@vba4all Interesting..... it does look weird, but I see why it's done that way. Although, if I saw that in someone's code I'd probably call it a smell.
As in, if you have to pass multiple arguments to a property, you're missing a class object in your design.
I realise there already are 2 workarounds but I thought answering your original question was worth giving a shot due to the amount of views this question is receiving.
The answer to
Is it possible to have multiple arguments in the Let Property in VBA?
YES! It's possible.
First let's...
+ bonus if the OP notices it as he's still active (seen 4 hours ago) maybe I can steal the accepted mark or maybe at least the community can make my answer stand out through voting
now, being able to pass an out (C# imitation) as optional parameter to the get/let property and making THAT property the default for the class ... hm parameterized constructor?
How can you construct objects passing arguments directly to your own classes?
Something like this:
Dim this_employee as Employee
Set this_employee = new Employee(name:="Johnny", age:=69)
Not being able to do this can very annoying, and you end up with dirty solutions to work this around.