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Do you realize we have 899 files for R# to remove unneeded using directives from?
@Mat'sMug Just two criticals after you merge my rename PR.
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit ddc772dd on unknown branch: AppVeyor build succeeded
@Mat'sMug Two passing PRs.
nope. none.
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] Hosch250 pushed commit 961719ff to next: Remove tests requiring us to load an external library
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] Hosch250 pushed commit c43884f0 to next: Merge branch 'KillFailingTests'
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] Hosch250 pushed commit be9c7b41 to next: Merge branch 'next' of github.com/rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck into InspectionBugs
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] Hosch250 pushed commit ddc772dd to next: General clean-up
Can we release tonight?
Merge pull request #1721 from Hosch250/InspectionBugs

Fix built-in event discovery
The only thing new is the Workbook/Worksheet event thing.
And that could take a long time to get fixed.
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] Hosch250 pushed commit e9e55460 to next: Close #1506
Merge pull request #1725 from Hosch250/Issue1506

Fix renaming project bugs
I'd like you to take 2-3 hours to take random VBA code on CR and/or SO, and use Rubberduck as much as you can, test everything as a user would, and create issues for everything worth noting, regardless of it being a showstopper or not. if you can quick-fix something, do it. I expect inspections and refactorings to work flawlessly by now.
@Mat'sMug I don't know how a user would test RD :/
I was just about to tweak the CE again.
1686 and maybe 1616.
@Hosch250 I'd say leave it with me, but RD has never successfully parsed anything on my computer.
@Zak :/
You are running the alpha, right?
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit eaa0012c on next: AppVeyor build succeeded
@Hosch250 yep
That wouldn't cut it.
We are doing final testing for a beta release.
Merge pull request #1721 from Hosch250/InspectionBugs

Fix built-in event discovery
Merge pull request #1725 from Hosch250/Issue1506

Fix renaming project bugs
[Hosch250/Rubberduck] Hosch250 pushed commit 7a2e04c9 to Issue1686: Close #1868
OK, now I'll do that testing.
[Hosch250/Rubberduck] Hosch250 deleted branch InspectionBugs
[Hosch250/Rubberduck] Hosch250 deleted branch Issue1506
[Hosch250/Rubberduck] Hosch250 deleted branch KillFailingTests
[Hosch250/Rubberduck] Hosch250 deleted branch Issue1712
[Hosch250/Rubberduck] Hosch250 deleted branch Issue1680
[Hosch250/Rubberduck] Hosch250 deleted branch Parser
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] Hosch250 pushed commit 7a2e04c9 to next: Close #1868
Merge pull request #1726 from Hosch250/Issue1686

Adjust CE node icon position
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit 7a2e04c9 on next: AppVeyor build cancelled
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit 3e0a5bf1 on next: AppVeyor build succeeded
> Haven't had a chance to re-test this. Hopefully I'll just close this issue tonight. Looks like we're good for a beta then.
@Hosch250 can you try to repro #1644? looks like there's really only 1 critical issue, and it has to do with app teardown
I mean #1644 is possibly fixed already
@Mat'sMug Pasting that code in parses just fine.
Only change made was sticking ptrsafe in.
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit 7587f7c5 on next: AppVeyor build succeeded
you have to paste it into a text file, save as "ProgressIndicator.cls" and import as a class module
well I suppose it won't matter, since the attributes are part of the grammar anyway
mind trying, still?
I just did that.
Still no crash.
awesome. close it.
The VBE automatically removed that Attributes line in the middle of the file.
It worked even when I stuck that back in, though.
About 1633...
the attributes don't show up in the VBE, but they do when the module is exported.
I'm not sure what's up there.
That might be fixed too--I don't know.
I think @Comintern has more than a clue here
> Can you check this with the latest build to see if it is fixed?
> Can you check this with the latest build to see if it is fixed?
Oh, OK.
lunch time
See you.
@Hosch250 - I'm pretty sure that #1633 is caused by a parser thread trying to access a COM object after the host application has torn it down.
> This is part of the form, as stated by ThunderFrame. However, this will not stay visible even if there is a parse error. Finally, is this an issue, or just to request that this be built into the form if it wasn't already?
@Duga @Hosch250 can you try to see under which circumstances the busy indicator might remain stuck visible? Looks like there's a bug somewhere there
Don't spend all day on it though ;-)
@Mat'sMug I haven't found any.
> Running this code in Excel 2013, the Cc = ... expression throws an "Expression too complex" error.
Cc = 1 - (1 / (2 * n + 1)) * (YP / (YP + K * ((3 * n + 1) * q / (n * WorksheetFunction.Pi * (ID / 2) ^ 3)) ^ n))
Make that two pleases. One for the OP, one for VBA.
@Hosch250 where's that from?
Q: Wrong Data Type in Function

Michael SlivaI'm getting the ever so annoying "A value used in this formula is the wrong data type." error and I can't for the life of me figure out what is causing it. Public Function Cc(q As Double, ID As Double) As Double Dim YP As Double 'lb/100ft^2 Dim Fan600 As Single Dim Fan300 As Single D...

I'm not too familiar with VBA. But I do know it has some "interesting" behaviors that aren't present in most other languages. — Chris R. Timmons 1 hour ago
now the question is: does our expression evaluator choke on it?
Bug detected.
quick! squish it!
what is it?
hmm that sounds vaguely familiar
Shouldn't be too hard to fix--just a copy/paste of by variable-remover.
I really, really need to extract that out somewhere.
Not assigned works fine.
I must've fixed that one and missed the other.
wasn't always the case
the cost of duplicate code I guess
@Mat'sMug Appears to work.
nice :)
@awgaya FYI your expression evaluator can handle things VBA chokes on. Well done!!
And the Rename selection needs to be overridden.
var newInstruction = string.Empty;
var newCodeLines = string.IsNullOrEmpty(newInstruction)
    ? string.Empty
    : originalCodeLines.Replace(originalInstruction, newInstruction);
Whoever wrote that bug should be flippin' burgers :P
var newCodeLines = originalCodeLines.Replace(originalInstruction, string.Empty);
wait, wat??!
I blame lack of sleep
Doesn't work.
I'm making that one share a quickfix with Not Assigned instead of ID not used.
[Hosch250/Rubberduck] Hosch250 pushed commit 3e5bc553 to InspectionBugs: Fix Use Meaningful Name selection and Remove Identifier Not Used--Variable quick fix
> …iable quick fix
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit 3e5bc553 on unknown branch: AppVeyor build failed
@Hosch250 that broke two tests/inspections
I saw that.
Looking at it now.
protip: run the tests locally before you push :)
You know what broke them? Not just wiping the entire line for non-variables.
This entire inspection is so buggy...
Of course, if someone has multiple procedures on a single line, they deserve everything they get, and then some.
oh wow, a VBA dupe-hammer! stackoverflow.com/q/37685509/1188513
[Hosch250/Rubberduck] Hosch250 pushed commit 6f1bc8f2 to InspectionBugs: Fix broken tests
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit 6f1bc8f2 on unknown branch: AppVeyor was unable to build non-mergeable pull request
Merge pull request #1726 from Hosch250/Issue1686

Adjust CE node icon position
[Hosch250/Rubberduck] Hosch250 pushed commit e089115e to InspectionBugs: Merge branch 'next' of github.com/rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck into InspectionBugs
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit e089115e on unknown branch: AppVeyor build succeeded
@Duga first starred repo!
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] Hosch250 pushed commit 3e5bc553 to next: Fix Use Meaningful Name selection and Remove Identifier Not Used--Variable quick fix
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] Hosch250 pushed commit 6f1bc8f2 to next: Fix broken tests
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] Hosch250 pushed commit e089115e to next: Merge branch 'next' of github.com/rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck into InspectionBugs
Merge pull request #1728 from Hosch250/InspectionBugs

Fix Use Meaningful Name selection and Remove Identifier Not Used--Var…
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit 4bfc3a19 on next: AppVeyor build succeeded
> Reference #1728
> If comintern is handling this, then I'll unassign myself.
> If comintern is handling this, then I'll unassign myself.
> Is this still an issue?
> What's up here?
> obviously not :wink:
> I'm happy with the way things are right now. I think.
> The "out-of-sync-ness" of token position is by design, since the source string for attribute tokens is not the same source string as the one used for codepane code. What we need is another way of reporting parsing errors in the attributes pass.
> @Hosch250 any ideas about this one?
> I have not had chance to try it due to a large project that is taking my time. Had the release been updated, if do I will try tomorrow.

-----Original Message-----
From: "Mathieu Guindon" <[email protected]>
Sent: ‎07/‎06/‎2016 19:33
To: "rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck" <[email protected]>
Cc: "Talorthain" <[email protected]>; "Mention" <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: [rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] Code Inspections doesn't open orcrashes VBE (#1237)

Closed #
> @Talorthain thanks! We'll try to issue a beta release tonight (shhh! it's a seekrit!) :wink:
@Hosch250 any update on #1264?
looks like there are still resolver issues
ugh. there's so many bugs
> @ThunderFrame `For` and `For Each` loops *are* treated as assignments. Consider:

Dim i
For i = 1 To 42
Debug.Print i

Local variable `i` is both assigned and referred to here, and that code shouldn't fire up an inspection result for `i` being not used or not assigned.
> @ThunderFrame `For` and `For Each` loops *are* treated as assignments. Consider:

Dim i
For i = 1 To 42
Debug.Print i

Local variable `i` is both assigned and referred to here, and that code shouldn't fire up an inspection result for `i` being not used or not assigned.
> I think I might have forgot to reference this issue... can you get a repro with the latest build?
> Well, your last example is invalid VBA, and breaks with Subscript out of range, because foo() is never Dimensioned.

Dim foo()
For i = LBound(foo) To UBound(foo)
foo(i) = i
Next i

Using the array bounds as for..loop bounds *without* assigning the array (before, or within the loop) is a usage before assignment.

'Foo is used but never assigned
Dim foo(6)
Dim bar(6)
For i = LBound(foo) To UBound(foo)
bar(i) = i
Next i
> > breaks with Subscript out of range, because foo() is never Dimensioned.

That's the idea: catch runtime error *before* runtime :smiley:
@Mat'sMug Catching up now--went driving and took my dog on a walk.
> Well, in that case it's a Usage of undimensioned array before it's a Usage before assignment
Boy, I wish people would include code instead of images...
I'm tempted to create a tag for that and close all the issues.
My other pet peeve is when people include the full stack trace formatted so funky, and 99% of it absolutely useless.
^^ agreed. feel free to edit 'em out.
> No idea. I thought @autoboosh was doing something about this.
> No, I haven't. I'll think about it and see if I come up with something.
> I'll work around the image this time, but please include the raw code as well as images in the future.
@Hosch250 release notes for the beta will have to include the list of broken inspections under "known issues"
I don't know if any are "broken".
And some are working, but other things aren't.
foo = Range("A1") ' should be implicit reference to ActiveSheet
Like, Param Not Used doesn't work for Workbook_ event parameters because we don't resolve WorkbookEvent_ members right.
So, I can't exactly report that as an inspection not working, or can I?
@Mat'sMug Sure.
I thought I read there was something resolving to Range and triggering that incorrectly?
@Mat'sMug Nope.
so that's one broken inspection
How do I trigger ActiveWorkbook?
@Mat'sMug I think it is the resolver, actually.
foo = Sheets("Sheet1")
@Hosch250 could very very well be
It picks up plenty of Range and Sheet and Cell declarations.
None of them have any references.
yeah, these shitz are everywhere in the frakkin' Excel object model
Looks like it is the resolver for Active Workbook too.
makes sense
> No repro. Did you not refresh the parser after you added the call?
> @Hosch250 I think one of your recent commits might have fixed this.
> This issue should be resolved now--at least on the inspection side. The fix will not work for Workbook_ and Worksheet_ events because we are currently having trouble resolving them correctly.
@Mat'sMug Where are Class_Initialize and Class_Terminate defined?
I have an inkling that if we could load that, we could get a lot of good information.
ClassModuleEvt, within the VBA runtime library (which we're not loading)
Why not?
Would the VBA runtime library potentially contain information about what is a workbook?
that's Excel territory
Well, I'm sure I won't find anything useful, but I'm going to go exploring.
Morning all.
What's the discussion around the Class_Initialize/Class_Terminate methods?
@Rossco RD is having trouble with events.
ah OK. Listening to events or understanding event expressions?
Resolving event handlers
Ok, so understanding that the Class_Initialize is an event handler?
We hard-coded that, but that isn't going to cut it for everything.
For example, we are having the same trouble with Worksheet/Workbook/Document/etc event handlers.
@Mat'sMug you may want to start prioritizing stuff more fine-grained
Yeah the class terms are actually defined in the VBA language specification as keywords
We're at 260 open issues
gosh, and 140 have no milestone
That's not a real problem.
55 under v2.0
Also I just read the conversation at #1264 where nobody knew who was actually working on this
@Hosch250 yeah you get to deal with the following chestnut:
Private WithEvents app As Application

Private Sub app_NewWorkbook(ByVal Wb As Workbook)
    ' he he he...
End Sub
Assignees could help. It's becoming a real management task, eh?
feels like all I'm doing is management and PR already
@Rossco I think we resolve that.
I can't remember last time I fixed an issue myself
@Mat'sMug @Comintern This might actually cut it: fernandof.wordpress.com/2008/02/05/…
So, first we need to get the interfaces from the host.
@Hosch250 - What object are you going to get an IUnknown from?
how do you get the __ComObject representing the actual worksheet?
@Comintern The VBComponent.
the type is known, that's a VBComponent
I think I tried that - it doesn't inherit from the document base type. I'm still not 100% sure how it implements interfaces if it isn't a supertype.
basically we've just inherited Excel's spaghetti mess
Could be worse - it could be Word's spaghetti mess.
and quite possibly no one at MS would be able to help us
actually... the spaghetti mess of Excel, Access, Word, Outlook, Notes and Powerpoint, as well as the spaghetti mess that goes by COM and the spaghetti mess of all VBE Hosts ever
@Comintern oh, better (?) - the whole Office suite's spaghetti mess
@Vogel612 yeah that :)
At least the Access spaghetti is served with a bunch of DAO sauce.
don't forget the ADODB sauce that's in there somewhere, too
and add a bit of RegEx seasoning
I'm discouraged. so many bugs, so little time, so many hosts, so many libraries, so many interfaces, ...
perhaps Rubberduck is just outright too ambitious?
@Mat'sMug just release a beta, and get yourself a shot of motivation and user-gratefulness
also don't overwork yourself. You almost have a second full-time job with this :)
not to mention you're a mod, too
..and a slew of new issues
I think what we need is to make this like the unit tests for now.
aye, ...being a mod isn't the hard part ;-)
@Hosch250 meaning?
Because this is so host-specific, we need to figure it out in a host-specific way.
That would make it quite easy, actually.
which brings us back to the plug-in architecture
For example, only workbooks implement property A, so we know that is a workbook.
@Mat'sMug sounds like 3.0?
Same for worksheets.
because going down that avenue without a plug-in architecture will become a huge mess
Yep, we can go full-plugin in 3.0, but we need something before our final release.
I don't see the end of it. everything is blurry, I feel like utter shit.
TTQW I guess
I think we've gone too long without a stable release.
We bit off way more than we could chew with 2.0, but the end is in sight.
Been a good learning experience too.
And just think of all those critical issues that were closed in the past few days.
OK, which fire should I fight now?
any criticals left?
Comintern is working on that.

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