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00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

Ohhh that makes sense
@naffetS That's a float thing, right?
@RydwolfPrograms ye
Any lang following IEEE-754 will have those Infinity and NaN behaviors for its floats
I did notice that different languages handle sqrt(-0) differently though
and not all of them even handle it the same as (-0)**0.5
And that's why I must replace IEEE-754.
Might be controversial but I really love how floats handle infinity
Arbitrary-precision real numbers are what I'm trying to achieve.
Problem is that those are big and slow
For some applications you can use sympy and/or an infinite iterator approaching the right answer, but for lots of applications you're doing millions of computations in a row and you can't have a number type that takes ten times longer and gets bigger every time you use it for those
Dang it, Cantor. It's thy fault that real numbers are uncountably many!
@DannyuNDos What would Math.PI be then?
Depending on the way you approach it, either a symbol representing Pi, or an infinite series approaching pi
@Bbrk24 Some exact representation of π.
My upcoming golfing language will use the latter
I'm working on a library called RIPR
(Rust Infinite Precision [something], what it stands for doesn't really matter I just think RIPR sounds totally awesome)
@DannyuNDos So then you can beat the world record for most digits of pi with print(Math.PI)
(I'm being facetious but do you see what I'm getting at?)
@Bbrk24 Nah, that won't halt.
Typically the way you do it is you store a symbolic representation then you generate a number of digits from that once the computations are done
So print(pi) would either print with a certain default precision, or it would maybe print indefinitely, but there's no reason it wouldn't work
@RydwolfPrograms Although the infinite iterator approach doesn't sound like this, in reality the in-memory representation is basically the same
I'm just hoping that I can optimize the real-number computation, owing to the computation class they belong.
Dang it, Chaitin's constant. You're RE-complete!
RIPR's gonna have complex numbers too ofc
Reals are so 1544
@NewPosts I wish I could nuke questions
@Bbrk24 Use Rust
@user tbh that wouldnt be fair
I know, I know
Does Rust support struct int24_t { int32_t value : 24; };?
because that's like, the only reason I chose C++
as in bounded to 24 bits
Like Swift will let me implement my own type but I'd have to implement all the operators myself
Dunno, struct int24 { lo : int16, hi : int8 }?
yeah but then you have to handle wrapping manually
@Bbrk24 Does C++...not require that? How does that work?
@Bbrk24 why are you restricting to 24 bits again
Integer overflow is undefined behavior in C/C++.
@RydwolfPrograms When you write int32_t value : 24;, you're telling the compiler to truncate it to 24 bits on every assignment. This is meant to support bitfields when you have multiple values packed into a byte/word, but
Ohh didn't see the : 24
Yeah I don't think Rust has that unfortunately
Do bit fields work for pointers tho?
@DannyuNDos Just use void*
Wait you shouldn't even need void
You mean pointers to weird-sized structs? Those should work normally
void* why: 3;
that's probably illegal
Wait, I forgot why I need this. :(
Yeah I don't see why you should be able to restrict pointer size
I also have a bitfield of booleans because if I don't do that it takes up seven bytes
agh 899
I've hit repcap four days in a row
I'm 4 rep away from the cap
I also find it funny when the repcap cuts off mid-upvote and so you see a notification that says [+4]
I mean I got a +4 without repcapping
ah yes, an upv
3 downvotes and 1 upvote
Q: What are the pros and cons of supporting Tail Recursion Optimization, but not Tail Call Optimization?

Rydwolf ProgramsTail Call Optimization allows a function call as the returned value of a function to be optimized to a goto, preventing the stack from growing. Among other things, this allows infinite recursion without worrying about the call stack size. While TCO applies to any function call performed as the fi...

Tryna ask fewer syntax questions and get more technical
@Bbrk24 i only did 2 :(
@RydwolfPrograms yeah thats why im asking Rol stuff
@mousetail I've written a couple hundred lines of code just creating the types necessary to support your algorithm
I haven't even started yet
why can't I initialize a queue of pointers as { nullptr } :thonk:
okay so I can a deque but not a regular queue
Looking like I might not repcap today rip
std::queue<std::vector<instruction_pointer>*> fragments(std::deque<std::vector<instruction_pointer>*>{ nullptr });
dammit C++
wait I can make this a litttle shorter
auto fragments = std::queue(std::deque<std::vector<instruction_pointer>*>{ nullptr });
CMM: I've been thinking we need some sort of way to keep track of what questions we'd like better answers to
Since we have lots of list-style questions, the no-accepted-answers ones aren't necessarily a good list of them
@RydwolfPrograms welp, i used up all my votes at least
Which means that lots of questions are going effectively unanswered, but invisibly so
E.g., this
actually do I use std::list or std::deque
actually no I have to use std::vector because indexing
Make sure not to stream of thought pls
Oh on that note, should we have a chatiquette like TNB?
@Adám as a matter of fact, no
No headaches there mostly because it's designed around the way I think lol
Lyxal's brain is canonically stack-based
lyxal is stacked
@RydwolfPrograms Let's also be less afraid to edit/close/downvote questions
*Unless they're mine
@RydwolfPrograms I think this is fundamentally a solid question, but the pros & cons framing does it no favours. Something like "what are the trade-offs made by supporting only tail recursion optimisation" invites judgement & analysis that can weigh those factors instead of just enumerating them
"Trade-offs" and "pros and cons" are kinda synonyms
But yeah I can go do that ig
That's why I suggested it!
Oh right lol
But some framing (maybe not that one) that asks people to evaluate what they're saying I think leads to better answers
Even "is it worth only supporting..." could suffice, depending on what you want from it
"worth" implies a judgement based on weighing the two sides tho, which could add subjectivity
I kinda want to delete my extension methods vs UFCS question now
I like the trade-offs wording tho
@user I found it useful fwiw
Right, it's just not phrased the best way
@RydwolfPrograms Good! An answer shouldn't just be a list of unweighted facts but make a case for how they weigh up and what you should care about
Kinda a low-effort question that I wrote in 5 minutes
True, but subjectivity isn't really encouraged here, so it'd be a bit of a fine line
@MichaelHomer Well, answers should also be try to objective. But I guess it does make sense to say "prefer <X> if <Y> is your use case, prefer <Z> if <A> is your use case"
@user Yes, that would be a fine structure
Wha---I just got +9 from an upvote on a question?
Repcap? Downvote?
Yeah but wouldn't a downvote show it's from a different source?
OHHH repcap
Sometimes when you downvote others the notification acts weird
You downvoted an answer earlier for a point
And now hit the cap
yep, that'd be it
@RydwolfPrograms Also, frankly, answers that make a case should be encouraged and notwithstanding the "opinion-based" close reason they are all over the network: "use find -delete for this, because piping find to xargs is dangerous" is just as much presenting an argument
The problem is when the answer can only be "because I think so"
i almost hit repcap again
missed by 12
@mousetail This has made a lot more sense as I've been implementing it, but there's just one problem: two TJN instructions at the same location must be represented in the same line of assembly even if the IP direction differs, with one being a jump to the other.
Actually that shouldn't be too difficult to fix, I just change the map keys from (location, direction) to (location, instruction)
no that messes with the mirrors, where they must stay separate
It's like I have to add special case handling for the threading operator
why is it in russian??
Well, we get access to 10k tools as soon as someone gets 5-10 upvotes
Then tag synonyms tomorrow for one or two people and the next day for everyone else
I'm so used to 10k tools on cgcc that it seems weird not having them here
I tried viewing a deleted question the other day and the 404 or whatever was so weird
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