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We should get the link to the blog in the description of the channel - I keep forgetting it ;)
That'll work :)
good morning
Now I just need Karl to send me login info
need any more contributors? I have experience blogging for almost two years as a local blogger for my newspaper
not in DIY, just political stuff
@0A0D Absolutely need more content.
We haven't really talked about how everything breaks down role wise. There's some notion of anyone being able to submit an article, some group of people to edit and post those articles, and some group of people to admin the site (with overlap everywhere, obviously).
What are you interested in doing?
Well, I do a lot of DIY work myself. I imagine I could blog original content (based on work I do at home) or re-blog from other sites.
My suggestion is to not have so much hierarchy
I would suggest just one or two admins and the bloggers can edit their own posts.
Yeah, I think once you have an account it's mostly your space to edit and publish (we might need a schedule at some point to build a backlog and avoid lulls). The editing group is more for the folks that want to put up content but don't feel as confident about their writing skills.
We'd love to have you aboard!
Oh ok, that's an interesting idea
Q: We've got a blog! Would you like to contribute to it?

Karl KatzkeFirst off, we've got a blog! Would you like to contribute to it? You'll need to contact an administrator for an account. We need to know your username here on diy.stackexchange.com, and we'll need to know your email address -- or at least, the one you want to be associated with on the blog. Ple...

(I don't know if the blog will use real names or not)
Up to you
[deleted email to protect against spammers]
Yeah, you can submit it to Karl's website and he'll add you in.
Cool. Actually it looks like I can do it too (I haven't played with wordpress much). If you want to do the copy remove thing. Not sure what Karl's schedule looks like, he was sick on Fri.
(I didn't catch the email the first time)
Moving forward, we should probably set some guidelines to keep it fresh. If we get enough bloggers it wouldn't take much time out of people's week to write maybe 1-2 a week and the content keeps flowing.
I haven't got my login yet but I only submitted over the weekend
@0A0D I think that's going to be a bit much for this crew. I'd be pleasantly surprised if we posted that often. Most people are looking at this as a way to share their projects with a couple features added in. I think the posting schedule will be pretty lax, though I do think a backlog is a good idea just so we get something new out there every x days.
@SteveJackson Fair enough, anything is a start! :)
@TheEvilGreebo If you want an account now, you can copy your email in here and delete the message after - or you can wait for Karl, we're not exactly off the ground yet.
@0A0D check out the meta site and you can see what we've sorta discussed this far. Feel free to add on - we're still looking to spark ideas.
@SteveJackson ok, sounds good
I filled out Karl's form
i can wait :)
10 hours later…
Hey, just a word to the wise (or un-wise), I got blindsided with work in the past few days and will have all my time get sucked down into the workzone for the next week or two, possibly culminating in a wonderful trip up to Chicago to spend 36 hours in a comfy(not) datacenter. So sit tight if I haven't gotten back to you on blogging stuff. I haven't even answered non-work email today.

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