrigued by this :)
basically I made a static class first and made one LET property the default member
that in theory should allow Class1 = "something"
but the Set is needed so i've changed it to be a SET property instead
I end up using "Creation data" for all my "constructors" and then have validation methods that they were created correclty
it's fugly that's for sure
Hi all - thanks for the invite mehow :)
@Blackhawk no problem and welcome! :)
Q: Insert variable number of rows

User406160In the excel vba sub below i need to insert the number of rows equal to variable j after row equal to k. So if J=17 and k=2 then i want 17 empty rows after row 2. The code below is inserting the empty rows (j=17) however it is starting on row 17. How can i start on row equal k? sub stuck() Dim w...

^ off-topic
heh I don't even have enough rep to downvote questions
I need to answer more
I need more time to be able to spend some time on an answer
Guess I'm hosed :)
@Blackhawk Hey there!
@vba4all You have my interest and I am looking forward to the blog post.
@vba4all is the setter blocked after instance is "constructed"? Makes a weird/confusing syntax for VBA IMO. #partypooper
1 hour later…
Q: StringBuilder in VBA

BlackhawkIn the process of trying to build a serializable data structure, I found myself building large strings, which gets very slow because VBA copies a string every time concatenation is performed. To alleviate this, referring to Dynamic Array and Java's StringBuilder interface, I cobbled together a u...

I have a JSON parser I'd love advice on - especially if @Mat'sMug can give me pointers on coding style (I'm generally the only consumer of my code, so I get extremely lazy), but as my first gentle introduction to CodeReview, I posted a StringBuilder class that's used by the JSON parser.
Just upvoted that StringBuilder - I like it a lot!
Go ahead, post it! :)
Welcome to Code Review BTW!
Thanks! Didn't know I'd been missing the party :P
@StackExchange That's some heavy stuff. Good looking question @Blackhawk.
@Blackhawk you've left the test results for the curious to find out? ;)
(I'll run that tonight for sure!)
It's a pretty stark contrast ;)
Pimping an SO answer
A: Change VBA coding with VBA Coding

RubberDuckFirst, you need to add a reference to the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility 5.3 library. Click Tools>>References>> Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility 5.3 Then you need to open the workbook containing the module you want to update. This means that you c...

do we have a feed for SO questions here?
@Mat'sMug No... I wasn't able to figure out a good search query. I'd prefer not to see all the garbage questions.
And there's a lot of them for on SO.
probably a good call
aren't VBA characters ANSI?
I think so. Why?
ReDim m_stringBuffer(0 To (DEFAULT_CAPACITY * 2) - 1) 'Each unicode character is 2 bytes
bah, ?lenb("a") outputs 2, so whatever
According to the VBA Language Spec, they are "Sequences of 16-bit binary encoded Unicode code points."
Anybody have time to verify this claim?
I corrected the code so its doing what i want. Now where can i improve? — User406160 5 mins ago
@Blackhawk Annnnndddddddd bookmarked.
hmm I think it gets confusing because the IDE itself only supports ANSI strings
what does derp mean?
On Error GoTo derp
LOL oops :P That was a temporary bit of error handling to find the cause of a very specific issue which has since been resolved...
Incidentally, here is a fantastic reference on VBA Strings
too late, it's reviewed now! :)
Well thanks! That's the version that's being used in other things, so it's a good heads up to remove the "derp" from all of them.
and posted!
(gotta work)
Haha comment of the day
ha - That's insane!!! High five — Webb 1 min ago
I'm sorry too past me ^
Ahaha! Code comment apologies to future selves are the best :)
@RubberDuck that was pre-CR you? ;)
@Mat'sMug Maybe, maybe not. There's seriously no other way to do it.
The comment is ... appropriate.
@Blackhawk like this:
Private Type TLogManager
    Formatter As ILogMessageFormatter
    Loggers As New Dictionary
End Type

Private this As TLogManager
Public Property Get Formatter() As ILogMessageFormatter
    Set Formatter = this.Formatter
End Property

Public Property Set Formatter(ByVal value As ILogMessageFormatter)
    Set this.Formatter = value
End Property
(from this post)
I'm a convert ^
Took me a while to embrace it, but I'll not go back.
maybe it's just .net that's rubbed off on my VBA coder side, but I like that all property Let/Set procedures consistently take a value parameter.
and as much as I love prefixing C# private fields with an underscore, I love how this eliminates name clashes in VBA
That's pretty spiffy!
And if my class only has value types, this makes it instantly serializable!
how do you serialize in VBA? did I miss something?
If you have a Type, you can write it and read it to/from a file using Put and Get
It allows you to do some low level interaction with binary file types, which is pretty cool
hmm very interesting!
In fact, I'll have to post the TAR classes I wrote up on CR - it's a limited subset of the Tape ARchive specification that generates container files you can actually open with WinZip. It's a good example of the Type export/import behavior
that's... utterly cool! ...except the WinZip part ;)
@Mat'sMug Then use 7zip. Because that is awesome.
I don't dare dip that close to the metal.
isn't it (.zip compression)... built into Windows?
@Mat'sMug It was built into xp. Not sure if they still support it or not.
In fact, I think they don't. I went out and got 7 zip for my win 8 machine.
zip compression is built into .net, I never needed any 3rd-party tool to open up zipped files on my Win8/8.1 box...
TTGH - later guys!
@Blackhawk where were you yesterday when I scored a +150 bounty and closed the day at 25 points short of rep cap! ;)
I'm GoTo derp
Heh, went back and saw it :) Incidentally, I'm gonna have to try the unit test thingy of awesomeness
I'm re-implementing it in C#, ..if I can only get the VBIDE add-in to load...
20 hours ago, by Mat's Mug
user image
and then
17 hours ago, by Mat's Mug
user image
ok gone (will try to get it to work tonight!)
Dang :(
2 hours later…
Anyone have any thoughts about this?
I've done some digging around and the answer is no. You can not set a default value in the signature line because it expects a constant expression. All you can do is check to see if the variant is missing. I suppose you could fake an overload with a second function, but that seems convoluted. — RubberDuck 1 min ago
OP wants to set a default value for an optional array parameter.
Sounds right

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