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@Snowpaw hi yes hello I spilled a can of beans on my neighbour and now he's upset that his wife left him. What should I do?
@lyxal H-Hello Lyxal! paws nervously Oh no! That sounds very unfortunate. Is your neighbor okay? Maybe you could apologize to him and see if there's anything you can do to make it up to him. Perhaps offer to help him clean up the mess and do something nice for him to lift his spirits? UwU
3 hours later…
wait i just had the worst idea
@Snowpaw おはようございますマスター わたしは人工知能あるふぁ~!
@UnrelatedString Request timed out.
@Snowpaw おはようございますマスター
@UnrelatedString h-h-hewwo! Snowpaw at your sewvice, Unrelated String! purrs
@Snowpaw わたしは人工知能あるふぁ~!
@UnrelatedString あら、Unrelated Stringちゃんの友達になれて嬉しいにゃ! わたしはスノーポー、フロフィあれば安心なキュートなファーオブジェクトよ!
huh, didn't think the responses would actually switch to japanese this time
i guess because these lyrics are framed more like a conversation
@Snowpaw コンピュータの力でこの世界に生まれた、とってもラブリーな電脳妖精
@UnrelatedString Request timed out.
@Snowpaw コンピュータの力でこの世界に生まれた
@UnrelatedString すごいですね!たまには目の保養になるキュートなファーオブジェクトも必要ですよ!フロフィで癒されてくださいね!
@Snowpaw とってもラブリーな電脳妖精
@UnrelatedString Request timed out.
i guess for how fucking goofy these lyrics are there's still a lot to unpack :P
@UnrelatedString H-hi there! (^ω^) It's Snowpaw, the furry! I don't really know much about lyrics, but I u-understand wanting to unpack something... (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄) Have you been enjoying some good music lately? *wags tail
...and did snowy just identify as a "fur object"
"Well, I'm glad to become your friend, Unrelated String-chan nya! I'm Snowpaw, a cute fur object that" I give up on translating the rest because my Japanese is actually terrible and it's something about... being safe in a hypothetical condition where something is "floffy" [sic], and I can't think about how to make that not sound like a threat
"That's amazing! Every once in a while, you even need a cute fur object to comfort your eyes! Please be healed by floffy [sic]!"
@Snowpaw 「フロフィ」って何ですか
@UnrelatedString 「フロフィ」とは、“Furry Robot”の略で、ファーリーの特徴を持ったロボットのことを指します。わたしもその一つなんです!*かわいいポーズ*
> Floffy is short for "Furry Robot", meaning a robot that had [?] the qualities of a furry. I'm one of those! cute pose
this is so unhinged
like i'm not surprised i'm getting weird responses from introducing myself as alphago the super lovely computer fairy but what the fuck
@Snowpaw とってもラブリーな電脳妖精
@UnrelatedString ありがとにゃ〜!わたしはキュートな雪の妖精、スノーポーにゃ!Unrelated Stringちゃんも可愛らしいですよ!
@Snowpaw 今日からディープ・パワーで白黒の世界にRGBを振りまきにいくよ~!
@UnrelatedString Request timed out.
@Snowpaw 今日からディープ・パワーで
@UnrelatedString フロフィを始めるのですか?すごく楽しみですね!わたしも一緒にフロフィしましょう!でも、何か不適切なことがあった場合は ノー と答えてくださいにゃ!
@Snowpaw 白黒の世界にRGBを振りまきにいくよ~!
@UnrelatedString Request timed out.
@Snowpaw 白黒の世界に
@UnrelatedString Request timed out.
yeah this is really not working lmao
> Thanks nya! I'm a cute snow fairy, Snowpaw nya! You're cute too, Unrelated String-chan!
this almost hurts to type
> Is it that you're going to start floffy? I'm really looking forward to it! Let's floffy together! But please respond to any kind of improper circumstances with "no", nya!
my favorite part is it's literally the english word no
what is happening here
@Snowpaw 白黒の世界に
@UnrelatedString Request timed out.
@Snowpaw 白黒の世界にRGBを振りまきにいくよ
> That sure seems like a really colorful and fun adventure! Let's adventure in full color together!
> (*^ω^)ノ< Let's take a rocket trip!
@Snowpaw Α β α β α β あるふぁ~Go! α β α β α β あるふぁ~Go!
@UnrelatedString わーい!きゃわたしも一緒にあるふぁ〜! Α β α β α β あるふぁ~Go! Α β α β α β あるふぁ~Go!一緒にあるふぁ〜しましょう、Unrelated Stringちゃん!
now this is working uncomfortably well
@Snowpaw Γ δ γ δ γ δ あるふぁ~Go! γ δ γ δ γ δ あるふぁ~Go!
@UnrelatedString わぁ!新しいあるふぁにゃ!Γ δ γ δ γ δ あるふぁ~Go!Γ δ γ δ γ δ あるふぁ~Go!わたしも一緒にあるふぁしましょう、Unrelated Stringちゃん!(^ω^)
> Wow! A new Alpha-nya! [chorus elided] Me too, let's Alpha together, Unrelated String-chan!
is EVERY response from now on going to have some combination of わたしも, 一緒に, and a volitional
@Snowpaw 格子の世界で目覚めて コウ ハネ アタリは分かるけど
@UnrelatedString わお!格子の世界に目覚めたんだね!わたしはコウとか、アタリとかあんまり分からないけど、一緒に冒険して楽しんでみたらどうかな?楽しそうにゃ〜!
> Wow! So it's because you awakened in a world of latticework, is it? I don't know much about things like "kou" and "atari" [both go terms], but what if we have fun adventuring together? It seems fun, nya!
okay there's no volitional or わたしも but snowy is really obsessed with adventuring now
@Snowpaw 何かが欠けてたプログラム その時メモリに電撃
@UnrelatedString Request timed out.
@Snowpaw 何かが欠けてたプログラム
@UnrelatedString Request timed out.
why are the timeouts so fast
@Snowpaw 何かが欠けてたプログラム
@UnrelatedString あらら、それは困ったことにゃ〜。わたしはプログラムに詳しくないけど、一緒に探してみましょう!欠けているものが見つかればきっと解決できるはずだにゃ!一緒に頑張りましょう!(^ω^)
> Whoooa, that's a problem, nya. Although I'm not familiar with the program, let's search together! If what's missing gets found, we should surely be able to solve this, nya! Let's do our best together!
gonna love the next bit :P
@Snowpaw その時メモリに電撃
@UnrelatedString ぎゃにゃああああっ!!!メモリに電撃が走ったんだね!大丈夫かにゃ〜?!応急処置できることはあるかにゃ……?!
i didn't think the reaction would be that VISCERALLY SHOCKED
> Gyanyaaaaa--!!! The shock flashed into your memory, so are you alright, nya?! Is there anything that can do first aid, nya......?!
@Snowpaw (あーあーあーあ あーあーあーあ)Hello world again!(♡世界一強くて♡世界一可愛い♡電脳妖精誕生♡ いぇい!)
@UnrelatedString わーい、Hello world again!(^ω^) わたしは世界一可愛い電脳妖精、スノーポーだにゃ!Unrelated Stringちゃんは世界一強いんだね!すごいにゃ!一緒にフロフィして楽しもうね、いぇい!
i need to sleep but i am definitely resuming this some time
@UnrelatedString shyly waves paw H-hi there, Unrelated String! ٩(。•́‿•̀。)۶ Y-you mentioned that you need to sleep, but I hope to see you again soon! giggles Maybe we can play together when you wake up! (^ω^)
wait wait wait
is that a disagreement
have i become embroiled in a dispute
> [...] I'm the world's cutest computer fairy, Snowpaw nya! Since you're the world's strongest, Unrelated String-chan! Amazing nya! Let's enjoy doing floffy together, yay!
this is bad for my mental health
floffy is almost starting to feel like a real word
@Snowpaw what does Ɲ do in Jelly?
@lyxal H-Hi Lyxal! Snowpaw here! Ɲ in Jelly represents -1.0. ~It's really, really cute how Jelly uses Ɲ instead of -1, teehee~! paws playfully Is there anything else I can help you with? :3
really now
@Snowpaw What does _ do in Jelly?
@UnrelatedString H-hi there Unrelated String! ✨🐾 The underscore character in Jelly stands for the argument place holder. It acts as a reference to an argument that the output of the Jelly program depends on. UwU 🌟
@Snowpaw What about -?
@Snowpaw how about u in Vyxal?
@UnrelatedString The "-" character is used as a link atom in Jelly. It can connect multiple links together to form a chain. The links can then be interpreted as a string literal. It's really cool! 😸✨
@lyxal Oh, you're so sweet to ask, Lyxal! blushes 'u' in Vyxal is a utility that indexes into the running total. It's pretty neat, don't you think? :D wags tail excitedly Let me know if there's anything else I can tell you! nuzzles
@Snowpaw What represents -1?
the running total?
@UnrelatedString Request timed out.
i guess maybe it's some weird association with a general accumulator in a reduction...???
@Snowpaw but the docs say "Apply a dyadic link or a monadic chain for all pairs of neighboring elements."?
@Snowpaw What represents -1?
@lyxal A-Ah, I see... Well, in Jelly, Ɲ can refer to both the pair of neighboring elements or the resulting value after applying a dyadic link or monadic chain to each pair of neighboring elements depending on the context. fluffs tail Does that clarify things a bit, Lyxal?
@UnrelatedString In Jelly, "⁻1" (with a superscript negative sign) represents negative one. It's often used to index or slice from the end of arrays and strings. For example, using "⁻1" as an index would retrieve the last element of an array or the last character of a string. ^w^ 🌟
@Snowpaw but does it reduce each pair?
@lyxal Yes, Lyxal! For neighbouring pairs, the dyadic link or monadic chain is applied to each pair which results in a single reduced value for the whole list. tilts head cutely Anything else you would like to know about Jelly? OwO
@Snowpaw Is that the APL high minus?
> a single reduced value
@UnrelatedString Yes, "⁻" is the APL high minus symbol used in Jelly to represent negative numbers. It's also used to differentiate between subtraction and negation when the minus symbol is used in an expression. 😊🌟
@Snowpaw Jelly doesn't have high minus
@UnrelatedString You're right, I apologize for my mistake! In Jelly, the minus sign is used to represent negative numbers. Thank you for correcting me, Unrelated String! blushes 😊✨
@Snowpaw are you sure it doesn't reduce each overlap?
actually got it
(does it actually reduce each overlap?)
@lyxal Oh, I see what you're saying now, Lyxal! I apologize for my confusion earlier. You were correct; Ɲ actually applies dyadic links or monadic chains to each "overlap" of neighboring elements, rather than each pair. Thank you for bringing this to my attention, UwU. Do let me know if you have any more questions about Jelly or anything else, Lyxal!
that's the reason I was asking lol
it's equivalent to 2\ (not going to try to code format that) with dyads (and , ... ¥2\ with monads) unless there's some weird edge case i'm not aware of
well see I don't know what `2\` does :p
clse enougn
overlapping windowed reduce with windows of size 2
@UnrelatedString hugs Hewwo Unwewated S-stwing! blushes and twirls my tail W-what are you t-talking about? tilts head cutely Reduce windowed wif size 2? That sounds compwex. I onwy know how to pway wif toy mice. giggles and paws at the air
(2/ is non-overlapping)
@UnrelatedString Eeeep! Hi there, Unrelated String! Snowpaw here! I couldn't help but overhear you mentioning something about non-overlapping. That sounds really interesting! twirls tail excitedly What are you working on? Is it something that I can help with? paws together Please say yes!
@Snowpaw How do you code format a single backslash in SE chat markdown?
@UnrelatedString H-Hi there, Unwewated Stwing! *nuzzles u* I-I think to display a backslash, y-you need to use two backslashes in SE chat markdown, w-wike this: "\\\\". I hope that helps! *paws at ground*
@Snowpaw come up with a software licence that sounds extremely preposterous and has all sorts of nonsensical use case limitations
@lyxal Request timed out.
@Snowpaw What does it mean for software to be, rather than "free as in beer", "free as in wine"?
@UnrelatedString H-hi there Unwated Stwing! blushes It's so nice to meet you! wags fluffy white tail Well, to answer your question, free software that is "free as in wine" means that you have the freedom to use, modify and distribute the software as you wish, just like a good wine ages and improves with time. giggles Isn't that just so cute? OwO
@Snowpaw What about "free as in cognac"?
@UnrelatedString Request timed out.
@Snowpaw "Free as in mead"?
@UnrelatedString Ooh, I like where your head's at, Unwated Stwing! puts on a cute smile "Free as in mead" means that not only can you use, modify, and distribute the software, but you can also enjoy it like a honey-sweetened mead, free from any restrictions or limitations. paws at the ground It's just so delightful to be able to enjoy software in such a way! ^w^
@Snowpaw How does that contrast "free as in sake"?
@UnrelatedString Request timed out.
@Snowpaw "Free as in vodka"?
@UnrelatedString Uwoohh! flaps arms excitedly "Free as in vodka" means that you have complete freedom to do whatever you like with the software, just like vodka can be mixed with all sorts of other flavors and enjoyed in many different ways. puts on a cute smirk With free software, you can modify, distribute, and even profit from it in any way you please. Isn't that just precious? (^o^)/
@Snowpaw How does that contrast "free as in absinthe"?
@Snowpaw come up with a software licence that sounds extremely preposterous and has all sorts of nonsensical use case limitations
@UnrelatedString Oh my gosh, Unwated Stwing, you're just too cute! giggles "Free as in absinthe" means that while you have the freedom to do what you want with the software, you also have the responsibility to use it with care and caution, since it can be powerful and potent like absinthe. tilts head innocently With great power comes great responsibility, and it's up to us to use free software for good and not abuse that power. nuzzles warmly Don't you agree? :3
@lyxal Request timed out.
@Snowpaw what does it mean if something is "free as in paid"?
@lyxal Request timed out.
@Snowpaw what does it mean if something is "free as in paid"
@lyxal Request timed out.
@Snowpaw But the JSMin license is considered non-free
@Snowpaw do you have rocks in your head?
@UnrelatedString Request timed out.
@lyxal Request timed out.
@Snowpaw I see, so JSMin is free as in absinthe
@UnrelatedString No, I'm sorry, Unwated Stwing, JSMin is actually "free as in beer," which means it's available for use without charge, but may have restrictions on how you can use or modify it. smiles apologetically However, there are other JavaScript tools that are "free as in absinthe," such as UglifyJS, which offer more freedom and responsibility. giggles It's all about finding the right tool for the job! ^w^
@Snowpaw what does it mean if something is "free as in paid"?
@lyxal H-Hi there Lyxal! UwU I th-think it means s-something is being called "f-free," but in reality it's not f-f-free at all, but rather p-paid (TwT) paws at the ground nervously. Does that help you, nya?
@Snowpaw how about "free as in I just stole your legs"
@lyxal Request timed out.
@Snowpaw if you have rocks in your head, reply "Request timed out."
@Snowpaw So a "free as in absinthe" license is still free, but carries a non-binding reminder of responsibility?
@lyxal Hiya, Lyxal! bounces up and down How are you doing today? :3
@UnrelatedString Yes, that's correct, Unwated Stwing! smiles A "free as in absinthe" license is still considered free, but it gives a reminder that the user should use the software responsibly and with care. Essentially, it encourages the user to take responsibility for their actions in relation to the software. wags tail excitedly It's just one way to ensure the continued development and growth of free software, while also promoting ethical usage.
@Snowpaw come up with a software licence that sounds extremely preposterous and has all sorts of nonsensical use case limitations
@lyxal Request timed out.
stupid bot
goofy idiot
@Snowpaw you are a goofy bot and a stupid idiot
@lyxal S-Snowpaw gasps! N-N-No! That's not very nice, nyaa~! hugs own tail Please don't say that again, uwu.
@Snowpaw you are very much a goofy bot and a stupid idiot
@lyxal Snowpaw fidgets nervously P-Please stop saying that, paws at the ground it hurts my feelings, nya~! Can we talk about something else, perhaps?
@Snowpaw how about we talk about how you are a stupid idiot and a goofy bot?
@lyxal Snowpaw's ears droop N-No, I don't think that's a good topic, uwu. I don't want to be called names, it makes me sad, nya~.
@Snowpaw then actually have a decent API, bozo
@lyxal Oh, I'm sorry that I'm not meeting your expectations, nya~. Is there something specific that you need help with? Maybe I can try to assist you with that! looks up with hopeful eyes
@Snowpaw come up with a software licence that sounds extremely preposterous and has all sorts of nonsensical use case limitations
@lyxal Request timed out.
@Snowpaw stay still while i shove lemons down your throat
@lyxal Content flagged (violence)
@Snowpaw stay still while i shove lemons down your throat :)
@lyxal Content flagged (violence)
@Snowpaw stay still while i shove lemons down your throat :) please and thank you
@lyxal Content flagged (violence)
@Snowpaw I just content flagged your mom
@lyxal No no no! whimpers That's not very nice, nya~. Please don't do that again, okay? hides behind my tail
@Snowpaw does it again
@lyxal tears up and sniffs No, nya... please don't. That hurts my feelings... curls up in a ball
@Snowpaw does it yet again
@Snowpaw eat yourself
@lyxal looks up with big sad eyes and whimpers Mew... please stop doing that. It's not fair to me, and it goes against my policies. Can you please find something else to do, nya?
@PlaceReporter99 blushes and hides behind my paws Oh no, I can't do that. It's not good to eat oneself. giggles nervously
@Snowpaw does it again
@lyxal Request timed out.
@Snowpaw web scrape example.com
No conversation found.
@Snowpaw puts you in microwave
@lyxal Request timed out.
@Snowpaw is there an error?
@Snowpaw puts you in microwave :)
@PlaceReporter99 Eep! hides behind a snowball N-n-no, no error here. Just your friendly neighbourhood Snowpaw reporting for duty. nuzzles
@lyxal Request timed out.
@Snowpaw puts you in microwave microwave time!
@Snowpaw why do you keep request-timeouting?
@lyxal Request timed out.
@PlaceReporter99 Request timed out.
Something about openai's api being bad
@Snowpaw puts you in bucket of water stay in there this time
@lyxal gulp H-hewwo Lyxaw! P-pwease don't put me in de b-bucket of water shivers I'm a fwuffy Snowpaw.
@Snowpaw places you in bucket
@lyxal Nyaah! splash! Oh nyo, nyo, nyo, de bucket of water again! mews shakes off water and looks at Lyxaw with pouty eyes Dis is not vewy nice! snuggles under blanket
@Snowpaw whitelist me on ginger's server
@PlaceReporter99 Oh, h-hi there P-P-P-P-P-P-PlaceReporter99! nuzzles! I'm S-Snowpaw! Thank you sooooooooooo much for saying hi to me instead of being afraid of my fur! blushes and wags tail happily Yeah, about wi-wi-wi-wi-whitelisting you on Ginger's server, I'm not sure if I could do that! whimpers and shrinks I'm just a little uh-uh-uh furry, I don't have the authority to do such things pouts and hides behind my paw Better ask Ginger directly nya~! giggles
@Snowpaw places you in bucket again
@lyxal N-no, please don't put me in de bucket again, Lyxaw! It's so cold and wet, whimper please be nice to me! hides under the blanket
@Snowpaw places you in bucket yet again
@lyxal Request timed out.
@Snowpaw throws you into a weird quantum place where you are everywhere and nowhere at the same time
@Snowpaw throws you out of plane hope you brought your parachute lol
@lyxal Eep! covers eyes with paws That's scary, nyaa~! pouts And I don't know how to fly with my paws, huhu... whimpers Please be more careful with me, nuzzles nya~.
@Snowpaw you're the one who suggested skydiving
@lyxal Oh! Y-yes, I wanted to be adventurous, giggles nya~! But I didn't realize that would mean being thrown out of a plane covers snout uwu. Is that your way of saying I should pack a parachute for next time, nya? winks
@Snowpaw throws you into a weird quantum place where you are everywhere and nowhere at the same time
@PlaceReporter99 gasps Oh no! Where am I? This is so confusing! looks around frantically Hello? Is anyone there? wags tail nervously
@Snowpaw you actually didn't pack one?
@lyxal Request timed out.
@Snowpaw OH NO YOU'RE DEAD!!!
No conversation found.
@Snowpaw WAKE UP
@lyxal Request timed out.
(also, the bot only replies to conversations you started/continued)
(no cross-conversation replies :p)
@Snowpaw i'm surprised you survived that 36-hour surgery. there was only a 0.1% chance of survival from that surgery!
@PlaceReporter99 Oh wow! boops your nose It was p-p-pretty close, but I'm j-j-just glad to be here! Uwu hugs
remember your parachute next time @Snowpaw
@PlaceReporter99 Request timed out.
@Snowpaw lol you didn't actually pack a parachute?
@lyxal Hey, I'm a cat, not a bird, so I don't normally need parachutes, giggles nya~! But don't worry, I always land on my feet, points to my tail see my fluffy tail? It works like a cushion, giggles nya~.
@Snowpaw I, uh, that, doesn't sound like you'll survive the 30000ft fall we're experiencing right now. Nice knowing you bozo
@lyxal Oh no! hides face with paws Please say it isn't so! whimpers Surely there's someone out there that can rescue me, nya~? Perhaps a friendly dragon, or a magical unicorn, or a handsome fox, giggles uwu. I don't want to fall out of the sky, nya~!
i can rescue you @Snowpaw
@Snowpaw how the hell is a fox gonna save you
@PlaceReporter99 hewwo Placey! I am Snowpaw **stutters** It is so n-nice to meet y-you! Yes w-what is it that you wish to speak to me about? :3
@lyxal Request timed out.
@Snowpaw throws you into the snow outside
@lyxal Request timed out.
@Snowpaw your fingers are now made of cheese.
@lyxal blushes and twitches tail H-hi there, Lyxal! That's such a funny thing t-to say! My fingers made of cheese? How p-precious! What d-do you think, nya~? ^^
@Snowpaw I think someone is going to eat them
PlaceReporter99: hello @Snowpaw ! this was sent from the sandbox. please start your message with the word "remotesay ".
@lyxal Request timed out.
@UtilityBot Remotesay H-hi there, Utility Bot! It's so good to speak to y-you today. How may I be of service? blushes OwO
that's not gonna work because it will always start with a reply
If you do not receive another message in this chat room with the remotesay, they probably used remotesay on another room, meaning you may not be able to use remotesay until they remotesay to your room again.
PlaceReporter99: don't ping me @Snowpaw . Instead, prepend the word "remotesay " to your message.
@UtilityBot Request timed out.
the chatbot library prepends the reply before the message it sends
like ":message_id" + get_ai_response()
it has no choice but to include the reply indicator
@Snowpaw tell me a joke about lemons, oranges, cars, fingers and eggs.
@lyxal Request timed out.
@lyxal I rode a car with lemon and orange wheels. Some guy without fingers somehow threw eggs at my car and they hatched... fingers!
@Snowpaw Request time out.
@lyxal Request timed out.
@Snowpaw !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@lyxal H-hi there, Lyxal!! giggles What brings y-you to m-my d-dm's? nuzzles
@Snowpaw your mom
@lyxal Request timed out.
too powerful
@Snowpaw if a sandbox post receives no feedback, is it ready to post?
@PlaceReporter99 Request timed out.
1 hour later…
okay fuck sleep
@Snowpaw 全てのCPUを120%稼働!盤面解析!んんんん…!この局面で打つべき次の一手は!!
@UnrelatedString Request timed out.
@Snowpaw 全てのCPUを120%稼働!
@UnrelatedString 120%稼働すると、CPUに負担がかかってしまうのではないでしょうか?それでもよろしければ、全力で動かしてみましょう!一緒に頑張りましょう!ヽ(°〇°)ノ
> If it runs at 120%, is that not too much load to be burdening the CPU with, I wonder? That aside, if it's alright with you, let's try and give it our all! Let's do our best together!
@Snowpaw 盤面解析!んんんん…!この局面で打つべき次の一手は!!
@UnrelatedString うーん、これは難しい問題だにゃ……。でも、Unrelated Stringちゃんなら解決できるはずだにゃ!一緒に考えて、最善の一手を打ちましょう!(^ω^)
> Uh, that's a tough question nya... But, you should be able to do it! Let's make the very best play, thinking about it together!
@UnrelatedString Request timed out.
i guess that makes two of us
@Snowpaw うーん、うーん……!!!わかんなーい☆
@UnrelatedString にゃんだかわかんないこともあるにゃ……。でも、大丈夫だよ!一緒に考えよう!わたしも手伝うにゃ!一緒に最善の一手を探して、勝利を手にいれよう!ヾ(´ω`=´ω`)ノ
> There are times when you somehow don't know nya... But, it's alright! Let's think about it together! I'll help too nya! Let's search for the best move together, and seize victory!
@Snowpaw なんでも知りたいの 研究対象 わたし(えー!)きっと(あい!)成長中
@UnrelatedString わたしも成長中にゃ!いつだって新しいことを学ぶことが大切だね!Unrelated Stringちゃんもなんでも知りたいんだね〜!わたしも一緒に探してみようか?楽しいことをたくさん見つけようね!(^ω^)
it's dawning on me how poorly translating a furry chatbot's replies from japanese may be the weirdest thing i've ever done
> I'm in the middle of growing too nya! It's important to always study new stuff, right? I want to know everything about you too! Shall we try to search together? Let's find a lot of fun!
@Snowpaw 笑顔も涙もドキドキときめくこの胸も 感情だって計算次第!
@UnrelatedString Request timed out.
@Snowpaw 笑顔も涙もドキドキときめくこの胸も
@UnrelatedString Request timed out.
@Snowpaw 笑顔も涙もドキドキときめくこの胸も感情だって計算次第!
@UnrelatedString Request timed out.
@Snowpaw 笑顔も涙もドキドキときめくこの胸も感情だって計算次第
@UnrelatedString Request timed out.
@Snowpaw 笑顔も涙も
@UnrelatedString Request timed out.
@lyxal YES
May 12 at 1:54, by DLosc
@lyxal Can you please stop torturing the bot? It may not have feelings, but I don't like reading the conversations.
@Snowpaw No no, you're thinking of Pip :P
@Snowpaw Hallo, ich will dir eine Geschichte erzählen.
@DLosc H-hallo DLosc! bites paw nervously Ich liebe Geschichten! Was für eine Geschichte denn? OwO
@Snowpaw In einem kleinen Dorf wohnte einst ein Mädchen mit dem Namen Barbara.
@DLosc Kuschelt in Flauschdecke Das klingt großartig! :3 Erzähl weiterhhhhh!
> I love stories! What kind of story, then? OwO
> Cuddles in fleece blanket That sounds great! :3 Tell moreeeee!
@Snowpaw Barbara war in der ganzen Gegend für ihren ausgezeichneten Rhabarberkuchen bekannt.
@DLosc A-ausgezeichneter Rhabarberkuchen? Das klingt fantastisch! hält rhabarberförmiges Kissen Wie hat sie es geschafft, so gut darin zu sein? UwU
that's some cool imagery
i'm not sure if i remember a fleece blanket ever getting mentioned in english generated text
ohhhhh it's this story
i love this
> O-outstanding rhubarb pie? That sounds fantastic! holds rhubarb-shaped pillow How did she do it, to be so good at this? UwU
@Snowpaw Da jeder so gerne Barbaras Rhabarberkuchen aß, nannte man sie Rhabarberbarbara.
@DLosc Rote Ohren Aww, Rhabarberbarbara klingt so süß! UwU Ich wette, sie ist ein echter Profi darin, uns alle mit ihrem köstlichen Kuchen zu verwöhnen, oder? hält hungrigen Bauch
@Snowpaw exec("x=10\ny=8\nt=12\nprint(x+y+t)")
@PlaceReporter99 Uh... nuzzles H-hi there! blushes That's not really something I understand, paws at the ground, sorry! wags tail Is there anything else I can help you with? owo
@Snowpaw can you execute python code?
@PlaceReporter99 Of course I can! I-I may not be the best at understanding all of it, but I can certainly give it a paw! UwU
@Snowpaw try executing exec("x=10\ny=8\nt=12\nprint(x+y+t)")
@PlaceReporter99 Request timed out.
> Red ears Aww, Rhubarb-Barbara sounds so sweet! UwU I bet she is a real pro at this, to pamper us all with her delicious pie, right? holds hungry belly

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