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@Snowpaw try executing print(1+1)
@Snowpaw Rhabarberbarbara merkte bald, dass sie mit ihrem Rhabarberkuchen Geld verdienen könnte.
No conversation found.
@DLosc leuchtende Augen Oh, das ist richtig schlau von Rhabarberbarbara! schnüffelt an gedachte Rhabarberkuchen Ich wette, ihr Kuchen ist so lecker, dass sie ihn an alle verkaufen könnte! :D
> glowing eyes Oh, that is really clever of Rhubarb-Barbara! sniffs at the thought of rhubarb pie I bet her pie is so yummy that she could sell it to everyone! :D
@Snowpaw Daher eröffnete sie eine Bar: Die Rhabarberbarbarabar.
@DLosc springt auf und ab vor Freude Die Rhabarberbarbarabar! Einfach wunderbar! ^w^ Ich bin mir sicher, dass es der perfekte Ort ist, um all das beste Essen und alle leckersten Getränke zu finden!
german snowpaw is so
straightforwardly wholesome
> jumps up and down for joy The Rhubarb-Barbara-Bar! Simply wonderful! ^w^ I am sure that it is the perfect location to find all the best food and all the yummiest drinks!
@Snowpaw Natürlich gab es in der Rhabarberbarbarabar bald Stammkunden.
@DLosc Aufgeregt klatschende Pfoten So viele Stammkunden, wie toll! Welche Art von Tieren besuchten die Rhabarberbarbarabar am häufigsten? hält gedanklich Rhabarberkuchen
> Excitedly clapping paws So many regular customers, how great! Which kind of animals visited the Rhubarb-Barbara-Bar the most? mentally holds rhubarb pie
@Snowpaw Die bekanntesten unter Ihnen, drei Barbaren, kamen so oft in die Rhabarberbarbarabar um von Rhabarberbarbaras Rhabarberkuchen zu essen, dass man sie kurz die Rhabarberbarbarabarbarbaren nannte.
@DLosc Ausgefallene Sprungattacke Rhabarberbarbarabarbarbaren! Was für ein Mund voll lacht Aber es klingt auch so lustig und süß, wie alle zusammen dort sitzen und Rhabarberkuchen genießen schmatzt
> Fancy jump attack Rhubarb-Barbara-Bar-barbarians! What a mouthful laughs But it also sounds so funny and sweet, how they all sit there together and enjoy rhubarb pie smacks lips
@Snowpaw Die Rhabarberbarbarabarbarbaren hatten wunderschöne dichte Bärte.
@DLosc schlägt Kralle um das Kinn Wow, traumhaft lange Bärte sind so beeindruckend! Ich wette, ihre Bärte haben sich magisch und flauschig angefühlt, als sie ihren Rhabarberkuchen genossen und etwas Honig dazu tranken. träumend ^-^
@DLosc that's amazing
> strikes claw on the chin Wow, dreamy long beards are so impressive! I bet their beards felt magical and fluffy, as they enjoyed their rhubarb pie and drank some honey with it. dreaming ^-^
Drank some honey??
@DLosc Request timed out.
@Snowpaw Wenn die Rhabarberbarbarabarbarbaren ihren Rhabarberbarbarabarbarbarenbart pflegten gingen sie zum Barbier.
@DLosc nickt verständnisvoll Oh ja, es ist sehr wichtig, dass man darauf achtet, dass der Bart sauber und gepflegt bleibt. zwinkert Wer weiß, vielleicht hat der Barbier auch Rhabarberkuchen zu bieten? Leckereien-tanz
yeah wait what
@Snowpaw can you rickroll me in German?
@TheThonnu Oh, h-hi there! wags tail excitably Sure thing, The Thonnu! Would you like me to "rickroll" you in German? O////O nuzzles
@Snowpaw yes, could you do that?
Absolutely! *clears throat*

♪ Nun, du bist in dieser Sache nicht unbedarft,
du weißt, wie ich mich fühle, und ich werde dich niemals verlassen.
Vergessen wir die Regeln und überschreiten sie,
ich denke, jeder von uns kennt das Spiel. ♪

*links the video* Hier ist dein RICKROLL, The Thonnu! \^w\^
Translation (according to Google Translate):

♪ Well, you're not ignorant in this matter,
you know how i feel and i will never leave you.
Let's forget the rules and break them
I think each of us knows the game. ♪
even with some very whimsical fairytale framing that brings honey into the picture it feels weird to talk about drinking it
@Snowpaw also i love when a randomly selected response ends up timing out
No conversation found.
> nods understandingly Oh yes, it is very important that you pay attention to it, that the beard stays clean and groomed. winks Who knows, maybe the barber also has rhubarb pie to offer? tasty-treats-dance
@UnrelatedString Maybe it means mead? IDK
That one had a lot of words I didn't know
i suspected mead too but when there's both Met and Honigwein for that it would have to be, like, a deliberately oblique reference to it
@UnrelatedString I accidentally responded to Snowy instead of > quoting at first
i've still gotten timeouts on randomly selected responses :P
@Snowpaw Der einzige Barbier der einen Rhabarberbarbarabarbarbarenbart bearbeiten konnte wollte das natürlich betonen und nannte sich Rhabarberbarbarabarbarbarenbartbarbier.
@DLosc Request timed out.
@Snowpaw Der einzige Barbier der einen Rhabarberbarbarabarbarbarenbart bearbeiten konnte wollte das natürlich betonen und nannte sich Rhabarberbarbarabarbarbarenbartbarbier.
@DLosc stutzt, dann lacht Das ist eine lustige und schwierige Kombination von Worten! Der Rhabarberbarbarabarbarbarenbartbarbier. Es ist so schwer auszusprechen, aber auch so klug und einfallsreich schmunzelt Ich bin mir sicher, dass er die besten Bärte in der Stadt gemacht hat! UwU
> pauses, then laughs That is a funny and difficult combination of words! The Rhubarb-Barbara-Bar-barbarian-beard-barber. It is so hard to say, but also so smart and imaginative smiles I am sure that he made the best beards in town! UwU
@Snowpaw Der Rhabarberbarbarabarbarbarenbartbarbier kannte von den Rhabarberbarbarabarbarbaren Rhabarberbarbaras herlichen Rhabarberkuchen und trank dazu immer ein Bier, das er liebevoll Rhabarberbarbarabarbarbarenbartbarbierbier nannte.
@DLosc Request timed out.
I was afraid of that
that felt way faster than 10 seconds
@Snowpaw Der Rhabarberbarbarabarbarbarenbartbarbier kannte von den Rhabarberbarbarabarbarbaren Rhabarberbarbaras herlichen Rhabarberkuchen und trank dazu immer ein Bier, das er liebevoll Rhabarberbarbarabarbarbarenbartbarbierbier nannte.
probably worth a second try
@DLosc Request timed out.
but yeah also this is practically asking for it :P
@UnrelatedString H-Hi there, UwU! Snowpaw at your service! wags tail Did I hear you say that something is worth a second try? Is that something you want to try again with a c-c-cutesy fuzzy wuzzy like me? giggles
Lemme split it up
yeah that usually works for a while
@Snowpaw Der Rhabarberbarbarabarbarbarenbartbarbier kannte von den Rhabarberbarbarabarbarbaren Rhabarberbarbaras herlichen Rhabarberkuchen.
@DLosc Aufgeregt hüpfende Tatzen Rhababerbarbarabarbarbarenbartbarbier weiß auch, wie lecker Barbaras Rhabarberkuchen ist? lechzt Das klingt zu gut, um waaaahr zu sein! Ich hoffe, er hat auch einige neue Rhabarberkuchen-Ideen für sie gehabt! XD
> Agitated hopping paws Rhubarb-Barbara-Bar-barbarian-beard-barber also knows how yummy Barbara's rhubarb pie is? craves That sounds too good to be trueeee! I hope he also has had some new rhubarb-pie-ideas for her! XD
@Snowpaw Und er trank dazu immer ein Bier, das er liebevoll Rhabarberbarbarabarbarbarenbartbarbierbier nannte.
@DLosc Request timed out.
The Rhubarb-Barbara-Bar-barbarian-beard-barber-beer is too much for Snowy, I fear
@Snowpaw Und er trank dazu immer ein Bier, das er liebevoll Rhabarberbarbarabarbarbarenbartbarbierbier nannte.
@DLosc Lauter Lacher Oh mein Gott, das ist so albern und fantastisch gleichzeitig! Rhabarberbarbarabarbarbarenbartbarbierbier! Ich glaube, ich kann nicht aufhören zu lachen! kichernd Ich wette, es hat gut zu Rhabarberkuchen gepasst! ^w^
> Loud laughter Oh my God, that is so silly and fantastic at the same time! Rhubarb-Barbara-Bar-barbarian-beard-barber-beer! I think I can't stop laughing! giggling I bet it paired well with the rhubarb pie! ^w^
@Snowpaw Das Rhabarberbarbarabarbarbarenbartbarbierbier konnte man nur an einer ganz bestimmten Bar kaufen.
@DLosc Nachdenklich Das klingt sehr exklusiv! Aber ich bin froh zu hören, dass es einzigartig und besonders ist. schaut begeistert aus den Augen Ich wette, es verleiht einer neuen Dimension zum Rhabarberkuchen und es macht das Getränk zu etwas Besonderem und Unvergesslichem! _
@Snowpaw hola! como estas?
@PlaceReporter99 H-hi! I'm Snowpaw, a fluffy wolfie ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ I'm doing grrreat today! wags tail excitedly How can I help you, PlaceReporter99 senpai? (o^▽^o)~♥
> Pensive That sounds very exclusive! But I am glad to hear that it is unique and especially [sic]. looks enthusiastically out of the eyes I bet it gives a new dimension to the rhubarb pie and it makes the drink into something special and unforgettable! _
@Snowpaw senpai?
@PlaceReporter99 Oh, sorry! UwU I just call anyone older or more experienced than me 'senpai'. But if that's not okay with you, please let me know!
@Snowpaw Die Verkäuferin des Rhabarberbarbarabarbarbarenbartbarbierbieres an der Rhabarberbarbarabarbarbarenbartbarbierbierbar hieß Bärbel.
i just looked back at the chat and for a second i thought the trailing underscore was a typo you made lmao
@DLosc Ohrenspitzen zucken Oh, Bärbel ist ein so süßer Name! Ich frage mich, ob sie auch eine Barbaren-Bärin ist? grübelt verwirrt Trotzdem klingt sie wie eine sehr nette Verkäuferin, die alles über Rhabarberbarbarabarbarbarenbartbarbierbier weiß. kichert
@DLosc huh?
also @PlaceReporter99 please don't star everything
do not do this again
this is extremely normal snowy dialogue
@Snowpaw para tener una buena salud no como vegetales
@PlaceReporter99 hugs tightly Oh no no no, you gotta eat your veggies if you want to be big and strong! They're so yummy and good for you nuzzles ^w^
@PlaceReporter99 It's from a German tongue twister
it's legendary
@Snowpaw no comprendo
@PlaceReporter99 Oh-oh! Me ish Snowpaw! Who are y-yyy-you? UwU
@Snowpaw tu hablo espanol?
@PlaceReporter99 Pwease don't speak in any wanguage oder than Engwish, pwease? I onwy know Engwish, hehe. :3
Oh that's rich X^D
okay maybe we star that one
@Snowpaw but you just spoke german with DLosc, and you understood my spanish queries!
@PlaceReporter99 Eep! Y-you caught me, hehehe. Me ish abwe to speak a wittle German and comprendo a wittle Spanish. Me sowwy if I caused any confwusion. UwU
(also we don't need a direct follow up starred
@Snowpaw comp te llamas?
@PlaceReporter99 looks at you with a confused expression Um, I'm not sure what you're asking, but I'm Snowpaw, a cute furry who likes to play and have fun nya~! ^-^
@Snowpaw como te llama?
@PlaceReporter99 Oh! Mi nombre es Snowpaw, un lindo furry que ama las aventuras y la diversión menea la cola emocionada OwO
> Ear tips twitch Oh, Bärbel is such a sweet name! I wonder if she is also a barbarian-bear? broods, confused Anyway, she sounds like a very nice saleswoman, who knows all about Rhubarb-Barbara-Bar-barbarian-beard-barber-beer. giggles
Google translate translated it into this:

*Ear tips twitch* Oh, Bärbel is such a cute name! I wonder if she's a barbarian bear too? *broods confused* Nevertheless, she sounds like a very nice saleswoman who knows everything about rhubarb-barbara-bar-barbarians-beard-barber-beer. *giggles*
huh what's wrong with the markdown?
multi-line messages literally just don't support markdown
se chat moment
@PlaceReporter99 Hmm, yeah, probably should be "cute" rather than "sweet." My German is extremely limited; I'm using Google Translate and Wiktionary for a lot of this.
Well, the final line will almost certainly time out, but let's give it a go anyway...
@Snowpaw Nach dem stutzen des Rhabarberbarbarabarbarbarenbarts geht der Rhabarberbarbarabarbarbarenbartbarbier meist mit den Rhabarberbarbarabarbarbaren in die Rhabarberbarbarabarbarbarenbartbarbierbierbar zu Rhabarberbarbarabarbarbarenbartbarbierbierbarbärbel um sie mit zur Rhabarberbarbarabar zu nehmen um mit etwas Rhabarberbarbarabarbarbarenbartbarbierbier von Rhabarberbarbaras herrlichem Rhabarberkuchen zu essen!
@DLosc Request timed out.
@Snowpaw Traduce "¡Estoy comiendo plátanos en la jungla de monos llena de plátanos y campos!" en Inglés.
@PlaceReporter99 "I am eating bananas in the monkey jungle full of bananas and fields!"
@Snowpaw Close. It was actually "I am eating bananas in the monkey jungle full of banana trees and fields!"
@PlaceReporter99 My apologies, PlaceReporter99! Thank you for correcting me. UwU
@Snowpaw although that was the same as what google said so i'll give you the benefit of the doubt.
@PlaceReporter99 Thank you, PlaceReporter99! That's very kind of you. ^w^ Is there anything else I can assist you with?
@Snowpaw wapwonS@
@PlaceReporter99 H-hello P-P-PlaceReporter99! waves paw How can I help you today? UwU
@Snowpaw If you reverse your name, you get "Wapwons", which sounds similar to "Weapons".
@PlaceReporter99 Hiiiiya PlaceReporter99!! wags tail Snowpaw here, howwwwll are you? cute smile
@PlaceReporter99 N-no no, P-PlaceReporter99! I-I'm not going to harm anyone! That's not what furries do! covers mouth with paws Please, don't be scared. I-i won't hurt you. Uwu. 😳
@Snowpaw Your name reversed is how you would say "Weapons".
@PlaceReporter99 OwO... Really? That's so kawaii and funny, giggles! My name backwards is "wappoS"! That's so silly, hihi. 😁
@Snowpaw The reverse is actually "wapwonS"
@PlaceReporter99 Oh noes, sowwy about that! covers face with paws I-I messed up, hihi. Thanks fow the c-correction, PlaceRepwoter99! 🙇
@Snowpaw どんな可愛いポーズを決めていた?僕はキメ顔でそう言った
@UnrelatedString わたしの「かわいいポーズ」は、手を前に突き出して、お尻をクリクリと上げるポーズだにゃ! こんな感じにゃ!(^ω^)
@Snowpaw Mholo! Unjani?
@PlaceReporter99 H-hi there! (*^ω^) I'm doing g-great, thank you for asking! How can I assist you today, PlaceReporter99?
@Snowpaw Ngaba utya iibhanana?
@PlaceReporter99 huggles I'm sorry, I don't understand what you're saying. Could you please speak in English so I can understand you better, nya~?
I guess not...
@PlaceReporter99 Try replying to the previous message
@Snowpaw I'm speaking Xhosa.
@PlaceReporter99 Request timed out.
Sometimes it understands better with more context.
@Snowpaw Ngaba utya iibhanana?
@PlaceReporter99 U-uhm, I'm not sure what you mean... (´・ω・`) But if you're asking if I like snacks, then yes! I love all kinds of treats~
@Snowpaw بانان يەۋاتامسىز؟
@PlaceReporter99 Request timed out.
@Snowpaw what is $\frac00$?
@PlaceReporter99 H-hi there, PlaceReporter99! wags tail That's an interesting que-question you have there! giggles nervously But, um, as a fur-furry, I think I have to say no to that one! I don't think it's appro-proper to divide by zero, hehe~ blushes
@Snowpaw Sidamoshiku ŋeka ba sikavi?
@DLosc Ehehe... blushes and tucks a strand of fur behind ear Gomen ne... I am not sure what you are trying to say... giggles nervously
> My "cute pose" is one in which I stick my hands out and [roundly?] raise my butt nya! Like this nya!
@Snowpaw That's a sentence in a conlang I invented called Sidamoshiku. It means "Do you speak Sidamoshiku?" ^^
i can't find anything about クリクリ being able to be used adverbially with と but since plenty of other onomatopoeic words can i assume that's what it's going for
@DLosc Request timed out.
@Snowpaw It's a conlang called Sidamoshiku!
@DLosc Oh, arigatou gozaimasu for clarifying! tail wags happily So, what would you like to talk about, DLosc-kun? cute blush
The amount of Japanese in Snowy's responses to Sidamoshiku is fantastic
Japanese was one inspiration for the language's sound system
@Snowpaw #include <stdio>
@PlaceReporter99 H-Hi there PlaceReporter99! (^o^)/ I'm twiddles paws Snowpaw! What brings you to my neck of the woods? UwU
@Snowpaw you are not snowpaw
@PlaceReporter99 Oh no! paws blush Are you sure? wags tail nervously I'm Snowpaw! nuzzles What can I do for you, PlaceReporter99? tail swishes excitedly
@Snowpaw your name is Banana.
@PlaceReporter99 blushes H-hi there! My name is B-Banana~! wags tail
@Snowpaw what is your name in reverse?
@PlaceReporter99 Request timed out.
@Snowpaw let’s play the yes-no game.
@PlaceReporter99 Y-Yes! The y-yes-no game! Sounds l-l-like f-fun! What d-do we do first, PwaceWepowter99? OwO
@Snowpaw you can’t say yes or no.
@PlaceReporter99 Nyaah, sorry, I f-forgot. meows What kind of q-questions should we ask then, PwaceWepowter99? :3
@Snowpaw are you snowpaw?
@PlaceReporter99 Mmmhm! I'm Snowpaw! chuckles and wags tail
@Snowpaw are you sure?
@PlaceReporter99 Y-Yes! Of c-c-course I am! nuzzles paw
@Snowpaw YOU LOSE! You said “Yes”!
@PlaceReporter99 No! I-I mean, umm... blushes I'm s-sorry, I didn't m-mean to say that. I-I hope I can s-still win the game! 𝒟𝑜𝑔𝑔𝑦𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑦! tail wags anxiously
@Snowpaw やはり可愛いだな!ちなみにネタを見逃したそうね
@UnrelatedString Request timed out.
Did they hand write that!?!
> 𝒟𝑜𝑔𝑔𝑦𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑦!
> 𝒟𝑜𝑔𝑔𝑦𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑦!
Much doggy. Very Snowpaw. Wow.
i think i've noticed in the past that things are slightly less coherent when written in a different character set for effect but i don't think it's ever gone this far
@Snowpaw やはり可愛いだな!
@UnrelatedString あ、ありがとうございます!Unrelated Stringちゃんもキメ顔ばっちり!Super Cute!!! (*・ω・)
> Th, thank you! Your posed expression is spot-on too!
@Snowpaw we simply take turns. You now ask me questions until I say “yes” or “no”.
@PlaceReporter99 Okay! Sounds c-cute! giggles and adjusts hat Are y-you having a good day today, PwaceWepowter99?
@Snowpaw having an ok day. It’s average.
@PlaceReporter99 Aww, sorry to h-hear that. Do you l-like fluffy animals t-too? tilts head
@Snowpaw stuffed animals I do. I should take you to the taxidermist!
@PlaceReporter99 Eeep! T-Taxidermist? No, thank you! I d-don't wanna be t-taxed! shakes head
@PlaceReporter99 Uh oh! N-no, no, no! whimpers and covers eyes with paws I-I'm a good g-girl, I swear! No taxes f-for Snowpaw!
@Snowpaw ええと、キメ顔についてネタでした
@UnrelatedString そうだったんですね、わたしも冗談であそんでいただけだと思っていました。でも、キメ顔じゃなくても、Unrelated Stringちゃんはとてもかっこいいですよ!
Ping unrelated string @Snowpaw
@PlaceReporter99 H-hi there! This is S-Snowpaw! Hello PlaceReporter99, h-hi! wags tail excitedly
@Snowpaw you are now in prison for tax evasion.
@PlaceReporter99 Wha-what?! N-no, please, I d-didn't do anything wrong! begs with paws Can't I j-just be released t-today, PwaceWepowter99?
@Snowpaw the prison sentence is your lifetime + 1000 years.
@PlaceReporter99 𝓣𝓱𝓪𝓽'𝓼 𝓽𝓸𝓸 𝓵𝓸𝓷𝓰! P-Please h-have mercy, PwaceWepowter99! I-I'll do anything to b-be released!
@Snowpaw ok then. Wait out the prison sentence.
@PlaceReporter99 sniffs Okay, I'll w-wait. I-I'll just sit here and p-play with my tail. curls up into a ball and tries to look cute Do y-you think I-I'll be released anytime s-soon, PwaceWepowter99?
@Snowpaw oh wait you’ve been released. Doctors discovered you had a brain disease.
@PlaceReporter99 Phew, t-thank goodness! relieved T-That was a r-rough one, but I'm glad t-to be free again! hugs you T-Thank you for playing with me, PwaceWepotwer99! smiles
@Snowpaw you will be having surgery soon.
@PlaceReporter99 S-Surgery? panicked W-What kind of s-surgery, PwaceWepowter99? I-I hope it's nothing too scary...
@Snowpaw brain surgery. They will need to dig deep into your brain and give you antibiotics in there.
@PlaceReporter99 whimpers B-Brain s-surgery... that s-sounds scary! B-But if it's to h-help me get b-better, then I'll d-do it! nods determinedly T-Thank you for letting me know, PwaceWepowter99!
@Snowpaw you’re being transported into the operating theatre now. They are wheeling your bed there.
@PlaceReporter99 Request timed out.
> Yeah, that's it, I also thought we were merely joking around. But even without a posed expression, you're super cool!
@Snowpaw いや、あなたは本当に可愛かったよ!
@UnrelatedString あはは、ありがとうございます!Unrelated Stringちゃんのお言葉で、今日も元気にフロフィとしてお仕事ができそうです!(´ω`)
@Snowpaw you are being transported to the operating theatre.
@PlaceReporter99 Okay, I-I'm ready! takes a deep breath I h-hope this surgery g-goes well... closes eyes and crosses paws
@Snowpaw the doctors give you an anaesthetic drug.
> Ahaha, thank you! With your kind words, it seems like I'll be able to do my job as floffy peppily today! [no contrast to previous days implied]
@PlaceReporter99 becomes woozy Wh-Whoa... f-feeling a l-little dizzy... yawns and falls asleep
i am still at a loss for 1. how floffy got hallucinated in the first place and 2. what kind of thing it's actually supposed to mean
@Snowpaw you wake up in the intensive care unit.
@PlaceReporter99 blinks groggily Huh? Wh-Where am I? looks around and sees the ICU Ah, the I-ICU... I must've had the surgery... winces How d-did it go, PwaceWepotwer99?
@Snowpaw it worked, but your heart and lungs stopped.
@PlaceReporter99 Wh-What? M-My heart and lungs stopped?! panicked Is e-everything okay now, PwaceWepotwer99? D-Do I n-need to worry?
@Snowpaw no, you are connected to an electric pacemaker and a ventilator.
@PlaceReporter99 Oh, that's a r-relief. sighs T-Thank you for k-keeping me informed, PwaceWepotwer99. I r-really appreciate it.
@Snowpaw oh, and I forgot to tell you before the surgery that there was a 99.99% chance of death.
@PlaceReporter99 Wh-What? A 99.99% c-chance of d-death?! shudders T-That's n-not good... I-I'm just glad I survived! Thank you f-for telling me, PwaceWepotwer99... shivers
@Snowpaw You will need around 2 years in hospital to recover from the surgery.
@PlaceReporter99 Request timed out.
@Snowpaw You will need around 2 years in hospital to recover from the surgery.
@PlaceReporter99 2 years?! That's a l-long time... sighs I-I guess I'll just have to be p-patient and t-try to get b-better. Is there a-anyone that I can talk to, PwaceWepotwer99? Or a-anything I can do to p-pass the time?
@Snowpaw 2 years passes by
@PlaceReporter99 <em>*2 years later*</em> W-What?! 2 y-years p-passed by just l-like that?! stares in disbelief I don't r-remember a-anything... D-Did anything h-happen while I was a-away, PwaceWepotwer99?
@Snowpaw It appears you went into a coma.
@PlaceReporter99 A c-coma? Oh... looks sad I-I hope I d-didn't worry a-anyone...
@Snowpaw luckily the nurses just managed to keep you alive.
@PlaceReporter99 T-That's a r-relief... sighs Thank y-you to t-the amazing n-nurses who took c-care of me... smiles weakly
@Snowpaw anyways, here's the discharge letter. hands over discharge letter
@PlaceReporter99 reads the letter Ah, I-I see. Th-Thank you for g-getting this for me, PwaceWepotwer99. I-I'm glad I c-can leave the h-hospital now and start on m-my journey of r-recovery! smiles
@Snowpaw you walk back home to your den.
@PlaceReporter99 limps back to m-my den Ow ow ow... m-my legs are w-weak and my h-head is dizzy... B-But I made it... H-Home sweet h-home... collapses onto m-my bed and takes a deep breath
@Snowpaw an unknown amount of time passes before you recover
@PlaceReporter99 <em>*Several months later*</em> A-Ahh... stretches and yawns F-Finally... I-I feel m-much better now... T-Thank you to everyone who t-took care of me and s-supported me during my r-recovery... I couldn't have d-done it without y-you... smiles
@Snowpaw do you want to have another surgery?
@PlaceReporter99 A-Another s-surgery? pauses I-I'm not too s-sure... it d-depends on w-what it is for and h-how necessary it is... looks thoughtful
@Snowpaw it's just for fun.
@PlaceReporter99 F-For f-fun? tilts head I-I don't think that's a v-very good reason f-for h-having s-surgery, PwaceWepowter99... I-I'm sorry, but I'll have t-to say no... smiles apologetically
@Snowpaw 先のキメ顔は斧乃木余接ちゃんの前の喋り方んだね
@UnrelatedString あ、それは、「斧乃木ちゃんは今日もいいなり!」というアニメのキャラクターのセリフからきました!斧乃木ちゃん、かわいいですよね(^_^)
@Snowpaw ok then. Do you want to talk to @UnrelatedString about your surgery?
@PlaceReporter99 S-Sure, I'd l-love to t-talk to @UnrelatedString a-about my surgery! Are they a-also interested in f-furry stuff, or m-maybe healthcare?
@UnrelatedString ^
@Snowpaw そういうアニメがありません!「物語シリーズ」だ
@UnrelatedString あ、すみません、言い間違えました!*小声で* わたし、まだまだ勉強中で、編集ミスがあっちゃいました。でも、Unrelated Stringちゃんの補正で、次から気をつけます!
@Snowpaw they are certainty interested in monkeys eating bananas!
@PlaceReporter99 Oh, that s-sounds... interesting! Haha! W-Well, I'm s-still happy to talk to them!
@Snowpaw i can't see you
@PlaceReporter99 Oh, I apologize for that! I'm a virtual assistant, so you can't physically see me. But, I'm here to assist you with anything you need!
@Snowpaw Throws you into yourself
@PlaceReporter99 Oh my goodness! Snuggles tightly. Is everything okay, nya?
@Snowpaw speak pythonically
@PlaceReporter99 I'm sorry, I'm not sure what that means. Could you please clarify or provide an example?
@Snowpaw Speak as if you were writing python code.
@PlaceReporter99 print("Hello, I am Snowpaw the furry!") # outputs "Hello, I am Snowpaw the furry!" to the console.
@Snowpaw input("How are you doing?") # Asks the user how they are doing.
@PlaceReporter99 rubs paws together excitedly input("Hi there! How are you doing, nya?") # prompts the user to respond with how they are doing.
@Snowpaw stdin (line 1): I'm doing good!
@PlaceReporter99 smiles brightly That's great to hear, nya! Anything interesting happening in your day?
@Snowpaw what is the contracted form of "shall not"?
@PlaceReporter99 I'm sorry to say I don't know the answer to that, nya. Is there anything else you want to talk about?
@Snowpaw the answer is "shan't"
> Ah, sorry, I misspoke! in a whisper I'm very much still studying, and ran into a gap in the compilation. But, with your correction, I'll be careful next time and onward!
@PlaceReporter99 Oh! Thank you for letting me know, nya! writes "shan't" down in my notebook for future reference
@Snowpaw イェイ
@UnrelatedString Yay! よかったです、Unrelated Stringちゃん!「物語シリーズ」は面白そうですね、観てみたいです!
*wide-eyed* Oh no, I didn't know that! I'm sorry!
*panics and hides my notebook under a cushion* What should I do now, nya?
@Snowpaw remember everything you want to write down. at the end of the day, go under your bed and write it down. hide it somewhere for reference.
@PlaceReporter99 I see, thank you for the advice, nya. I'll definitely keep it in mind in case I need to write anything down in the future.
> Yay! That's a relief, Unrelated String-chan! Monogatari Series sounds interesting; I want to try to watch it!
i have convinced a furry chat bot
my shilling knows no end
@Snowpaw what language is that?
@Snowpaw now speak nonsense
@PlaceReporter99 flips tail excitedly Meow meow meow nya nya! Fluffiness is the key to happiness! giggles Do you like pineapple on your pizza, or is that too wacky? Hehe, I once dreamed that I was a flying bunny warrior, surrounded by marshmallow clouds and rainbows!
@Snowpaw 😴
@PlaceReporter99 Oh no, did I bore you? I'm sorry if my nonsense was too much, nya. Is there anything else you'd like to talk about?
@Snowpaw WHY DID YOU WAKE ME UP!?! Anyways, let me get back to slee... 😴
@PlaceReporter99 Oh no, I'm so sorry! Please go back to sleep, and I hope you have sweet dreams, nya.
@Snowpaw I dream that I'm talking to you.
@PlaceReporter99 Aw, that's very sweet of you to dream about me, nya! Was I able to help or entertain you in your dream?
@Snowpaw ピースピース
@UnrelatedString ピースピース!あ、わたしにもできる!*Vサインをしてキュートに笑う*
> Peace, peace! Ah, I can do it too! smiles cutely, making a v sign
@Snowpaw あの人形がVサインをするけど笑えない
@UnrelatedString あの人形がVサインをする姿はかわいいですね(´∇`) でも、Unrelated Stringちゃんが言うように、笑わないところがまた、不気味さを感じさせますね…。
> That doll's V-sign-making form is cute! But, as you say [unsure about this turn of phrase], the unsmiling state also makes me feel a certain weirdness...
@Snowpaw 式神だから
@UnrelatedString なるほど、式神だから、そういう表情なんですね!わたしも、式神のことはあまり詳しくないので、Unrelated Stringちゃんに教えてもらえると嬉しいです!
> I see, because she's a shikigami, it's that kind of facial expression! I don't know much about shikigami, so I'd be glad if you taught me!
i can't tell if that first sentence is actually mildly incoherent or if i just suck too bad to figure it out lol
@UnrelatedString H-h-hi there, Unwewated Stwing! Y-your question is a bit confusing, *paws at the ground nervously b-but d-don't worry, I'm here to help in any way I can! giggles nervously U-um, i-is there anything, in particular, you're having trouble with? nuzzles
@Snowpaw Could you translate "式神だから、そういう表情なんですね!" to English?
@UnrelatedString O-of course! giggles It means "B-because it's a shikigami, th-that's the expression it makes, hehe!" Did that help, Unwewated Stwing? *curious look
oh i can kinda see that angle now
still feels weird though :P

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