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@mousetail I doubt this particular answer was written by ChatGPT because it had a couple of typos before I edited it.
> Simiplicy
espically hen
Obviously, ChatGPT can do typos, but usually only if you ask it to, right?
Q: How could fixed-point be implemented?

user16217248Fixed point is essentially storing a number of units of a certain size instead of storing a significand and an exponent. However, if the units could be of any size, how big would the fixed-point units be in a typical fixed type of a programming language? C does not have fixed-point, so to use thi...

@DLosc If they are paraphrasing chatGPT they could introduce typos
Yeah, possible
pretty easy to do
It's even easier to add typos manually
the evaluations for all their answers on main:
Not really significant enough to be sure
Some of my own answers come out to 90% too but I'm 100% sure I wrote them myself
Same here
The detector isn't perfect
I suggest voting to delete the question that fails to meet referencing requirements: languagedesign.stackexchange.com/questions/112
Can't you only delete closed questions?
On CGCC with 10k I can't delete open questions
It was just reopened
It was closed and had 1 VTD, but it just got reopened
Alright, is there any problem with it now?
better, but im not retracting my CV
> It's better if the author of that question posts it
No reason to keep it
It'd be roomba'd anyway
Automatic process removing old questions
(Closed old questions)
Automatically deleted. There's a periodic job which deletes closed questions with score -3 or lower and no answers
Community nukes old questions with -3 score or lower and no answers
agh, ninja'd
Proving I'm a ninja by throwing stars
@Ginger whats "old"
IDK, lemme look
doesn't matter, I was just the third VTD
Probably a post on MSE somewhere
> If the question is more than 30 days old, and ...

has −1 or lower score
has no answers
is not locked
has no active bounty
... or ...

it was closed and migrated to a different site

it was migrated from a different site, and then rejected
... it will be automatically deleted. (These are termed "dead" questions in the code.)
-10 votes is kind of overdoing it, though. Probably it was some young'un who likes the idea of making their own programming language, and is inexperienced enough to think it needs different syntax to be a different language. No need to scare them off
Is that a hat-trick
^ is just a symbolic upvote in chat, it doesn't mean much other than indicating agreement
^^ references not the immediate previous message, but the one before that
Well at least they won't earn the badge of shame for it
^^^ means three messages ago, and so on
^ is how we at TNB refer to earlier messages
@user16217248 [peer pressure]?
it's usually used to indicate agreement with something
I really don't get why that badge exists
(Joke explanation: the ^ character is sometimes called a hat, and "hat-trick" is an idiom for scoring three goals in football, or more generally winning three things)
that's an awful pun, I applaud you for it
Too late, I already applauded myself
actually, who are you and where did you come from? I've never seen you in TNB, so you must be from a different site
Who, kaya3? It looks like they're most active on SO and worldbuilding of all places
almost everyone else here is from CGCC, that's why I'm asking
worldbuilding.SE is a site that I only occasionally see something with absolutely zero context so
I'm a hobbyist langdevver, found this site in the proposal phase via #lang-dev in the official Rust discord server
worldbuilding does its own thing
if SE sites were people worldbuilding would sit in a corner and quietly play card games with puzzling
I have a probabilistic language called MJr, a programmable markup language called Papyri, and a silly stack-based concatenative language called fffff
My current accounts with the highest rep are CGCC and then this, then SO
Langdev and world building are similar, both building a context for a story
Worldbuilding is just a bit of fun
now this is a story all about how my life got flipped turned upside down and how bout you sit down and take a load off while I tell you how I became a member of a site called Code Golf
Are those dice in the mirror? What kind of cab is this
I am many things, but "musical" is not one of them
Oh, since you're here @kaya3, what pronouns do you use?
always a good question
is it good ettiquette to ask a person their pronouns upon first meeting them? I've never been sure
I want to suggest you put that in your chat bio; I and several other people have a userscript to make pronouns in bio more visible
@Ginger By chance have you gotten in one little fight and your mom got scared? Reference to the song.
How does one edit a chat bio?
go to your profile and click the edit link
Click on your own username, then "user profile" (NOT "user profile on <parent site>"), then that brings you to a screen with an edit button
@Ginger Depends on the situation. Professionally I rarely do because I still don't know how to explain my own pronouns, but like when I'm hanging out at the university's LGBTQ center I almost always do (unless they're wearing a pin or sth)
Did I do it right?
one of us
I'll have to make a note to come back and edit that if my egg cracks in a couple of years
e g g
Do you want a link to the userscript, while you're at it?
eggs: the most delicious form of child to eat
I don't use the browser extension for userscripts (and I don't eat children)
phew, I was worried there for a second
I have nine userscripts and they're all for stackexchange
(side note: if you're using a Chromium-family browser you should have native userscript support)
Oh? Interesting
(I've confirmed it works with Chrome and Edge on Windows 11, not sure about any others)
I use Tampermonkey anyways
these are the ones I have
Most of these were written by Glorfindel or Rydwolf, both of whom are active here on PLDI
It astonishes me how many high-schoolers these days are not only competent at programming but also into langdev. Like I've come across 4-5 of them in my travels, which is not a huge number, but it's more than 0
I can't in good faith recommend using font roulette other than for laughs
I've only written two userscripts: one for reverting SE's ill-advised changes to the header (which they eventually reverted themselves) and Tragic Wormhole
Font Roulette rolled "barcode"
I love Tragic Wormhole but I never get an excuse to use it
What is it?
it's a userscript for sending files in chat messages
the results look like this:
in Sandbox, Apr 15 at 11:55, by Ginger
I am very proud of it
A lot of CJK
yeah, it's an artifact of the encoding
Would some "How to implement XXX?" questoins belong on SO instead?
probably, but none of us can move questions
I was going to ask something about transposing infinite lists, but it seems like maybe SO is a better fit
well, we can move questions, but only to meta
Mods can move cross site, but not sure for private betas. Then again I think so because some questions was moved from a closed down private beta site (Technical Communications Stack Exchange) to another live site (Writing.SE).
I am not saying the site has to be closed for it to happen.
let's find out
Important milestone reached
I have reached fifteen reputation
Q: How can I optimize for average code size when designing my ISA's variable-instruction-length instruction set?

starballI want to design a variable-instruction-length instruction set for an instruction set architecture I'm working on. I've heard that there are generalizable, systematic techniques for optimizing average code size of programs that will be written using it. What are they?

Q: How to parse a language where functions are full sentances?

mousetailI'm designing a language that looks like this: to kiss (a: a animal): say "you kiss" a. to kiss the frog: say "the frog turns into a princess". the frog is a animal; kiss the frog. This would print "the frog turns into a princess". While both variations of the function are valid, the m...

Looking at Lyxal’s answer to the stack operations, 2dup seems really useful and I don’t currently have it in Trilangle. What could the (single ASCII character) opcode be?
Current instruction list is here github.com/bbrk24/Trilangle/blob/master/opcode.hh
I't suggest Z for it, because you're using 2 for dup, and Z looks a bit like a 2 that means business
I suppose
I can’t explain why but lowercase z feels better for that to me
@Ginger whats the emojis do
tragic, worm, hole
@Bbrk24 4?
@Seggan yeah, what Bbrk said
they're the magic header
@mousetail that’s ridiculous /neu, I don’t think I’ll use it but thanks for the laugh
Glad to help
man user with new identicon is weird
@mousetail TBH this makes a lot of sense. If 2 is the command that takes the top value and makes it 2 values, 4 is the command that takes the top two values and makes them 4 values.
Q: How can I optimize for low register-bit-flip-related power-consumption when designing my ISA's fixed-instruction-length instruction set?

starballI've read that switching activity and switching frequency (frequency of flipping bits) are significant contributors to power consumption in the circuitry commonly used in flip-flops and hardware registers. What generalizable, systematic techniques are there to optimize a fixed-instruction-length ...

title incomprehensible
@Bbrk24 suggestions?
2 days ago, by Ginger
yeah, in a year all questions will be "How should I best implement quantum topologic dynamic entropy vector Klien manifold isotropic field alignment rotation approximate Euler Sondheim Calculus micro-hyperdimathematics in my new language?" and the site'll be dominated by Intel scientists with names like "/~mhfwalters"
It's happening
> in a year week
@starball it’s fine, just outside the realm of my knowledge/understanding
I'm really interested in what the answers to that be. I guess you'd do some kind of clustering so instructions that appear together have similar bit patterns?
@Bbrk24 to be clear- you meant incomprehensible to you or incomprehensible in general? Because if you meant the latter, I should try to fix that (it's my question. I just realized my profile here is stuck on my old SO chat profile)
@mousetail I'm also guessing something along those lines.
To me
I think the bit about "a refresher" on what bit flips mean for power consumption is, well, very charitably overestimating the reader's likely familiarity with that. Probablt it should be explained in the question, not an answer.
omg it's happening
except- well, the bit patterns haven't been decided yet because you're designing the instruction set
@Bbrk24 ah ok
@Ginger you're welcome :D *curtseys
now you just need to change your name to "/~mhfwalters"
@Ginger lmao
how many people are even going to get the original reference
this'll look good when I run for mod in like 10 years
"what're your qualifications?" "I can predict the future and delete spam before it's posted"
Wondering how much power the instruction register actually uses compared to the rest of the chip. Seems to me it would be a very minor amount but it does change completely every instruction so maybe it's more
@Ginger Sounds like UB to me
@Bbrk24 those from cgcc
@Ginger so can i
i just did it
@Seggan More specifically from TNB, right?
lots of code golf people here
How do you do, fellow kids code golfers
three hyphens
---this--- this
Why does every different interface need a different syntax for text decoration
We should invent a single universal syntax that every interface can use xkcd standards moment
what do you mean by "interface" here?
oh the markup
The interface between my fingers and your screen
Discord does **bold** *italic* _italic_ __underline__
huh interesting (the underline part)
And ~~strikethrough~~ and |spoiler|
That's the one
two sets of pipes, not one
My spoilers aren't short-circuiting
Reddit does >!spoiler!< iirc?
does chat here even have spoilers?
hrm another feature i should add to lightchat
(made you click)
nah i highlighted
@Seggan with mouse or keyboard?
What should the assembly mnemonic for 2dup be? I'm using these as the names for enum cases in the C++ code so it can't start with a digit
@starball why do you need to know
@Seggan how do you use the mouse to highlight without clicking?
@Bbrk24 dup2? or does it need to be 3 characters?
All the existing ones are 3 letters
Is there any reason to not just make the assembly instructions full words? What benefit do you gain from making them all abbreviations
Especially since you don't seem to be using the standard ones
I had a reason for it. That was 2-3 months ago, so I don't really remember
One reason for having everything the same length is so it lines up nicely when you print out the assembly program listing
@starball i clicked outside it
Actually what even is the reason most assembly languages use abbreviations? Would that be a good question for this site
punch cards prob
@mousetail Might be better for retrocomputing, since I'm sure the answer boils down to "we didn't have unlimited resources in 1953"
Why hasn't anyone fixed it in the meantime though?
because nobody bothered to go back and change it
@mousetail What would constitute a "fix" in your eyes? JNZ -> JumpIfNotZero?
Yep, that one is somewhat understandable but for instructions like TKLZ you have no idea what's going on
@Seggan nice
@naffetS 0/10, not a spoiler, I've seen that before
I'd like to ask a question about strategies for handling I/O in a pure functional language. What's the current recommended way to make such a question on topic? Ask about of each strategy? Just ask about possible strategies and expect multiple answers?
I think you would tag it , and it's your choice whether to ask about pros and cons, or just to ask for a list
@Ginger do you eat trans children
Actually some of the questions have and some don't
Probably something to bring up on meta
@mousetail Or pclmulqdq
@user w h a t
I don't even know what to do with that question
@kaya3 Ooh, do you have a repo for your markup language? (if you're okay with sharing)
@Ginger eggs
half of my brain understands it and half of my brain rejects it
yes I get the joke user
it's just that it hit me like a brick dropped from an immense height
If you get the joke why are you asking "what"?
smh ginger
@user That wasn't a question, it was a statement
No question mark ;)
haha you fool
Grammar nazi >:(
@RydwolfPrograms The site id is also shipped with the StackExchange global object baked into almost all StackExchange pages. You can run StackExchange.options.site in the console to get a fair amount of that kind of information. (StackExchange.options.site.id for the ID)
716, huh
@mousetail The plagiarism flag is currently only enabled on Stack Overflow. That kind of thing would still be a mod flag on every other site. Stack Overflow needed help to manage both the mod flag dashboard and some tooling to reduce our need for staff intervention.
> negativeVoteScoreFloor: null
what does this mean?
@DLosc Ideally perhaps something like "I am designing a pure functional language and I want to add I/O support. It uses this sort of type system and has that kind of intended use, while it (e.g.) uses operator overloading a lot. What pure IO approach would be suitable? What complications does it impose on the rest of the language?"; a more general one is a bit harder to scope but probably still possible to make reasonable
@Bbrk24 Perhaps the score required for a heavily downvoted answer to fade?
@MichaelHomer Yeah... my actual question is something like "I tried one time to make a pure functional language with I/O, and it made coding in the language kind of a pain, so I gave up. Is there a better way to do it?" But that seems too opinion-based.
@mousetail I know you said the misspelling is intentional but "enememys"?
If I could correctly spell any expletive at all you'd all understand how annoyed I am
Thanks for pointing that out
May 17 at 18:15, by DLosc
@bigyihsuan Somewhat related: in AppleScript, you can use 's:
I am three upvotes away from hitting repcap five days in a row
Which might be easier to parse and would also be more satisfactory to a
15 mins ago, by user
Grammar nazi >:(
like me
@mousetail Super User, Server Fault, Software Engineering, Math, and Ask Ubuntu also have them, but I agree that it's unlikely that they'd come to this site and certainly not soon.
I always forget which math site is which
(math SE and mathoverflow)
@Bbrk24 PostId is used by quite a lot of different types. There is not a different set of Ids for questions or answer it's shared regardless of the post. You can see this in that languagedesign.stackexchange.com/q/205 and languagedesign.stackexchange.com/a/205 both direct to the same post which is a question despite one link using /q and the other /a
> There is not a different set of Ids for questions or answer it's shared regardless of the post.
I knew that much, I was asking what else uses that pool
Because the number seems to be higher than the number of questions and answers
Questions, answers, wikis, tag wikis, tag wiki excerpts, etc. You can see, for example, that the excerpt is "post" 223 and the (empty) wiki is 222
Got it, thanks!
Also moderator nominations (not that those are around yet). But yeah, lots of things are "Posts" internally.
Q: Is it possible to bootstrap an interpreted language?

FireTheLostIs it possible to bootstrap an interpreted language? Bootstrapping, broadly, refers to writing a programming language in that same programming language. This is obviously possible for compiled languages. Once you have a programming language, you can code a compiler for it in that language. Since ...

Interesting how this question incorrectly defines bootstrapping and then both answers just run with the incorrect definition
Well the wiki paragraph they link to says
> In computer technology, the term bootstrapping refers to language compilers that are able to be coded in the same language.
Makes you wonder whether this is really a site by and for experts...
Bootstrapping is a technique (and really the only technique) for achieving a self-hosted compiler
They're not the same
I read this one page about how self-hosting compilers have terrible implications for security
let me see if I can find it again
I might not be able to. I got there from a page that explained why the Zig bootstrapping process is what it is but I can't find it again
Q: You don't need to title your answers

pxegerA lot of answers seem to put a big Title at the top, summarising their main point, before embarking on an explanation. I can understand why this might be useful in questions that expect a list of many answers (and especially in answers that contain a list of several separate points), but I would ...

@MichaelHomer It's not about self-closure or closing privileges. Someone with close privileges can also have Community cast a binding close vote for them on their own question.
For duplicate questions the asker gets a nice UI display that allows them to accept the closure as part of the New UI encourages askers to confirm or dispute duplicate votes (that is now 8 years old). The current UI looks more like this but Community closing occurs when the user clicks "Yes" and Submit.
@Bbrk24 Is it the famous "Reflections on Trusting Trust"?
If so it was converted to a web 1.0 website, not as a printed article
It was definitely a webpage
It looks like that article gets at the same idea
@NewPosts what's with the downvote?
Downvotes on Stack Exchange metas means someone disagrees.
Although you may still want to know why that someone disagrees.
Yeah that's what I'm asking
By chance is saying CGCC.SE correct?, I usually put the .SE part to tell everyone this is a Stack Exchange site I am talking about here and not the general topic of code golf and code challenges itself.
I think it's fine either way in this context
I've also seen CGSE, though only by "outsiders"
@HenryWHHackv3.0 your profile doesn't fit on my screen because you're in so many rooms
Also if I click the "user profile on discuss.area51.stackexchange.com" link I get a privacy error
@Bbrk24 Already report on meta.SE. Many moons ago.
How do I profile the memory usage of something that runs too quickly to show up in task manager?
Q: How are significant digits implemented?

l0b0When working with engineering or scientific data, it is often important to know the number of significant digits of numbers. However, decimal numbers in languages I've encountered so far don't seem to include this concept. They just specify the maximum number of significant digits and pad every v...

Q: What does using prototype-based inheritance mean for a language?

Michael HomerMany object-oriented languages have classes to create objects from, and allow classes to inherit definitions from one another, but others use a "prototype-based" model and maybe don't have classes at all. What is prototype-based programming, and what does it actually mean by "prototype-based"? Ho...

A: How can you help Programming Language Design and Implementation make it from private to public beta?

Gilles 'SO- stop being evil'Close overly broad or bikeshed questions Looking at questions from the first few days of the private beta, the site is inundated with questions that are either: asking to write a Wikipedia article or a book chapter (e.g. 1 2 3 …); trivial questions about cosmetic details; big-list questions; or ...

After reading that I am feeling kind of embarrassed inviting that user 2 days ago. (I was before I am just even more embarrassed.)
2 days ago, by Henry WH Hack v3.0
This user is trying to avoid PLDI.SE:
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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