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Q: Chained Domino Fitting

KonchogSo I've been working on a set of domino puzzles recently, it's sort of similar to Dominosa - except that, unlike Dominosa, the rules of the game must be followed. Each domino must connect, as in the normal game, to it's neighbour [0:3][3:3][3:5] etc and make a full circuit of all the 6-dominoes....

Q: Four touching clocks

Dmitry KamenetskyThere are four 12-hour clocks arranged in a 2x2 grid, as shown in the diagram. The long minute handles of the left two clocks are touching, while the others are not. Two minute handles touch if they are both vertical (0 and 30 minutes) or both horizontal (15 and 45 minutes). You can set the time ...

2 hours later…
howdy folks
Q: Nine touching clocks

Dmitry KamenetskyThere are nine 12-hour clocks arranged in a 3x3 grid, as shown in the diagram. The long minute handles of the left two clocks are touching, while the others are not. Two minute handles touch if they are both vertical (0 and 30 minutes) or both horizontal (15 and 45 minutes). You can set the time ...

2 hours later…
Q: Find the days when two people meet?

forgottoflyA person starts for swimming on fixed set of days (2,4,6..).His brother also likes swimming and would go on every 5th day (5,10.).Devise an algorithm to find which day they'll meet each other? This algorithm can take dynamic values. Eg : If person A goes on 1,2,3,4... and his brother on 4,8,12.....

6 hours later…
@msh210 the answer to the c4 is "i'm at I" inside galas (parties) making GALIMATIAS, which means nonsense (babble)
That's a weird word, TIL
@Jafe it is indeed; nicely found
TIL as well :)
CCCC: Sport in which Kobe's #1? Is about teamwork, primarily (10)
also, bounty expires in 17 hours, get it while you can people:
Q: Should You Take the Pill?

AmozAn entry in Fortnightly Topic Challenge #50: Escape Rooms Your head is throbbing like mad. You try to get your bearings as you look around the laboratory. Shattered beakers and spilled chemicals are everywhere. Another failed experiment. How long have you been unconscious? The next thing you not...

Q: 4-DominoBrane Exclusive

KonchogHere is a smaller puzzle from the set of domino puzzles, I call DominoBrane. This uses 4-Dominoes (all the normal dominoes, minus any with a 5 or a 6). Each domino must connect, as in the normal game, to it's neighbour [0:3][3:3][3:1] etc and make a full circuit of all the 4-dominoes. At each s...

@Jafe Oof, wow, this is an &lit for BASKETBALL, using BASEBALL (sport) around K(-obe) and T(-eamwork)!
that's right!
Nicely constructed :)
had that on the "unfinished" list for weeks trying to get K(obe bryan)T to work somehow
Wonder if there are any other sport-within-a-sport substrings like that? (Excluding obvious ones like 'table TENNIS' and 'Aussie rules FOOTBALL'...)
there's roque in croquet although i think that's actually formed from the word croquet itself
Super obscure, but ELLE in BAGATELLE
Oh - how about greco-ROman WrestlING?!
Fit that one in a cryptic, Jafe!
a man-in-the-middle clue, you say
i just thought of hurling/curling, there has to be a neat way to turn one into the other
Sport involving man (and another) with a little leotard (5,9)
not sure how to fit the "greco" in there
CCCC: Sports team accept loss, leading to sharp drop down table (5)
Just realised slight typo in the above - 'accept' should be 'accepts' (can no longer edit)
i.e. CCCCC: (Corrected CCCC!) Sports team accepts loss, leading to sharp drop down table (5)
want me to re-pin the updated one?
Maybe best, thanks :)
Someone has answered my meta question, but I was really hoping for sometime with experience in and/or to chime in - not sure that answer understands the purpose of those tags
@bobble I don't know, I joined in 2020!
Personally, all those tags have always seemed like meta tags to me - they can't be used as the only tag on a question, for one thing.
Q: Murder on Stack Exchange!

Rand al'Thor Disclaimer: no offence is intended to any of the puzzling.SE users mentioned (or not mentioned) here! I was inspired by this question to use them as characters, with no regard for reality. You are walking through the mansion of the mighty Lord D'alar'cop, Duke of Puzzling in the vast empire ...

Though, there are probably other tags that would apply there
Can "flat" clue B in a cryptic clue, because the flat symbol looks like a b? (The "sharp" in the current C4 made me think of this.)
(Oh, apparently the symbol actually comes from a "b", too.)
never seen it, but i say yes
@Jafe watch this space :-)
Q: One, Two, Three Words

DrDEach column has a group of words with a commonality. I call it 1, 2, 3 words. What are they?

Can we make the Sphinx bot's profile say "I link therefore I exist"?
Q: What prank is my friend implying to?

Mark GiraffeOn April Fools, my friend has given me a sentence and said it's a prank, but I didn't understand it. I asked "What is this?", he mentioned "A joke.", so I was confused what he meant as a joke. It says: //3\32 60////4 6!\3 '/0L| L||*, //3\32 60////4 137 '/0L| ]0\//, //3\32 60////4 2L|// 420L|//|]...

Q: Who are these cartoon characters?

AdamWho are these wacky frienemies?

4 hours later…
@Stiv A sports team is the Miami HEAT; accepting L yields HEALT, which is a sharp-drop-down table, I guess. I have a feeling that that's not the intended answer, though.
Q: Twists And Turns

AylaI Am A Thing Of Eternal Paradox. My Courage Is Fueled By Righteous Anger, But I Am Blinded By Consuming Rage, Fed From My Grudges. My Empathy Makes Me Vulnerable To Others Grief, But In The End, It’s My Own Connection To Similar Trauma, That Breeds These Sympathetic Tears. Despite Knowing That My...

@msh210 That's not my intention, no... All of the words I try to clue in my C4's are pretty common :) I won't comment further on your wordplay just yet.
@Stiv Pretty common, eh? So I guess it's not GALIMATIAS, then.
I mean, I know I did SALAD pretty much straight after Jeremy Dover that time, but this would be a step too far! :)

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