I'll keep on adding links to the Potentially Helpful Questions section as I find them. The intent is to have a gallery of good reference Q/A pairs, like the one in Part 5 of StoneyB's canonical post here:
Also currently unsure as to whether I should add a section on Sequence under the Non-Finite Forms section. Any opinions on whether this would be relevant here, or an unnecessary tangent? By "sequence," I'm referring to the rule for determining the non-finite form's tense relative to the main verb.
@gotube The primary intent behind this post was to have a "disambiguation" page that would give an overview of each of the (two?) main models for understanding tense and aspect. In order to avoid confusion from askers getting answers which appear to contradict each other - this would clarify that there are different approaches with different pros and cons. Following the model of the CP about the Perfect (which I have read; it's a truly impressive project by StoneyB :D), I thought it might be helpful to also include a list of good Qs and As for each of the different tenses.
@gotube This isn't intended to overlap with CP#2 at all, except as far as the perfect is a tense (or aspect, depending on your perspective) and so should be included in the tables. It's more of a meta-discussion I guess: it isn't about a tense or aspect so much as about ways of considering tense and aspect
@gotube "Why not continue the pattern we already have and create a separate CP about each individual tense and aspect?" -- I'm not sure if that was meant literally or rhetorically? If you're saying that what I was going for in the rough outline seems too broad or unfocused, then I will attempt to refine it to stick to a narrower scope (as defined in my first comment under yours). If that was an actual suggestion, wow that would be a big project! But, I'll volunteer to start on one (which one?), although I doubt it will compare to the existing one on the Perfect
@gotube I don't intend it to be significantly longer than it is now: more like double (or not even that) and definitely not 10x! Mostly I was hoping someone more technically knowledgeable might help out with the last section. I was also considering adding a section on Sequence of Tenses as it relates to non-finite forms (like the infinitive) having their tense determined by their relation to the main verb's time reference (and also for the subjunctive)
Primarily, if the community agrees that the idea would be helpful, I was just looking for suggestions for improvements to what's there, and was planning on "polishing" the rough draft (for one thing, I'll be fixing that numbering mistake in the superscripts! Also "10 = 12" has to go).
@gotube I'm not clear on your last question? If you mean that I tend to answer questions from non-native speakers, and that I don't have a linguistics background, those are both true. Also, I intend this proposed CP to be mainly a resource for EFL learners. It would probably seem like stating the obvious to anyone who does have significant linguistics knowledge.
@MarcInManhattan That is a good point, but what should get cut? Do you think the list of links is out of place in this kind of post?
@MarcInManhattan #1 - The 6-tense, 3-variant model, which I have described (thoroughly?) in the first section. #2 - This I'm less clear on, but there seems to be a consensus from scholarly sources on a 2-tense system (how many aspects? I'm not sure).
In System 1, non-finite forms also have tense and aspect. In System 2, I believe they would say that they don't.
@gotube I would consider that to be an alternate form of the future tense: how should I label it in the table? "Future Periphrastic," maybe, as I believe that is the term for a multi-part construction. I have also just edited the suggestion to cut all but the core concepts, and eliminated a lot of the examples and explanations.
"Getting into different models opens the floodgates for proponents of any model to insist theirs gets representation" - That could really inflate the post into something unmanageable! Should I only compare/contrast 6 tenses vs. 2, and get rid of any mention of additional systems? I'm not sure though whether it's possible to keep the "disambiguation" concept without mentioning the possibility of having multiple models. Do you have any ideas for how to avoid this issue?
@gotube I'll revise the outline again tomorrow following your suggestions. So, completely eliminate the second section, and expand the first with a discussion of how "going to" works (plus clarify the usage of aspect vs. tense for the progressive)? That will leave the discussion of the 6 tenses, plus 2 aspects, and the emphatic forms, along with the clarification that "12 tenses" comes from conflating tense with aspect (6 * 2 = 12). I'm not sure that this CP will have much value for clarification if it doesn't address the full range of answers that learners' questions might get (contd)
but do you think it would be worth keeping as a reference on the standard system? Or scrap the proposal entirely? Is a reference on exclusively the most common system for classifying tense and aspect really necessary, given that there are probably many online resources that already do so?
I was trying to find some examples of questions which had gotten conflicting answers from different viewpoints to serve as a reference (for the original topic of this proposal), but of course as soon as I started looking for
these specifically, I couldn't find any. These discussions
ell.stackexchange.com/questions/254104/… and
ell.stackexchange.com/questions/152884/… were the closest I could find, and do illustrate that there are some good questions and answers on this site that do
go into the kind of depth you'd expect from EL&U.
@gotube and MarcInManhattan: Edited again