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4:00 PM
We absolutely have to get the December release right, because we aren't releasing again until February, which is also when we are going to switch to Azure.
Wow, do I hate the DataGridView control.
December/January/February (parts of first/last) are for getting things working.
I have a bad feeling about parts of this.
morning gents
I was curious, is there a free VB6 compiler out there that isn't an illegal copy ?
@KySoto Hola.
4:04 PM
@Elcan not that I know of
@KySoto Do you play Starcraft?
thats fun
its been a long time, but i do own starcraft AND starcraft 2
and warcraft 3
and warcraft 2
Ah, I know it got replaced by VB.NET, but I hoped MS had released it somewhere
My brother and I are going to stream a custom-setup in Heroes of the Storm with 10 Abathurs.
HotS mostly takes heroes from other games, including Overwatch, Warcraft, Diablo, Starcraft, and a couple others.
i have never played heroes of hte storm
is it a moba?
4:06 PM
I just thought if you were familiar with Abathur, you might be interested.
@Elcan it was never replaced ...VB.NET provided a "bridge" for the VB6 crowd to hop onto the .NET train in the early 2Ks, and no new development is realistically being made in VB6, but legacy code thrives in many places.
yeah, dota on wc3's community burned me out
Warcraft and Diablo heroes are my favorite :)
4:06 PM
like 10+ years ago
oh i also have diablo 2 and3
and overwatch... and destiny 2...
though destiny 2 was free for a weekend
They just gave me Destiny 2 for free!
I haven't installed it, though.
i think i may even have a humble bundle copy
HotS is enough ATM.
4:08 PM
If it didn't require COM support I'd write one, but it will be a nightmare to provide a proper replacement with support for legacy code linking to external libs
Yeah, for hte last.... idk. week...ish? ive been playing 7 days to die
but thats a placeholder till fallout 76 releases on wed
Do you stream? I'll have to watch you sometime if you do.
i even have a spare copy of 7 days to die thanks to humble bundle
I do, on occasion, its no profession setup by any means
i even use this handle. sadly its hard to actually find me on twitch
i think that its because there are other people who have similar names, but are far far far more popular
welp, work calls
4:10 PM
So, twitch.tv/KySoto?
I'm twitch.tv/Hosch250.
4:23 PM
> It would be nice to have the ability to color-code strings in code (like in Visual Studio). Any plans for such a feature?
@Duga Yeah, kind of :). We "just" need Avalon.
uh, in web?
@MathieuGuindon Time to try the migrate-issue feature!
I just realized I have a bug in my code (not shocking) that appears to be a VBA bug. I have If A or B Then... and on this execution A = False while B = True, and it skips the Then.
@Elcan Never actually looked around but can't you use a VB6 clone? I understand there are few still running (?)
4:26 PM
Last I checked False or True = True?
but are A and B both booleans?
@FreeMan True
> It would be nice to have the ability to color-code strings in code (like in Visual Studio). Any plans for such a feature?
Nice! Duga evens know about the transfer, too!
@this I was more curious about how it would go to write an actual replacement for the VB6 compiler. Just like CLang can compile most GCC-compatible C code (except a few very specific things)
4:29 PM
@FreeMan alternatively - if either A or B are variants and thus allowed Null then of course it would jump to Else regardless what.
@Elcan it'd be more akin to replacing JavaScript with Python for a Google Chrome
Writing a clone and making it transpile to another language wouldn't be that hard, nor useful. Languages like Python already do that
> We do have plans to eventually replace the VBE's code panes with our own, so as to support many of the more advanced features that we want to implement - including custom syntax highlighting. Is that what you meant, or "color-code strings" was for something else? Thanks!
e.g. too many dependencies, heavily embedded into the ecosystem.
Well, an attempt was made. Ever heard of Dart ?
Assuming I've got a class Foo that implements IFoo. I now want Foo to be iterable via Function NewEnum() As IUnknown when accessed through IFoo. Is it enough to simply add NewEnum to the interface as well or does it additionally need the line with Attribute NewEnum.VB_UserMemId = -4?
4:31 PM
They built it to replace JS. Google integrated it into Chromium at some point (but I think they have dropped it since), and Mozilla flat out said "no"
@this They're columns in an ADODB.recordset. Access identifies them as Yes/No. SSMS identifes them both as nullable Bit- neither are Null in this instance.
Nope not until now but I'm not surprised. But thinking about it, not best analogy because JavaScript in a web browser is sandboxed. VB* isn't.
Dart is a nice hybrid between Javascript and Java. You get some very strong typing similar to Java/C# with the niceness of the "var" type. You also get most of the nice syntax from JS preventing long and cluttered code
@Inarion need both
True, but you could sandbox it by transpiling
4:32 PM
@FreeMan that's about as Boolean as you can get in the SQL Server world...
@Elcan but referring more to the fact that you can have external libraries.
the actual line is If surveyListRS.Fields("generateSatSurvey").Value Or surveyListRS.Fields("generateNPS").Value Then
@FreeMan What do you get with CBool(A) Or CBool(B)?
In a web browser, you must import in everything from CDNs or no worky.
I know, and the web is too deep in JS to ever get out
4:34 PM
In VB* codebase, you can just cross your fingers and hope that Windows has the DLLs you need.
@Comintern False and True - same thing that hover over shows.
Yeah, I think even if they made a better language, it'd still end up transpiling to JS
Yeah, just like any compiled language
Dart still has a built-in transpiler to JS !
Looking at how fast ES6 support is coming to browsers, I guess we'll have to endure JS for a very very long time. And people making transpilers from ES6 to whatever the standard in web browsers is don't help at all
They just give the browsers' devs an excuse to not integrate ES6
What is "ES6", for those of us behind the latest browser tech curve?
The latest revision of the Javascript standard, with many many improvements to make JS look like an actual programming language
4:37 PM
@this Thank you! :)
It actually does a very good job, but it's been years since ES6 first came out, and it's still not supported by browsers
@Comintern actually reads the question it returns True, then execution goes directly to the Else
That one always bothered me. Why do we call it JavaScript which is defined by a standard EMCAScript?
@Elcan thanks. @this explains why @FreeMan is confused
It's as if you had to take your C# or VBA code, and rewrite it in C everytime you want to run it. It's idiotic, and it's been like that for years
4:39 PM
@FreeMan Wut?
@Elcan Typescript.
because the first name was JavaScript. I saw a video on that a few weeks ago. it was made as a concurrent to Java at first
@Comintern yeah. That was my reaction. however - I moved the execution point back to the If statement, and now it's dropped in as expected. Confused
Typescript also needs transpiling afaik
Need to abort & start from scratch, just to be sure...
4:40 PM
Methinks @FreeMan is jiggling bits that shouldn't be juggled.
@Elcan Yes, it does need to be transpiled.
However, it's mostly used with ASP.NET (MVC), and it's built into the build step in VS.
@Hosch250 like 1000 other Lets-Pretend-We-Are-Not-Using-JS solutions.
So, build your server-code, your front-end code gets transpiled.
@this yeah... weird. performed as expected on a fresh run. #NeedsLessCoffee
4:43 PM
/crawls under a rock
@FreeMan /sits on rock, hears "crunch"
@Hosch250 @FreeMan deserves it
4:48 PM
@this Real languages don't have nulls.
I see... So we hadn't any real languages like.... evar?
If I Set variable = New Object at the beginning of a loop, there's no value in Set variable = Nothing at the end of the loop, is there? #CargoCulting?
SQL must not be a "real language" then.
nor would be C, C++, Java, C#, .... literally all programming languages.
@FreeMan It is dropping off loads of cargo for you?
4:50 PM
It's dropping loads of something
(not counting weird ones, though)
@FreeMan if you 're using a POS library where the COM object leaks memory, then there's value in doing so.
but as a default behavior, nope.
When you Set assign something, it will call Release on the current value of the variable if it isn't Nothing, so no.
@this Is MS's ADODB a POS?
4:51 PM
That's for MS to know and for us to find out.
I'm guessing you don't mean Point Of Sale...
No. I was referring to Pint of Salsa. Secretly wondered what @this was talking about, but decided to roll with it.
well, all POS are POS by definition, aren't they?
Mmmm... Salsa.
4:54 PM
Gonna go out on a limb and say your Intersect() is empty. — FreeMan 9 secs ago
@FreeMan If that were the case, the error wouldn't be on that line. ;-)
@this F# :P
Hoping my books come today....
BTW, if you work in the public sector in the US, enjoy your day off.
school's still in session today
Well, the PO isn't :(
4:59 PM
TBH i was surprised
I always thought they (schools) got the day off
Maybe, like England, they stopped that because it was "glorifying violence".
since schools and gov't usually have the same holidays
You need to check to see if pT.DataBodyRange and pItem.DataRange are on the same worksheets. Intersect will throw a 1004 if they aren't. — Comintern 12 secs ago
5:01 PM
Quite embarrassed about the way this anniversary was handled by most parties. While I don't agree with Trudeau on a lot of things, he, at least, got (part of) the ceremony right.
> That’s exactly what I meant. Thanks!

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 12, 2018, at 10:30 AM, Mathieu Guindon <notifications@github.com<mailto:notifications@github.com>> wrote:

We do have plans to eventually replace the VBE's code panes with our own, so as to support many of the more advanced features that we want to implement - including custom syntax highlighting. Is that what you meant, or "color-code strings" was for something else? Thanks!

You are receiving this because you auth
@this a lot of schools have stopped giving days off for a lot of holidays in the US. With all the dropping test scores, they're mandating more and more days in the classroom. Never mind that there are more classroom days now than when test scores were better. /soapbox
Q: It's my code the fastest way to retreive data from one table when the criteria are > 1?

FabrizioI want to create one custom table, like a pivot table, where the user can find immediatly the total items, and if He click on data I show him the db page correctly filtered. My code run right, but continuous improvement pushes me to look for a better performing code. Thanks for every contributes....

@FreeMan ah interesting. I must have missed that bit of news.
which - that schools aren't giving kids all federal holidays or that test scores are dropping (and that adding mandatory days ain't fixin' it)?
5:06 PM
the former
I knew about the latter
Too bad this wasn't SimCity 2000 because if it was, the answer would be to build more and more colleges & universities.
Implies that "SimCity" wasn't a very good "sim"...
I remember how they'd have their fake newspaper report how kids would be taking calculus in elementary schools
I swear its partly the mentality around schools, and partly that the schools are overloaded.
Like, back in the Civil War era, it wasn't uncommon for a school to have 5-20 kids.
The teacher had a well-rounded general education, and could give individual attention to each one.
5:09 PM
And partly that parents aren't involved, but politicians & businessmen are. And partly that there's no pride in being successful. And partly that people take pride in failing. And partly that kids are pushed too much to "succeed" and aren't taught that "failure" is a big part of getting to "success".
There are a lot of reasons.
Hmm. I heard different, though - used to be common that there'd be 50-odd kids to one teacher in a small one-room building.
which led to the mentality that the smaller classroom is better
@this In some places. In the country towns, though, they were really small.
In the cities (which were just suburbs by "modern" standards), they'd be larger.
5:10 PM
@Hosch250 has the "Little House on the Prairie" view, which happened in some places, @this has the "Big House on the Outskirts" view...
Back when I was coaching debate, most of the good teachers tended to move to private sector jobs where they'd actually get paid well.
Wow... be careful when working with Attribute. in VBA. I tried to make that class iterable via an interface and had a second Attribute. in the imported file. There was a mismatch between the Item property and its attribute as the default member (was called Attribute Value.VB_UserMemId due to copy-pasta). On import the VBE then silently discarded both of those attributes. Took me only an hour to find out... -.-
@this I tend to agree. And with more teachers, you just get more infighting.
What @Comintern said!
If you can, do. If you can't, teach.
5:11 PM
I've heard from my ancestors that they had that setup even though they lived in a farm.
but keep in mind that one school housed all kids from all grades
That too was an advantage.
so you had teenagers sitting next to five years olds, whatever.
Yes, I think that was better since teacher can delegate some of work to them
Rather than being "taught" the whole way, kids could pick up from the more advanced classes.
The worst part (my wife taught for 20 years) is that "little Johnny couldn't possibly be wrong" and now the administration is siding with the parent, not the teacher.
5:12 PM
So, the 5yo might be picking up from the 6/7yos, and be more prepared in some classes, so they could dedicate more work to other classes, etc.
@FreeMan Agree.
but of course it also meant you couldn't easily set a bar. And that makes the pencil pushers livid that they are not measurable!!!
Back in the day, the kids would be in bigger trouble at home if they got in trouble with at school.
Of course, some of what the 5 yo picked up from the 15 yo wasn't the most appropriate... ;)
One thrashing from the teacher, and another from the parents.
@FreeMan LOL, they'd pick it up anyway.
TBH I think 5 years old kid in 50s was more streetwise than a 20 years old millenial.
5:14 PM
@Hosch250 Yup. My folks always told me that they'd back me 100% if I was in the right, but I was in serious trouble if I was in the wrong. They were true to their word. Both ways.
@this Better drivers too.
@Comintern there were a lot of 5yo drivers in the 50s?
The ones that were weren't texting, I know that.
5:17 PM
5:42 PM
Interesting. I'm getting a Return value of function {x} is never used inspection for a Function that is never called. I get a Procedure {y} is not used for a _different_ Sub` that is not called. ?
the inspection is valid, but I figured I'd also get a not used inspection for it, too.
Is it an interface implementation?
Or Public? I think we exclude those too.
@Comintern Yup. OK. So long as it's by design...
@Hosch250 And this one as well. I'm used to missing out.
@Comintern aw, busted! that's why I write about clean code! =)
@MathieuGuindon Move over, uncle Bob. Uncle Mat's taking over.
5:54 PM
@MathieuGuindon Nah, the fact that people who teach coding can't write clean code means that you have to educate them...
@Comintern my SCP spaghetti begs to differ
2 answers away from a C# silver badge...
I just posted one.
Soooo close.
@MathieuGuindon But it's clean spaghetti?
No sauce on that code.
5:56 PM
@MathieuGuindon in its present state? All code will have to start out as spaghetti then we refactor into ravolis.
To write clean code right there on day one on a non-trivial project => a godlike feat that should forever immortalize you
@MathieuGuindon so long as it has meat sauce, I'm good with it!
@FreeMan like, a working settings screen?
yeah, sumpin like that
I'm almost tempted to roll back the new project format.
@Comintern I wouldn't blame you.
6:00 PM
That would be a monumental PITA, but it'll get worse the longer it goes.
which would be a large bummer. I really love the base project thing.
It'd be a pity, but TBH, I don't think it's worth the hassle to deal with WPF.
Yeah, but I also really love the "builds correctly" thing.
6:01 PM
Could you just roll back the project with WPF and leave the others?
No quick fix for Object reference '{x}' is auto-instantiated? haz a sad
was going to ask that, too
That might work.
@FreeMan Where would you put the call to New?
You'd need to follow the life span and add it right before every auto-instantiation.
on the line immediately following the Dim. That's what I'd do if/when manually fixing
6:02 PM
then we'd have Microsoft-worthy naming with Rubberduck.Core being the only project not Core-ready lol
That'd be an opportunity to open an issue on their GH repo
And auto-instantiation may not be reliable deterministic for any given line of code.
"Our Core project is not Core-ready"
@KySoto Teslagrad has been enjoyable.
@Comintern @FreeMan friends don't let friends auto-instantiate
6:03 PM
@this and that!
Core is too hard-core for Core.
@Comintern just curious - did you already pull from Iven's PR?
@IvenBach thats good man
glad you like it
@Hosch250 Yes
I did another explicit check for the build issues I've been having at work. Problem persists even on comintern/next.
6:15 PM
@this I haven't yet. No VS 2017 at work yet.
Let's see if I can't get my silver badge sometime in winterbash this year.
AFK & crafting time.
6:31 PM
man im lucky i was able to convince my boss to get us (me and my programmer co-worker) a copy of VS 2017 pro
Yeah. Same here.
I wonder if we'll be able to move to VS 2019.
It wasn't my decision to go to 2017, so probably--it was already available before I joined.
not until the 2nd release at least.
I can install pretty much any version of VS here at my leisure - the problem is a lack of leisure.
^ hah
6:58 PM
@Comintern says the guy chatting about RD...
i dont know about the whole vs 2019 move
depends on the costs
@FreeMan Problem is that I usually have stuff running in debuggers that I'm waiting on. Multi-"task"ing. :-P
Just a friendly "kick a guy while he's down"...
and, the relevant xkcd
:D classic
I like the alt-text
In the Indenter alignment options, how does Align continuations work?
i.e. where do the continuations get aligned?
7:13 PM
They should get aligned on the appropriate alignment token - (, =, or a parameter\variable.
@FreeMan LOL, totally the Windows compilation :)
I hear it takes most of the night.
12 hours back in 2000. 16 now.
Building + linking.
> Running .4124

I started with

LogManager.Log TraceLevel, "--- ClinicID: " & CStr(clinicID) & " SQLTable: " & Table & " startDate: " & Format$(startDate, "mm/dd/yyyy") & " endDate: " & Format$(endDate, "mm/dd/yyyy") & _
" Extra WHERE clause: " & Extra

Ran the indenter with <kbd>Ctrl-P</
@Hosch250 So Win10 is slower than Win95! (and even WinME!!?!?!??!?)
7:28 PM
@Duga Well where has that one been hiding...?
I think I might have broken that with the last alignment change.
@Comintern deep in my code chock full o' tech debt which is sloooooly starting to be repaid.
Almost tempted to claim that's worthy of a ThunderFormatâ„¢ had the great man himself not been here earlier today.
@FreeMan At compile time.
It's also more secure and has way more features.
carp. "snark" font not loaded
7:44 PM
@Hosch250 So is that for a clean build, or a rebuild with cached .o files?
I think it's a clean build. It says building, linking, and everything.
depends if the .xaml stuff builds or not
@Comintern I must be too old, or clinically unhip or something. None of those explicitly screams SARCASM at me.
@FreeMan I agree - sarcasm must have lost its bite over the past decade or so. It should be completely dripping IMHO.
8:40 PM
@Comintern Not necessarily.
It's best when you are sarcastic just enough that they are left wondering all day whether it was sarcastic or serious.
@Hosch250 Wait, are you being sarcastic there? I couldn't tell.
In general, the best level is probably right at the boundary of where the person you're talking to will detect it. So, I guess it depends on the audience.
@Comintern Figure it out. It might take all day :P
^ Sometimes the appropriate level of dripping obvious sarcasm will never be enough.
8:56 PM
@Comintern Just ask Captain Oblivious!
> There grow roses amongst the posies, fertilized by Clementine...
Listening to Pete Seeger.
Wow... people are really unable to think for themselves:
Q: Received broken gift at workplace from the company. What should I do?

user7841468On occasion of Diwali, all the employees at my workplace got a 1ltr glass bottle nicely gift wrapped from the HR department. When I opened mine, I learned that the bottle is already broken(not by dropping but it looks more like a manufacturing defect) I want to know what would be the best thing ...

@FreeMan I'm not sure what I should think about that.
How sad is it that someone needs confirmation from random strangers on the internet to know that it's OK to mention that a gift arrived damaged, and worse, be concerned that the giver would be offended that you mention it.
@VisualStudio @Pilchie Is the old .csproj format officially dumped with VS2019? Because we're having serious issues building our .xaml components under the new format with VS2017... considering rolling back to the .csproj format that worked...
9:04 PM
I doubt this person is in the US (Diwali is not often celebrated at the corporate level in the US), so this isn't even an American PC issue...
@Hosch250 At work we've upgraded all our projects except WPF ones to the new format, on the basis that they're not supported (officially) yet. Seems to have gone OK, although we don't use anything else that generates from XML.
@FreeMan just wanna say, Offense is only ever taken.
9:19 PM
@KySoto +1000 !
try as you might, you can't offend me if I refuse to be offended.
> I don't want to offend you, but
> Offense already taken.
"anything a man says before the word "but", is bullshit" - Ned Stark
9:21 PM
@MathieuGuindon Add another "t" in there, and I'll agree.
"I like you, but [why I don't]" | "this is awesome, but [why it isn't]" | "I'd come to that party, but [why I won't]" ...seems about right.
> I'd kill you, but I have it on my calendar for tomorrow night.
That's not bullshit--just a postponement.
> Not today
(Arya Stark)
I miss GoT
Not as much as I'll miss it when it's really gone though.
I didn't watch it, but from what I gathered, I didn't like the Starks.
Or Cercei.
9:27 PM
I kind of liked Jamie, though.
It takes some serious balls to do what Jamie did. Charge the dragon, kill the king...
I kind of hope he "redeems" himself and dies leading a victorious battle against the Others.
that's somewhat very likely to happen
I know.
I follow all the spoilers.
GoT is on the set of books I'd like to read sometime.
But the Terry Pratchet's are higher.
9:30 PM
@Comintern oh, but then I'll get the box set with all the extras and deleted scenes and concept art and world map poster and needle replica and whatnot... can't wait :)
I'll probably be building a scale working model of the map from intro in my basement.
@Hosch250 at this point you might want to wait until Winds of Winter is out before you get started - but do read, it's excellent
@Comintern pretty sure you could 3D-print all the pieces for it already
Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised to find models online. I really need to finish calibrating my 3D printer.
#TIL my roaming profile was over 6GB. No wonder my work PC was taking a while to log in...
Mostly down to Nuget caching everything in my user directory...
@Comintern What model did you get?
9:42 PM
Of 3D printer? I built my own Kossel.
9:59 PM
@Hosch250 The Discworld books are really good. Still got 3,5 to read.
Two big airplanes really like each other, and then ... ask your dad. — Harper yesterday
@Comintern How good is the resolution on your prints?
I been wanting one for a long time but keep saying "some day" I'll get one.
@IvenBach Right now it sucks, but I've never calibrated it. The main problem I was having was the base of the print not staying put on the heat plate though.
so guys, if you want a story with a crapton of people dying
look no further than the series Book of Malazan the fallen
people... races... gods.. anyone can die
never get too attached to any character
@KySoto I was used to that before GoT - MI-5\Spooks cured me of that.
10:28 PM
> Can we please have latest version emails.

Mike Green
@Comintern That series i spoke of is my favorite. i read it... idk about 4 times. well... i read up to book 6 then reread up to 7 when it came out, then hte same for 8 9 and 10
well 9 and 10 happened on the same run
> You can subscribe to the repository on Github as an intermediate workaround. I don't think subscribing to a list for pre-releases is a viable idea, the feed volume seems unreasonably large.

Additionally whenever you start rubberduck, it checks for a newer release if you have enabled the "check for updates" feature.
@KySoto That sounds roughly why I had to take a long break from the Wheel of Time series. It was a long hike to re-read everything when a new book trickled out.
Wheel of Time was really good in the beginning. Towards the middle there were 2-3 books I had to slog to get through.
Agreed. The Black Company books were similar in that regard.
@Comintern i FINALLY finished The Wheel of Time series last year about this time.
10:49 PM
@Comintern You got me researching 3d printers now.
> For pre-releases, you can get that directly from GitHub, by watching the repository - if you filter for notifications from @rubberduck-vba-releasebot then you'll get an email notification for every pre-release build, as soon as it's available (that is, whenever a pull request is merged); note that pull requests are sometimes merged in batches, so it's not impossible that a pre-release build becomes available, only to be superseded 20 min
> Thank you soooo much Mathieu!!!

Much appreciated.


From: Mathieu Guindon <notifications@github.com>
Sent: Monday, November 12, 2018 11:49 PM
To: rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck
Cc: MikeAndLisa; Author
Subject: Re: [rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] Notification (#4514)

For pre-releases, you can get that directly from GitHub, by watching<https: github.com="" rubberduck-vba="" rubberduck="" watchers=""> the repository - if you filter for notifications from @r

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