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12:01 AM
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] 2 opened issues. 1 issue comment.
[Minesweeper] Games Played: 112, Bombs Used: 65, Moves Performed: 15928, New Users: 17
9 hours later…
9:12 AM
2 hours later…
11:17 AM
@this Yeah... I seem to recall that discussion now... Maybe that's why I never submitted a ticket.
@Duga a duck in a frilly frock?
2 hours later…
1:00 PM
@IvenBach yes and no... it's true that in .Net (unlike VB* and Java), both value and reference types can be treated as an object, they are different beasts. Treating value types as objects ("boxing") is generally to be avoided if possible, and was one of the reason generics were implemented.
1 hour later…
2:07 PM
> IIRC bookmarks can be toggled via the VBIDE API, but there is no way to iterate them; breakpoints are just nowhere, we'd have to tap into the unknown depths of the VBE's innards to be able to do this.

Honestly I don't care for bookmarks at all, our TODO markers are much more useful IMO (I don't even recall the last time I toggled a bookmark, must be >15 years ago); being able to programmatically iterate, toggle, and restore breakpoints would be very nice indeed, but this is far, far from a
1 hour later…
3:21 PM
> AFAICT, the only way to do this would be to able to decipher the contents of the working memory of the host process, specifically that which relates to the VBIDE. The good news is that it probably wouldn't vary from host to host or version to version (given the lack of change to the VBIDE over the years). The bad news is that it's completely undocumented (outside of MS at least), so would be a full-on reverse-engineering process.
@Duga difficulty-05-quacking-hell!
or... we could just write our IDE. #HHCIB?
3:55 PM
^ AvalonMentions++
> As much as I'd love to see this implemented, these arguments (and the ones in chat) all sound familiar and why I didn't put in a request for this quite a while ago... 😢
4:44 PM
> The temp path is writeable to the user profile disk for the Access 365 RemoteApp.

From the Error Log:
at Rubberduck.VBEditor.VBA.TempSourceFileHandler.Read(IVBComponent component) in C:\projects\rubberduck\Rubberduck.VBEditor.VBA\TempSourceFileHandler.cs:line 52

C:\projects does not exist anywhere on the servers hosting Access 365 and RD.
@Duga The C:\projects noise in the log is confusing. Wonder if we can clean that up as to not distract
5:12 PM
> The path you see in the exception is the source path at the time of compilation; it has nothing to do with the export path.
This has confused quite a few people already.
5:46 PM
@this we could not ship the .pdb, but then we would also lose the line numbers
> I think we could fine-tune the NLog config to, instead of just dumping exception.ToString into the logs (which includes the build paths, source file names, and line numbers from the .pdb debug info), to strip the string `C:\projects\rubberduck` from stack traces getting logged. Or we could just stop shipping the .pdb, but then we'd also lose the line numbers and the source code file name.
I was thinking of simply stripping out the C:\projects\rubberduck part
or what you just said. :)
> On the bright side, the C:\projects\rubberduck path lives on AppVeyor build servers. Before CI was setup, stack traces in the logs might have looked like C:\Dev\GitHub\Rubberduck\Rubberduck.Main\bin\Release\SomeSourceFile.cs if I had made the build on my machine, or C:\Users\Someone\My Documents\GitHub\Rubberduck\... if someone else did it. At least we get consistent non-existing paths now!
3 hours later…
8:37 PM
would regex be appropriate for comparing whether 2 strings are "equal" like this:
input: foo=something;whatever=IdontCare;bar=anotherThing;superfical=ignoreThis;
pattern: bar=anotherThing;foo=something;
thinking no since I would have to do multiple regex matches to search for bar and foo and their values.
8:58 PM
could be useful to parse the input into key/value pairs that can be LINQed :)
2 hours later…
10:41 PM
1 hour later…
11:44 PM
> Considering the obvious hurdles to implementing this, not least the hurdle of basically reverse-engineering the debugger of the VBE I think we should consider this out of scope.
11:58 PM
> I wouldn't say out of scope because if a PR appeared with a fix, we'd probably consider it in-scope then, ...but yeah, rather unlikely 😢

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